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4/15 Jyotish Questionnaire & Reflections of the Up-Coming New Year, 2004-2005! g4sf

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Jyotish Questionnaire & Reflections...

of the Up-coming

New Year!


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This last year we saw and experienced many wonderful Astrological things.


I had started my Jyotish Transits Newsletter, 'Star Reports', two years ago, but last July, moved from a Monthly to a daily format. Over the next few month's we went from about 100 rs to over 500 rs today.


I've watched as more and more of you have literally experienced for yourself, so many wonderful benefits of learning how to experience the Astrological quality of our every day to day Astrological, World!


Also, starting last Fall, I started teaching our first Internet Jyotish/Astrological courses and have now finished the third Month long courses.


We've also seen a tremendous increase in people having their 'charts' read.


And, recently invited people to join the new Nature's Astrology// message board. In these last 12 days membership has increased from 12 to over 80.


Also, there has been a lot of interest in the Advanced Jyotish/Astrological Newsletters and we're now up to Volume #8. The one I'm working on right now, is called: " Jyotish/Astrology - the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology. "


Today, I thought it might be fun to reflect on our mutual enjoyment of Jyotish & Astrology and I'd appreciate receiving back from you, the things you enjoyed the most and what you'd especially like to study, learn, or benefit from this up-coming year of 2004-2005.


Think of the Year, as going from April 13, 2004 - April 12, 2005....

That's the really, true Astrological Year.


We've all survived the Winter and a New Year is beginning.


And what a beginning we are having! Sun's higher in the sky, and blessing, us with it's Exalted, Aries, Rays!


Traditionally, Jyotish & Astrology have understood that the Astrological Chart is a picture or a snapshot of what we've come to do in this life.


Our 'snapshot' or Chart, is a picture, if you will, of our human, individual, personality Natures. Our strengths can be seen from our charts. Our problematic areas, also, can be seen. This is very profound because it allows us to understand ourselves, better, from within.


It's well known, today, that how well we know ourselves, determines how successful we will be on the outer.


So, traditionally, the Astrological Chart, is looked at to gain more Self-mastery!


We will continue providing opportunities for self-Readings. These readings can be done, for an individual, or for any group of individuals. In fact, once you know yourself, better through your Astrology, then learn how other's charts; family members, friends, and even business colleagues and clients, intimately effect you via. their Charts.


Predominantly, most people ask these 3 Questions:


Q What is my life purpose? or,

What is my best, ideal Career?


Q #2 How can I make more money? and


Q #3 How can I attract a better more successful interpersonal Relationship?

Or, get along better with the one, I'm in.


These kinds of charts will continue, but I wanted to use this opportunity, to ask what other kinds of 'Charts', and emphasizes, you all might be interested in__________????


So-far I've been doing these 3 Basic Charts.


#1 Birth Chart or Life Reading. This is a detailed analysis of who you are, what your Strengths are,

and especially what your weak areas, problematic planets are, too. Most of the time, when people

have their charts, 'read', they don't get any more Astrology for a year or two, so I designed a Chart

Structure that includes 2 Sessions. First one is an Hour to 1 1/2 hours, tape recorded for your con-

venience, and then, mailed to you, so that in a Second session, a week or two later, a 1/2 Hour

follow-up session can result. This has been extremely successful at not only helping people hear

their charts, but in this 2 part format, asking more questions, especially one's that pop up, after the

first session.



In the past, Jyotish/Astrology Readings Were:


#1 Birth Chart $ 100.00

#2 Progression Chart - With Special Analysis for up-coming next year: $ 50.00

#3 Questions & Answers Chart: For those who have wanted to ask just 1 or 2 questions about their

lives or chart, this Reading (1/2 Hour) covers, that. $ 25.00





Chart Sale!





This Month, to Celebrate the Special

Exalted Sun Status, presently...

going on....


25% off all charts,!


signed up for

between now, April 15th & end of Exalted Sun...

till May 12th!


