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4/14 Wednesday's Star Report g4sf

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Coming to you, this Evening, 4/13 Tuesday, in the pm, cst.,

for tomorrow's transits.......4/14 Wednesday's Star Report.











Special Quote of the Day!



" You can change your life by altering your thoughts. "


Eric Butterworth




If you have any Nice or Favorite Quotes, Send in & I'll 'Astrologize' them!

too, ....hehehe



Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Wednesday, 4/14th....9am...CST


Moon Moves to the Beginning of Aquarius, today....

(2 degrees)













Dear Friends:


Wow, did you feel the shift today, or what?


I just love this Month of the year. No wonder the Sun's thought to be one of the most important Astrological, 'configurations'....


Take maximum advantage each day now, as the Sun's soooo bright, in Aries.


There will be much inner, energy, power, determinism, and Nature support.


May a slight attention to what all the other Astrological qualities are; goings on and this should be one of the best Month's of the Year!


Another Great day, today!


Moon goes into Aquarius, so look for especially, un-conventional, and creative ways of doing things, today!


Aquarius, loves to see the un-conventional!





o Full Moon Was, Monday....: April 5th.... so Moon's 9 days, now after the Full Moon...


Now, only 6 days before the New Moon!


Solar Eclipse....


o New Moon.... Solar Eclipse....

is a 6 day's now.....on April 19th....




Moon, still Waning, so these reflections will continue a few day's into the Astrological

New Year...


Don't be surprised if you feel a little bit like that hibernating bear, that's been inside all Winter,

and is still a little sleepy, and groggy after the long Winter!


These next few and last days of the Moon's cycle...are good times to make plans for achievement...

for the rest of the Month....


If you've got your ideas, humming,....

then Go For It!





Most Important Other Transits....



Look Up the Week At A Glance Newsletter I sent out, 4/6th....

for the details of the this week's Transits of the other Planets.


o One Important Transit, going on, Mercury has been Retrograd since...



Wednesday, April 7th....


Lots of people are experiencing the frustrating, repercussions of

Mercury's Retrograde, motion....


Allow yourself, therefore, more time, to 'think', 'decide',...

and 'do'!


Retrograde lasts until April 30th.....

(Today, 4/14...)






o A Couple of Other Important Changes Coming Up.....


o Jupiter's also Retrograde right now, till....



Jupiter Retrograde, ends, on May 5th....




Think of Retrograde motion, not just as weak, or dysfunctional...

but think of it as ...



therefore, we don't jump up for sleep and start running around...


take more time, to use that Mercury, or in this case,



They're a little sluggish, right now...




This will be the time, especially with the Sun Exalted....

to Accomplish!

a lot!





o And Mercury ends it's Retrograde motion on April 30th!!!


Wow, did I feel that Retrograde, today!


And now, I'll noticing that Mercury is also Combust!


Which means too close to the Sun....so it's important light and function are even more....lost temporarily to us...


Sun = 1 degree Aries....4/14....

Mercury = 5 degrees Aries!, too....







Subscriber's Question & Experiences...

Reactions, Comments & Questions....



(Comments: Regarding Mercury's Retrograde Motion.)



From Alice


" Hi Mark, I have been experiencing my share of Mercury retrgrade right now. My computer/boards have been down since Saturday and all my databases are down due to something at the server. Plus strange and bizarre kinds of mishaps, misgotten emails, miscommunications, etc.


I have had, though this seemingly strange, enthusiastic HOPe, trust and excitment at the same time, which is very weird. Like it will turn all around and flow back to how it was before. Can you explain? "



" Dear Alice: Well, some would say these kind of computer glitches come often, but if you were to see the emails and stories that come across my desk, you'd know that they're worse, right now.


So, as you experience, the realities of these transits, again and again, all, will gain confidence where the dysfunction is coming from!


Once we know that....whether the malaise, is coming to us from these Transits, or maybe our more subtle, dasas, or maybe even our charts, themselves....


then, you'll know not only where they're coming from, but you can then, have a better insight as to how to improve.


I'll give you an example.


About 10 years ago, I was doing Construction which is the other thing I've done all of my adult life when not doing Jyotish or teaching meditation....


I was working on this house.


Well, my wife kept coming to the site, and standing there, looking up at me on a scaffolding. Finally, I said, what's wrong. She just said, I'm worried you're going to fall.


I said, not to worry. I've got it covered. You know, neither the transits or my dasas are bad for accidents right now!


It's really great when your spouse can hear you say that!


Well, the next day, wouldn't you know it. I made this stupid mistake, with the scaffolding and damn, if I didn't find myself falling 30 feet and landing on my butt!


Well, the moral of the story is, I realized....'wow, it wasn't in my dasas or transits,....oh my .... it's in my chart....


I realized having Mars in my 10th..... I have a tendency to go too fast, no matter what....


Of course, that could get worse in weird Mars transits, or dasas.... but it was this huge ....insight.... wow, we also need to watch our charts!


So, keep looking at all 3 of these aspects of your Chart, Dasas or Transits....

and see if you can find yourself,...in those 3! "




Sun went Exalted Yesterday....!!

Tuesday, April 13th....


May the blessings of the Sun, be yours

during this wonderful next Month!












Special Quote of the Day:


" You can change your life by altering your thoughts. "


Eric Butterworth




I love this quote, today.


I've been researching for my next Advanced Jyotish Newsletter I'm calling:


Jyotish/Astrology...as the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology!


This quote is fascinating to me,

because I believe it!


Think of your thoughts as all the different Astrological Configurations...

in your chart...

They all, together, do represent your thoughts,

thought patterns...

how we act, behave...


So, learning to 'alter' or improve our thoughts through our Planets

is the best way to change our lives!




Jai Guru!



Feel free to contact me with any of your favorite quotes for a brief,

Astrological analysis....






Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid



Jai Guru!


For those of you who are new to this Newsletter, we also have a Web site on Nature's Astrology, see below.











For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Nature's Astrology Web site: Old Site....






New Website Coming Soon!






Nature's Astrology.... Site:







Still in Progress!


Will Announce when ready....







Also, recently, I created a

New , Group or Message board

which is serving as a wonderful, medium, from which to discuss in much more detail many of the pressing ideas of Astrology, Western, Eastern,....and even Modern Astrology!


Please go to:











to join this group!




For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....









Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for the 3 Basic Charts that I do.



3 Basic Charts:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths

and weaknesses. This is the basis of all Jyotish transformations and

how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives!

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session, (1 1/2 Hrs) - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart. (30mins)


#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart


People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems! (60Mins.)

Cost: $ 50.00



#3 Questions & Answers: Chart


People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00





All payments can be made through my paypal.com account

Please use my below account name/email address when submitting.





Otherwise payments can be sent to:


Starlight Unlimited

Checks or money orders c/o

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556




From Sheryll, Chicago, Illinois US


" Mark, I've dubbed, the 'Practical Astrologer'.

I've had charts done before that focused on my natal chart, or maybe transits, but I didn't feel like I had the whole picture. The information I got didn't exactly fit my experience. I started reading Mark's star reports and his descriptions of the impact of chart, transits and dasas. All three must be considered to get an accurate picture. I decided that I needed a reading that would focus on all three as they relate to many aspects in my life. The information that Mark gave me, the questions that he asked in order to clarify what he saw in the chart/transits/dasas, the experience of moving through these areas....all I can say is that I wish I had done this sooner. The chart reading is like an overview of your life, while the " 3 point reading " is a thesis on one aspect of your life. I'd whole heartily, recommend it! "

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