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Venus Transit & Mayan/Vedic Calendar

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Dear Nature's Astrolgy List:


More on the Venus transit June 8, which I've summarized from the


of a Western tropical astrologer. The Venus Transit plays a very


role in the Mayan Calendar and is a turning point in the Vedic

tradition. The

latter speaks of the Venus Transit of 2004 as the starting point of

the Golden

Age, a process that will be completed at the next Venus Transit in

2012. The

events surrounding past known Venus Transits are interesting.


To celebrate this rare event, a Sweden-based organization, is


" The Oneness Celebration " June 6-8th to launch a global call to

humanity to

collaborate to achieve enlightenment by the year 2012!






-- Please visit my web site: http://seven_directions.tripod.com/


When the bells ring the spirit of Wind sings:

All is Full, from Full comes Full, take Full from Full, what is left

is Full.


Om Purnamada Purnamidam Purnat Purnamadachayte

Purnasya, Purnamadaya, Purname Va vashisyate.


Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih


Venus Transit June 8


Venus will appear as a small object slowly crossing the face of the

Sun for

nearly seven hours June 8th. This " Venus transit " is the

astrological event of

the year. Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun every 584 days

or so.

But because the orbit of Venus is on a slight angle, we rarely see

the planet

cross the face of the Sun. This rare passage happens approximately


120 years, in pairs eight years apart.


Passing during the daylight hours, through Western Europe to the


East, the transit will be visible in its entirety. The beginning but

not the end

will be visible in Australia and parts of Asia. As the Sun rises,


locations in Western Africa and North and Central America will see

part of the

transit. *(1)


During previous Venus transits, breakthroughs in human consciousness


initiated and significant developments in human communication came to

pass. We have only observed these transits since the invention of the



Venus Transits:


1. For Venus transit times and locations see the map




To compute the transit for your location



For more information and articles on the Venus Transit check out

www.globaloneness.com .....


(The first date is the first transit. The second one, eight years

later, is in



1518 (1526) In 1518 Magellan began planning the circumnavigation of


globe. He set sail in 1519. This expedition proved that the world

was round,

not flat, launching a global worldview.


1631 (1639) Denmark created the first national mail service in 1624.


Sweden followed in 1636.


1761 (1769) Astronomers worldwide prepared far in advance to study


Venus transit of 1761, with the intension of using their observations


measure the distance between the Earth and the Sun. The Venus transit


observed in 77 different locations. England and France organized

most of the

expeditions and closely cooperated despite their involvement in the


Years' War. The observations were repeated in 1769. The

significant point is

that the Venus transit catalyzed the first international

collaboration among the

scientific community.


1874 (1882) The woman's suffrage movement was born at this time.

In 1874

the World Post Union was founded and the trans Atlantic telegraph

cable was

completed. Bell patented the first telephone 2 years later.

(Sources: " The

Oneness Celebration, " by Carl Johan Calleman. See


and " Imagine a World Without Secrets, " by Anders Bjarstedt

and Carl Johan

Calleman. See www.stroker.se and www.calleman.com)






Around the globe, celebrations and meditations are scheduled between


6th and 8th. Through the Internet, millions of people will find out

and be

brought together to participate in events to connect with Venus

energy. In

meditation and prayer we will transcend the mental constructs,


distances and economic conditions that create illusions of separation


differences between us.


The Oneness Celebration June 6-8th launches a global call to humanity


collaborate to achieve enlightenment by the year 2012. Lest this

goal seem

like an outrageous fantasy, we can observe that the Venus Transit

plays a

very significant role in the Mayan Calendar. It is also a turning

point in the

Vedic tradition. The latter speaks of the Venus Transit of 2004 as

the starting

point of the Golden Age, a process that will be completed at the next


Transit in 2012.


The Venus transits in 2004 and 2012 are supporting humanity by

offering us

an intense dose of love energy to shift our consciousness. As Venus

intensifies her beam of universal love to the planet, everyone will

receive it,

whether we notice it or not. Those who are receptive and take the

time to feel

the impact may have heart opening and oneness experiences.




The question people are asking now is -- What breakthrough will the


and 2012 events unleash? Some prophesize a consciousness shift into


more heart-centered world. With the opening of intuitive awareness


mass meditation, this transit " could trigger a major breakthrough

in the

development of a new telepathic field on planet Earth. " But how

is humanity

going to achieve enlightenment by the year 2012?. There are no hints

of this

shift in consciousness in the newspapers. Although there is plenty

of violence

and craziness to warrant the urgent need for any shift in

consciousness that

we can muster.


Humanity is in an intense phase of planetary evolution. The speed-up

of time

and the increased energy frequency on the planet are creating


change and rapid transformation. Pressurized change in a short

period of

time is usually confusing and chaotic. When energy shifts, our

perception of

reality shifts. When our reality shifts, our relationships are

tested and our

circumstances can be shaken to the core.


June 6 is a pivotal date in the Mayan calendar, when universal

energies are

optimal for integrating the right and left hemispheres of the brain

and male/

female energies. The fundamental reality shift is happening because


and female energies are coming into balance. For millennia humanity


been left-brain, male-dominated. Now our right -intuitive brain is


awakened. Initially, expanded consciousness can create feelings of

uncertainty, anxiety and fear. But as we learn to listen to our

intuition and

follow our hearts, we will stabilize into a new rhythm. Our expanded

awareness will then enable us to function more effectively.




(For a more detailed tropical analysis of the Venus transit follow

the link to the

newsletter: nmb/docs/nmb88.doc

The author requests that reproduction of the information include


©1999 - 2004 Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D. http


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