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A Ivanova: comparing interpretations of nodes the western and vedic way

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Dear A Ivanova,


It is uncanny how the nodes influence our lives. I have just

recently started to read this very excellent book of Komilla Sutton

and I recognise so very much of it, except from the very rich part

of my previous lfe ;-) When I compare this to the descriptions of

the wetsren wy to look at the nodes, by reading Martin Shulman's

book about nodes, I can hardly recognise anyhing. I truly believe

that the vedic way of interpreting nodes is far much better than the

wetsren one. I think it has also to do with the fact that vedic

culture is more familiar with past lives than the wetsern culture.

What do you think? Did you ever read the book of Komilla Sutton or

the book of Martin Shulman?





, a ivanovna

<ivanovna12> wrote:

> Dear Bettina, Flick, All,

> Hi! I know it is late to chime in on this thread, but just wanted

to note that I always look not just at the house and the rasi ruler

of the nodes, but also at the nakshatra ruler and its placement. I

have Ketu and Jupiter in a nakshatra lord parivartana and Jupiter is

my final dispositor. I think my life has had an overall Ketu

flavor. Shortly after my birth we moved abroad immediately and I

did not return till university, after which I travelled again

extensively. Have been intensely interested in spiritual matters

since I was a very young child (at 3 was writing little books about

God - much to my parents horror as they were adamently agnostic

intellectuals). I was born into Ketu dasa, but it was near the end,

so can't say how it was except that we moved abroad. My husband has

Ketu in his lagna in Mula (so a double nodal hit) and he is very

psychic and has also been deeply interested in spiritual studies,

reincarnation, etc. all his life and at 5 when he heard someone play

> piano at his school he broke down in tears and went home

insisting he had to learn to play. He was something of a prodigy

and to this day still plays 3 hours or so daily, mostly Beethoven

and Bach. He is sadly disdainful of any music of this century. He

has also had 3 major career changes. I think Ketu can bring sudden

changes, a chaotic sense if we're not looking within and connecting

with the spiritual. I have 2 good friends with Ketu in Aslesha (in

dustanas) and both have finished their Ketu dasas recently. They

had very rocky beginnings of the dasa, rebelling against all

changes, but both cried Uncle before the midpoint of the dasa,

became deeply spiritual in a quiet manner and ended up having

excellent overall luck (including financial) for the rest of

Ketu...none of the dramatic losses at the end that some people say

they have. As for Rahu, I know one ACVA Jyotishi who has dubbed

it " Mr. Toad's Wild Ride " , which is a roller coaster somewhere I

believe. Anyway, it can

> be rough because I think it propels one towards this life's karma

and often we interpret that as achieving material success. I think

if we look upon both nodes as, in the end, having spiritual agendas

it can be less intense. Another close friend is midway through

Rahu, but has always been very spiritually oriented and for her it

has been very productive, health oriented (it is in a nakshatra

whose lord is in her 6th house with her lagna lord) and has led her

to travel abroad a lot (Rahu's rasi lord is in her 12th). She has

never been particularly career oriented and did not become that with

Rahu dasa. But she did start earning part of her income in this

dasa from Shiatzu massage. My husband has Rahu in the 7th in a Rahu

ruled nakshatra. Before marrying me all his relationships

(including one very long term live-in one) were with foreigners and

unusual partners. And compared to people from his family and

background I am totally foreign as well. I know his family have


> been tempted to report me to INS as an illegal alien (from Mars

in their opinion). He also has worked with foreigners over the

years (thinking of 7th as also relating to business partners). His

Rahu subs always seem to involve travel and academic interests. I

have recently started my Rahu dasa. It is in my 8th house in a

nakshatra of the 8th lord. Some traditional Jyotishis have blanched

upon seeing this and tried very hard to not blurt out all the dire

things they were obviously thinking. :-) Suggested shockingly

expensive extreme remedial measures. But I have always found Rahu

sub periods to be quite wonderful - always with an amplified

spiritual tone and so far my Rahu maha is at least starting that way

as well. Lots of changes in my life, but I've had some fantastic

luck in spiritual matters and am so far feeling quite content

despite unpredictable stuff happening. Feels like surfing and

requires focusing on the wave, but my mood is really upbeat. Don't

have any

> material goals, but lots of spiritual goals for this dasa. Don't

have much of an artha oriented chart and doubt Rahu will turn me

into a raging arthaite. I guess my point is that I think there is a

high road for everything and, like Mark has said so well in a recent

posting, it is about learning to steer our ships better. Also

wanted to mention that Komilla's books are indeed wonderful and she

also has some good lectures on tape on the nodes. I also think

Bepin Behari has excellent info on the nakshatras and nodes in his

books...on the esoteric side, but I like that. Dr. Frawley also has

good info on both subjects as well.

> Ann








> Tax Center - File online by April 15th

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Dear Anne,

Yes, I do have M. Schulman's book(s). I don't do western, but I still love many western astrology books, his amoung them and I use the outer planets always. I like his book, but Komilla's is SO much more specific. I think one of the amazing strengths of Vedic astrology is that the signs are divided into nakshatras. If I synthesize what Komilla writes of my nodes in their nakshatras, houses, signs I get a VERY specific description of my experience. But there are other Jyotish books on the nodes that are not like Komilla's and view the nodes primarily as primarily malefic. I always get a mental image of someone contemplating the nodes in a chart and automatically crossing themselves superstitiously (my western mind thinking of crossing, I suppose a Hindi would say a silent prayer to Shiva or someone). I think the advantage of the western perspective is that they see the nodes as much more about pointing out 'how' we need to conduct

