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WAAG Week At A Glance Tue. 12/28 - Mon. January 3rd, 2005 ......... Jyotish -'Transits'.....

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Dear Friends:


This week's Week At A Glance,....has some interesting 'flavors' to it.


Waning Moon, now, Sun, still, in Sagittarius, and ........ *****






Mark Kincaid



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Jyotish/Astrological Thoughts for the Day....



Tuesday, December 28th, - Monday, January 3rd, ..... 2005





Dear Friends!


Moon's now started it's monthly, Waning cycle.


Feels like a 'relief' after the last week of Holiday events, and full Moon,

crucendoing on Saturday!


Now, since I've been watching the Moon more closely, I notice that my body, even likes this more restful, Waning part!





Mark Kincaid







General Highlights, This Week:




Waning Moon Cycle now, from 12/27 - 1/10/2005, Very special time for the Moon to be Waning, since the Sun's still in Sagittarius.


They say all planets love being in Sagittarius, so good time for major spiritual



Now, the flavor of these next 2 week's is more of an inward, reflective, catching

up on details, and re-organizing, for the preparation for the next Waxing cycle!


Sun still in Sagittarius, Sun's transiting from the 13th to the 20th degrees of Sagittarius, during this week. Therefore enjoy the maximum strength of the Sun's transit, as it moves to the middle of the Sign.


Mars is still in it's Own Sign Scorpio,...Very good time, to 'move' or 'to act',

or to accomplish. Just be sure the intensity of Marishness, is anchored in what

is right or just, and don't use this time, to flow in the malefic side of Mars.....


Mars is in Scorpio from Dec. 16th - January 28th....2005


Now, 12/28....Mars is still relatively at the beginning of this passage, running at the 8th degree of Scorpio.


Good time, to be about acting upon one's convictions and ideals!



Saturn's Retrograde, Motion, now...

...See if you notice that Saturn's power is slightly less now, as it's moving backwards, and being so close to moving into the last sign, Gemini.


Those with especially significant Gemini's, either in the first or 10th Houses, and especially with important planets in Gemini, like the Sun, or Moon, will

notice this transit, most powerfully!



Next New Moon! - January 10th 2005.......Try and allow yourself to be more in-tune, especially with the Moon, as we continue going through these Holy-day, days!




Tuesday, Dec. 28th.... Moon's at the 5th degree of Cancer...


Great next couple of days, since Moon loves being in Cancer!


However, Saturn's still in Cancer, though now, slightly less intense, being 'Retrograde' and at the lst degree of Cancer, already...


By, this am, Moon has already rushed past Saturn, and the entire day, will

feel better and better!


Moon & Saturn still very close, so if you notice functionally acting Saturn!


then, let go....




allow yourself, to bend in Saturn's wind....


and everything will turn out better!


Strongest 'malefic' qualities will be today, and from here out, as Moon moves away from Saturn's most exact degrees, it's influence, will be experienced as less!


But, learn to 'feel' the Signs, of the Stars,......


that are blowing through your life!


Listen, categorize the Planet that's trying to speak to you!


and .....hear.... what it's tryig to say!





Wednesday December 29th.....


Moon, has climbed to the 17th degree of Cancer, starting today.


Expect one more particularly, refined, smooth, enjoyable, affectionate, and

even,.....cheerful day....


as Moon just loves it's Cancer, home....


Good day for special communications, family sharings, and most everything.


Find the #4, or Cancer in your chart, and see if you can feel that direct influence.





Thursday, Dec. 30th.... Moon finishing with CAncer today.


Moon, begins the day at the 29th degree of Cancer, so expect a strong shift into the next sign, Leo, today..


Leo feels much more different then Cancer, and these two days will allow the energy and drive of Leo, to get important things 'done', even before moving into the New Year, celebration, coming up, Friday nite.... cst....


Saturn now in the earliest stages of cancer,....just lst degree,....


so it's effects will be less now..... since it's approaching the 'gap' between Signs,

and also, being Retrograde.....




Friday, 12/31st............New Year's eve. !


Moon starts off the day, at the 10th degree of Leo....


So, another 40 hours of the unique Leo energy goings on.


Good time, to organize that Holiday, New Year's bash...


but then, when the people arrive, shift into some kind of less, intense,

bossy, energy, and not be too pushy!


which happens sometimes, in Leo....


Moon's now only 1 house away from being 1/4 full, or empty however, you see it!


Moon's definitely tugging at the lessening Waning quality....

so if you need to, adjust to that, too.....




Saturday, January lst 2005..... Moon's at the 23rd degree of leo, starting today....



Supposedly this is the beginning of a New Year!


However, see if you notice this month, and even February and March,.... are not

so much the energies, of 'beginning' but one's of wrapping up.


Nature's Astrology, is finishing up the Winter cycles.... now,

and the New Year, really only starts in April....


when the Sun begins it's movement into Aries!


Hopefully, some day, we'll recognize this time, as the maximum time of rest,

and rejuvenation....


and allow ourselves to heal, to reflect upon this last year, and prepare, better,

for the next one, New, coming up!





Sunday, January2nd 2005..... Moon's at the 5th degree of Virgo, starting today....



For most, this new shift into Virgo, will almost be wasted on this Sun-day, but...

you can use this uniquely, Virgoish, energy to organzie for the first week, back at work, after the whole Holidays....


then Virgo is your 'flavor'.....


Good time, to focus, to discriminate, etc...


Don't buy into however, the negative side of Virgo, to be self-critical, or down on yourself, or others, and certainly not depressive....


Too often Virgo energy, which is sooooo discriminative, gets bogged down, in that other side of criticalness, and depression, is the next stop, if not controlled.


One very positive note, however, is Moon's passage through Virgo, this year, continues to be accompanied with great, benefic Jupiter, which already is running about the 23rd degree of Virgo....


So, that'll be nice, good opportunity to use the power and wisdom of Jupiter, for anything positive, really....






Monday, 1/3/05.... Moon starts off at the 18th degree of Virgo.....


Now, Moon's only 5 degrees away from great, benefic Jupiter, so really enjoy

'that' power today!


Only negative goings on, is Saturn's 3rd house aspect into Virgo too,....


However, because of Saturn's weak position, low in degrees, and being Retrograde, you shouldn't feel too much of it's negative 'karmas'.....


Moon's still Waning now,.... only 1/2 full/empty....


so last quarter of the Moon, begins now....


See if you can feel this latest change....


Next Week's WAAG, will be all about this last stage of the Waning....cycle....!







End of the Week's...reflections...







Mark Kincaid











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Mark Kincaid.....

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