Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Hi... Due to personal circumstances including lots of dental work and a few family problems, I've been quiet on this list. In the last week I posted a new article, " Planets-Ministers of the Zodiac, " which is the foundation for the 12 articles on the zodiac signs. Our server and the counter have been messed up for almost two weeks, so I didn't post a notice on any of the lists. I'm finishing up Gemini now. For some reason this has been a very difficult article/chapter to write, even though it's been drafted for a long time. For anyone interested in the zodiac signs, it's probably a good idea to print out the 'Planets as Ministers' article to refer back to when reading the sidereal sign articles. I apologize for the not-very-professional quality of the graphics. I just don't have time to work with graphics, write, edit and maintain the website. I now understand why magazines have a whole staff of graphic artists! Blessings, Therese Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 First of all Therese, no apology necessary; however that being said I for one am very thankful you have added to your site since I am feeling a bit lost. I KNOW that the western version of planets in signs is not correct for vedic and can't afford to buy any books right now, so I am counting on pressure intended of course, just telling you that your site is being appreciated as it unfolds, cheers, Morgana Flick, are you a Grandma now? - Therese Hamilton Saturday, May 08, 2004 6:13 PM Ministers of the Zodiac Hi... Due to personal circumstances including lots of dental work and a fewfamily problems, I've been quiet on this list. In the last week I posted anew article, "Planets-Ministers of the Zodiac," which is the foundation forthe 12 articles on the zodiac signs. Our server and the counter have beenmessed up for almost two weeks, so I didn't post a notice on any of the lists. I'm finishing up Gemini now. For some reason this has been a very difficultarticle/chapter to write, even though it's been drafted for a long time.For anyone interested in the zodiac signs, it's probably a good idea toprint out the 'Planets as Ministers' article to refer back to when readingthe sidereal sign articles. I apologize for the not-very-professionalquality of the graphics. I just don't have time to work with graphics,write, edit and maintain the website. I now understand why magazines have awhole staff of graphic artists! Blessings,Therese Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Thank you, Morgana. Well, *I* want to get those articles completed as fast as possible! I hope now that Mars has passed my descendant that one or two signs a week will be posted. The crazy thing is that they're all drafted, but I have to look up charts of individuals and historical events to show how each sign seems to work in context. Then the web editing is time consuming. And then my little granddaugher has been here a lot. God bless the little children, but they're not good for mental concentration! Blessings, Therese At 06:30 PM 5/8/04 -0700, you wrote: > I KNOW that the western version of planets in signs is not correct >for vedic and can't afford to buy any books right now, so I am counting on > pressure intended of course, just telling you that your site is >being appreciated as it unfolds, cheers, Morgana Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 On 9/5/04 2:30 am, " morgana " <morganaspirit wrote: > Flick, are you a Grandma now? Not yet ;-( I bet the beast is waiting to be Moon in Aquarius (western), That would mean all the people I live with would have it...groan...four of them all doing their own thing round the house - anarchy! This is where the tropical/sidereal placement issue becomes interesting. My husband, daughter and son-in-law all have moons that go back into Capricorn in the sidereal system, yet all are definitely Moon in Aquarius people. I see this in my own Moon, which is Taurus or Aries according to the zodiac you use, and I really am characteristic of both; I can relate the Mars characteristics in my western chart to having Aries midheaven and Sun conjunct Mars, but I'm such a Moon in Taurus and it doesn't show up at all in my Vedic chart, except for Rahu. Looking at charts from both systems, I have to say they both work in different ways. