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RE: 4/15.. MK ..re... How Rahu/ketu arebenefic or malefic for ahoroscope?

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Dear Flick ...


Hey, we have to be self absorbed; we're our own astrological laboratories. My nodes are weak, being in sandhi position (far from a house cusp) and not aspecting other planets. But ... Saturn disposits Ketu and is on the asc, so I am very shy (more so as a child) and sometimes have felt overlooked.


I know a young woman who has Ketu in 3rd in Scorpio with Sun, Moon, Mercury (asc ruler) and Uranus. She's shy and feels that people don't notice her, though she values friendship almost above anything else in life. I know 2 young men with Ketu cnj. Moon, and both feel that they're "behind the scenes" kinds of people. One of them, when his 6th grade class put on a play, was the only class member who chose not to have an acting part and was content to be a stage hand. This from someone with Moon on Cancer asc, which should be kind of showy.


Another man I know has Sun cnj. Rahu, and when he was younger got into trouble with drugs and theft. He seems to have straightened out.


Ketu is supposed to have to do with past lives, perhaps repeating a pattern of behavior that wasn't dealt with in the past, or that the person feels is nessessary to repeat. I knew a prof. of German Lit. (now deceased) who had Sun cnj that node in Taurus, probably in 10th. He specialized in Goethe and Schiller, old guys like that, and he called himself an "Eighteenth Century Man". I think that he felt out of place in the Twentieth Century. the young woman whom I mentioned before, I have a strong feeling was into magic and witchcraft in a past incarnation. In this life she's a sensitive and kind person, but has health and emotional problems which seem karmic to me. It's as though she messed with the wrong energies.


So if K has to do with past lives, does R have to do with future lives? Why does it tend to be difficult to handle?


You're the one I should have said "Good luck with the grandbaby" to, so I say it now.



.... Bettina









Flick [rubysun]Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:50 AM Subject: Re: 4/15..> MK ..re... How Rahu/ketu arebenefic or malefic for ahoroscope?

Bettina,I feel the nodes have a very karmic quality. Rahu dasha was an extremelyspiritual time for me, during which I made the most significant loverelationship of my life, still going strong after 18 years, and we've done alot of spiritual work together. I have exalted Rahu in Taurus in 11th: I'venever been very materialistic or ambitious, but I did launch my career as awriter during Rahu. I don't know if the end of Rahu takes away for everyone:for me it did bring a fading of the goals and motivations that had broughtsuccess, but I was happy with this and wanted to move on. Strange thatsuccess came through Rahu for me rather than Mars dasha, even though Mars israja yoga karaka for me and my strongest planet and, other than mildcombustion, not troubled.I have Ketu conjunct Venus in 5th. With Ketu one must let go and allow. Icertainly feel the killjoy effects of Ketu here, with artistic endeavoursnever bringing satisfaction or confidence UNTIL I just lose myself in theprocess and don't worry about the outcome. Both my children are unusuallycreative too, and they feel like a karmic "gift".I think the lesson of the nodes is to relinquish and allow. Then they bringa great deal of spiritual insight.I wish I could talk about other charts, but all mine went when I switchedfrom windows to Mac and I don't have software now, so I can't be specific.Certainly charts I've done with one of the nodes conjunct sun or moon doseem to bring a sense of urgency or unrest. I don't know that it's alwaysfear, as indicated by classic texts, but then these are all European chartsand I think we may view the nodes a little differently, or at least the typeof experiences they may bring.Hope this is of some use. Sorry to sound so self absorbed ;-) If I had othercharts to hand I'd use those.Flick.Author website:http://www.witchcraft.org/elenhawke.htm> > > The nodes are what I am most fascinated by. There was a small discussion of> them on the Sidereal board. I never have a complete grasp of them, but> Rahu is clearer to me than Ketu. I would love if people here would> contribute their knowledge ... from observation or from what they've read or> been taught ... of them. Rahu does seem very grabby ... almost like a> Jupiter afflicted by Mars. Often, as you say, the greed or overextension> of R leads to some sort of downfall or loss. But does it have to? They seem> to only express strongly when cnj another planet (esp Sun or Moon).> > K can diminish the one who has it strong so that they can be almost> invisible.> > Are they impulsive or unconscious? Are people with them strong on> auto-pilot where fulfilling the needs of their nodes? How does one learn to> handle them?> > One thought I wanted to add to what you wrote about each planet having a> benefic and a malefic side: Jupiter can be snobbish and elitist when> expressing negatively, esp when combined with the Sun.> > This board is a wonderful chance for people to share what they know, esp> based on their own empirical observations. Everybody, look at the charts of> your children, friends, parents, siblings, selves, and we can all share and> learn from each other. The thing that always bugs me about Indian astr. is> that everything is either completely GOOD or completely BAD, and life isn't> like that.> > > ... Bettina

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On 15/4/04 7:33 pm, " Bettina " <chiria wrote:


> Ketu is supposed to have to do with past lives, perhaps repeating a pattern of

> behavior that wasn't dealt with in the past, or that the person feels is

> nessessary to repeat. I have a strong feeling was into magic and

> witchcraft in a past incarnation. In this life she's a sensitive and kind

> person, but has health and emotional problems which seem karmic to me. It's

> as though she messed with the wrong energies.


This is interesting. During my Rahu dasha, I expressed my spirituality

through witchcraft, and this is what my published books are written about

(Ketu in fifth, which can be to do with ritual expression)...so the

Rahu/Ketu axis comes into play here. I certainly felt I was moving through

something from past lives. Of course, when I say witchcraft and magic I

don't mean in in the terms the media paints it with (which are more akin to

black magic) but as a form of spirituality aligned with the natural world,

benign and compassionate. Loving all of life.


> So if K has to do with past lives, does R have to do with future lives? Why

> does it tend to be difficult to handle?


I think Rahu is where we sometimes strive, so creating fresh karma to be

played out in the future...maybe not even future lives as karma can come

back very quickly once you are aware of its functioning. But I really think

both nodes are great spiritual teachers. Komilla Sutton's book on the nodes

is the best I've seen in either eastern or western astrology, and she

stresses the possibility of resolution through them.


> You're the one I should have said " Good luck with the grandbaby " to, so I say

> it now.


Thanks ;-) I feel so privileged that they will all be living with us, even

though we'll be cramped. We're less than two weeks to her due date now, and

it could happen sooner - so exciting!



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