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11/7/04 Sunday's .......(Moon Leo!) Quick Jyotish - 'Transits'.....

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Jyotish/Astrological Thoughts for the Day....



Sunday, November 7th, 2004







Moon starts off the day at the 18th degree of.... Leo,.... today.......

..at 9am, CST, US


Coming to you at 9:20am....right now....


((See Lunar Nakshatras: Scroll Down Below))

Moon in Poorva Phalguna today....

13:20 Leo - 26:40



Top Highlights: (See immediately below Today's Transits)!



(See fascinating question about a r's dreams.)!





Today.... Sunday November 7th...




Dear Friends!



Moon starts off the day at/around the middle of Leo, now...


18th degree means smack dab in the middle of strong Leo energy.


Good for most everything.


You'll notice a pretty interesting shift between yesterday and today.


Yesterday, earlier degrees of Leo, was being aspected by Rahu, so more tendencies of 'Rahuish' qualities coming in...


Today, Moon's moved past that direct influence since Rahu's at the 8th degree of Aries....


So, enjoy,....get plenty of rest, as the Moon's entering the last quarter of it's Wanings....


Time not spent recuperating during this period, will lead to over-exertion,

and ....sickness,


So enjoy the dynamism of Leo, but with the patience and awareness of the need for the inwardness of the Waning cycle...




Main Other Transits Goings On:


Venus & Jupiter, still in Virgo, so don't buy into too much 'virgo' criticalness...


Sun, Ketu and Mars all in Libra.... so don't get too suspended between this or that....and do...nothing!


Now, Mercury's moved into Scorpio, which will be a good opportunity to begin unique, 'Scorpio Reflections'....inward, too, inventive, and research oriented.....




End of the Day's...reflections...







Mark Kincaid






Top Highlights:



o New Mars 'transit':


Mars has moved into Libra....too.... so this has a tendency to contribute to sitting on the fence, and being indecise......'


So!,....don't give in to this!



o Sun - Weak in Libra


Another... Good Remedy...for this weakest of times for the Sun!


#3 Set Goals, make decisions,.... and not by into... any ...indecisiveness!



Hopefully, some day, we'll figure out a much better Astrological time to pick our leaders or representatives....





#1 " I Wills'.....


I will be happy....

I will be stronger,....

I will be successful....

I will.....

I will....


Any and all 'I Will' Affirmations... are good for the Sun....


#2 Also, 'not' accepting, 'indecision' now....just because the Sun's in Libra...

is a great prescription for minimizing...this potentially, frustrating,

Sun/Libra period!....




o (( Venus - moves into weak Virgo, today!)) see below


A good rule of thumb for this worst of Venus times, is to not buy into any criticalness upon oneself, or others....especially related to 'affairs of the heart'

which is what Venus rules!







Subscriber's Comments:




From Bobby: Dreams!.. Rahu's influence.......




Dear Mark,



Since you've been helping me watch the transits, I'm even beginning to notice a correlation along with my dreams!


2-nites ago I had the most bizarre string of strange dreams.


And my first impulse was to try and examine all of them, because they did kind of wrap around many of the tensions and stresses of my life...


But, then I remembered you said, Moon would move into a space where Rahu would be fully aspecting.

So, I thought, 'wow, maybe that was what I was experiencing...


Last nite's dreams also were much more normal, actually slept very deeply.


Well, what do you think?




Dear Bobby:


I've had similar experiences as I follow the Transits pretty consistently, each day for over 16 years! hehe


And I looked up the approximate time you mentioned 2 nites ago, and at the exact time you were talking about the Moon was at the 4th degree of Leo, while Rahu was at the 8th degree of Aries...


So, Moon was moving across Rahu's direct influence, and experience shows that even a few degrees on both sides of that exact, 8th degree influence,...will be felt especially for those Planets like the Moon, ....


like you experienced.....


And you're right, it really does help knowing that a part of these kinds of influences are just due to the spontaneous, more malefic or negative influences of the Stars....


This helps us understand better, certain negativities,......

but there are still, good lessons there for us....


In fact, when any Planet's transits or Dasa periods are bringing us grief,....


that's just Nature's way of showing us we need to grow in it's more benefic, natual, positive qualities, as well...


So, between now, and next month, when the Moon moves into Rahu's path again, aspire to strengthen Rahu, within,....

and see if your experience of that 'maleficness',....isn't better!







Thanks,... for sharing your experience.





Mark K.








Other 'Goings On'........




For the Sun.....


Sun's still in Libra.....


& .....



Libra is growing...


where last month we had so much Virgo, goings on.....

this month, it's the Libra quality that is predominating...


What are some good words for 'Libra''.....?







though there's only several planets that 'really' like being in Libra...


Venus is great there.... soon....


Libra is Exalted in Libra....though that won't happen for about 7 1/2 years!


Moon likes being in Libra...




The main reason is these 3, like especially 'harmony', compromise and balance.....

even seeing both sides of any and all issues....

is an especially good Libran quality...


And funnily enough this is why Sun and Mercury have a harder time, there...


Because the Sun needs to represent a stand.... and ambivilance, seeing both sides, kind of defuses

Sun's power....

that's one reason why Sun's called being debilitated....in Libra....


Mercury is not quite as 'bad', but Mercury, too, is not at it's best, there...

because Libra being able to see both sides, means for intellect, which needs to decide,

make a decision.... represents again,....

indecisiveness, in Libra....






((( Venus - moves into weak Virgo, today!))) see below


Another important transit, to watch....is Venus over next 3 weeks...


This is a relatively difficult transit now for the next few weeks, because the Heart, which is represented by Venus,....is very pinched, in Virgo, criticalness....




Venus is very sad, in Virgo,....


heart knows no reason.... we say....


So, heart doesn't want to discriminate, to judge, to evaluate...


heart only wants to flow....


Intellects decide....

but Venus, heart, is very out of place in Virgo...


thank goodness, at least it wasn't in Virgo when Sun & Mercury were there too....








SUN TRANSITS THROUGH LIBRA - 10/17!!! -11/16.....


Sun 21st degree, now......


only 9 more days to go! whew!





THIS is a month, where the karma of lack of self-confidence comes back to us...


This 'month' shows us how important it is, to have a strong, powerful, inner, 'I',...center....


This 'month' shows us what it's like to not have that....


Feel any of that unique Sun/Libra quality yet...


A lady, 'Melanie' wrote in today, with her experience of the special lesson one might learn

through this Transit...


so pay special attention to your own, 'indeciseness', and don't contriubute to it...


Just because we know it's coming due to a uniquely 'malefic' aspect of the Stars!






The primary prescription for this 'challenge' is to not buy into the indecisevenss of Libra....., and to continue to assert yourself....as always........



If others suffer, this, or feel a quality of lack of self-confidence...., then..., help them, too, focus on not wavering...


Pick up a copy of 'Upanishads'....this month...


Upanishads....are all about the 'true', powerful, nature of the 'I'....self....

for all.....


Another unique Jyotish Prescription for this Month...is:


'where there's a will....there's a way'.....




















Mark Kincaid







Lunar Nakshatras:


Moon in Poorva Phalguna today....

13:20 Leo - 26:40


A new Nakshatra during this Moon at the 18th degree period...

is again ....'all' Leo....


See if you can 'feel' the difference between these 2 periods of Leo....























For those who want more of these kinds of Transits, or more Jyotish, check out

new Star Reports group:







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Join the 'Best of West & East Astrologys'.....



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Mark Kincaid.....

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