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2-Debra, & All: Mark K. 5/8......Gaining value from these transits, Star Reports & their role in Jyotish/Astrology

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Dear Debra & All:


I'm soooo happy you're finding them helpful.


I started watching the transits over 16 years now, and have since made a chart of almost every day and watched innocently, how 'nature' responds or reflects the 'meanings' of the Transits!


To tell you the truth, this is where Astrology/Jyotish, came alive for me!


Not only can you experience a kind of 'purity' of Jyotish/Astrology,....in Nature,


you can also verify all the subtle rules of Jyotish.


I'll never forget the very first time I watched the Moon supposedly sliding into the same sign as Saturn, and I immediately felt that 'heaviness', come upon me.


And then, after experiencing that predictable 'saturn' quality for those days, the very minute that the Moon went into the next sign, I noticed that Saturn, 'heavniness' go away!


Then, I forgot about..... the Moon, till a few days later, I noticed that that similar Saturn, heaviness come back again...


Then, when I looked at the transits I noticed that the Moon had slipped into the 3rd House away from Saturn....


then I remembered that was supposed to be one of Saturn's aspects, 3 Houses away, and I thought, 'wow, I just experienced that subtle Astrological rule or principle.


Then, I got really excited....and now, all these years, later,...the rest is....history....


The next step, then, is to find the especially, hard or difficult, trying transits of every month, and we'll experience vividly which of our planets are acting malefically, and therefore need to be strengthened and transformed!


The way we'll know then, how well we've moved and even, evolved our planets is to experience, in the future a lessening of any of those previous malefic effects.





Mark K.








Sat, 8 May 2004 12:56:36 -0500


RE: 5/8......Re: Astrological evaluation of meditation?







I always find your posts and essays personally helpful. Often your writings and feedback hit upon a word or a thought that can put everything into perspective. Other times, new information in an understandable light. You have a special gift. I am glad I have found you and your informative website, newsletter, transit info and now Group. Thanks to for the ability to write you personally. I¹ve been reading silently for a few months on and off. Now I take delight in the risk to venture out a little to correspond, connect and say thanks.









Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

Saturday, May 08, 2004 8:08 AM


5/8......Re: Astrological evaluation of meditation?




Dear Fiends at Nature's Astrology....


Here's a fascinating look at what constitutes, Astrological signfications of meditation.





Mark Kincaid








Dear Sundeep:


This is a fascinating question you raise.


I, myself have been meditating for over 30 years and live in a meditating community

and have been around, 'meditators' for all those years.


I've also had the interesting occassion to be looking and studying many of their Jyotish charts,

for over 16 years.


First of all, what I've found is there are ennumberable reasons why someone may turn to meditation.


To me, meditation represents the need to go inward, and balance and rest, and as such one of it's primary focus is to strengthen Saturn.


Saturn may be equated with 'Shiva', and so going inward is vey good for those who have either strong Saturns or even weak Saturn's and are just naturally needing that.


Also, many meditator's charts are reflective of strong Jupiters. And meditation also represents expansion, and growth and transformation.


So, I've found many 'meditators' in those categories with strong Jupiters.


I have found generally, a number of instances of people who are drawn to meditation.


5th House, for example, which is called the House of mantras, can be a reason.


9th Houses too, can be representative, because meditation is after all a Spiritual or even religious activity.


And as you mentioned, finally, the 12th House is very indicative of that......spiritual inclination, though the 12th House is also indicative of a more reclusive or sannyasi, kind of disposition.


Though I know a lot of meditators, who practice meditation not so much for the spiritual effects as for the very practical, physical and mental benefits that naturally enhance and develop success in the material world.


For me, I have the Moon in the 12th House, which satisfys one of the above considerations. Also, Saturn is there, which represents an inward disposition.


Also, Saturn's the Lord of my 5th House of mantras,...which may have contributed too.


And finally, Jupiter's in Pisces in the 6th,....so Moon and Jupiter are aspecting each other...


But, like I said, I can point to a number of other charts of people who don't have especially strong 12th houses, but you can definitely find more 'Spiritual' significations...


So, maybe the answer is whether someone's chart is more Spiritual or material.


I used to think everyone could be more spiritual, but then, after doing many, many charts, it started to occur to me, that some's life purpose, is in the material field, and it may be another life-time or two before they develop the inclination to seek something inner, and indeed, spiritual.


Thanks for the delightful excuse to reflect on a very fascinating and deep aspect of Jyotish/Astrology.






Mark Kincaid


PS....for those of you who haven't heard, I also write a Jyotish

newsletter. It includes a daily, Transits newsletter as well as other aspects

of Jyotish as well. If you, or anyone else in this group is interested, in

subscribing, feel free to contact me personally at: m.kincaid


I, also have a new /message board, called

which is a nice blending of both Western & Eastern Astrologys. You can

check that out at:






> " vedicastrostudent " <vedicastrostudent

> Fri, 07 May 2004 23:24:02 -0000

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Astrological evaluation of meditation?


> What house, karaka and divisional chart does one use to study one's

> potential for meditation? I am very interested in knowing the answer -

> here is my feeble attempt:


> 1) The 12th house in D-1 covers losses. Meditation should logically

> belong here, right, because meditation is essentially detachment from

> ego, correct (i.e. to " lose " yourself)? So, potential for learning of

> meditation should show from the 4th from the 12th i.e. the 3rd house?

> However, D-1 really doesnt focus on spirituality, so 3rd house in

> Rasi may only give general indications.


> 2) So, following the above reasoning, we should probably examine the

> 3rd house in a divisional chart that deals with spirituality. D-12

> Dwadasamsa would focus on 12th house activities in the bodily plane

> of existence, so D-12 cant be it. D-24 should focus on 12th house

> activities in the mental plane. But D-20 Vimsamsa also is known to be

> the chart for spirituality, correct (8th house activities in the

> mental plane)? So, should be look at 3rd house in D-24 or 3rd house

> in D-20 to understand one's potential to learn meditation?


> Also, I am not sure of the Karaka.. Sun - the natural AK? Moon -

> significator of the mind?


> Some Guru or learned member please help..


> Thank you


> Sundeep





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