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MarkK.4/30.....re..... How much Meditation? Wonderful converstation about the role of meditation...

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role of meditation....in helping to transform the life!







Dear Sanjay & All:


If I can just put in my 2 cents here,....I'd like to say a few things too...


I've been meditating, myself...since 1970...

and a tm (transcendental meditation) teacher since 1973....


So, now after all these years and having taught over 1,000 people how to meditate...

I'm happy to say, I know this field, a bit...hehehe


See below:




" saggarwal_4 " <saggarwal_4


Wed, 28 Apr 2004 04:20:06 -0000


[jyotish_tat_sat] How much Meditation?





We always ask the question " How much Meditation is needed for a

householder and whether it is an obstruction/interference in daily

life ? "


Here are some of my views on this.


An hour or an hour and a half of meditation each day is enough. We

do not have to meditate too much. If we are a householder and cannot

find time to meditate during the day, we can meditate before we fall



What the tm teachers have always been teaching, because that was the Maharishi's focus, how to bring this wonderful, vedic wisdom...to the practical, house holders...


was mediate 2 times a day.... for even as little as 20 minutes/twice a day...


That works out very nicely, integrate it to your daily activity...


think of meditation, as a nice preparation for your day!


So, early in the morning, just find an extra 20 mins. before your day...


and you'll find tremendous benefits, more energy, more clarity of mind...

and funnily enough, you'll get more accomplish more!


then, later in the late afternoon, before dinner, before the evening...

to release the physical stresses of the day,....will allow more restfulness

to be maintained...and stress not to build up.....


Fall asleep while pursuing So'ham, and So'ham will continue

to take place even as you sleep, until you wake up in the morning.


I differ slightly here with you, though you might fall asleep, our Maharishi

recomended not meditating before bed, .....

because being a dynamic technique for more energy and wide awake quality!


You may find it too hard to sleep after meditating....right before bed....


though you might have to discover this yourself...




It is not that we need to meditate six to nine hours every day. The

experience of the Self is the same for everybody. The experience

exists inside everybody. it doesnt come from outside. Therefore let

ug go deep, deep, very deep inside.


Very beautiful....


I agree, whole heartily....


After even a couple of years, of meditating regularly.... even short 20 mins/ here

and there....each day....


I noticed such a deep, permanent....powerful change inside...


In fact when I came back from college in early 1970, all my brothers and sisters, 5 of them,

were so shocked at my improvements....


that they said: " What happened to you! "


I learned to meditate, I said...


and within the next year, they all had learned to meditate....




The great ancient sages were all

householders. In this world there are many householders who pursue a

spiritual life. Meditation does not interfere with daily life. I

repeat " It does not interfere " . If we think that it is an obstacle

in daily life, then we are not thinking correctly.



Again, I agree.... For whatever reason, that it has fallen out of favor for the hard working

house holder types....


Meditation has been found extremely powerful at improving every aspect of life...


Today, there are over, 500 scientific studies, printed in all the best scientific journals showing that meditation....is extremely effective at relieving stress...

and developing greater clarity of mind....even more creativity...and the unfoldment of our unusued natural potential!




Whoever we are, we can meditate; then, certainly, we will attain

That. Even though It is already attained, even though we already

have It, it is very important to become established in IT.


My Maharishi used to say: " Anywhere that you can think, you can meditate... "


There's no need for quiet place, only wherever we can think we can enjoy the spontaneous,

settling down...of the thinking which is the essence of meditation...




The real attainment is the state of witness-consciousness, in which

a person becomes established in his true nature, in which the seer

becomes still in the seen. When a person attains this state, when he

or she becomes steady in the awareness " I AM THE TRUTH " , he or she

becomes COMPLETE.



There is even more after this witness-consciousness, gets established...


Though this state, knowing, truely who we are is sooo blessed....

but this inner, 'awakened' state....which sometimes gets called Cosmic Consciousness,

then, can grow into Unity consciounsess...


where that inner, 'I am the Truth'... 'I am That'...quality....

moves into an appreciation....


that 'you, too' are also 'that'...'thou art that'....

and then,....into...

'all this, out there'.... is also that...



take care






ps...thanks for a wonderful subject!







[[ Sanjay Aggarwal ]]







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