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RE: 2-All, MK re. Here's a wonderful dialogue about the goal &Philosophy of Astrology/Jyotish

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Dear Surya ...



I think that Jesus, Rama, etc. had human feelings. For example, I believe that Rama missed Sita very much when she was sent away. Because of some ridiculous rumors started by petty, unintelligent people he had to be seperated from her, but he knew that he couldn't do his job as a ruler if his subjects suspected his wife of infidelity. Also, I believe that Jesus had a feeling of personal love and affection for Mary Magdalene. And I'm sure that being crucified hurt him like crazy.


The difference between those fellows and most of the rest of us is that they could rise above their feelings, put them in perspective as it were, and get on with the mission they came here to complete.









Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:14 AM 2-All, >MK re. Here's a wonderful dialogue about the goal & Philosophy of Astrology/JyotishDear Friends:Here is a nice correspondence about the nature of Jyotish/Astrology, both Philosophically and practically, in terms of the meaning and significance of the 'Benefics' and 'Malefics'....enjoyMark K.Dear Surya & all:Great thoughts, all....See below:> surya vishnubhotla <surya_prakashv> > Wed, 14 Apr 2004 05:06:17 -0700 (PDT)> > Re: Re: To Mark - Is Astrology & Christianity, compatible?> > Nice thoughts these thanks !! there is still some> uncertainity attached to these ... however that is> somethign time will settle i guess > > I have other questions as well ... > when an avatar is born ... whose karma does he> assume?? say rama .. he underwent so many troubles in> his life !! .Like Christ, I don't think Ram....at all, felt any of those troubles...but like Christ....Ram, going through, especially what we consider 'problems...shows us!!!that when we're in-tune with the Divine.....we gain the ability to deal with all Problems!. what karma can be associated with> Vishnu himself that he should undergo those> situations?? My Guru, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...says.... when an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu comes,like ....say....Lord Krishna.... he comes in response to the intense build up of stress and negativity in the world.... such that only a great Divine Spark can alleviate....Rama, too came when the growth of Asuras and demonic influences was soooo great...> Vishnu himself is beyond karma !! .. as we try to> answer this I believe we uncover the real intent> behind the idea of karma ... however i would like to> listen to you first !!Now, this is where Jyotish/Astrology can help us, emmensely.Karma is simply...action and re-action....As such,...it represents the path of life...We're all on a path of actions...leading to consequences.... starting new actions,which are going to cause new consequences....Karma, is the way we evolve...What is significant from a Jyotish/Astrology point of view, is that our own, individuals...charts...show us...what our 'good' or benefic...karmas....are!and our 'not so good', or 'negative', or 'problematic, or maleific karmas...are....This is significant....because one of the most important aspects of life....is learning to distinguish....between doing 'right action'.....and that...which leads us astray....Actions that flow through our benefics, lead to....joy, happiness, spontaneous fulfillments of desire and success!Actions that flow through our malefics, leads us to mistakes, accidents, losses, grief, sickness, and lack of success!Jyotish is here to help us identify more with our benefics...and especially, learn how to identify and literally....transform our malefics, themselves....intobenefic strengths!We're doing this anyway.....We go along, going too fast, and we find ourselves having accidents....We can say, oh, Mars is doing this to me,....but rather,...we could also say.... Mars is showing me the consequences of 'karma' of my actions....so, that, I learn from this...and learn...to perform Mars actions in a more balanced, natural way...All we have to do is slow down and notice how immediately smooth,..our actions can become to realize...malefic 'consequences'...aren't punishments...they're Cosmic, karmic, 'feedbacks'!!!!> > Also ... as the population on earth keeps increasign> ... constantly new souls have to keep descending from> the source .. what karma should be associated with> them that they should be born to certain parents into> certain patterns of life??This is a cool reflection. Because I've been thinking lately, you know...we could be looking at the Jyotish/Astrology of say the next 5 years....to understand what the nature of the souls will be like ...that will be coming!Then, we'll have a better idea...what our future will be like...We are a product of ....or a reflection of the Jyotish/Astrology of our births...And those symbolisms.... are manifesting or reflecting....what we're all going through...Collectively,...our World is like that...Anyone with even a beginning appreciation of Astrology ...can see the lessons of Mars, Saturn and Rahu...that are dominating....the lives of millions of people today....which must be a reflection of their individual charts.....Sometimes I think, we're in the middle of a very intense, Mars, school lesson right now!> > If you try to answer these ... you will realise ..> that all people born have all kinds of karmas to deal> with ... and I believe in any given situation ... the> intensity of his own actions in his past times will> determine the outcome and intensity of what he will> experience in his present ... probably this is the> reason why two people with same or similar planetary> configurations experiences different magnitudes of> effects !!