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Hi Flick, Well I guess your new little one will fit right in then. You may be sure that this new little character has his/her own agenda regardless; perhaps Neptune will conjunct Moon, thus adding a different dimension to the 'little anarchist', LOL. I well remember giving birth to Diandra, now 14 and literally calculating as I delivered her, whether she was a Moon in Virgo or Libra and her ascendant. Now that is a good way to sidetrack the body from pain! She has 29 degrees Virgo moon by the way, lol. Hope you are having a good day, cheers, Morgana who very definitely has a Libra moon both systems - Flick Sunday, May 09, 2004 12:03 AM Re: Ministers of the Zodiac On 9/5/04 2:30 am, "morgana" <morganaspirit wrote:> Flick, are you a Grandma now?Not yet ;-( I bet the beast is waiting to be Moon in Aquarius (western),That would mean all the people I live with would have it...groan...four ofthem all doing their own thing round the house - anarchy!This is where the tropical/sidereal placement issue becomes interesting. Myhusband, daughter and son-in-law all have moons that go back into Capricornin the sidereal system, yet all are definitely Moon in Aquarius people. Isee this in my own Moon, which is Taurus or Aries according to the zodiacyou use, and I really am characteristic of both; I can relate the Marscharacteristics in my western chart to having Aries midheaven and Sunconjunct Mars, but I'm such a Moon in Taurus and it doesn't show up at allin my Vedic chart, except for Rahu. Looking at charts from both systems, Ihave to say they both work in different ways. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 I don't think s/he wants to come out. S/He's being a typical snuggly little Taurean. My sister said s/he'll probably stay in there till adolescence and then emerge and demand a car. If it doesn't come out of its own accord soon, she'll have to be induced because of the high blood pressure problem: they're giving her till Tuesday, when she'll be two weeks overdue. Isn't it strange, I had two easy deliveries with almost no pain, and my blood pressure was so low throughout that I fainted after delivery with Rosie. And she was born at home. On 9/5/04 2:47 pm, " morgana " <morganaspirit wrote: > Hi Flick, Well I guess your new little one will fit right in then. You may > be sure that this new little character has his/her own agenda regardless; > perhaps Neptune will conjunct Moon, thus adding a different dimension to the > 'little anarchist', LOL. I well remember giving birth to Diandra, now 14 and > literally calculating as I delivered her, whether she was a Moon in Virgo or > Libra and her ascendant. Now that is a good way to sidetrack the body from > pain! She has 29 degrees Virgo moon by the way, lol. Hope you are having a > good day, cheers, Morgana who very definitely has a Libra moon both systems Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Flick, I sure hope your Babe comes out before being induced. That wouldn't be such a nice vibe; hopefully your daughter's blood pressure is manageable until then and all the best to you, Morgana - Flick Sunday, May 09, 2004 8:02 AM Re: Ministers of the Zodiac I don't think s/he wants to come out. S/He's being a typical snuggly littleTaurean. My sister said s/he'll probably stay in there till adolescence andthen emerge and demand a car.If it doesn't come out of its own accord soon, she'll have to be inducedbecause of the high blood pressure problem: they're giving her till Tuesday,when she'll be two weeks overdue. Isn't it strange, I had two easydeliveries with almost no pain, and my blood pressure was so low throughoutthat I fainted after delivery with Rosie. And she was born at home.On 9/5/04 2:47 pm, "morgana" <morganaspirit wrote:> Hi Flick, Well I guess your new little one will fit right in then. You may> be sure that this new little character has his/her own agenda regardless;> perhaps Neptune will conjunct Moon, thus adding a different dimension to the> 'little anarchist', LOL. I well remember giving birth to Diandra, now 14 and> literally calculating as I delivered her, whether she was a Moon in Virgo or> Libra and her ascendant. Now that is a good way to sidetrack the body from> pain! She has 29 degrees Virgo moon by the way, lol. Hope you are having a> good day, cheers, Morgana who very definitely has a Libra moon both systems Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 On 9/5/04 5:12 pm, " morgana " <morganaspirit wrote: > Flick, I sure hope your Babe comes out before being induced. That wouldn't > be such a nice vibe; hopefully your daughter's blood pressure is manageable > until then and all the best to you, Morgana Gosh, I hope so too. Poor Rosie. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Dear Flick, Morgana and All, Sorry I've neglected to get back to earlier emails written. You all sound just as busy as I am ~ also there have been sooo many emails that I would have liked to respond to but not able the past couple weeks. This is such a good group and there have been some facinating posts. Am writing now, and appropriately on Mother's Day, just to say Flick, that my 3rd child was induced (3 of 4 children), and it was the easiest birth of all, very quick and a good experience all around. Try not to worry if that becomes the case for your daughter as well. At the time, I was wanting a non-induced birth of course and also because of birth times, etc, all that surely has gone through your mind as well. It turned out to be a good thing he was induced for all reasons and his own health, and must have been the time he was to be born! My daughter also had high blood pressure for her two pregnancies (again