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4/17 Saturday's Star Report New Moon/Solar Eclipse Coming on Monday! 4/19..7:15am CST! g4sf

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Coming to you, this morning, 4/17 Saturday, in the am, cst.,

for today's transits.......4/17 Saturday's Star Report.









Special Quote of the Day!



" You have the Power to realize the Supreme.


It only amounts to being what you are.


The Nature of Human Life is Cosmic. "




Maharishi Mahesh Yogi





Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Saturday, 4/17th....9am...CST


Moon Moves to the Middle of Pisces, today....

(12 degrees)













Dear Friends:


Moon has moved towards the middle of Pisces, today.


Therefore see, if you feel that 'flavor of Pisces', the most strongly, today!


Continue with the Piscian, 'reflections' and 'contemplations' today.


They'll give great fruit, down the road, very soon!



Now, you might also be feeling that particularly unique 'flavor' of Rahu or the Solar Eclipse, which is coming on Monday!


If you're feeling this unique, specific, Rahuish quality of chaos, and especially, desires, and impulses, dominating, as if, going away with themselves....

this is Rahu!


Just, let them go!


Be more on the Self, right now.


This is a very unique, only twice a year/ time when the Sun & Moon, are both going into the Rahu 'gap', so to speak.


Best way to spend this time, is upon the Self...


Both, if you want to fulfill your desires...

and also if desires are pulling you off yourself,....

by 'right now', retiring, and being more inward....


this is the best way to gain the most, positive aspects of Rahu!


Rahu is here to teach us that 'life', with all it's qualities, and desires, is best served...when.... anchored.....!

to our inner silent, resources....


We all have that experience, sometimes, we wake up ...

and we feel soooo good, refreshed, clear, silent and yet, wide awake, ready to be active!


We then go into our day, carrying that inner quietness with us...and everything we do, everything we think about, and put our attention on....

gets fulfilled, easily, effortlessly without strife, commotion or chaos.


These day's are not just coincidences....

these day's show us...how natural it can be to live our life...and flow, and move towards the natural progress and prosperity of our lives...

without stress....and without chaos.









o Full Moon Was, Monday....: April 5th.... so Moon's 12 days, now after the Full Moon...


Now, only 2 days before the New Moon!


Solar Eclipse....



o New Moon... & ..... Solar Eclipse....

..... April 19th....


7:15am CST.....

Heighth of the Solar Eclipse!








Most Important Other Transits....



Look Up the Week At A Glance Newsletter I send out regularly..

for more details of the week's Transits, especially of the other Planets.






Other Important Transits, Worth Mentioning.....







o #1 Transit: Exalted Sun! till May 12th...

Today: Sun's at 4 degrees Aries,......... So...only .....26 more days

of Wonderful Aries, energy.........left!



o Mercury has been Retrograde since... Wednesday, April 7th....


Lots of people are, still experiencing the frustrating, repercussions of Mercury's Retrograde, motion....





Allow yourself, therefore, more time, to 'think', 'decide',...

and 'do'!


Retrograde lasts until April 30th.....

(Today, 4/17...)






o Mercury's also very combust right now, so...the particular flavor to

Watch out for is....the 'intensity' of the Sun, overshadowing, the important,

role of the Intellect, Mercury...


Sun's 4:00 degrees of Aries... and!!!!

Mercury's 3:01 degrees, also in Aries!


So, today is still pretty close.... combustion!



o Jupiter's also Still,.....Retrograde now, till....May 5th....





Think of Retrograde motion, not just as weak, or dysfunctional...

but think of it as ...



therefore, we don't jump up from sleep and start running around...


take more time, to use that Mercury, and in this case,



They're a little sluggish, right now...


but soon...


After May 5th, Jupiter will start moving forward again,

in direction...

and majorly positive effect!







o Mercury ends it's Retrograde motion on April 30th!!!








Subscriber's Questions & Experiences...

Reactions, Comments & Questions....



(Comments: Regarding Sun's recent transit into Exalted Aries....)



From Saney, India


" Dear Mark, Today, I don't know what happened to me. In the morning I was very happy while traveling in a bus. I was with some friends and joking and having fun. Suddenly I wanted to sing a poem, one with nice quotes of Love. In the evening, I was in such a romantic mood that I cannot explain it. It was like flying high in the air, wanting to always be in dreams of heaven and never wanting to come back to earth.


