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Annie wrote:


Dear Therese,

>>How wonderful that you've been at this for so many years - I look forward

to learning from your ideas on this list and on your site!


Annie, I'm so happy to hear that because for some years I've tried to

quietly put some of these ideas on the more traditonal lists where the

long-time astrologers hold sway, and I was generally met with complete

silence. Even now, all the response has been from this list except for a

couple of private e-mails.


>>Its one of the reasons I like Mark's ideas for this list so much...an


It would be great if this approach won out over the more conservative views.


>>I always think of Jyotish's definition as 'the science of light'....and

the fact that light is always moving, is fluid and illuminating new areas,

new potential....not static, stagnant, closed off in dark rigidity.


This is a really nice snapshot of what astrology could be. Sigh...but

astrologers get older and as they get older, they get...uh...more fixed in

their views. Happens in every field of study, I suppose. Then the gods and

goddesses send in new younger minds to rock the boat a little and keep

everything fluid.


>> And Mark's mention in his transit report today of Moon in Pisces had me

thinking about Pisces as the final house of the zodiac and its being about

fluidity, expansiveness and imagination - the all encompassing ocean at

the end of the journey.


This is pretty much what my notes (already written) for Pisces say. Pisces

is also dual, however, and in the negative sense dishonesty or a hidden

side can creep in. I have some really interesting horoscopes for Pisces!

The less positive Pisces would be for the type of person who can't handle

all those choices very well. Jupiter, lord of Pisces, is prominent in many

criminal charts, often being in the 9th house, which is supposed to be such

a good house in Jyotish. This really surprised me when I first saw that

position of Jupiter in several problem charts. I think it's because a

strong Jupiter can give a false optimism and superiority complex. " Whatever

I want to do is fine. "


>> only have Robert Hand's book on Planets in Transit (and confess to only

having skimmed it)...


PLANETS IN TRANSIT is a cookbook, and I can't read cookbooks either.

HOROSCOPE SYMBLOLS is a much better book. It's not so much western as an

exploration of what astrological symbols mean. It's not perfect, and I

expect that Rob has changed his mind on some points over the years. (I

never agree completely with any book I read.) But he'll say in HS, for

example: " This ruling planet and this sign make one of the worst matches in

astrology! "


Of course! The rulerships only work really well in the sidereal zodiac--in

my opinion after many years of thinking about the signs and planets.


Mostly I've used HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS to find reasons why the Tropical sign

rulerships are problematic. This is why the Tropical camp is suggesting

asteroids to rule Virgo.


I never thoroughly read any book anymore. I keep them all on my shelves to

check as reference books when I'm writing or thinking.


I seem to be really tired this afternooon, so please excuse errors in this



May this site remain open and friendly! Thanks, Mark.




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