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8/1 Monday's Star Report Blessing in Disguise! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000




Coming to you, this Morning,....8/2 Monday,

in the am, CDT., for today's transits.......

......8/2 Monday, .....









Special Quote of the Day!


Blessings in Disguise.....



" Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses,

and disappointments.

Joseph Addison


At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised!


Winston Churchill to his wife, July 26, 1945, who had suggested

his election defeat might be a blessing in disguise.


What I'm looking for is a blessing that's not in disguise.

Kitty O'Neill Collins "






(See below for thoughts about this quote...)




Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Monday, 8/2nd......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 11th degree of Aquarius,

starting today....at 9 am.......



Cosmic Weather Report!






Dear Friends:


Moon moves into Aquarius, today, (11th degree), at 9am CDT!





Moon moves into Aquairus today. Moon seems to like being in Aquarius.


Maybe that's because the 'unconventional creativity' of Aquarius, .... itself is fairly similar to the ever changeing, creative nature of the Moon itself.


Well, whatever the reason. Look to the 'unusual' and 'unconventional' instead of the conventional and status quo, over the next few days....


I'm reminded also, as I look out my window,.... as some storm, thunder and lightning flashes in the sky;......


that the malefic influences of Mars & Ketu are also going to be very dominant over these next few days, too.


Have any of you noticed that when 2 or more malefic influences fall upon the Moon, that a strong, change in the weather, happens?


These simultaneous 'weather patterns' show us both the realities of malefic influences and also,.... their purposes.


Though it's very rough and we have to take umbrellas and allow for more time to get across town.


Afterwards, we realize something good was happening in those storms.


We couldn't survive without the rain, so even though those very same storms seem to disrupt our plans; in reality....something great is going on.


And Storms? Fires?


It used to be thought to be very tragic when whole 1,000's of acres of forests get consumed by fires.


Now, it's understood in the field of forestry that fires are a very important part of the evolution of all the species in the forests.


I saw a great nature show last year that explained that the brutal effects of a total devastation through fire, actually ends up doing something crucial for all the species of trees in the forest.


I'm thinking of that now as this huge thunderstorm came on last night and goes full force as today begins.


Think of these periods, then, not as something necessarily, 'bad' or malefic, but rather as a necessary clearing out process, bringing to the surface some value that needs to be faced.


Like that each of the malefic situations we talk about has also, a particular symbolic message for us.


Today, both Mars & Ketu are fully aspecting the Moon.


The 'negative' of this is issues of grief, of lack of hope, of despair, (from Ketu) can be felt along with anger or fightings, etc. (from Mars).


If you notice those feelings or happenings inside or in your environments over the next few days, .....


this time..... see if you can see the 'silver linings' in those clouds,.... see if you can see the blessings in disguise!


This will help you transform, an admitadly 'malefic' or uncomfortable moment, into it's natural blessing.


We call an accident a 'mistake' and certainly something unwanted and undesired.


But, if we learn from this accident, reflect and learn!....

then the very real and potentially very positive side of 'malefics' will have found fulfillment!


Wow, even this way of looking at Jyotish is a good example of utilizing the special nature of Aquarius!


Let us know of your special insights over these next few days...




2 Other Major shifts,...today (7/31):


1) Venus moves into Gemini, out of it's Own Sign Taurus,.... for the first time,

in a number of weeks... Venus is positive, sweet, and tends to analyse feelings instead of just having and expressing them........



2) Mars moves out of Cancer, later in the day,....into Leo... a much better

sign for it. Don't misunderstand this ever growing strength of Mars, ....

in other words guard against letting it be beligerent or dictatorial! Use this

stronger Mars for some 'good' purpose.










Important Transits....:


Jupiter (24:56)

& Saturn's... (26:06)


Still, Only about 1 degree apart,

in their influence....


Still both, very close....

so if you feel that Sani, typical....


of being delayed,....

frustrated because things are going, unfolding...

too slowly!!!


Then, recognize this as a classic,....

Saturn.... influence....


And make a decision....to do the opposite....

of what you might be feeling to do....


Which is to be frustrated....and upset...





And let go.....




and go with the flow...


This is changeing your trends of time,

related to your Saturn....



This lasts till they 'peak',

both at 27 degrees...

on August 17th....









Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!


From Jason, Germany


" Dear... Mark: I love your idea of utilizing all the different branches

of Vedic Science as remedies and prescriptions for Jyotish.

I bet, though this connecting of the different brances will probably be

more then just have a delicious meal at an ayurvedic restaurant!


I'm doing well, of course still transforming a lot.

Each day's an adventure.


One of the greatest things I've learned from Jyotish is I have to learn

" ATIENCE, very much patience.


I don't yet succeed, always and when I don't my Sani really beats me up.


Of course it also helps me know that I'm presently in Sani Mahadisha,

and Sani is lord of my 7th.


Perhaps I have to learn that I should not be just this gentle, kind feeling

or childish, naive kind of relationship?

This is not so easy to learn, for me, because I do love to just enjoy.

(You know most of my Grahas are in Kama & Artha signs.)

Your wisdom has helped me change my life!

thank you.


