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8/6......Week At A Glance.... Newsletter Friday, August 6....to Thursday August. 12th.... g4sf

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Week At A Glance

August 6th - 12th...



Dear Friends:


This Newsletter, is to help give a brief, heads-up, about the up-coming

Week of Transits, Ahead....



I like to send these out on the 'Cusp' of the Moon's 4 Cycles,

Full, 1/2 Full, New, & 1/2 Full,

though this time I'm sending out, now.... because it's been too long since the last Weekly




Though shorter than the daily, Transits, this Weekly Newsletter, will also

include more details of important transits, that you might want to know about!


Also, will include a brief A, M, or IA, D, ratings...for each day to correspond with:


Medium, positive/negative, and

In-Auspicious, or Delicate....



For those of you who have just recently joined, our Star Reports....


These Week AT A Glance.... Newsletters....


will also come to you, as part of the regular 'daily' Star Reports....


Many, comment, that they like the dailies, but...that the Week, ahead,....

allows for better planning!






Mark Kincaid




From Patricia, to Mark:


" Mark: Thank you so much for the Weeks at a glance. I really love them. Don't get me wrong, I love

the daily star reports too, but the Week's at a glance, allows me to look a little bit farther ahead.

I couldn't see, these before, but as I've continued becoming better and better at the dailys,

now the Week's ahead, make more sense.

And wow, it's so helpful, to know which days will be like, what!

Thanks so much. "














o Friday, August 6th...... M & IA


Moon moves into Aries today. So, though this normally is an okay thing, this Month & year, Rahu's presently also in Aries, therefore these next few days might feel slightly 'strange'.


This is Rahu's influence, though if you're in tune with Rahu, in other words, if you have enough silence, or centeredness, to 'be'....along with your 'desires'....then Rahu can be positive!





o Saturday, August 7th........ D & M


Moon moves to the 17th degree of Aries today. And today, because Rahu's presently running about 12 degrees,

the last 10 hours might have felt a little weird. For those of you, in the Continental US, this Moon & Rahu, 'blip' in the night..... was definitely that....


So if you woke up today, having had some weird dreams, now you know why. The day will quickly feel better, now.


Moon's got 13 degrees left of Aries, so 26 more full days of good Aries energy.


Do, and accomplish a lot!


Exalted Moon comes next!


o Sunday August 8th.... M & A!


Moon starts off today at the 29th degree of Aries, so not much left. Today, Moon quickly moves into Taurus, which is the Moon's favorite place to be!


This should be a really nice day! And also the next few one's too!


Bout, time. Seems like there have been too many weird ones. I've been thinking lately, that even within 'so-called', Malefic days....there's still the essence....of beauty, all possibilities,....and all success.


I get that glimmer sometimes, when I look out into the day's transits, and I'm by myself, maybe the Sun is shining, and inspire of some more surfacy qualities, of 'roughness', or irritableness', etc....


still at the same very moment....Nature is perfect.....




Sweet......full of bliss....


And the Silence....


the infinite....silence....like the sky.... is becoming more and more apparent....


This is what Moon in Taurus, can experience today....


And if you experience anything like this.... then, you'll begin to see these deep, eternal qualities, in each day....


Use the knowledge of the 'malefic' suggestions as just that.


Be aware, and don't get caught up in 'those'....


And if you do, you'll find yourself, more and more of the time,......residing....in really the true, higher potential...

of each day's flavor.



o Monday, August 9th.... A....


Moon starts off the day, at 11 degrees of Taurus....so still, 36 more hours of Taurian bliss & all possibilities...


Also, there are not even any malefic influences upon Taurus, so if you find yourself in any pinch, uncomfortableness, etc..... it's not because of the Transits....


If you do, write me, and we'll try and find 'where'.....


Maybe they're in your dasas, or even your chart.


I had this experience recently....