I had very low). It's difficult for us as moms to watch and wait ~ Her first baby was induced and it also was a great and quick birth and good experience. Her second baby was to be induced on the next day, and the baby decided she'd rather arrive all on her own, only hours before it was scheduled! Best wishes, Patrice __________________ Flick, I sure hope your Babe comes out before being induced. That wouldn't be such a nice vibe; hopefully your daughter's blood pressure is manageable until then and all the best to you, Morgana I don't think s/he wants to come out. S/He's being a typical snuggly littleTaurean. My sister said s/he'll probably stay in there till adolescence andthen emerge and demand a car.If it doesn't come out of its own accord soon, she'll have to be inducedbecause of the high blood pressure problem: they're giving her till Tuesday,when she'll be two weeks overdue. Isn't it strange, I had two easydeliveries with almost no pain, and my blood pressure was so low throughoutthat I fainted after delivery with Rosie. And she was born at home.On 9/5/04 2:47 pm, "morgana" <morganaspirit wrote:> Hi Flick, Well I guess your new little one will fit right in then. You may> be sure that this new little character has his/her own agenda regardless;> perhaps Neptune will conjunct Moon, thus adding a different dimension to the> 'little anarchist', LOL. I well remember giving birth to Diandra, now 14 and> literally calculating as I delivered her, whether she was a Moon in Virgo or> Libra and her ascendant. Now that is a good way to sidetrack the body from> pain! She has 29 degrees Virgo moon by the way, lol. Hope you are having a> good day, cheers, Morgana who very definitely has a Libra moon both systems Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2004 Report Share Posted May 9, 2004 Patrice, thank you so much for your sensitive and reassuring post. It's really kind of you and has made me feel a lot better. I have to admit I was worried about increased strength of contractions if they have to resort to oxytocin, so I'm very glad to hear inductions can be easy. As to the birth time being right, I think it's right whether or not they are induced. My sister was born prematurely by Caesarean, but she is such an Aquarius, not Piscean at all as she would have been if she'd gone full term. I've done lots of charts for induced births and they all fit the people involved. Thanks again for your kindness. It's much appreciated :-) Flick. On 9/5/04 5:55 pm, " Patrice Curry " <patricecurry wrote: > Dear Flick, Morgana and All, > > Sorry I've neglected to get back to earlier emails written. You all sound just > as busy as I am ~ also there have been sooo many emails that I would have > liked to respond to but not able the past couple weeks. This is such a good > group and there have been some facinating posts. > > Am writing now, and appropriately on Mother's Day, just to say Flick, that my > 3rd child was induced (3 of 4 children), and it was the easiest birth of all, > very quick and a good experience all around. Try not to worry if that becomes > the case for your daughter as well. > > At the time, I was wanting a non-induced birth of course and also because of > birth times, etc, all that surely has gone through your mind as well. It > turned out to be a good thing he was induced for all reasons and his own > health, and must have been the time he was to be born! > > My daughter also had high blood pressure for her two pregnancies (again I had > very low). It's difficult for us as moms to watch and wait ~ > > Her first baby was induced and it also was a great and quick birth and good > experience. Her second baby was to be induced on the next day, and the baby > decided she'd rather arrive all on her own, only hours before it was > scheduled! > > Best wishes, > Patrice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 10, 2004 Report Share Posted May 10, 2004 Hi Dear Flick, I know how difficult it is waiting for your daughter's delivery and your sweet new grandbaby... I am not exaggerating to say from the standpoint of the ease of labor, I'd come to the conclusion that induced labors were "the way to go!" after my experience, and then also my daughter's experience again. And my labors were natural other than this induction of labor on my 3rd, so the comparison is valid and the labor a remarkable difference. I felt so good following this birth and without the exhaustion. My daughter's induced labor, and being her first child, also very easy and quick. Also I want to mention that Red Chestnut in the Bach Essences would be great for this time while you have these concerns for both your daughter and the new one arriving. It's a great essence. AND Flick, I saw your BEAUTIFUL Tarot cards!!! So gorgeous! And inspiring, thank you. Best wishes, Patrice _______ Patrice, thank you so much for your sensitive and reassuring post. It'sreally kind of you and has made me feel a lot better. I have to admit I wasworried about increased strength of contractions if they have to resort tooxytocin, so I'm very glad to hear inductions can be easy.As to the birth time being right, I think it's right whether or not they areinduced. My sister was born prematurely by Caesarean, but she is such anAquarius, not Piscean at all as she would have been if she'd gone full term.I've done lots of charts for induced births and they all fit the peopleinvolved.Thanks again for your kindness. It's much appreciated :-)Flick. