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To Mu: Dating difficulties for women: an astrologer's view

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Hello Mu,


I have gotten this funny reaction on your article which I forwarded to another list INF-esoteric (ofcourse with omitting your name)


You wrote:

> It is well documented, to even the> most casual observer, that on that front there is an> ever-increasing disparity between the genders > insofar as educational and career attainment. One > only need hang out with a bunch of "sistas" for an> evening, and it won't be long before you hear the> "lack of eligible Black men" to marry, date and so >on. Barely a week goes by when I don't> hear these concerns from a Black lady client.

The person who replied is also a high educated male (I don't know whether he is black or white):

This seems to tie into that discussion we hadpreviously about how women are quickly findingthemselves as a group more educated and more on thesocial climb than men. I think the problem lies withthe fact that a lot of women are unwilling to marrymen who are beneath their social status. Maybe thesolution for these women is to go hunting in territorythey previously marked as off limits, to considermates who are beneath their social station, and formen to accept women who are higher up the rungs of thesocial ladder. In any case, I see it as positive thatso many women can't find eligible men and vice-versa. I think it's an indication that society is beginningto be shaken at it's foundation toward somethingbetter, that true equality might be in the sights. You wrote:

> 1. WHY is there such a disparity in these ways?

The man replied:I see this disparity as good. Even though I see thelarger social forces at work here, I have to admitthat I just can't feel sorry for people whose onlyreason for not finding a mate is because they believeeveryone they meet is beneath them. Let them stew intheir loneliness.

You wrote:> Somewhere along the line, from where I sit, it> occurs to me that Black men in particular, and > perhaps men in general to some extent (and by> this, I mean the average, day to day guy, not the> wealthy cabal types), have lost relevance in light >of the changing times. Gender roles as we> once knew them are blurred, and in some cases, are> eroding to the point that they become irrelevant > within another generation.

He replied:I agree with this completely. I often wonder ifmarriage is eventually going to become an obsoleteconcept, that within a few generations it'll becomeabout as fashionable as polygamy is today (at least inthe West.) I think the big "problem" is that peopleare trying to force fit some traditional gender rolesinto a milieu that is no longer friendly to suchroles. Women becoming very educated and successfulfor instance can't expect there to always be an equalman out there. On the other take, men will have toaccept that most of the women will eventually (if theyaren't already) be better educated and more successfulthan they are if trends continue, which hopefully theywill.




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