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More Considerations of Saturn, Marriage and Relationship - East AND West

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More Considerations of Saturn, Marriage and

Relationship - East AND West


Thu, May 13, 2004


I've received a good number of emails from people

offering their views on my recent thoughts on the

question and role of Saturn in Marriage and

Relationship. I'd like to take the time out now to

respond to those comments and concerns with the

following thoughts.


While it is true that at one time here in the West -

and America specifically - people could and did indeed

marry young (under the age of 25, in some cases, WELL

under that age) and stayed together for many years. In

some cases, the marriages lasted 50 years or longer.

But I think, from an astrological point of view, there

is a heavy reason for this.


I think if you go back and research the average person

who married at such an early age and remained in their

marriage for so long, you'll find that in most cases,

they got married BEFORE Uranus entered Libra (Tropical

zodiac, Western system). My own Mom (Peace Be Upon

her) married my Dad not long after I was born, in

April of 1969 (actually, they married on April 1,

1969; I was only a few months old then, having been

born in Dec of 68) at the age of 19 and remained so

until my Dad's death in 1998. Additionally, there was

a LARGE age difference between my parents; my Mom,

like I said, was 19, while my Dad (actually step-dad)

was 35 at the time. Uranus had just entered Libra at

the time they married, but again for the most part,

most people who married at such a young age usually

did so before this planet made an ingress into the

sign of marriage and relationships, Libra.


But this transit brought along with it massive changes

in the Social Order - Abortion became legal, the

Women's Movement took strong hold over the nation, and

the No-Fault Divorce became the order of the day. More

and more people, after Uranus entered Libra, got

divorced, or never got married at all. More and more

women had children without benefit of marriage, and

many men too no longer felt obligated to marry the

women they got pregnant. Sexual (and Reproductive)

freedom was deemed to be a Right, not a privilige, and

so it went.


Keep in mind that Libra is Saturn's exaltation

sign...Uranus is the " cousin " of Saturn, in that they

are linked to the dual rulership of Aquarius. Saturn's

traditional rulership of this sign represented in a

way the Old Order...while Uranus' new rulership

heralded the New Order. Saturn, in any chart, in any

Society, represents the laws and customs and norms

that hold that Society together; Marriage imposed

limits on one's sexual freedom to the extent that it

was no longer possible to just bed down many women

without censure, rebuke or worse; women could not

simply have any and all lovers she chose; all of this

was done to ensure the orderly running of Society. In

fact, if you all will recall, Saturn's transit thru

Libra, in the early 1950s, represented the height of

the " Ozzie and Harriet " era - the romanticization of

family, marriage and stable society. Of course, this

was not the case, but it was a firm ideal to which

many Americans strived, have come out from under the

horrors of WW2 (and, keep in mind please, that Saturn

conjuncted idealistic - and oftentimes delusional -

Neptune in the same sign, Libra).


I was born on Dec 2, 1968 - Uranus in Libra, conjunct

Jupiter. Millions of people, both worldwide and

particularly for this discussion, here in the USA,

were also born during the seven-year trek of Uranus in

that sign. I personally know lots and lots of people

with the same placement. I do not ANY who have married

at or around the same age as my Mom and who have

stayed together even ten years. The vast majority of

the people in this age group I do know, who have

married, have either divorced, or are married in name

only. The New World Order is here alright, and, sad to

say, we ain't going back.


It's very interesting that I write these words as

Saturn moves thru Cancer - talk about " traditional,

Family Values " , LOL. And, recently, there has been yet

another chorus from the more conservative elements of

our Society who argue a return to the good ole days.

But, like I said, I don't think that will happen.


Our society has far too much invested in

individualism, freedom to the exclusion of everything

else, and consumption - which, in this case, would

mean in terms of sexual gratification. Please consider

the very strong Uranus in the Gemini rising chart of

the USA (who, by the way, does indeed have Saturn in

Libra!-conjunct the national Sun in Cancer. Family

Values.). While we talk a mean game about such ideals,

the harsh reality is that we are at best, a shadow of

those ideals.


According to the most recent studies and surveys, more

and more Americans are waiting to get married at older

ages than at any other time in US history. Women,

having won substantial rights over the past 3 decades,

now pursue education and other forms of job training,

and have decided to put more emphasis on their careers

before having children. And with the " Shotgun Wedding "

now a thing of the past, men do not have to consider

what could happen if they get a women pregnant and not

marry her. If I recall, the national average age for

marriage now is close to 30 - 28, I think. In another

10 to 20 years, it is reasonable to assume that age

could move up as much as ten full years.


So, I think, in the West, Saturn matters greatly in

this question of marriage and relationship, because of

the inherent freedoms, good and bad, our Society

represents. Only Saturn can bring the wisdom and

patience needed to enter into such a social contract



Now, as far as Indian Society is concerned, there are

indeed major differences, even now in modern day

India. But even still, its awesome astrological system

recognizes the role Saturn can play as well.


It is known as Punarbhu, which is the aspect, or

association (conjunction by sign, not specific degree

orb) of the Moon and Saturn in the chart, while one of

them rules or is in the 7th house. There is a variety

of ways technically to assess this, but the basic

meaning here is that an intended marriage is suddenly

broken off before the wedding can happen. It usually

takes place before the age of 30 (there's Saturn

Return's " magic number " again), and, classically, in

the charts of females. Nowadays, it can occur in

either gender's chart.


In today's more psychological view, Punarbhu can

manifest itself in terms of fears and immaturity that

surfaces in the native's mind as he or she really

realizes what they are about to undertake...and break

it off before the appointed time comes. There are

other ways in which this can manifest, and I have

written about this more extensively elsewhere. But the

above gives one a good idea as to what to expect from

this combination in these days and times, even in

modern day India.


And then there's the dreaded, but little fully

understood, Kuja Dosha, the so-called " Blemish of

Mars " . Mars, being an argumentative and potentially

violent planet, does not bode well for marriage if

placed in certain areas (Houses) of the Vedic chart.

When it does occur, however, one of the more commonly

mentioned remedies to handle this state of affairs, is

for the native to wait until after his or her 30th

birthday to marry. This is because, from a Vedic

astrological point of view, Mars is said to " mature "

between 28 and 30 years of age; having done so, the

passions have mellowed somewhat, and the native is

more likely to enter into relationships and marriage

with a more cooler head.


Again, " 30 " is mentioned again!-and look at the

connection, classically, between Mars and Saturn. Mars

is exalted in Capricorn, Saturn's sign, while Saturn

is in its fall (and debilitated, in the Vedic system)

in Aries, Mars' sign. The clash of hot and cold, ot

" stop " and " go " is ever present. Time focuses Mars'

awesome energies, while Ego diminishes Saturn's

wisdom. There has to be a " meeting of the minds " here

- yet another reason why marriage tends to go better

if the people involved have a bit of experience under

their belt and can make decisions with a more clear

head (Mars=head).


Since I'm on the point of Mars and Saturn, one thing I

have seen a great deal over the years, is how the two

planets play themselves out terms of relationship. In

a woman's chart, I have marvelled at how often this

combination can suggest " man problems " ; and in either

gender's chart, this combo can suggest a tendency to

make very bad decisions. If either ties itself into

the 7th house and/or Venus in the chart (Western or

Vedic) the results could problematic indeed.








Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

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