Enjoy some wonderful Jyotish/Astrology....

what's that expression:

'Make hay,....why the 'Sun shines'.....'


Take Advantage of this time, as Charts starting in May,

will increase to: $ 150.00 for the basic Reading.






The Second Most Exciting Aspect of our Jyotish/Astrology Together..has been on Doing





Internet Jyotish/Astrology....Courses







Primarily, these courses have focused on " Jyotish Mastery - For Mastering Life " .


Now, as I'm planning our next year, and especially this up-coming Spring, I'd appreciate any Feedbacks, you might have regarding possible topics that you'd be interested in.


Some ideas I've been thinking about include:


____ Again, this basic, " Jyotish Mastery Course " , has been extremely popular as the emphasis

has not only been on how to learn, or Understand one's chart, but even more

importantly, about how to improve and transform ourselves, by literally, learning how

to transform our Planets!


____The other Course we've done, is a more basic " Understandings Course " who's influence

has been on just learning the Astrological symbolisms, Principles and Rules of one's



Please check and indicate if either of those would be interesting to you, this Spring and summer.


The other thing we did, 1/2 way through these courses is; I came up with the idea of adding, doing people's Charts, as an intimate part of the Course. This seemed to be very well received!


In the Past Course Fees Were:


For the Basic, Understanding Course: $ 40.00 for the entire Month and

For the More Advanced Mastery Course: $ 100.00, for the Month, including 2 short chart readings;

one in the beginning and one at the end of the course.




This Spring....On April 27th, we will begin our next round of






Jyotish/Internet Courses!


" Full Potential Of Astrology-

Discovering Your Life Purpose "





This will be a very special course, because the Sun is Exalted, now, and also on this day, both the Moon is in Cancer, it's Own Sign, and Venus is in Taurus, also, it's own Sign.


This course will focus on the Full Potential of Astrology, utilizing the present status of the Exalted Sun, to reflect on the Full Potential of everyone's Charts, through Jyotish/Astrological Transformation

towards the Exalted Status of every Planet.


This Course Called: " The Full Potential of Life: Through Jyotish/Astrology " ,

will focus on not only Understanding one's Chart, but also exactly how to transform any and all Planets into their more natural, Benefic Status!


Special emphasis will also be on discovering 'One's true, Life Purpose'.


This approach to Jyotish/Astrology can not be over emphasized.


Too often Astrology is only interpreted for it's deterministic, or 'Understanding', aspects...


And though it is extremely important to see, exactly how one's life is mirrored by our Astrological Charts; it's extremely more important to learn...what practical lessons and skills can be learned to literally change, improve and even transform any of our weaker planets, and/or human qualities, into more natural, balanced and successful characteristics!


Course Fees for this Course: Will also enjoy the Present Jyotish Sale!






Course Fees:

Again, 25% off!







So, take advantage of these courses, too.


Course fees, after that will also be increasing.




The final thing I wanted to talk about with you, and especially get your feed-backs, is regarding the Knowledge programs in the Advanced Jyotish Newsletters & the New account on: Nature's Astrology.


I received many responses from my last Jyotish Questionnaire from April 1st...regarding the Advanced Newsletter Topics and will mention the results here....


These are some of the subjects and topics that I listed in the Questionnaire.



o Full Potential & Goal of Jyotish

o Free Will & Determinism?

o Is Astrology a true Science?

o How to Make more money. #3

Third Amount of responses, received 1/2 as many votes as #1, 'Life Purpose'.

o How to Look at the Astrology chart - to understand One's Life Purpose. #1

By far, this received the most interest with the most votes!

o How to improve one's Health #2

Received the second amount of votes....though only 1 less than 'life purpose' or 'relations'

o How to become more successful with Relations #1b

Received the same amount of votes as life purpose...

o Materialism & Spirituality #4

And fourthly, received almost as many as 'making more money'....

o How Charts Interact between any 2 Individuals, Spouses, Siblings, Friends, co-workers,

This received the same amount of votes as 'Health'... #2b

o __________?

o __________?

o __________?

o __________?