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 10, 2004 Report Share Posted May 10, 2004 Hello Patrice, I am a bit late welcoming you to Natures Astrology, but a might hearty welcome I give. I also had no idea that inducing labor seems to indicate an easy birth. I have heard differently so it is good to hear other opinions. Having never had that problem I cannot comment for myself. I am enjoying reading your great info here since I am a complete beginner to this system, having studied western astrology for over 30 years. warm wishes, Morgana - Patrice Curry Monday, May 10, 2004 7:42 AM Re: Ministers of the Zodiac Hi Dear Flick, I know how difficult it is waiting for your daughter's delivery and your sweet new grandbaby... I am not exaggerating to say from the standpoint of the ease of labor, I'd come to the conclusion that induced labors were "the way to go!" after my experience, and then also my daughter's experience again. And my labors were natural other than this induction of labor on my 3rd, so the comparison is valid and the labor a remarkable difference. I felt so good following this birth and without the exhaustion. My daughter's induced labor, and being her first child, also very easy and quick. Also I want to mention that Red Chestnut in the Bach Essences would be great for this time while you have these concerns for both your daughter and the new one arriving. It's a great essence. AND Flick, I saw your BEAUTIFUL Tarot cards!!! So gorgeous! And inspiring, thank you. Best wishes, Patrice _______ Patrice, thank you so much for your sensitive and reassuring post. It'sreally kind of you and has made me feel a lot better. I have to admit I wasworried about increased strength of contractions if they have to resort tooxytocin, so I'm very glad to hear inductions can be easy.As to the birth time being right, I think it's right whether or not they areinduced. My sister was born prematurely by Caesarean, but she is such anAquarius, not Piscean at all as she would have been if she'd gone full term.I've done lots of charts for induced births and they all fit the peopleinvolved.Thanks again for your kindness. It's much appreciated :-)Flick. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 10, 2004 Report Share Posted May 10, 2004 > AND Flick, I saw your BEAUTIFUL Tarot cards!!! So gorgeous! And inspiring, > thank you. Thank you :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2004 Report Share Posted May 11, 2004 Hello Dear Morgana, Thank you for your mighty and warm welcome! I have been enjoying all your posts along with all from this group. Also I have such respect for you studying western astrology for over 30 years, and so many of you on this list that have studied it for a number of years. One of the positive sides of this is when you now wish to learn Jyotish as well, you already have a well developed ability and talent in looking at the charts and to integrate all into a whole to see into the chart for a reading. This takes quite some time I think for us all to pick up really well and learning that ability in actually reading a chart. I'm very eager to learn progressions right now and more on the pre-natal eclipses. I do have Solar Fire to learn this from. For me all the terms are a bit confusing still when looking at these western programs, but I'm dead-on ready to pick this up. Yes, Wow!! is what I also say at Andrew's web site and when watching him practicing Jyotish ~ he's very talented.... Another excellent web site is Wendy Vasicek's: Wendy does not practice KP astrology. She is also very talented as a Jyotishi, and very giving of information, and has great devotion to Jyotish and maintaining the traditions behind Jyotish. Lots of fantastic information there as well. As in all things, opinions run very strongly in Jyotish and there is a lot of controversy on what techniques are best, etc.. All best wishes, Patrice ______________________ Hello Patrice, I am a bit late welcoming you to Natures Astrology, but a might hearty welcome I give. I also had no idea that inducing labor seems to indicate an easy birth. I have heard differently so it is good to hear other opinions. Having never had that problem I cannot comment for myself. I am enjoying reading your great info here since I am a complete beginner to this system, having studied western astrology for over 30 years. warm wishes, Morgana Patrice, Wow again! That site has tons of information and the pictures are wonderful, warm wishes, Morgana Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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