> > hope I am making sense !! Learning that our Jyotish/Astrology....is not our fate....but our past & our future opportunity...will help us succeed!Our charts are not a declaration of our destiny...but an indication of our beginning and the nature of our paths....We are still the creators of our life, our actions, and future consequences....and therefore future charts!Jai Guru!Mark KincaidPS....For those of you who haven't heard, I also write a Jyotish newsletter. It includes a daily, Transits newsletter as well as other aspects of Jyotish as well. If you, or anyone else in this group is interested, in subscribing, feel free to contact me personally at: m.kincaidI, also have started a new /message board, called which is a nice blending of both Western & Eastern Astrologys. You can check that out at: /> > > > > > --- venkatarama_sastry <venkatarama_sastry> wrote:>> Dear Surya, >> >> If I may add my two cents worth here: >> >>> Person A has a karma of having cheated someone>>> sometime in the past. It's time for him now say to>>> experience this karma back. Now in comes Person B>> to>>> cheat Person A to give back his karma. >>> >>> Question is:>>> a) Both the things should match, it's karma time>> for A>>> to get cheated and B to cheat.>> >> Yes. And all of the above, i.e. the actual event, as>> well as the >> giver of the event (B in this case), as well as the>> timing can be >> predicted through the various astrological means. >> >> >>> b) Now would cheating A again add back as Karma to>> B?>>> or will the cycle end for both of them after this?>> if>>> yes .. how can we look for these things in>> astrology?>> >> B has cheated A, so B reaps the appropriate bad>> karma for this. >> >> >>> c) Now ... Karma is impelling A to get cheated and>> B>>> to cheat. However say B decides (since free will>> also>>> has it';s say) not to do the cheating .. then will>> B>>> carry this baggage forward? and Will A escape>> being>>> cheated as well? or will some C come into picture>> and>>> do the needful?>> >> A may still be cheated in the absence of other>> factors. By that, I >> mean that one or more of A's subsequent actions>> could have changed >> the equation. Say A repented for whatever cheating>> he/she did and >> tried to set things right, this might have evened>> the playing field. >> Or say A helped someone in some way, or maybe A has>> suffered for >> this in another way too ... from all I've read,>> Karma is more than a >> simple tit for tat, i.e. A might have paid for>> cheating in ways >> other than being cheated. >> >> And, no B will not carry the baggage, of course. B>> did the right >> thing by not cheating A, this is not a sin. >> >>> >>> Just some brickerings !! Basically Just curious>> to>>> know how to judge when the cycles end??>> >> The cycles end when all people stop performing any>> Karma, good or >> bad. :-) Which, is pretty close to impossible, since>> the simple act >> of living itself creates Karma every second. The>> first step, of >> course, is to stop accumulating more and more evil>> Karma, and to >> increase the good Karma. Getting this far is pretty>> darn good, but >> you can take it to the second step if you really>> want to end the >> cycle. The second step is to rise above all Karma>> either by total >> renunciation, which less than 0.00000000001% of us>> can do, or by the >> conscious detachment from wordly desires, as>> explained in the >> Bhagavat Gita, in which you dedicate everything you>> do to the Lord, >> and do your best without attachment to the results>> of your >> actions. >> >> Just my 2 cents worth! >> Venkatarama>> >>> >>> >>> >>> --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:>>>> Dear Raman:>>>> >>>> Astrology and Christianity are definitely>>>> compatible...>>>> >>>> Remind them of the story of the Christ child & >>>> birth...>>>> >>>> It was 3 wise, men kings who had been led by>> their>>>> astrologers....to follow>>>> the Star!>>>> why?>>>> >>>> to find the Christ child...>>>> >>>> So, Astrology's greatest purpose is to help us>>>> evolve, to find the Spiritual>>>> nature of life, >>>> which is beyond the Stars...>>>> >>>> The stars, are the path, through which God,>>>> created.... us..to live to find>>>> Him....>>>> >>>> I understand the anxiety that is there in>>>> Christianity, .... but ....anyone>>>> who understands that anything of value, in the>>>> relative world, from positive>>>> thinking seminar, to an economics course, to>>>> Astrology!...all...can be>>>> helpful...to help us understand...the true>> purpose>>>> of life, is to become>>>> enlightened!>>>> >>>> hope this helps..>>>> >>>> >>>> Mark K.>>>> >>>> ps... in the famous book of one of the founders>> of>>>> Astrology; Maharishi>>>> Parashara, he says:>>>> >>>> "in the beginning Lord Vishnu, entered into the>>>> grahas to bestow upon his>>>> devotees, the consequences of their actions...">>>> >>>> So, in essence the Planets are really just God,>> in>>>> disguise...>>>> >>>> I think even Hindus, can learn that Jupiter,>>>> himself, ...is just the Lord,>>>> in disguise...>>>> >>>> To pray to them, is not as necessary, except the>>>> extent to which the prayer,>>>> teaches us how our own actions are causing us>> our>>>> griefs...>>>> >>>> God, doesn't do anything to us.>>>> >>>> God, has 2 rules....#1, God gives us complete>>>> freedom to doing whatever we>>>> would like...>>>> #2...however, we're also going to be help>>>> accountable for the consequences>>>> of our actions...>>>> >>>> So, we get born with malefic Astrological>>>> situations, which mean, that God,>>>> or Nature is innocently giving back to us..the>>>> product of our 'wrong' of>>>> imperfect actions, and if by praying we learn>> how>>>> better to perform those>>>> actions,...to turn that malefic into a>> benefic!...>>>> >>>> then the prayer is okay...>>>> >>>> hope this answers and helps...>>>> >>>> Sincerely,>>>> >>>> >>>> Mark Kincaid>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Namaste....>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "Calla, Raman" <rcalla@s...>>> > === message truncated ===> > > > > > > > Tax Center - File online by April 15th> http://taxes./filing.html> > >

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At 09:30 AM 4/14/2004 -0700, Bettina wrote:



I believe that Jesus had a feeling of personal love and affection for

Mary Magdalene.

Very insightful. . . there are rumors that the offspring of Jesus


Mary Magdalene are being secretly guarded in southern India.



And I'm sure that being crucified hurt him like crazy.


Another viewpoint here. If Jesus went into India and studied

various yoga's and mind-techniques, I seriously doubt

that he felt anything at all.


Third point, There is a sect that claims knowledge about

Jesus; that after the " Crucifixion " he went into Egypt

and began a new order with a certain sect of priests and

lived for 214 years after the " incident " at Golgotha.



Arthyr Chadbourne

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