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2-Sharalyn, re. comments/saying about Jyotish,.... Mark Kincaid...10/24

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Dear Members:


Here's an interesting remarks from another r, that made me comment upon my background, and 'why' I've developed the Jyotish, that I have.


Thought you might like to read about this...





Mark K.




From , 10/23....

Sharalyn Harris <sharris@i...> wrote:



Dear Mark,


It is my opinion that your observations on Jyotish are profound--comparing

the Jyotishee to the Vidja (Ayruvedic Doctor) is so wise, and what you wrote


Our charts aren't our conslusions....they're just >our beginnings..


is surely destined to become a common saying. Learning jyotish/astrology

through the " training " to feel the energies of the planets destined to

become the teaching method of the future. Namaste to your wisdom and

original insights.





Dear Sharalyn:


Thank you so much for yourrrrr!, comments.


And I'd love to take credit for this expression.


There must be a bunch of nice expressions I have come up with, like....


" there's a 1 to 1 correspondence between all the different aspects of our lives....and our Astrology charts.... "


or..... It's indeed, literally, possible to " change and improve the Planets in our charts... "


However, to be fair, I should say that this quote is a direct quote of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, of TM fame.


I was attending an Ayurvedic conference in Noida, India, just south of Delhi, in 1988, and at the very end of this 40 day course on Ayurved, the Maharishi himself said...we should now know more about Jyotish.


And for the last 5 days of this course, we had a very intensified Jyotish 'primer'.


Actually, they weren't that ready to have a nice formal Jyotish course, but they did find in fact, a Western Astrologer from my course, of about 450 people from all over the World, attending this conference....

who because he knew quite a bit of Jyotish, he lead this very Introductory course.


But, every night, the Maharishi would come in and lecture to us about his vision of Jyotish.


He talked about Jyotish, he compared it to Ayurved and he put 'it' in the context of a whole understanding of Vedic Science.


He also said: " you all would be your own best Jyotishee " .

Though I was pretty sure that wasn't personally directed to me, hehe...

and though I didn't feel very adequate to really be such an expert, when a Guru, type, that you trust, says something that you resonate with....

it behooves one, to at least try....


So that's what I did.


I came back to the states, and very innocently started studying my Jyotish, on my own....


And you know what happened?


After about 6 months, I had learned enough Jyotish, that almost everyone that I'd run into, who even knew 10 times more technical Jyotish than, I....

but I started to notice that their take on me, and my life,....wasn't quite perfect....

as perfect as my own,....understanding and realizations...


then, it occured to me....


we're meant to know our own charts!


And maybe like the Maharishi said, we're meant to know our charts...


Ayurved has a component like that.


Everyone is supposed to know enough Ayurved that you can feel your own pulse.


And though 'we' might not be as good as a trained Vaidya, we should know enough that we can feel our own daily pulse, and feel any dangers in the Physiology, that may be brewing on the horizon....


I actually credit quite a bit of my success in Jyotish to one thing.


There were about 7 or 8 things I remember Maharishi saying, like the expression you liked so much...

and I just innocently studied, Jyotish keeping those perspectives in mind...


and I quickly learned Jyotish....


Not only did I learn 'the Jyotish', I also started to experience a state of Jyotish, that I knew was not commonly known or experienced by others....


Now I call this the 'consciousness' or 'transformative' power of Jyotish...


and is one of the reasons why I'm so enthused to promote 'my' Jyotish...


Jyotish is life....


Jyotish is the knowledge, piercing insight, into the Nature of life, what it's about....and especially......

most especially....about 'why' we're here....

and finally,....even...

the knowledge about what we need to turn our lives around, to understand our weaknesses, to understand how we're literally, sabotaging ourselves....

and to learn how to create success, ....out of where there used to be just challenges, problems, and miseries....


thanks again for your comments...


Sorry, If I went on too long.


I was just inspired by your words....




Jai Guru!



Mark Kincaid




ps... now you can see why I always love to say Jai Guru!



This means 'thanks' to 'Guru'.....


I say this, because it's my way of thanking the major Guru in my life, and even, 'all' the Gurus....who have contributed to my insights...

and even God,....him/herself.... who as you may know, according to Ved....

is the ultimate Guru!







oops.... you said:


It is my opinion that your observations on Jyotish are profound--comparing

the Jyotishee to the Vidja (Ayruvedic Doctor) is so wise, and what you wrote


" Our charts aren't our conslusions....they're just >our beginnings.. "



And I thought the quote that you were saying was:


" Don't take your Chart, seriously like it was written in stone, it's just the state of Physiology, at birth..... "


Now, 'that's' the real, Maharishi quote...


I guess, the other....really was my words....







In , Sharalyn Harris <sharris@i...> wrote:

> Dear Mark,


> It is my opinion that your observations on Jyotish are profound--comparing

> the Jyotishee to the Vidja (Ayruvedic Doctor) is so wise, and what you wrote


> >Our charts aren't our conslusions....they're just >our beginnings..