Misc. other Areas Asked For Included:


o Past, present and future events in anyone's life...

o What is the right profession for me?

o education

o children

o divisional charts?

o Using Jyotish/ to see and change the dangers on the horizon

o And finally, can Jyotish 'see' if I'll be enlightened in this life...



These and other topics will be the focus of the Weekly Advanced Newsletters, and feel free to send end any other suggestions for topics.



Now, I'd like to ask you how you've been enjoying the........





Daily & Weekly Star Reports....?






I've received many, many compliments, over the last few months.....but in the spirit of improving,...


Any changes or improvements that you might like to see?


Please let me know...













And finally......






" Nature's Astrology "







The other Aspect of 'my' Astrology that I'd like to talk about is this notion of 'Nature's Astrology'.


I use this expression because there's a great need in the World for a very new, up-dated, totally Modern Astrology, that literally,..takes the best of both the Western & Eastern Astrological Traditions!


When you watch Nature, whether it's the daily, Transiting Stars, Sun, Moon or Planets....

or...look into the very real and concrete lives of actual real peope & individuals....


When you look at the Astrology, 'out there', you'll discover a living and breathing Astrology.... that's real, eternal, non-intellectual, and especially important and personal, intimate, regarding the very lives of every Soul on Earth....


Astrology is not meant to be ....'in our heads'.... Astrology is Nature, or.... Life Itself!


Astrology represents the purest Language of Nature....



Discover this 'Real' Astrology...which transcends all normal conceptualizations of Astrology from the past...and embrace the future of Astrology!


Finally, there's also a great need to help move....Traditional Astrology into a true, Science of Astrology, for the Present & Future!


God, himself, I believe, has created this present modern, Scientific era, so that we would learn how to objectively interpret our beliefs and convictions.


In the past, there were many who believed the World was Flat, or the Center of the Universe....


then, objective researchers, started to investigate 'nature' herself to determine the real 'Truths'.... of Life!


The same thing now, needs to be done with Astrology!


Astrology represents the very precious Wisdom of Life's Meanings...., contained...within the concrete, objective, movements of the Stars, Heavens & Planets...!


The Universe is Astrological!


It always has been,... it is today!


And will always be.... in the future!


Help this suffering Humanity....embrace true, Consciousness Astrology and usher in a truely Scientific Era of Astrology!






In Conclusion...









There are 3 Primary Aspects of Jyotish/Astrology which we can enjoy for ourselves...





#1 There's having Jyotish/Astrology done for us; Charts, readings, progressions, health

analyses, Career suggestions, Interpersonal Relations-Counseling, to name but a few....


#2 There's learning our own Astrology....

Which many of you are now enjoying....

When I started learning my own Astrology, that's when it literally came alive for me!


#3 Thirdly, there's doing Astrology for others!






" Become Your Own Best Jyotishee! "






This is by far, the most exciting and new, present day aspect of traditional Astrology or Jyotish.


I'd like many of you to consider developing a professional interest and skill in doing Astrology,



A! If you feel a careing, compassion or strong interest or love in 'helping others'....and


B! You enjoy finding the literal, ' 1to1 Correspondences' that exist between people & their charts!,....


Then, you're a good candidate for doing Jyotish/Astrology Professionally....


The World is in dire, desperate need of many more 1,000's of Professional Astrologers....


There is also a very special need, for this very new, and synergetic combination of Western & Eastern Astrologys.


Come join us in learning this precious knowledge and especially how to make it available in very simple, and profound ways to millions of others!


Together, we can accomplish this great goal!






Mark Kincaid









Jai Guru!





For those who are wondering why I always end with Jai Guru!


Guru represents Jupiter, the Teacher, and the Guru of life...

Guru represents physical human teachers,

but most importantly represents the Guru, teaching, Jupiter

aspect of Life itself...


Guru is God!


you'll sometimes here, as God is the original and ultimate Guru!

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