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RE: 4/15.. MK ..re... How Rahu/ketuarebenefic or malefic for ahoroscope?

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I think of Rahu as a baby bird with its mouth wide open, wanting to be fed all the time. It seems to have huge appetites, whether for material things, power, attention, food, you name it. Some, but not all people with R rising are unusually large physically, though not neccessarily fat. Other things have to concur.


Yes, it does seem that a strong R is busy creating future karma. There's sort of a quality of being an infant that wants all these experiences without thinking out where they will land as a result of having them.



.... Bettina


Flick [rubysun]Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:46 AM Subject: Re: 4/15..> MK ..re... How Rahu/ketuarebenefic or malefic for ahoroscope?On 15/4/04 7:33 pm, "Bettina" <chiria wrote:> Ketu is supposed to have to do with past lives, perhaps repeating a pattern of> behavior that wasn't dealt with in the past, or that the person feels is> nessessary to repeat. I have a strong feeling was into magic and> witchcraft in a past incarnation. In this life she's a sensitive and kind> person, but has health and emotional problems which seem karmic to me. It's> as though she messed with the wrong energies.This is interesting. During my Rahu dasha, I expressed my spiritualitythrough witchcraft, and this is what my published books are written about(Ketu in fifth, which can be to do with ritual expression)...so theRahu/Ketu axis comes into play here. I certainly felt I was moving throughsomething from past lives. Of course, when I say witchcraft and magic Idon't mean in in the terms the media paints it with (which are more akin toblack magic) but as a form of spirituality aligned with the natural world,benign and compassionate. Loving all of life.> > So if K has to do with past lives, does R have to do with future lives? Why> does it tend to be difficult to handle?I think Rahu is where we sometimes strive, so creating fresh karma to beplayed out in the future...maybe not even future lives as karma can comeback very quickly once you are aware of its functioning. But I really thinkboth nodes are great spiritual teachers. Komilla Sutton's book on the nodesis the best I've seen in either eastern or western astrology, and shestresses the possibility of resolution through them.> > You're the one I should have said "Good luck with the grandbaby" to, so I say> it now.Thanks ;-) I feel so privileged that they will all be living with us, eventhough we'll be cramped. We're less than two weeks to her due date now, andit could happen sooner - so exciting!Flick.Author website:http://www.witchcraft.org/elenhawke.htm

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