> is surely destined to become a common saying. Learning jyotish/astrology

> through the " training " to feel the energies of the planets destined to

> become the teaching method of the future. Namaste to your wisdom and

> original insights.


> Sharalyn




> on 24/10/04 2:28 AM, at

> wrote:


> >

> >


> >

> > And we're all doing that.

> >

> > The more we personally, 'revive' Astrology, and make it more relevant, for

> > modern life, the more it emerges out of the vague, mists of it's ancient

> > past.

> >

> > Personally, I don't care whether the texts are accurate or archaic.

> >

> > What matters to me is that our charts, fit us.

> >

> > After doing Jyotish, now for over 16 years, the thing that constantly amazes

> > me is that people's charts......really do fit them.

> >

> > And this mean's there's some great insight and wisdom there in our

> > charts....to help us, all.

> >

> > That's also why I like looking at the Best of West & East...

> >

> > Eastern may have the better calculations, but as you said, below, the

> > Western system has had a much more practical take on utilizing Astrology for

> > very important Psychological reasons.

> >

> > The other thing that's very profound in 'Western' mind-set is the belief

> > that life is progressive, and evolutionary and our Chart's are also

> > indicative of our ability to grow, to expand, and to even change our Stars!

> >

> > Eastern on the other hand, though it's mechanical calculations re. the

> > charts seems more accurate, they have many other problems which I think need

> > to be worked out.

> >

> > The #1, one, is that India, itslef, has fallend into a terrible, 'funk'

> > regarding renunciation, and impractical Philosophys. Many of the new,

> > avant-gard Yogis and Gurus coming out of India, over the last 50 years have

> > given expression to this fact and the importance that all Vedic Knowledge be

> > revised, updated and transformed.

> >

> > The biggest change I see, is that Ved is beginning to be experienced with

> > it's more true, progressive and evolutionary bent.

> >

> > I mean things like Ayurved already get it.

> >

> > You go to an Ayurved doctor and he feels your pulse, and says, 'ahhhhhh,

> > your pitta has invaded your kapha space, ....and that's why you have high

> > blood pressure.'

> >

> > All manners of prescriptions and things to do, are then given, to bring the

> > blood pressure down, by balancing the vata, pitta and kapha, energies in the

> > body.

> >

> > Jyotishees, or Astrologers need to have the same, 'fix-it' mentality.

> >

> > If that same person was to come to an Astrologer, 'he' should be able to

> > find the pitta, 'Mars' reason why high blood pressure is going on...

> > and if there's anything I've learned about Jyotish, it's that it truely

> > represents the Psychology of the person.

> >

> > So, the Jyotishee might say, 'yes, you're doing all these things from the

> > Ayurved angle, now, do this and that to balance your Mars, within!'......

> >

> > And finally, in regards to 'mysticism'.... there's such a fascinating

> > renewal, also going on regarding 'consciousness' today.

> >

> > I've even heard it be said, that .....'all the hymns of the ved, are

> > useless, unless the source of the Ved is known.....'

> >

> > This means that 'he' who resides in pure consciousness, the hymns of the

> > Ved, 'ring' out to him/her.... and then, have their real, proper uplifting

> > effects.

> >

> > It's been my great fortune having grown up in the consciousness, meditation,

> > field, that then, later, studying Jyotish, .... I look at it through the

> > eyes, of growth, and improvement.

> >

> > I've even heard it 'said' ...... " don't take your charts like their written

> > in stone, they're just the state of your Physiology at birth..... " *

> >

> > Now, I understand this. Our charts aren't our conslusions....they're just

> > our beginnings..

> > and being our beginnings....we're here, free, to grow in whatever ways we'd

> > like....

> >

> > The fact that 'we'd like' to grow in the intimate, ways of our charts.....is

> > probably a good thing...

> >

> > but the fact that we're here to grow and improve....

> > needs to be much more understood, especially by the static, fate oriented

> > mindset of too many of the Easterners.....

> >

> >

> >

> > Nice talking with you.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ciao

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> > ps... oh yes,..... one more thing.... about why don't mystics study

> > Astrology more, I think they not have been so prevalent, because they come

> > from two very different angles...

> >

> > Astrology has been so wrapped up in 'intellect'.....learning this and that

> > rule,....whereas

> > So much of 'mysticism' or consciousness, so automatically comes from such a

> > deeper point, beyond the intellect....

> >

> > but it's also been said that " knowledge and experience " ...both

> > together....make for a very rich and complete wisdom.

> >

> > And that's been my experience as well.....

> >

> > Astrology is very satisfying intellectually,....but consciousness is very

> > satisfying.... emotionally, and in terms of the heart....

> >

> > both together...are very satisfying....

> >

> >

> >

> >

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