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8/4 Wednesday's Star Report - Moon moves into Pisces & How to Connect Dasas with Transits g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000




Coming to you, this Evening,....8/3 Tuesday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......8/4 Wednesday, .....









Special Quote of the Day!





" Everything that is really great and inspiring

is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. "


Albert Einstein


'Out of My Later Years,' 1950









(See below for thoughts about this quote...)




Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Wednesday, 8/4th......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 9th degree of Pisces,

starting today....at 9 am.......



Cosmic Weather Report!









Dear Friends:


Moon moves into Pisces, today, (9th degree), at 9am CDT!





Every month the Moon moves into Pisces, as in every Sign.


Now the Moon begins it's regular transit of Pisces. This Month, Year, Moon is entering Pisces, the Sign of Freedom, when Jupiter the Sign of 'freedom', is still being hung up due to Saturn's influence.


Also, right now, Sani's transit through Gemini, means that it's 10th House aspect upon Pisces, will also be influencing Pisces, one of Jupiter's Signs....


If you've been watching the stock markets, you might have noticed only very slight changes, up a few points, one day; and then, down a few points the next day.


This 'sluggishness' is due, still to Sani's 3rd House aspect upon Leo, and Jupiter which is still there.


Right now, Jupiter & Saturn are still within a very small 1degree of Sani's influence. So, if your plans and goals are taking longer then you'd like....

this may be why.


Jupiter's the primary planet of progress and prosperity,

and Saturn is the planet of reversals, recessions, contraction, delays and frustrations.


What is really going on however, is that Nature is moving through a Saturn, rest phase.


Not appreciating the rest phases of life enough, means Saturn tends to be malefic because either individually or collectively, we're not willing to be patient, take the time necessary, and rest when needed.


As a result we suffer all kinds of expressions of neglect of Saturn rest.


Over the next few days, enjoy the Mind, (Moon) visiting the Sign of Freedom again, and allow 'that' Saturn other transit, to not rush about it, but 'think' patiently, quietly about what you want, desire and dream about.




2 Other Major shifts,...Since....(7/31):


1) Venus moves into Gemini, out of it's Own Sign Taurus,.... for the first time,

in a number of weeks... Venus is positive, sweet, and tends to analyse feelings instead of just having and expressing them........


Venus is at approximately 3 degrees right now, and over the next few weeks,

will be colliding with Saturn, itself which is running about the 26th degree, in Gemini too.


This means stay in balance especially related to areas of the heart, relationships, children, friends, and especially love relations.


This situation will culminate on the 31st of August when both Venus & Saturn

will be at the same 29th degree of Gemini.



2) Mars moves out of Cancer, later in the day,....into Leo... a much better

sign for it. Don't misunderstand this ever growing strength of Mars, ....

in other words guard against letting it be belligerent or dictatorial! Use this

stronger Mars for some 'good' purpose.










Important Transits....:


Jupiter (25:19)

& Saturn's... (26:20)


'inching closer and closer, each day',....

till August 27th...


Then, things should start taking a progressively

positive turn!


Still, Only about 1 degree apart,

in their influence....


Still both, very close....

so if you feel that Sani, typical....


of being delayed,....

frustrated because things are going, unfolding...

too slowly!!!


Then, recognize this as a classic,....

Saturn.... influence....


And make a decision....to do the opposite....

of what you might be feeling to do....


Which is to be frustrated....and upset...





And let go.....




and go with the flow...


This is changeing your trends of time,

related to your Saturn....



This lasts till they 'peak',

both at 27 degrees...

on August 17th....









Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!


From Charlotte, North Carolina


" Dear... Mark: I've been enjoying your star reports very much.

They've really helped me understand not only others but also myself.

You've sometimes talked about how we experience both the dasas

and transits at the same time.

My question is about how can we tell how much of our experience

is coming from the transits and how much from the dasas?

Charlotte "






" Dear Charlotte:


This is a very good question.


In the same way that we've been gaining more experience of the Transits,

by 'watching' each day, and learning to 'see' ourselves, how we feel

when the transits are moving about;


We can also watch how we 'feel' as the Transits change.


For example, I've become fairly perceptive at experiencing the transits,

after all these months, and years,

and after sometime, I started to watch 'that' feeling level, inside....

but this time, in terms of my 'supposed' dasa shifts.


The dasas are very similar to the transits, in fact, because of our Charts,

we'll tend to have a similar flavor in both our dasas and transits.


But, practical experience shows that the dasas' experience is more subtle,

and ....how can I say it, ..... 'ah,...inward'....


I've been in Saturn, Mars for over a year, and after I went into the

sub, Mars period in the summer of 2003, I really felt it.


It was a little abstract for a few weeks, then, I realized there was this very

distinct, Mars quality that was more lively, stronger, and what can I say:



The dasas also tend to last longer.


Get more every day experience by watching the transits, and these

experiences will help you be more perceptive of the dasa shifts.


Lately I went through a Saturn, Mars, Sun period and the Sun part was

especially amazing.


Then, about a week ago, I started noticing I was feeling a lot of intense kinds of 'emotional' experiences.


And at first, I tried to find the Transit reason why I was feeling that way,

and I quickly realized it was too constant to be one of the more standard, Monthly transits.


Then, I realized this new feeling was more subtle, and pervasive, then the transits, and I looked up my dasas,...


and wow,.... I discovered that I had made a shift into this new Moon period.


Like this, you'll become aware of these subtle differences between transits & dasas.


Then, you'll understand the 'back drop' in which you're living your life;

but....this doesn't mean you have to always be waiting for things to come to you.


Instead think of these dasas like you do about the transits.


It just helps knowing what the environments of both the transits, in the World,

and dasas, within your 'emotional body'....will be doing...


Then, you'll be able to decide what actions are best!


Hope this helps! "






Thanks for your & everyone's Questions, Comments & Reactions! "








For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:






Special Quote of the Day!





" Everything that is really great and inspiring

is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. "


Albert Einstein


'Out of My Later Years,' 1950







Pisces is the wonderful Sign of Freedom.


Next few days are great time to contemplate Freedom,

in our lives.....




Know ThySelf....!













Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid







Jai Guru!

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