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Visha Kanya and Bella Donna

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Hello Mu,


Poisonous people and poisonous plants are causing death when

consuming them directly, BUT I know with plants if they are

poisonous, like the Belladonna, they can be extremely usefull for

sick people if they are prepared in a way that they can work as

medicine. Is it possible for a Visha Kanya to be wholesome for

certain ill minded people? People who are suffering from a horrible

horoscope? Just a thought...







, " MuMin Bey "

<mumin_bey> wrote:

> Hi All,


> I've received all the responses and the like from those interested


> my quieries regarding VK, and I greatly appreciate it. I just


> had the time to devote to clean up my mailboxes and the like, been


> very busy out in the Real...but I wanted to post my previous


> on VK (which orginally appeared on the Noel Tyl website, Forum

> section, my own astro forum PAF and other venues), hopefully


> help clear things up. I'll try to respond to those who sent along

> their birth data, and of course, if you have any questions, please

> feel free to email me.


> Here we go...


> Salaam,

> Mu


> " Poison Maidens " : Clarification and Considerations of Visha Kanya,


> Mu's Study


> Mon, Mar 1, 2004


> Hello All,


> I see that since my request for research data, there has been

> something of a misunderstanding of sorts. I take full


> for the confusion. I should have handled that earlier, been much

> clearer in my request and reasoning for data.


> I will attempt to clarify now.


> In the canons of Vedic Astrology, which reach back several


> of years in written form, are literally thousands of maxims,

> obserations and commentaries on the myriad of astrological

> combinations extant and their potential effects on humankind.


> these, is the very rare and obscure combination, known as Visha

> Kanya.


> The term " Visha Kanya " means " Poison Maiden " and refers to young

> women who have in thier charts specific combinations that portend

> early widowhood. This combination occurs when certain Naksatras


> Moon in certain Lunar Zodiac Signs, used in Vedic Astrology)


> with certain days of the week (Vara) and certain Lunar Days of the

> month (Tithi) in the horoscope of a female. The resulting

> combination, if not mitigated by beneficial planetary caveats, is

> said to bring the early death of the mate.


> In the days of yore, in India, kings and potentates would round up

> such women who were identified as Visha Kanya by the court


> (s) while still girls, and then we fed small, but steadily


> does of poison over the years. When they reached womanhood,

> these " poison maidens " were thoroughly toxic and ready for use on


> potential enemy the king desired. The king would offer his enemy


> of the women from his " stable " , and before long, the enemy would


> dead, the result of spending a night " embracing " such a woman.


> Today, of course, no such practice exists, and rightly so - but

> still, there is something to be said for the presence of such

> combinations in a woman's horoscope. But so too, is the need to


> everything within context.


> In today's climate, Visha Kanya can and often does represent a


> who still experiences early widowhood (a husband who dies before


> age of 40), as well as a heightened susceptibility to poisons,


> drugs, alcohol and so on. Additionally, eating disorders difficult


> diagnose diseases and general all around ill-health can be



> In his Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Parasara states that a Visha

> Kanya will give birth to stillborn children, and will have a


> organ. We can take this to mean, that Visha Kanya women will have

> much more above-average difficulty bearing children; indeed they


> stillborn, or she may have to suffer several miscarriages. In


> days and times, it is quite possible that she may have had a good

> number of abortions. We can also assume, in this day and age, that


> Visha Kanya woman may have above average reproductive organ

> difficulties.


> Because the idea of longevity - both of the marriage (today live-


> long term relationship) and the individual spouses themselves - is

> such a high priority in India, this combination is considered to


> among the most problematic.


> In today's society, where divorce is exceedingly high (and this is

> becoming more and more of a reality in India as well), Visha Kanya

> women may experience a higher than normal divorce rate, or in some

> way, the relationships they may attempt to build " die "



> It must be said that the sages do give specific caveats for such

> conditions; this along with the very stringent qualifications for


> having Visha Kanya, makes its likelihood very rare. For example, I

> have been searching all over the internet as well as in my circles

> out in the real world, and to date, I only have two charts in my

> database - and they only surfaced a few days ago (and I deeply,

> deeply thank the owners of those two horoscopes!)! So, one need


> be too concerned with this combination, because of its rarity and

> numerous caveats make it, for most of us, a non-issue.


> It is said that there are several ways in which one can identify a

> Visha Kanya without the aid of a horoscope; one of those methods

> employs the use of Palmistry, Astrology's " Sister Science " in


> In fact, it is very common for a Vedic Astrologer there to inspect

> your hand rather than your horoscope, for the details of the


> are literally, in the palms of your hands.


