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4/18 Sunday's Star Report g4sf

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Coming to you, this Evening, 4/17 Saturday, in the pm, cst.,

for tomorrow's transits.......4/18 Sunday's Star Report.













Special Quote of the Day!



" Everyone thinks of changing the World,

but no one things of changing

himself. "






Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Sunday, 4/18th....9am...CST


Moon Moves to the End of Pisces, today....

(24 degrees)










Dear Friends:


Moon has moved towards the end of Pisces today.


Many of you are indeed experiencing these, decidedly Pisian qualities.


Today, Moon begins at 24 degrees so 6 more degrees or 12 hours of Pisces, left and then, the Moon shifts into Aries....


New Moon comes early on the following day, Monday, 7:15am....central standard time, .....so enjoy this last Moonish opportunity to rest, recuperate, and prepare....

for a mighty swing,...into Waxing stage after that....along with of course, the Sun's brillant rays....in Aries...


The next 2 weeks are going to be some of the most positive, energetic, uplifting days then we've had over these several months....


Take maximum advantage...of this really positive, 2-3 Weeks!


However, if you can, rest more,....today....because Monday will begin...the outer mode!









o Full Moon Was, Monday....: April 5th.... so Moon's 13 days, now after the Full Moon...


Now, only days before the New Moon!


Solar Eclipse....


o New Moon... & ..... Solar Eclipse....

..... April 19th....









Most Important Other Transits....



Look Up the Week At A Glance Newsletter I send out regularly..

for more details of the week's Transits, especially of the other Planets.






Other Important Transits, Worth Mentioning.....







o #1 Transit: Exalted Sun! till May 12th...

Today: Sun's at 5 degrees Aries, So...only .....26 more days left!



o Mercury has been Retrograde since... Wednesday, April 7th....


Lots of people are experiencing the frustrating, repercussions of Mercury's Retrograde, motion....





Allow yourself, therefore, more time, to 'think', 'decide',...

and 'do'!


Retrograde lasts until April 30th.....

(Today, 4/18...)






o Mercury's also very combust right now, so...the particular flavor to

Watch out for is....the 'intensity' of the Sun, overshadowing, the important,

role of the Intellect, Mercury...


Sun's 5:00 degrees of Aries... and!!!!

Mercury's R & C.....= 2:18 degrees, also in Aries!


Sun & Mercury are beginning to be a little bit farther apart, though still, very close!


And Retrograde too!


o Jupiter's also Still,.....Retrograde now, till....May 5th....






Think of Retrograde motion, not just as weak, or dysfunctional...

but think of it as ...



therefore, we don't jump up from sleep and start running around...


take more time, to use that Mercury, and in this case,



They're a little sluggish, right now...


but soon...

things will shift.....







o Mercury ends it's Retrograde motion on April 30th!!!









Subscriber's Questions & Experiences...

Reactions, Comments & Questions....



(Comments: Regarding Sun & Moon's Simultaneous Transitings.


& Especially the Solar Eclipse Coming Up on Monday......)



From James, Colorado, US



" Dear Mark, It seems amazing to me, that the Sun's recent movement into Aries, could be the cause of many wonderful events and qualities that seem to be coming in both the within and without. But, the more I talk to people, I'm amazed how many are also experienceing these same kinds of 'positivities'. My question, now is about this New Moon, Solar Eclipse coming up?


I've had on several occassions watched the effects of Eclipses, and they seem to be rather unpleasant kinds of events. So, I'm wondering how this Exalted Sun....period might effect the Solar Eclipse, coming up on Monday? "



" Dear James: I tend to agree with you, these 'eclipse' moments seem to have all kinds of manners of bizarre and unsettling effects. But, I had been thinking this Exalted Sun, might more positively effect this Eclipse!


The effects of the last few days, for example, though they should have been more in alignment with the New Moonish kind of quality, and then, add on top of that, the New Moon, this year was to then, encounter the effects of Rahu/Ketu, too.... ??? Well, I would have assumed it would have been decidedly less rosy, then it's certainly been, these last 6 days of the Sun's Exaltation!


Real, every day experience are really the best judge of the 'truths' of these Astrological ideas.


And since, the end of the Waxing Moon, period, almost doesn't even feel like a New Moon, therefore, I think the 'negativities', and inauspiciouness of this Month/Year's Solar Eclips...will indeed, be less, if much at all!


If you feel a little disoriented or rough or irritable, especially on an Emotional level, then take heed, and pay that extra attention, on the emotional.... However, we may be surprised, and may just feel this more 'rosy' Exalted Sun, pause..... "


Thank you for your question...








Sun went Exalted Tuesday.......!!

.... April 13th....


May the blessings of the Sun, be yours

during this wonderful next Month!







Special Quote of Today:


" Everyone thinks of changing the World,

but no one things of changing

himself. "









This quote is a marvelous reflection, hint, as it is, on the relationship, between the inner and the outer.


We don't always appreciate, what an automaticly positive effect we might make, by focusing on improving,

that very 'within'....


It's amazing to me, that some people, from the past...

may have, indeed,

known these things...









Feel free to contact me with any of your favorite quotes for a brief,

Astrological analysis....












Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid



Jai Guru!


For those of you who are new to this Newsletter, we also have a Web site on Nature's Astrology, see below.













For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Nature's Astrology Web site: Old Site....






New Website Coming Soon!






Nature's Astrology.... Site:







Still in Progress!


Will Announce when ready....




Also, recently, I created a

New , Group or Message board

which is serving as a wonderful, medium, from which to discuss in much more detail many of the pressing ideas of Astrology, Western, Eastern,....and even Modern Astrology!


Please go to:















to join this group!




For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....








Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for the 3 Basic Charts that I do.



3 Basic Charts:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths

and weaknesses. This is the basis of all Jyotish transformations and

how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives!

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session, (1 1/2 Hrs) - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart. (30mins)


#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart


People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems! (60Mins.)

Cost: $ 50.00



#3 Questions & Answers: Chart


People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00





All payments can be made through my paypal.com account

Please use my below account name/email address when submitting.





Otherwise payments can be sent to:


Starlight Unlimited

Checks or money orders c/o

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556




From Sheryll, Chicago, Illinois US


" Mark, I've dubbed, the 'Practical Astrologer'.

I've had charts done before that focused on my natal chart, or maybe transits, but I didn't feel like I had the whole picture. The information I got didn't exactly fit my experience. I started reading Mark's star reports and his descriptions of the impact of chart, transits and dasas. All three must be considered to get an accurate picture. I decided that I needed a reading that would focus on all three as they relate to many aspects in my life. The information that Mark gave me, the questions that he asked in order to clarify what he saw in the chart/transits/dasas, the experience of moving through these areas....all I can say is that I wish I had done this sooner. The chart reading is like an overview of your life, while the " 3 point reading " is a thesis on one aspect of your life. I'd whole heartily, recommend it! "

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