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We Will Iraq You: Considerations of the War in Iraq

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Hello All,


Well, as I'm sure you all know, the past month and a

half has been just

chokc full of events as it regards the Attack on Iraq.

US forces,

particularly the Marines, took heavy losses last month

in Fallujah,

Iraq's Alamo, for all intents...and since that time,

the Madhi Army, a

large group of well armed and trained of militamen,

under the leadership

of Muqtada al-Sadr, has also taken heavy losses in

recent fighting in

the Southern reaches of Iraq.


Additonally, US forces have saw fit to draft the

talents and efforts of

former Baathist generals to assist in pacifying

(there's that good ole

Vietnam phrase) Fallujah, with, at present, mixed

results...it is most

interesting that the US forces were dead set against

even coming

anywhere near Saddam's party and its ranks.


We're only weeks away from the June 30 dealine to the

handover of

authority to the Iraqi Council - but, the problem is,

that these are

hand-picked, US-backed ex-patriots of Iraq. The

homegrown in Iraq don't

trust them, don't think they have the best interests

of Iraqis at heart.



Meanwhile, Shiite clerics have proposed a deal to end

the al-Sadr

standoff...they propose the US forces drop their

warrant charge on

al-Sadr, and bring him into the new government. Thus

far, the US forces

have refused. It will be interesting to see what

happens in the weeks

and months ahead in this regard.


And, in recent days, we have the Abu Ghraib

Scandal...with even more to

come, in the way of pics and videos. The Uk also has

its own version of

the same, down in the South of Iraq, with Prime

Minister Tony Blair's

ratings dropping to all-time lows.


Today, news reports went out all over the world, that

young Nick Berg,

of West Chester, PA (just outside my hometown Philly)

was beheaded, by a

purported top leader in the Al-Qaeda organization, in

retaliation for

the Abu Gharib situation and abuses. Berg's killing,

is very similar to

that of Daniel Perl's last year, in Pakistan. Al-Qaeda

is reputed to

have been involved there as well.


As astrologers, we can survey all of this in a number

of ways and

methods. Most of us would look to the nation's chart

(which one?),

others would look to GWB's chart, and still others of

us would consider

the mundane movements of the Outers to each other,

along with other

celestial phenomena.


I propose we consider a horary map to give us a

greater and keener

insight into the current state of affairs. It is the

chart set for the

moment that Bush began his April 13, 2004 press

conference, which dealt

with the Iraq War and Sep 11. The time the press

conference aired on

nationwide TV was 8.30PM, EDT, at Washington, DC.

Using the Western

astrological system, and Placidus houses, the Asc is 4

Scorpio 30.


I recall scanning this chart while the press

conference was in progress,

and just shaking my head. There are many reasons why

Bush could not be

as quick and sure with his answers than he was.


First of all, despite Bush's tough talking stance, the

Asc at that

moment shows him at a very weakened state. Not only is

the Asc in the

Via Combustia, but Pluto, the Asc ruler, is Rx. That

alone is enough to

stop right there, but there's more. Note also that the

10th house, the

party in power (GOP, Bush) holds Jupiter in Virgo,

also Rx, and moving

toward opposition with Uranus in the 4th, representing

the Dems. A line

in the sand is being drawn over the comments made that

night, and battle

for sure in light of the fact that this is an Election



The Sun, ruling the 10th, is exalted yet placed in the

6th house, not a

great place for any planet. Further, it is applying

conjunction with

Mercury, also Rx...ouch...looks like we're not getting

all the facts



The 7th house rules the Iraqi fighters, which is

signified by

Taurus...tenacity, dogged determination, stubborn to

the hilt these

fighters are. It's a long, tough slog for the US

occupation forces.

Venus, ruling the 7th, is in Gemini in the 8th,

applying to conjunction

with Mars, also in the 8th. Mars rules the 6th house

of arms, military

and fighting. The Gemini emphasis suggests more than

one enemy to fight,

and indeed, during the intense fighting in Fallujah

last month, word was

that the Shiites united with the Sunnis in their

resistance of the US

forces. At present, fighting is taking place all over

Iraq, north and

south, Sunni, Kurd and Shiite, Baathists, Al-Qaeda,

and general

Jihadists. It will be interesting to see if the

US-coalition forces can

deal with multi-pronged attacks and offensives.


Note that Venus squares the axis of Jupiter-Uranus...a

very fortunate

aspect. It suggests that the rebels in Iraq have the

upper hand. Looking

back over the last month at least, I think it's safe

to say that they

do, at least at present.


Now, let us consider the 4th house in this chart, very

important in

light of the stated purpose of the USA to " win the

hearts and minds " of

Iraqis and the Middle East in general...


The Moon and Neptune is tightly conjunct in the 4th in

Aquarius, a sign

that is all about humanitarianism and the like. This,

in my view,

reflects to a large extent, the Manifest Destiny,

" White Man's Burden "

thing...the whole notion that Bush and the Western

world are just going

to " free/liberate " the Iraqi people and " bring

Democracy to the Middle

East " . Hmm.


Much has also been said of understanding the

" psychology " of the Iraqis,

and by extension, the larger Arab and Islamic world.

To a keen observer,

such statements are really a roundabout way of asking

about the cultural

and racial and religious differences between the Arab

and Islamic world

and the West, particularly the USA. Put simply, the

White and non-White

world. Talk about a clash of civilizations.


Perhaps, by the end of this little " exercise " ,

" adventure " or whatever

you want to call it, the light will come on over here

in the West that

democracy has to come from within, not imposed from

without, and that

there is simply more than one way to see and interact

with the world.


In the meantime, though, the current strongarming

democracy cramming

tactics going on, and the intense response to it from

the Iraqi

resistance, reminds me of that line Denzel said in

Training Day:


" You don't know who the f*ck you're f*cking with! "










Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

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" The Future of Astrology, is Here... "

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