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10/29/04 Friday's .......(EXALTED MOON, NEXT 2 DAYS!!) Quick Jyotish - 'Transits'........ for the Day

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Jyotish/Astrological Thoughts for the Day....


Friday, October 29th, 2004




New 'SPECIAL' Today:


Subscriber's Comments......


(see below re. recent Lunar Eclipse, Eberhard/Germany)






Moon moves to the 29thth degree of.... Aries,.... today.......

..at 9am, CDT, US

Then Quickly into Exalted Taurus.....




Wednesday, Evening....CDT.......


Moon's Waxing Now....though...., Moon's still awfully big!




((See Lunar Nakshatras: Scroll Down Below))

Moon in Krittika today....

26:40 degrees Aries. - 10:00 of Taurus....



Also.... Top Highlights:



o Sun - Weak in Libra


A Good Remedy...for this weakest of times for the Sun!


#1 " I Wills'.....


I will be happy....

I will be stronger,....

I will be successful....

I will.....

I will....


Any and all 'I Will' Affirmations... are good for the Sun....


#2 Also, 'not' accepting, 'indecision' now....just because the Sun's in Libra...

is a great prescription for minimizing...this potentially, frustrating,

Sun/Libra period!....




o (( Venus - moves into weak Virgo, today!)) see below


o Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 27th....





Today.....Friday, October 29th....




Moon, raps up it's Transit of Aries, and dreaded Rahu/Ketu 'axis of evil'...

sorry, Rahu....and this year's bi-annual, Eclipses...(29th degree, as we start this day,

therefore only 2 more hours).....


Then, Moon quickly moves into Taurus, where we'll see a dramatic shift.


For the first time, in many, recent days.... the Moon will move into a Sign, which not only is very happy for the Moon. (ie. Moon's Exalted in Taurus)......but!

these next few days.... Moon will NOT be aspected or influenced by annnny! MALEFICS!


This is a very good 'Sign'.... haha, no pun inteneded....

and represents a really good time to do and accomplish, pretty much everything....


Too bad, we can't have these 'better' periods either more often, or more lengthy...


but don't remember,....these Transits, only represent the Cosmic 'environments' in which we live.


We, on the other hand,.... are that more continuous reality....and one of the greatest purposes of our lives...is to create....eveness....

solidarity....and stability....


How is that possible....in a Universe....of ever-changeing realities....


Over the next few day's we'll talk about how it's possible....to maintain, INNER STABILITY....

along with greater skill at interacting with these 'ever-changein' Cosmic transits...


Feel free to send in any reflections, comments and ......questions....




End of the Day's...reflections...







Mark Kincaid






Subscriber's Comments:




From Eberhard/Germany:




Dear Mark,


Thanks again, for your " Quick Transits " !!!

You said....

From : Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

Well, how was your!, Eclipse, Full Moon yesterday....?



I, had two very 'special' days, during this 'eclipse'....


There were amazing and intense new experiences, new possibilities....

but also fatal emotions, extreme irritation of feelings and heart.


These new changes could bring me a completely 'new life', completely new

circumstances in living, working, etc.


I have been longing for this chance....but now, when it's here, I realize, that I would have to pay

a high price, it seems to me, my personality, mainly behind.


It really seems to be due to this Moon Eclipse.


Thanks again.






Dear Eberhard:


Very interesting description and experience.


At every moment we have the opportunity for great inner transformation.


Too often, however, especially during 'malefic' situations, we don't learn...

so much as we stress out or 'feel bad'.


But, because of your very good, 'progressive' and wanting and willing to change

'nature' ....now....


you've been able to take the 'best' of this worst...and get something very

positive out of it...


Don't worry, however, about the " fatal emotions, extreme irritation of feelings and heart "

you described.


These are undoubtably, due to the Moon's exposure to that dreaded, Rahu/Ketu quality.


But, with every potential moment of life, we do have this wonderful possiblity to grow, and

to take the best of every situation.


Malefic 'one's' have a special role because they represent the times, and parts of us, that we're meant

to improve and grow within...


During benefic periods, we generally exprience a lot of progress....

but it's those thorny, 'other periods'....(our malefics)....where we'll experience...the most profound




Thanks, again.... for sharing your experience.


Well done!



Mark K.








Other 'Goings On'........




For the Sun.....


Sun's still in Libra.....