> A Visha Kanya hand is said to be narrow and long, particularly the

> fingers; the palms are whitish or yellowish in color, and the


> very, very faint. There is also supposed to be some very deep


> on the wrist right under the palm, where you would buckle your


> on the underside of your wrist. Having some basic knowledge of

> Palmistry, again I have not personally seen such a palm/hand.


> My reason for conducting reasearch on this phenomenon is due to my

> larger research on the question of marital and relationship

> compatibility potential. Vedic Astrology has several " red light

> warning " signals to give the astrologer a " heads up " on a


> horoscope and its potential to portend a blissful relationship

> existence. As many who have been in a long-term relationship or

> marriage knows, there is nothing more miserable in the entire


> than to be yoked to someone who makes your life a living hell.


> Another reason for my curiousity about this state of affairs -


> Kanya - was because in our Humanistic age, surely there had to be

> ways to counterbalance its potential effects/circumstances. I have

> yet to get that far though, mainly because again, finding living

> examples of this combination is so very hard to begin with.


> In today's world, where the genders are more equal than they have

> ever been, it has been suggested to me in email by the curious and


> my friends and colleagues, that Visha Kanya could be operative in


> lives of males. To date I have not tested this, but I intend to,


> soon as I can verify the observations of the classical and ancient

> texts with regard to women. However, I can say, that I do happen


> know a male who has a very strong Visha Kanya, and he has

attracted a

> great number of women into his life who have taken him through all

> manner of relationship and marital misery. Additionally, this man


> severe clinical depression, and has recently gone on


> drugs to stem the flow of these feelings. He is also a chain-


> Though one case study in no way makes for a compelling research,


> occurs to me that perhaps many of the indications of Visha Kanya

in a

> woman's chart can equally apply to a man's, and in any event, the

> propensity for addictive behavior and hyper-sensitive body


> concerns appears to be an equal-opportunity potential.


> I have also been asked as to whether this combination could


> in the charts of Lesbians and/or Gay men - my answer, at this


> juncture, is that I do not know. Only testing this out, against


> maxims of the sages, will reveal the answers we seek.


> So, to summarize: I am conducting reasearch on an obscure, but

> powerful horoscope condition called Visha Kanya, the Poison


> It is constituted by a woman being born on certain days of the


> during a certain phase of the Moon, while the Moon itself is


> in certain stars. In addition to its classical potential of early

> widowhood and chronic infertility, we can also add to this list of

> probables the potentials of hyper-sensitivity and ultra-

> susceptibility to drugs, alcohol, smoking, eating disorders and


> other form of life-threatening addictive behaviors. The health

> profile of such women, particularly as it relates to childbearing,


> rendered suspect.


> Any or all of these are factors that work strongly against


> in marital life.


> Aside from the rarity of this condition, there are several caveats

> astrologically, to this state of affairs; therefore, most people


> not be alarmed or concerned. Only a handful (pardon the pun) of

> people - women or men - will have this combination " in full bloom "


> any give time. It is these people I am in search of. Upon finding

> such people my intention is to ascertain the veracity of the

> statements of the sages, and to look into ways in which this

> condition can be ameliorated. This is the way of the Humanistic

> Astrologer in the 12st century.


> These are the factors I intend to investigate.


> I am hopeful that I have clarified the matter, and again I offer


> apologies to everyone that I hadn't done so sooner.


> Salaam,

> Mu


> Two Very Prominent Examples of Visha Kanya - and More



> Thu, Mar 4, 2004


> In my study of Visha Kanya, which I have shared with the Forum, I

> have begun to collect many private case examples. Several of them

> align perfectly with the writings of the sages in the classical


> in Vedic Astrology, and others have " fit " into the classification


> Visha Kanya by way of my " updating " the formulation of this


> condition. The permutations I have seen, allow for an expansion of

> the principles. This, in my view, is how Astrology evolves, keeps

> pace with the times, remains relevant.


> In Western Astrology, we have seen the evolution of Saturn the


> Malefic to the concept of Saturn as necessary controls.

> Peregrination, once a concept within the Middle Ages period of

> Western Astrology that suggested a planet in a sign that had no

> intrinsic connection to that sign, now suggests a part of the


> that demands recognition from all the other behaviors (planets) in

> the horoscope.


> Instead of a " foriegn " sign placement, today's Peregrination is

> predicated on the planet in question having no connection by way


> standard asepct to any other body. This, in my view, was pure

> brilliance and genius on the part of Mr. Tyl; it demonstrated his

> keen grasp of the essence of what it means for a planet to

be " alien "

> to the rest of the chart, and expanded the formulation of that

> planetary condition, keeping in mind the psychological age that we

> now live in.

