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2-Kay/Artemis, Mark Kincaid 8/5..... Western Astrology vs. Vedic ? Part 1

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I'm a Western Astrologer and thus since I don't understand the Vedic,

> it tends to confuse me, how exactly do these systems differ, and

> which do you feel more reliable, or do both tend to validate

> simularities, far as vibrations and energies in certain areas. I

> really felt the harshness of Saturn transiting my 7th in Western

> Astrologer, on my Venus, and opposite Pluto, no mistaken this was

> happening within myself and effecting outer events and others around

> me, in house of relationships.


> Now, in Western, Saturn is now in Cancer, and I do feel the relief to

> considerable extent, though in 8th house Cancer, its till not all I'd

> like, as a 2nd Saturn return, thus bit frustrating, and indicative of

> another new cycle of mid-life to adjust too.


> But, in Vedic, Saturn in Still considered in Gemini? Thus, that

> really has fully confused?


> Which is right, how can one balance these two systems, or can they?


> Artemis



Dear Kay/Artemis:


Greetings! Hi, it's Mark Kincaid. I started this nature's astrology group,

because I wanted to contribute to creating a kind of bridge between Western

& Eastern Astrologys.


Personally, I started out studying Western, many, many years ago, then about

16 years ago I got real big in to Jyotish.


Then, something else happened and that was I began studying the Transits, of

the Vedic system.


I knew all the rules and principles, but I think my brain was kind of tired

and I just felt I wanted to see, if I could perceive, or feel those same

principles,...in the actual Transits.


It was at that point that 'Astrology' really came alive to me.


In fact, my experience was so strong, that it started to also occur to me,

that there were certain parts of both systems that I really liked, and felt

might be a true part of what I now like to call.... the Real... Astrology.


There's a real or true Astrology out there, and it exists in Nature.


We live in an Astrological Universe, and then..... 'Nature's Astrology' was



Today, this , is dedicated to really discovering what the 'real'

Astrology is all about.


Personally, I believe that there are certain aspects of both systems that

really exist in that true Astrology of Nature.


For example, for years, I noticed even pre-Astrology, that there was a

quality, of whatever happened to one, in the early part of the day; for

example, that in some way really reflected upon that whole day.


You could find yourself rushing, maybe banging your head, or having a big

fight at home, and that early, 'experience' lasted somehow throughout the

whole day.


Then, I realized that there were some formulated rules or principles that

tried to capture that real, life experience.


In Jyotish there is that rule called the 'Murhurta', that says, the starting

point of many events, reflects to some degree, the ultimate success of that

whole venture.


Therefore, Murhurta charts, are cast, for the beginning of moving into a new

home, starting a trip or a vacation and especially for the start of a

Marriage or new business.


I have also really loved watching the transits, all these years, because at

some point it occured to me, many of the different rules and principles of

Jyotish can actually be experienced....in those daily transits.


Take Conjunctions for example. Both Western & Eastern systems say there is

something strange and negative, at least uncomfortable if someone was to be

born with there Moon & Saturn's in the same place, or House.


Well, that's me. I was born with Moon & Saturn together in both charts, and

in my Jyotish chart, that conjunction was supposed to be in the 12th House.


Jyotish also has another rule that says, Saturn will not only influence any

planet that's in the same House, with it, but....Saturn will also influence

any planet that's 3 Houses away.


It's called the 3rd House Saturn aspect, in Jyotish. And what you do is you

count the Houses, away, starting with the House that Saturn's in.


So, today, for example, Saturn's in Gemini, in the Jyotish system. And when

the Moon passes through Gemini, one can really feel or experience the nature

of that conjunction.


Perhaps it's because I have that same conjunction in my own birth chart;

but, for whatever reason, I discovered I could really feel that Saturn

quality coming across my own feeling level.


And it happened one month, and then the next...and now,...12 months a year

for over 16 years.


But, then, I noticed as soon as the Moon moved far enough away from where

Saturn was, that unique Saturn heaviness went away.


Then a few more days would go by, and I felt that Saturn heaviness come

back, and when I looked up the transits I realized that the Moon had slipped

into that next Sign.


Today, for example, Saturn's in Gemini, so over this next week, see if you

can feel that uniquely heavy Saturn quality as the Moon, travels across the

same space as Saturn.


This month, Saturn's in Gemini, and in my star reports I'll talk about it.


Then the Moon will move into the next sign, which this Month & year, is



Moon has a uniquely positive experience moving through Cancer, so that

almost always is quite wonderful.


Then, the Moon will move into the next sign, and Leo, is again, the 3rd Sign

away from Gemini, so my prediction will be that we'll see a dramatic return

of that intense, Saturnesque quality.


Like this, I believe we can perceive and verify through discovery which of

the rules of Jyotish and even Western Astrology really fit Reality.


In another email, I'd like to go into what aspects of both systems do I



For example, there are some aspects to the Western system that I truely

believe are true and closer to the real truth, then even the Eastern system.


Though I also feel there are other aspects of the Eastern system which are

more on target as well.


Thanks for your letter and question.


Hope this helps.





Mark Kincaid





ps.... one other thought regarding how to study thye Vedic system.


1) Have your Vedic chart read by some good Eastern Astrologers. These

readings will give you concrete examples about how your Eastern chart, might

fit you more subtely.


2) Another tool that I suggest to people, is make a list of all the human

qualities that you know about yourself...


Are you shy? Or outgoing? Are you quick to understand things? Are you an

active person or do you enjoy quiet things.


Making this as complete list as possible, will help you stay focused on what

is really you!


These qualities are really indicative of your true Astrological Chart!


Then, when you study the rules of Vedic Astrology, see if you can find the

reasons for each of the human qualiites that you already know about



When I had eventually, done this, knowing both my Western & Eastern charts,

it became obvious to me, which one was more accurate.




Part 2: Coming Up...


A more thorough, and precise, description of what I believe are the Best of

both West & East!







> " Kay " <artemisofthewoods


> Mon, 02 Aug 2004 15:54:00 -0000


> Re: Western Astrology vs. Vedic


> I'm a Western Astrologer and thus since I don't understand the Vedic,

> it tends to confuse me, how exactly do these systems differ, and

> which do you feel more reliable, or do both tend to validate

> simularities, far as vibrations and energies in certain areas. I

> really felt the harshness of Saturn transiting my 7th in Western

> Astrologer, on my Venus, and opposite Pluto, no mistaken this was

> happening within myself and effecting outer events and others around

> me, in house of relationships.


> Now, in Western, Saturn is now in Cancer, and I do feel the relief to

> considerable extent, though in 8th house Cancer, its till not all I'd

> like, as a 2nd Saturn return, thus bit frustrating, and indicative of

> another new cycle of mid-life to adjust too.


> But, in Vedic, Saturn in Still considered in Gemini? Thus, that

> really has fully confused?


> Which is right, how can one balance these two systems, or can they?


> Artemis







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