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from Mark K.....5/9....Western vsVedic Sun Sign & Astrologys...

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Dear Flick, Mark and All,


I don't want to add anymore confusion, but a fantastic technique for looking at personality and appearances in Jyotish is done via the KP system. We take the sub lord of the ascendant, then you look to who is lord of the nakshatra where that sub lord is. You then look at the chart and see where that lord is located. It's much easier to understand if we do it, so I will give you my chart as an example. Also for KP, birth times need to be correct, as sub lords are very important and change quickly.


This technique is fantastic for using with twins and shows itself in great light and use easily then, as you can really see the differences in the twins explained clearly, although born only a couple minutes apart.


Example: Patrice, 28 November 1951, San Pedro, CA, 00:38 (12:38AM), Leo Lagna


In my chart we see Ketu is sub lord of ascendant. Then looking at Ketu, located in Magha star, a Ketu ruled nakshatra. So we again look at the chart and to where Ketu is located, and in this case Ketu is in Leo, so again shows a strong Leo nature and influence. We do also pay attention to which house it is in for some effect as well, and in my KP chart, Placidus system, Ketu is located in 12H.


Kindest wishes,




Mark, very interesting. I want one or the other to be it, I really do, but Ican see both in people, even when influences can't be ascribed to overlap orclose planets. My husband, for example, has sun in Cancer in Jyotish and noLeo, but in western astrology he has 6 planets in Leo and he looks like alion, he really does! I met someone once who was a schools inspector. Shecould tell people's sun signs from years of studying yearly intake forschools and getting to know which appearance went with which signs - shedidn't know much about astrology beyond that. She went round a wholegathering I was at and picked out everyone's sun signs.I think Jyotish is very accurate for events, complex relationships,divisional charts etc, but the jury's out regarding personality andappearance. In fact some of the sign appearance definitions I've seen forVedic astrology are far less apt than the western ones.Maybe at the end of the day we're looking at symbolism here. If you assignsymbolism it will eventually become alive in its own right.

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Sub lord is lord of the nakshatra?



.... Bettina




Patrice Curry [patricecurry]Sunday, May 09, 2004 10:25 AM Subject: Re: from Mark K.....5/9....Re: Western vsVedic Sun Sign & Astrologys...

Dear Flick, Mark and All,


I don't want to add anymore confusion, but a fantastic technique for looking at personality and appearances in Jyotish is done via the KP system. We take the sub lord of the ascendant, then you look to who is lord of the nakshatra where that sub lord is. You then look at the chart and see where that lord is located. It's much easier to understand if we do it, so I will give you my chart as an example. Also for KP, birth times need to be correct, as sub lords are very important and change quickly.


This technique is fantastic for using with twins and shows itself in great light and use easily then, as you can really see the differences in the twins explained clearly, although born only a couple minutes apart.


Example: Patrice, 28 November 1951, San Pedro, CA, 00:38 (12:38AM), Leo Lagna


In my chart we see Ketu is sub lord of ascendant. Then looking at Ketu, located in Magha star, a Ketu ruled nakshatra. So we again look at the chart and to where Ketu is located, and in this case Ketu is in Leo, so again shows a strong Leo nature and influence. We do also pay attention to which house it is in for some effect as well, and in my KP chart, Placidus system, Ketu is located in 12H.


Kindest wishes,




Mark, very interesting. I want one or the other to be it, I really do, but Ican see both in people, even when influences can't be ascribed to overlap orclose planets. My husband, for example, has sun in Cancer in Jyotish and noLeo, but in western astrology he has 6 planets in Leo and he looks like alion, he really does! I met someone once who was a schools inspector. Shecould tell people's sun signs from years of studying yearly intake forschools and getting to know which appearance went with which signs - shedidn't know much about astrology beyond that. She went round a wholegathering I was at and picked out everyone's sun signs.I think Jyotish is very accurate for events, complex relationships,divisional charts etc, but the jury's out regarding personality andappearance. In fact some of the sign appearance definitions I've seen forVedic astrology are far less apt than the western ones.Maybe at the end of the day we're looking at symbolism here. If you assignsymbolism it will eventually become alive in its own right.

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