I've been feeling sooooo good lately....and then about 10 days ago, I found myself feeling...


weird, nervous, shy, Moonish!, I like to say....

and it felt like a New Moon,.... only there was none,....


Then, I thought whoa!, maybe I'd better look at my dasas....and that's what I did,...


and wow, I'd moved into a Moon period....


From Sun to Moon....and wow,....did I experience the difference....


And so many of the qualities, of my 'old' Moon,....

in the 12th....with Saturn and only 1 house away from the Sun.....

were being felt...


It took me about 3 or 4 days to adjust....

and for awhile, I wasn't sure I could.... but...then,....

by paying attention to that 'feeling'....and getting a little bit more rest....

and especially, by letting myself nourish...exactly on that Moonish level, that was....'hurting'....


I noticed,.....it went away....


it settled down again.... what I'd learned .... over these last couple of years....


Wow.... very encouraging....





o Tuesday, August 10th......... A ! & M


Mercury goes Retrograde today, too!


Moon starts off today, still in Taurus, though right now, at the 23rd degree.


So, only 7 more degrees left. So, enjoy 14 more hours of Taurian bliss.


Hope your last few days were as wonderful as possible!



Moon begins to feel like the qualities of Gemini, coming, cuz...that's the next sign...

and if you start to notice a definite 'shift' in your faint feeling level....


that's understandable...


Saturn's in Gemini, this Month & year....so as Moon gets closer and closer to the end of Taurus,

you may start to feel that quality coming on.



The transits, also teach us how to shift, and adapt.


The transits, often represent, the subtle, 'feeling level'....that's going on, within....


If we ignore or deny these feelings, we may feel worse.


And, if we see them, identify them, and allow them, their due....

then, we make a big step at being more in-tune with Life!


Life is Astrological, and it's always shifting....and....

the same....


Vedic Wisdom, celebrates...both qualities....


Many diversified, changeable, interesting and fascinating....qualities on the outside....

like a wonderful painting or symphony....


but.... deep within....and in fact, permeating every pore, every bit and fabric of .....'everything'....

there is this Oneness.....

this sameness....


So, celebrate both, let both of them in....


At every moment Nature will tell you if you need to let more....Silence in...

or more diversity.....!



We're moving towards the simultaneous co-existence of both....at the same very moment!


the 'M', today, is because Mercury goes Retrograde today!


This can be a weird time. Take the time to think things through more clearly.


If your intellects are functioning, in more spacy and unclear ways, now.....

this is why!






o Wednesday, August 11th.... A & M


Moon makes that shift into Gemini, today. Starts out the day at 5 degrees, and every 2 hours moves 1 degree.


Today, Moon won't make any 'direct' contact with Saturn, which is now, at the 27th degree of Gemini,

but.... Jyotish says....benefics, like the Moon, even, within 30 degrees of functional malefics like rahu, saturn or Mars, can make you feel those 'qualities'....


The key, is to identify if you're slipping into that rather, more uncomfortable, 'malefic' flavor...

and if you are...

then,.... shift.... adapt....


embrace that newness....and keep doing it....

until the Maleficness.....completely disappears....


Saturn is all about lessons, so these next few days will be perfect at this.... possibility!



o Thursday August 12th.. M, & D.....


Moon starts off today, at the 17th degree of Saturn.


Moon will spend the day, moving closer and closer to the exact degree of Saturn which is running at 27 degrees Gemini.


So, we've got 10 degrees left, or 20 hours....


So, if it doesn't feel too bad, today,,....great....eureka...


If you are 'feeling' that Saturn quality....then.... let go...


and embrace more positive Saturn....


And again, keep doing this...till all traces of the maleficness of it...are gone!



Good luck!












Other Simultaneous Transits, Goings, On....




Jupiter - Saturn

Planetary Battle...



Jupiter & Saturn have been, 'battling'...since 1999!


Since then, when Jupiter & Saturn.....literally collide, in their close conjunction, in the real sky!.....