Very fluid nature. Can you say why? "



" Dear Saney: What I've found is that there primarily 3 aspects of Astrology which we all, experience all the time, and at every moment.


There are these Transits, which we're reflecting on, then there are the particular 'flavors' of Dasas, which come and go though not quite as fast as the Transits and then, there's the very real, qualities of our very Charts...


Think of these three, as the 3 Pillars of Astrology.....


Now, you've written down very clearly your experience, and what I like to do, is look at the literal language in which you expressed our experience.


You mention,....the quality of 'suddenly'.... which draws one to something more temporal like the transits of dasas.


And then, you mention the qualitis or flavors of this unique experience....'joking', 'singing', 'with nice quotes of Love', 'romantic', 'flying high in the air', and finally, 'wanting to be in the dreams of heaven and never coming back to Earth'....


Listen, all, write down what you're experiencing.....


because in these words are the symbolic expressions of the Astrological configurations/planets, that are dominating!


So, when I hear 'joking' and 'singing'.....especially with 'nice quotes of love'..... I hear Moon & Venus....


And Venus is in that very good place in Taurus, right now, but....it's been there for awhile....so there must be something more temporal that's responsible for the immediacy of your experience, too.....


And then you mention: 'flying high in the air' and '...wanting....to never come back to Earth'...


Now, these are definite Piscian qualities, and though the Sun has been in Pisces for over a month, right now, the Moon has made it's transition, into that very specific.....Piscian energy!


So, we do experience directly the various qualities of the Transits....


And the transits can teach us how to flow better with Nature....



For example the Moon's still in Pisces, today, but Waning very small.


Monday's the New Moon, and even that Solar Eclipse which we've talked about.


So, now, look into your experience and see if you can 'feel' what you need. "






Sun went Exalted Tuesday.......!!

.... April 13th....


May the blessings of the Sun, be yours

during this wonderful next Month!







Special Quote of the Day:


" You have the Power to realize the Supreme.


It only amounts to being what you are. "


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi




To to Maharishi's Quotes go to






This quote is an especially powerful quote because it hints at that great,


Inner Nature....

that Jyotish/Astrology....


deciphers so well.


As it turns out, we all have a deeply Astrological 'Nature', which opens to us...

an entirely, more deep, and Broad....


then we ever before thought....


Follow the vibrations of our Astrological Natures....

find the most Exalted, full Potential of each of our Planets...


and you will find the Full Potential of Human Nature Within....

which is both....






There is this expression:


Jyoti mati pragya!


Which means the truth...through Jyotish....


and as such, it represents...the full enlightened Vision...

due to Jyoti!






Feel free to contact me with any of your favorite quotes for a brief,

Astrological analysis....












Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid



Jai Guru!


For those of you who are new to this Newsletter, we also have a Web site on Nature's Astrology, see below.





For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Nature's Astrology Web site: Old Site....






New Website Coming Soon!






Nature's Astrology.... Site:







Still in Progress!


Will Announce when ready....




Also, recently, I created a

New , Group or Message board

which is serving as a wonderful, medium, from which to discuss in much more detail many of the pressing ideas of Astrology, Western, Eastern,....and even Modern Astrology!


Please go to:







to join this group!





For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....





Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for the 3 Basic Charts that I do.



3 Basic Charts:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths

and weaknesses. This is the basis of all Jyotish transformations and

how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives!

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session, (1 1/2 Hrs) - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart. (30mins)


#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart


People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems! (60Mins.)

Cost: $ 50.00



#3 Questions & Answers: Chart


People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00





All payments can be made through my paypal.com account

Please use my below account name/email address when submitting.





Otherwise payments can be sent to:


Starlight Unlimited

Checks or money orders c/o

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556




From Sheryll, Chicago, Illinois US


" Mark, I've dubbed, the 'Practical Astrologer'.

I've had charts done before that focused on my natal chart, or maybe transits, but I didn't feel like I had the whole picture. The information I got didn't exactly fit my experience. I started reading Mark's star reports and his descriptions of the impact of chart, transits and dasas. All three must be considered to get an accurate picture. I decided that I needed a reading that would focus on all three as they relate to many aspects in my life. The information that Mark gave me, the questions that he asked in order to clarify what he saw in the chart/transits/dasas, the experience of moving through these areas....all I can say is that I wish I had done this sooner. The chart reading is like an overview of your life, while the " 3 point reading " is a thesis on one aspect of your life. I'd whole heartily, recommend it! "

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