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Mark Kincaid....5/18.....Desires- & maintaining that deep silent center

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Dear Sanjay:


Well put!


I'd just add one thing. With the introduction of transcendental meditation, now it's possible

to find that quiet, beautiful center,....without any!.... struggleing or discipline...


The only discipline I've done for all these years, now over 34 years!, is to find a chair twice a day...


the experience itself is wonderful, effortless, and spontaneously moves towards that quiet center, in spite of the intensities of habit of focusing outside...


because of the discovery by the Maharishi that the nature of the mind is to wander...

but it's purpose ...is to wander....or move, always moving towards.... more and more....


So, in the tm program,....it's not even necessary to discipline the mind...


only allow the mind to move within....and because the nature of the mind is to go towards more and more...


and the experience of inside is!, more and more...


the mind's found settling down, without any effort or training....


But, your description of the goal is completely right on!


nice talking with you.!





" saggarwal_4 " <saggarwal_4


Wed, 19 May 2004 01:34:20 -0000


[jyotish_tat_sat] 2-Nina & All, from Mark Kincaid....5/18.....Desires--> Mark Kincaid



Dear Mark:



> When our desire nature is intune with Silence, then desires come

and desires

> go, but we don't get pulled off our center.


> But, if our desires begin to dominate then we loose that center,

and our

> desires turn into bondage.



Very nice!!


Some more thoughts...


We can never control the body and senses without controlling the

desires that always play in our mind. Desire and anger are constant

enemies of wisdom. Once when they are controlled can the mind become



True discipline is the discipline of the mind. True self-control is

the control over the wanderings of the mind. Even though at first we

will have to work hard to make the mind disciplined, even though we

will have to oppose its tendencies with great strength, the time

will come when it will become accustomed to turning inward, and then

we will begin to swim in the ocean of TRANQUILITY that surrounds the



Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.


Om Tat Sat.


--Sanjay Aggarwal




jyotish_tat_sat , Mark Kincaid

<m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> Dear Nina:


> Jyotish is there to help us understand, especially intellectually,


> Planet needs improving.


> But, once you identify the Planet, then it's just a matter of


> until Nature tells us we've done it.


> With Mars & Saturn, sometimes it can be more clear.


> For me, Rahu took a little longer.


> But, rest assured that Nature does want us to know what we're

needing to do

> differently.


> I'll describe my picture of Rahu, but maybe you need to ask,

your 'Guru'

> inside, ....

> what your Rahu needs....


> Each one of us has a God, 'Jupiter' inside, that is trying to tell



> For me, Rahu is that part of life, that either is in tune or not

in tune

> with Silence.


> When our desire nature is intune with Silence, then desires come

and desires

> go, but we don't get pulled off our center.


> But, if our desires begin to dominate then we loose that center,

and our

> desires turn into bondage.


> That's why Rahu is the planet of 'out of control' desires,

compulsions and

> addictions.


> You said you're still confused what it is you need to improve;

> but...


> what I'm saying is there should be an Astrological symbolism

inherent in

> your experience.


> Some Planet's trying to get through....


> Most of the time, it can be Saturn, and in Rahu periods, Rahu can


> be the culprit....


> but....describe to me, what it is in your life, that you wish were

> different....


> and we can 'hear' the Planet that's goings on.



> Mark Kincaid




> PS....for those of you who haven't heard, I also write a Jyotish

> newsletter. It includes a daily, Transits newsletter as well as


> aspects

> of Jyotish as well. If you, or anyone else in this group is

interested, in

> subscribing, feel free to contact me personally at: m.kincaid@m...


> I, also have a new /message board, called

> which is a nice blending of both Western & Eastern

> Astrologys. You can

> check that out at:


> /






> " jagdeeshvari " <jagdeeshvari>

> jyotish_tat_sat

> Tue, 18 May 2004 22:50:00 -0000

> jyotish_tat_sat

> [jyotish_tat_sat] 2-Shripal & All, from Mark


> Re: Fate of a person can be changed..



> --Dear Mark,


> you are so right .But how can you find what things to improve.I


> through rahu mahadasha .I am still trying to figure out what to

> improve.

> regards

> Nina






> - In jyotish_tat_sat , Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...>

> wrote:

> > Dear Shripal:

> >

> > Glad you liked it....

> >

> > Now, we should focus on exactly how to change our fates!

> >

> > I see 2 primary aspects of Jyotish....

> >

> > #1...is how our Jyotish gives us 'Understanding'....as to our

> lives...

> > and

> >

> > #2... how we can literally change, and transform ourselves...into

> a better

> > us...

> >

> > To me, the Benefics represent our strengths, the things we can

> count on,

> > ....

> >

> > and the Malefics, are those things that we've come to improve...

> >

> > Exactly how to do that,....is a delicious aspect of modern day,

> Jyotish!

> >

> >

> > Do you have any fascinating stories of how you've changed any of

> the

> > negatives in your chart?

> >

> > I've got gobs....

> >

> >

> > take care

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Shripal <askvbnet>

> > jyotish_tat_sat

> > Mon, 17 May 2004 06:10:18 +0100 (BST)

> > jyotish_tat_sat

> > Re: [jyotish_tat_sat] 2-Sanjay & All, from Mark

> > Kincaid....5/16..... Re: Fate of a person can be changed..

> >

> >

> > Hi MARK,

> >

> > What an explanation,won't find better than this.

> >

> > --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sanjay:

> >

> > Here's a wonderful correspondence regarding whether or

> > not ....one's fate

> > can be changed.

> >

> > Thought you might like it..

> >

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark K.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Surya:

> >

> > This is perhaps the most deep, and confusing, and

> > even, controversial

> > aspects of Jyotish and of life...I can think of.

> >

> >

> > Life obviously has it deterministic aspects. Look at

> > everything, it's

> > following some natural order, design and plan.

> >

> > You plant a banana seed, and you're going to get a

> > banana tree!

> >

> > But, we also believe in freedom.

> >

> > When you look at creation, in fact, you see such a

> > whirlwind of galaxies and

> > Universes!

> >

> > It's hard to imagine all 'that' was created in a

> > bound, deterministic way,

> > though the creation itself, seems to follow many

> > rules, and laws of nature.

> >

> > So, it's a very confusing question determinism...and

> > freedom.

> >

> > We can take hope, however, because though the obvious

> > signs of bondage,

> > boundries, and laws and rules are all around us;

> > w

> >

> >



> ___

> > India Matrimony: Find your partner online.

> > http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony/

> >

> >

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