our lives this incarnation...what the burning issues will be. Also where the automatic compulsions and behaviors are that we can avoid if we just know in advance that its a "Ketu (Rahu) made me do it" type thing. That is the great blessing of knowing our charts. I don't think many Jyotishis look first to the nodes, but I find I always look first at the nodes, then at the lagna and Moon. But I am not a professional Jyotishi, so who knows? Oh, and the "very rich" part of your past life....maybe spiritually rich? :-) But maybe both! I actually find most western astrology books do acknowledge past lives, but perhaps not as much. I love the humanism of western astrology, I love the preciseness of Jyotish. Another good book for nodal info is PS Sastri's Scientific Hindu Astrology. Like Hart DeFoux's book (which I adore) he only addresses the nodes in one section of the book, but its quite interesting. I am eternally grateful

that my introduction to the nodes was western and then from Jyotish lecturers (like Komilla and Dr. Frawley, Bepin Behari, David Harness, etc.) who softened what the classics have to say. If I had read something like Uttara Kalamrita from the start I'd have been so appalled at the darkness I'd have gone running to the hills in terror. I read the classics now and am OK with it, but I temper always what they say. Unlike Western astrology, Jyotish simply can't be learned from books alone (well, at least not the classic texts alone).

Anniehagazussah <hagazussa wrote:

Dear A Ivanova,It is uncanny how the nodes influence our lives. I have just recently started to read this very excellent book of Komilla Sutton and I recognise so very much of it, except from the very rich part of my previous lfe ;-) When I compare this to the descriptions of the wetsren wy to look at the nodes, by reading Martin Shulman's book about nodes, I can hardly recognise anyhing. I truly believe that the vedic way of interpreting nodes is far much better than the wetsren one. I think it has also to do with the fact that vedic culture is more familiar with past lives than the wetsern culture. What do you think? Did you ever read the book of Komilla Sutton or the book of Martin Shulman?Anne , a ivanovna <ivanovna12> wrote:> Dear Bettina, Flick,

All,> Hi! I know it is late to chime in on this thread, but just wanted to note that I always look not just at the house and the rasi ruler of the nodes, but also at the nakshatra ruler and its placement. I have Ketu and Jupiter in a nakshatra lord parivartana and Jupiter is my final dispositor. I think my life has had an overall Ketu flavor. Shortly after my birth we moved abroad immediately and I did not return till university, after which I travelled again extensively. Have been intensely interested in spiritual matters since I was a very young child (at 3 was writing little books about God - much to my parents horror as they were adamently agnostic intellectuals). I was born into Ketu dasa, but it was near the end, so can't say how it was except that we moved abroad. My husband has Ketu in his lagna in Mula (so a double nodal hit) and he is very psychic and has also been deeply

interested in spiritual studies, reincarnation, etc. all his life and at 5 when he heard someone play> piano at his school he broke down in tears and went home insisting he had to learn to play. He was something of a prodigy and to this day still plays 3 hours or so daily, mostly Beethoven and Bach. He is sadly disdainful of any music of this century. He has also had 3 major career changes. I think Ketu can bring sudden changes, a chaotic sense if we're not looking within and connecting with the spiritual. I have 2 good friends with Ketu in Aslesha (in dustanas) and both have finished their Ketu dasas recently. They had very rocky beginnings of the dasa, rebelling against all changes, but both cried Uncle before the midpoint of the dasa, became deeply spiritual in a quiet manner and ended up having excellent overall luck (including financial) for the rest of Ketu...none of the

dramatic losses at the end that some people say they have. As for Rahu, I know one ACVA Jyotishi who has dubbed it "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride", which is a roller coaster somewhere I believe. Anyway, it can> be rough because I think it propels one towards this life's karma and often we interpret that as achieving material success. I think if we look upon both nodes as, in the end, having spiritual agendas it can be less intense. Another close friend is midway through Rahu, but has always been very spiritually oriented and for her it has been very productive, health oriented (it is in a nakshatra whose lord is in her 6th house with her lagna lord) and has led her to travel abroad a lot (Rahu's rasi lord is in her 12th). She has never been particularly career oriented and did not become that with Rahu dasa. But she did start earning part of her income in this dasa from Shiatzu massage.

My husband has Rahu in the 7th in a Rahu ruled nakshatra. Before marrying me all his relationships (including one very long term live-in one) were with foreigners and unusual partners. And compared to people from his family and background I am totally foreign as well. I know his family have always> been tempted to report me to INS as an illegal alien (from Mars in their opinion). He also has worked with foreigners over the years (thinking of 7th as also relating to business partners). His Rahu subs always seem to involve travel and academic interests. I have recently started my Rahu dasa. It is in my 8th house in a nakshatra of the 8th lord. Some traditional Jyotishis have blanched upon seeing this and tried very hard to not blurt out all the dire things they were obviously thinking. :-) Suggested shockingly expensive extreme remedial measures. But I have

always found Rahu sub periods to be quite wonderful - always with an amplified spiritual tone and so far my Rahu maha is at least starting that way as well. Lots of changes in my life, but I've had some fantastic luck in spiritual matters and am so far feeling quite content despite unpredictable stuff happening. Feels like surfing and requires focusing on the wave, but my mood is really upbeat. Don't have any> material goals, but lots of spiritual goals for this dasa. Don't have much of an artha oriented chart and doubt Rahu will turn me into a raging arthaite. I guess my point is that I think there is a high road for everything and, like Mark has said so well in a recent posting, it is about learning to steer our ships better. Also wanted to mention that Komilla's books are indeed wonderful and she also has some good lectures on tape on the nodes. I also think Bepin Behari

has excellent info on the nakshatras and nodes in his books...on the esoteric side, but I like that. Dr. Frawley also has good info on both subjects as well.> Ann> > > > > > > > Tax Center - File online by April 15th


Tax Center - File online by April 15th

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