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8/6 Jyotish Questionnaire & Comments: Give me your feedback! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000



Jyotish Questionnaire & Comments:






Dear Friends:


I've been reflecting on this past year, recently and thought it might be fun to reflect together.


About 2 years ago I started these Star Reports, though the first year I only wrote Monthly Transit Newsletters.


Then, about a year ago, I remembered how much I had learned by watching the 'transits' of each day, and the daily Star Reports were born.


Now, a year later, we have over 600 rs from over 30 Countries from throughout the World.


I'm now, very happy that so many of you have been enjoying these Daily and Weekly Star Reports and look forward to many more, together.




Jyotish Reflections, Questionnaire & Comments:



As many of you know, Jyotish is this fabulous Knowledge and Wisdom that studies the True, 'Meanings of Life'.


If Astronomy studies the 'Hows' of the Universe, how this Planet works, how this Solar System, interacts; Jyotish represents the study of the 'meaning' of these events.


People are born every day.


The desire to know what is the purpose of our lives, is one of the earliest desires of all Human Life.


Jyotish represents the amazing, life-confirming, Wisdom.... of this eternal Question.


Traditionally, when you have your 'Jyotish' read, someone else, a Jyotishee, looks at your Chart, and 'sees' what your life is meant to be.


Many have confused this ability, and have come to believe that Jyotish is about some kind of unchangeable 'fate' or pre-destiny.


Jyotish, however, though it is able to see into this aspect of 'predeterminism', is also about the fact, that Life also includes tremendous 'freedoms' & 'progress'.


So, true Jyotish is more importantly, about our 'opportunities', and yes, 'Increasing Our Freedoms' and Success, in life!


My challenge in writing these daily Transits, has always been to try and do justice to this tremendous potential of Jyotish, while giving some insight, clarity and especially practical advise concerning the Qualities of each day as it's 'going' to be unfolding.


However, the Transits represent only, approximately about 1/3 of the entire range of Jyotish, and/or of Life, itself.


Many in fact, say the Transits really only constitute about 20% of the entirety of Jyotish.


Therefore, we don't want to forget, that the Dasas, of our Charts, are also important and they in fact may come to reflect about 30% of our every day, Astrological life.


Finally, there are all the qualities, issues and conditions of our Birth Charts, themselves. This 'Natal' Chart, is often described as being representative of about 40-50% of our Life.


Then, there is the very important aspect of Jyotish Transformation.


Whereas, traditional Jyotish has focused almost exclusively on the 'predeterministic' aspects of Jyotish, there is this even more important 'field' of Jyotish Transformation.


Jyotish transformations have normally been talked about in terms of Jyotish Remedies, but in the past for every 195 pages of Jyotish Understanding in a book, only 5 pages of remedies, are tacked on at the end.



Therefore, in addition to the Daily Star Reports, I've had a lot of interest in writing more in-depth Jyotish Newsletters to reflect upon some of these more vital and fundamental issues, too.


This last year, I wrote a number, about 10 Advanced Jyotish Newsletters, to go more and more in depth into all these other important aspects of Jyotish.


And many of you have commented upon how much you've enjoyed them, as well.


I will be continuing with 'them', but am also happy to have announced forming a new 'Astrological' Group, who's purpose is to go more in-depth with many of the various aspects of Jyotish.


(Some of you have already signed up for this new group and are enjoying many lively discussions with many others who are also interested in Jytotish/Astrology.


Please go to: / to check this out.)


I have received many 'thank you's' and 'compliments' regarding both the Star Reports and these first Advanced Newsletters, and today,

would like to ask you for your 'Comments, & Suggestions', for the future.


I will list some of the Areas of Focus I've been thinking about for continuing these Star Reports & Advanced Newsletters but....


I'd also appreciate your comments & remarks, as well.


The 'Transits', Star Reports....










Next 3 Months:


These are my present thoughts and plans regarding the next 3 months.


If you have any other ideas or suggestions as to what you'd like to 'hear' about regarding Jyotish, please let me know...






Next 30 days:




Right now, the Sun's passing through Cancer.

On August 15, the Sun will move into Leo.

This will represent one of the best, most strong, powerful months of the year.

This is because the 'Sun' represents our 'self-worth', 'will power', and strength of 'I', and 'character'. During strong Sun times, these bode well for all of us.

On August 17th....both Jupiter & Saturn will be at the 27th degree of their two prospective Signs. This means on this day, Saturn will be having it's most strong, 3rd House effect upon Jupiter, the primary planet of progress & prosperity. Recent days of 'stagnation' and 'sluggishness', in World Stock markets, and Economies, show the reality of this Jyotish configuration.

After that.... Jupiter will quickly start moving away from Sani's negative & delaying qualities, so the next few months will begin to be more expansive, and successful!

Other Changes:

On August 27th, Jupiter moves into a new Sign, (Virgo), which also means Saturn will be less 'negative' or 'holding back' then before.

Then, on Sept. 1st.... Mercury goes Retrograde.... which will be an important transit, for guarding against making rash, or unclear decisions. Mercury Retrograde happens fairly regularly but is good to be aware of.

On Sept. 6th, Saturn, too moves into a new Sign. Saturn moves into Cancer, so it continues to influence Jupiter. Though we'll notice each day that Jupiter moves farther and farther away from Saturn's direct influence, reflects more optimism, progress, expansion and happiness.



Next 3 Months....



By Sept. 14, 2004, Sun Mercury and Mars will all be in Leo, which will be very good. Also, Jupiter's now in Virgo and Saturn in Cancer. However, Jupiter & Saturn will even now be about 3 degrees apart in their influence, so things will be beginning to expand!

Remember even as late as August 17th,...when Jupiter & Saturn were both at the same degree, and stagnation was maximum.

Then, by October 14, 2004,....Now, Sun, Jupiter & Mars will be in Virgo, this month, and Jupiter & Saturn will now be more then 7 degrees apart, ie, better & better, now.

Then, by November 14, 2004.... Jupiter and Saturn will be more then 13 degrees apart. Remember each day as Jupiter moves ahead, Saturn looses it's intense grip and influence upon all-important Jupiter.

And finally by December, 14, 2004,....Jupiter and Saturn will be over 19 degrees apart. Jupiter will be at the 21st degree of Virgo, while Saturn, moving more slowly, will be at the 2nd degree of Cancer.



Up-Coming Next:


New Services of Starlight Unlimited...




Charts Available...

New Star Reports...

Advanced Jyotish Newsletters...

Jyotish Transformations: Changeing & Improving your Stars!

Jyotish Courses....

Jyotish Teacher Training Courses....


Starlight Unlimited...multi-level Business Opportunity....


Over the next few days, more newsletters will be coming out,

regarding all the new and exciting Jyotish programs that will be

available starting this next month!



Jai Guru!





Mark Kincaid

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