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2-Bettina & all: MK...re....4/146...Understanding functionalmalefics?

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Dear Bettina:


Let's see.....


" Bettina " <chiria


Wed, 14 Apr 2004 09:18:11 -0700


RE: 4/14....From, 4/8.... Can anyone help me understand functionalmalefics?



Hello, Mark ...



I just signed on to this board and got your nice letter last night.


I use, I guess I'd call it, modified Jyotish. I don't like those square charts, and I use the trans/Saturnian planets, so I'm not a purist.


I've added an attachment about a format I've created to try and understand our Astrology charts. This is a picture/drawing of May 18, 2003, which is both what the Transits were like on that day, but also would be someone's chart, if they were born at 12noon, cdt.



I've been with Astrology for about 35 years (you can tell I'm no Young Astrologer) and Vedic for about 25. I'm not a pro, and don't claim to be an expert. My favorite book is Light on Life by Hart Defouw and Robert Svaboda.


The topic you're discussing below is very interesting and confusing to me. How do natural malefics work differently from functunal malefics?


This whole idea of Malefics & Benefics, & functional malefics is Jyotish's attempt to help people understand what Astrological forces, in life,....


are going to give us trouble, and reflecting our challenges and problems...


I like to tell people, consider all the planets as Essentially Benefic,...


and any planets can be found acting or functioning malefically....


Malefic means...the negative or less positive side of any planet will be the result...


So, Mars' malefic side, is fighting, accidents, violence, high blood pressure, rashes,...etc...


Mar's benefic side, is being able to stand up for oneself or others, cruading for what is right, being firm, where it's necessary...like that....


For example, I have Saturn on the asc. in Gemini. That should be good because Saturn rules the 9th (although also the 8th, but its rulership of the 9th is supposed to be stringer than that of the 8th) and also is in the sign of a friend (also dispositor Mercury is exalted), My life's been a mixed bag (whose hasn't?).


Now, you said it perfectly, here....'my life's been a mixed bag'....


This is very symbolic of Saturn being both symbolic of good things...ie.... 9th house lord,

but also the 8th house....


So, your Saturn will be reflective of both positive or benefic qualities, and unless you change your Saturn!


also, indicative of some malefic qualities...


And this is my whole point...once we determine which planets are reflective of any challenges or problems, in our lives....


then, we can begin to put attention on how to literally change and tranform...any planet, which is functioning...malefically....


also, into a Strength!


Then there's a young lady I know who has a Jupiter/Venus cnj. right on her 4th cusp in Sag, Virgo rising, of course. Jupiter is a natural ben in its own sign, but a functional mal for the asc, cnj another natural ben which is its enemy, but which is also a functional ben for the chart, being the 9th ruler.


What's your take?


Good to find this board!



Chiria (Bettina)





Mark K.














Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 7:41 AM


4/14....From, 4/8.... Can anyone help me understand functionalmalefics?


Here's a wonderful discussion about the relative Benefic & Malefic status of the Planets...


Mark K.




" filmerchung " <filmerchung


Sun, 04 Apr 2004 14:54:45 -0000


[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Can anyone help me understand functional malefics?



Hare Krsna and pranams to all,


I have a taurus ascendent and venus and jupiter acting as functional

malefics. Venus, lord of the 6th, is placed in the 8th, and Jupiter

is placed in the 11th.


Can anyone tell me how this may affect a person, especially during

my Venus sub period?


Thank You



Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid


Thu, 08 Apr 2004 22:30:20 -0500


2-[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul], from Mark Kincaid...4/8.... Can anyone help me understand functional malefics?



It's a beautiful question about 'functional' malefics....


I'm reminded of course, of this beautiful expression from the great....Maharishi Parshara;

who says in his book on Hora Jyotish:


" In the beginning Lord Vishnu enters into the grahas....to bestow upon his devotees, the consequences of their karmas... "


I think of that...whenever I contemplate Malefics...


I believe, that all the Planets are essentially, Benefic!


They're just the consequences of our actions, coming back to us....related to all the different aspects of ourselves...via the planets...


But, it's also true, that the 6th, 8th, & 12th Houses...especially do have, often, a functional malefic.... effect for us..


And for each ascendent...different Planets rule those, too often, malefic,...6th, 8th & 12th houses...


Specifically, you were asking... what it might be like, this...6th House lord,...placed in the 8th...?


Remember,....almost all planets....love being in Sagittarius...so that's a plus...


But, the way to ask yourself, whether this Lord, Venus, is sybolic..of some maleficness, is to investigate into the nature of that house.... and you can discover....whether it's acting malefically or not...


8th house, is about longevity,...and transformations....

so often, length of life is glimsed there...but also, ....one's abilities...to perform transformations, for progess in life...


Ask yourself, whether you have any chronic habits, compulsions, and frustrating habits, that have been hard for you to break?


This would be the first, idea that would come from especially the 6th House, lord Venus, in the 8th....?


In other words, the 6th House, lord, of health,....has gone to the 8th house....

so ....health is connected....to these chronic,...ailments..or habits...


So, look into how you can....strengthen, this all-important....transformative power, within, you...

and then, you may discover....how to turn around even, a pesky, uncomfortable, malefic quality...


take care







Mark Kincaid





" filmerchung " <filmerchung


Sun, 04 Apr 2004 14:54:45 -0000


[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Can anyone help me understand functional malefics?



Hare Krsna and pranams to all,


A taurus ascendent has venus and jupiter acting as functional

malefics. Venus, lord of the 6th, is placed in the 8th, and Jupiter

is placed in the 11th.

Can anyone tell me how this may affect a person, especially during

his Venus sub period?


Thank You





[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

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