& .....



Libra is growing...


where last month we had so much Virgo, goings on.....

this month, it's the Libra quality that is predominating...


What are some good words for 'Libra''.....?







though there's only several planets that 'really' like being in Libra...


Venus is great there.... soon....


Libra is Exalted in Libra....though that won't happen for about 7 1/2 years!


Moon likes being in Libra...




The main reason is these 3, like especially 'harmony', compromise and balance.....

even seeing both sides of any and all issues....

is an especially good Libran quality...


And funnily enough this is why Sun and Mercury have a harder time, there...


Because the Sun needs to represent a stand.... and ambivilance, seeing both sides, kind of defuses

Sun's power....

that's one reason why Sun's called being debilitated....in Libra....


Mercury is not quite as 'bad', but Mercury, too, is not at it's best, there...

because Libra being able to see both sides, means for intellect, which needs to decide,

make a decision.... represents again,....

indecisiveness, in Libra....






((( Venus - moves into weak Virgo, today!))) see below


Another important transit, to watch....is Venus over next 3 weeks...


This is a relatively difficult transit now for the next few weeks, because the Heart, which is represented by Venus,....is very pinched, in Virgo, criticalness....




Venus is very sad, in Virgo,....


heart knows no reason.... we say....


So, heart doesn't want to discriminate, to judge, to evaluate...


heart only wants to flow....


Intellects decide....

but Venus, heart, is very out of place in Virgo...


thank goodness, at least it wasn't in Virgo when Sun & Mercury were there too....








SUN TRANSITS THROUGH LIBRA - 10/17!!! -11/16.....


Sun 12th degree, now......


only 18 more days to go! whew!





THIS is a month, where the karma of lack of self-confidence comes back to us...


This 'month' shows us how important it is, to have a strong, powerful, inner, 'I',...center....


This 'month' shows us what it's like to not have that....


Feel any of that unique Sun/Libra quality yet...


A lady, 'Melanie' wrote in today, with her experience of the special lesson one might learn

through this Transit...


so pay special attention to your own, 'indeciseness', and don't contriubute to it...


Just because we know it's coming due to a uniquely 'malefic' aspect of the Stars!






The primary prescription for this 'challenge' is to not buy into the indecisevenss of Libra....., and to continue to assert yourself....as always........



If others suffer, this, or feel a quality of lack of self-confidence...., then..., help them, too, focus on not wavering...


Pick up a copy of 'Upanishads'....this month...


Upanishads....are all about the 'true', powerful, nature of the 'I'....self....

for all.....


Another unique Jyotish Prescription for this Month...is:


'where there's a will....there's a way'.....




















Mark Kincaid








Moon in Krittika today....

26:40 degree of Pisces....to 10th degree of TAurus.....



See if you can feel the flavor.... of this Nakshatra,

as it does, exist in both end of Aquarius and the beginning of Pisces.....



This is an interesting Nakshatra, as it stradles, too such different Signs...

see if you can 'feel' that special flavor of similarity within those two different signs

of Aries, & Taurus...









For those who want more of these kinds of Transits, or more Jyotish, check out

new Star Reports group:







Other :




Join the 'Best of West & East Astrologys'.....



And new.....'Meditation-Remedies & Astrology Group:



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Yesterday ,I don't know what happen,But it was so

intense flow of Heart,I can never imagine.It was life

2 Lovers meet after many days,Experience was

intense,Mind wasn't thinking anything,Just wants to go

with a rythum.


However Venus is in SAD position,So was it really a

LOVE or something else,I can say yesterday LOVE had

become blind, Just things were happening.


As saturn 3rd aspect is on Venus,Satunn will disciple

a Venus for a true things,not to get SAD,rather

realise your inner self,your heart,You are really in



In a night while I slept, A thought came to my

mind,What you really require in these

world,car,authority,money,power. I said NO NO NO NO,

what you require is " LOVE " .If you have these than rest

of things works automatically for you.You feel you are

ALIVE. Things that you have shared and spent with your

Loved ones never gets out of your Head.You think about

it and you feel it.Know you want everything to get

standstill,no wonder you don't want to loose any

moment of it.You want to just flow like stream of

water,Like a wind, like a heart beat, like a rising

sun,No looking back. It is you and her and world does

not exist.


What you hace to sy about my Experience?













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