We've had a major, World Recession.....


Millions of people have lost their jobs. All World Financial markets....plunged......


Though now, we realize it was fortunately a more, mini-Recession....


still Saturn's negative effects have been very real and noticeable....


It's also been very fascinating, watching this continual, Jupiter, Saturn, dance....


because even now, in 2004, their simultaneous influences...are still going on!


Today, Friday August 6th........ till Thursday....August 12th....


Jupiter & Saturn....are running these degrees:


Jupiter: 25:42 degree of Leo..... till Thursday..... when it climbs up to a whopping....26:53 degrees Leo...


During this time....Saturn.... is running....from....


Saturn:......26:35 degrees Gemini..... till........ Wednesday....Sani moves up to the 27:19 degrees of Gemini.....


This time is a great opportunity to verify Sani's 'supposed'.....3rd House aspect....


Also, the heighth of this 'tugging' aspect of Sani,....will be culminating on August 17th....

when both Jupiter & Saturn will be found at the 27th degrees, of their respective Signs...


So, 5 more days to go....


then, things will start to smooth out....




Saturn's supposed to have a 3rd House aspect which means counting the house that Sani is in as #1, you go,

Gemini, Cancer, and Leo...


So, Saturn's influencing Leo, this year!


And because Jupiter's there, and moving through Leo, Sani, therefore, is supposed to be negatively, or malefically,

influencing all of Jupiter's natural, progressive, and positive qualities....


And we've certainly seen that, this last year,.....


Though Jupiter's supposed to be very happy in Leo,....this year, of it's 12 year cycle, through the Zodiac,.... Jupiter was not as positive, as it normally would have been......


The Good news, ....is this means something beside,.... a negative Warning...


The good news, is this represents a time, though not of expansion..... But....

one of rest, rejuvenation....and preparation.....for the next Expansive...Cycle....


Soon, very soon..... Jupiter will move into Virgo....and Saturn will, even if only for a short time.....


in it's 3rd house aspect....and that'll represent a better, more expansive,....progressive time!






In fact, on August 27th.... Jupiter moves into Virgo!


So, be patient, till then.....





Other Important Transits....

of the Planets....





o Mars has moved out of debilitation, from Cancer into Leo, now!


That bodes well, for all actions, and enterprises!

(though the degrees are still very low in Leo,.... in fact, from the 8/6th Mars will be at about 3 degrees of Leo....)




o Venus - Has moved out of it's Own sign, and into Gemini, for the entire Week......


The negative of this, is that feelings tend to start collecting, or radiating....from the intellect, or Gemini....

so the thing to watch is to not get caught up with your feelings, in your head!


If a particular quality of dryness....is felt in you or your environment.... not to worry, this may just be the Gemini, quality....



o Mercury - is still in Leo, now about 14 degrees, and on the 10th of August, Mercury goes Retrograde!


This is an important transit, as often, many times, all kinds of strange and bizarre, little snafus, and weird, mistakes get made!


Therefore, take more time, to think things through, and wait until you're clear....before moving!

or deciding....



o Jupiter - is also still in Leo, though it's still moving awfully slowly.... from the 25:42th degree, to only the 26:53th degree....during this whole week....


And because Saturn's also at the 26:35th & 27:19th degree, even, though in Gemini....


Still it's negative, strongest, malefic influences...may be felt, during this Week! or culminating on August 17th....

when both Jupiter & Saturn will be at their respective, 27th degrees!


o Jupiter - Moves into Virgo, a completely new Sign, on

August 27th....!


This is an important and strong, positive, transit.... which will be untouched by Saturn....

well at least for a few weeks...


the World's stock Markets may pop up during the next, following..... 12 days........


till Saturn makes it's move simultaneously into Cancer, it's next sign, on September 6th....


Well, enjoy this respite for at least a few days!









and God Bless...








Mark Kincaid




Jai Guru!

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