> He showed that the master astrologer is not the one who merely


> rules and maxims from any book and them simply regurgitates them,


> rather, is the one that is able to get to the essence of those

> concepts and expand them to meet the demands of the environment


> necessary.


> This is what I have done with Visha Kanya.


> Originally, the classics stated that the woman in question had to


> born on certain days of the week, on specific Lunar Days, with the

> Moon being in certain stars.


> After much meditation on this matter, I have reworked the


> so that, while it still remains true to its " ancestor " principles,


> has a broader application.


> So, what I've done is, instead of looking for those specific Lunar

> Days, I just consider the Moon waning in its phase, losing light


> the day that the female birth occured. I still adhere, for the


> part, to the other two major ingredients for this

> " recipe " , that being that the week day and star that the Moon is

> placed.


> Still, I have found some " caveats " , which Vedic Astrology always


> recognized; there are always exceptions to any " rule " .


> What we're really looking at here, when considering Visha Kanya,


> the Moon in an extreme state of debility, since the main


> have to do with the Moon's placement, either by star, phase or day


> the week. The Malefics (yes, they are still referred to that way


> Vedic Astrology, and for good reason; more on this point

> later), the character builders of the zodiac - namely Mars, Saturn

> and Rahu (Moon's North Node) - have a huge impact here, just

> indirectly, through the stars and days of the week that they own

> rather than making direct planetary aspects to/on the Moon in the

> birth chart. The phase of the Moon becomes important, both in tems


> inherent strength and as well in the fact that Vedic astrology

> considers a Waning or Dark Moon to be on par with any first rate

> Malefic.


> Additionally, since the Moon has an increased " say " in the life of

> women, this condition is considered even more of a problematic


> of affairs for any woman born when such celestial conditions are

> extant. In any event, Visha Kanya is yet another example of the


> in which planetary connections can be formed in Vedic Astrology,

> through something as simple as a calendar connection.


> The following are two very prominent examples of what I like to


> variants, or " functional " Visha Kanya:


> 1. Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis - Born on Sunday, on a Waning Moon,


> the Moon in Sidereal Aries. Actually, this combination calls for


> Moon to be in the Naksatra (Lunar Zodiac sign used in Jyotish;


> is no equivalent in Western astrology) Bharani - but Jackie O's


> falls in the star right before it, Asvini. This star is ruled by

> Ketu, the Moon's South Node, known in Vedic astrology as one half


> the serpent demonlike being who tried to steal the nectar of

> immortality. Additionally, this Moon is what is known as Gandanta,

> being right at the beginning of a Fire Sign

> (much more complex than I'm making it sound, more on this later).


> can add in the fact that, in her natal chart, the Moon is placed


> the 7th House, and is conjunct Rahu, the Moon's North Node. Among

> other things, the classical texts state that Rahu in the 7th House

> can bring about separations from the spouse, up to and including

> death. The confluence of factors, speak for themselves in Jackie


> life - she was widowed - twice.


> 2. Princess Diana - Born on Saturday, on a Waning Moon, with the


> in Dhanista (a Naksatra that falls in Sidereal Aquarius). Although

> for this combination, Satabisha, the star that follows Dhanista in

> the Sidereal sign of Aquarius, should be the preferred star, again


> can expand the classical principle of Visha Kanya when other


> satisfy the formation of this combination and when the reality


> Everyone knows of Diana's marriage, its beginning, decline and


> as well as her affair with Dodi Al-Fayed. While the former

> union " died " in the sense that she

> divorced Prince Charles, in the latter case, Visha Kanya here

> definitely played a role in the death of Al-Fayed. It has been


> rumored that, had they live, Diana and Dodi would have married. In

> that they were very much involved with each other, we can agai


> the principle to include " close boyfriends " along with husbands.


> Also, we have to consider the fact that Diana yet again met the

> conditions of Visha Kanya in light of the fact that she had a long

> bout with the eating disorder bulemia.


> Finally, Diana's Moon in Dhanista in and of itself could suggest

> marital difficulty, as this is a star that is notorious for


> strife. Its rulership by Mars and it being placed in a sign of

> Saturn, could explain why this star is so very difficult in this

> regard.


> I'm working on finding more prominent examples of Visha Kanya,


> female and male, as well as working on how Visha Kanya gets


> in terms of timing in the horoscope. And, of course, I have plans

> towards finding ways of remediating such conditions.


> Thanks to the Forum for your continued interest.


> Salaam,

> Mu

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