Jason "







" Dear Jason:


I get some proud and happy when I see others really begin to benefit

from using their Jyotish so beautifully!


It's so unique in the entire, Philosophys of the World...

this special perspective of Jyotish....to...


1)....help us better understand why we make mistakes, and/or create

unhappy consequences...



2) .... learn exactly what we need to do to change anything undesirable,

or malefic,...

into it's naturally oppostive, or benefic part!


This is the purpose of life...!


We're born with both happy and undesirable aspects to us.


The special challenge is where we have our malefics, ...

is where we have our delusions, compulsions, imbalances, and mistakes!


The greatest difficulty with these, is we don't think so!


Our malefics, are where we have our blinders on!


But, all of life is here to help us get out of those prisons.


Our parents are the first one's to try and teach us, where we need to grow!

Our brothers and sisters, are next at mirroring us!


Our early school education is the next!


Our first love, shows us the amazing mirror of love and relationship,

to us.


Then, along comes Jyotish.


Whether we're 20, 30 or 50!,

we can gain tremendous advantage by understanding ourselves,

better, through our Jyotish!


Jyotish is here to help us transform literally, any of our 'malefic' situations

into their naturally....benefic potential!


Think of your Jyotish as your own, personal Guru, sitting there next to you.


You've already become your Guru's disciple!

You asked your Guru to take you on.

He accepted and is now, able to help you with any and all of your weaknesses,

illusions, and short comings!


And he does this by pointing out the way....

towards true bliss!


Every Planet in Jyotish...represents an aspect of life,....

that has the potential of being either intune or not intune with life!


Learning to bring out the truely, benefic side of each Planet...

will transfrom our life, from where we are,

to the naturally more positive, and successful, side...which is the true

potential of Life!

and Jyotish!





Thanks for your & everyone's Questions, Comments & Reactions! "














For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:








Main Primary....Alert ....

still going on







Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu Alert .....Report


From.....Thursday.....July 31st.......to August 6th....






Jupiter's Starting:July 31st: 24:34 deg/Leo.,....on 8/6, : 25:42 deg/Leo.

Saturn's 8/31st... 25:51 Gemini & in 7 days, will be at: 26:35 Gemini

Rahu's 8/31st......12:33 deg/Aries., & in 7 days, will be at: 11:54 deg/Aries.








Follow the Significations of....


Jupiter, Saturn,... and Rahu....

right now...


Jupiter & Saturn...are beginning to close in on their exact, degrees,

and Saturn's 3rd house influence...

will be a little 'tighter'.....now, till 8/14th....

when Jupiter & Saturn will both be at the 27th degree,

in their different Signs....


See if you don't feel that subtle quality, of 'slowness', 'sluggishness'...




Special Quote of the Day!


Blessings in Disguise.....



" Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses,

and disappointments.

Joseph Addison


At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised!


Winston Churchill to his wife, July 26, 1945, who had suggested

his election defeat might be a blessing in disguise.


What I'm looking for is a blessing that's not in disguise.

Kitty O'Neill Collins "






This represents both a very important part of Jyotish and of life!


We don't start off any day to slip and fall, loose our car keys,

be late to a very important meeting, yell at our spouse, of kids,

etc., etc.


But, these things happens, so...... why?


They happen because we're going too fast, we're rushing, maybe not

getting enough rest, and we're distracted, we're poorly organized,

and feel frustrated because...of.... xyz....


The point is that something uncomfortable, and/or undesirable,

happening to us...

are 'bad' things...


but if we look to the 'Blessing in disguise',

if we see the symbolism,

if we open ourselves to 'what is the lesson that we can learn!'


these malefic moments and aspects of life,...will

have served their purpose...



the even more important result will we'll learn to stop having these results.


We learn we have a driving problem.

Looking at our charts, we see our Mars has some malefic aspects to it.

Then, we realize, not only is it symbolic of some of the negative aspects

of Mars,

but there's some lessons there for us!


Maybe we need to slow down!,

when we're driving.


Maybe we need to let go of our way, .... and compromise more...

Maybe we truely need some anger management!


Let your Jyotish be a guide and a help!


There's some tremendous Wisdoms....

there, inside of our Jyotish,

for each and every one of us!





Know ThySelf....!
















Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid





Degrees of Sun & All Planets from .....

July 31st.. to August 6th......













Saturday, July 31st....to August 6th....


For those of you who enjoy watching these kinds of exact degrees,....

you can see the degrees of this 7 day period.....












Sun 14 degree Cancer 21 degrees Cancer

Moon 12 degree Capricorn 5 degrees Aries

Jupiter 24:34 degree Leo 25:42 degrees Leo

Venus 00:23 degree Gemini 5:19 degrees Gemini

Mercury 11:18 degrees Leo 14:20 degrees Leo

Mars 00:10 degree Leo 3:38 C degrees Leo

Saturn 25:51 degree Gemini 26:35 degrees Gemini

Rahu 12:33 degree Aries 11:54 Aries

Ketu 12:33 degree Libra 11:54 Libra




For those of you who like watching the exact degrees, this 7 day, spread might be helpful.











Jai Guru!

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