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Jyotish/Astrology as the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology, 3/6/05 Part II - Comparing Christianity to J/A

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Jyotish/Astrology as the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology






As a follow up to the last discussion we had about J/A, as the Ultimate Self-Improvement, Technology, I thought it might be interesting to go into more details.


For example, why does J/A, qualify as the best self-improvement technologies?


Perhaps, the main reason is that 'all' Philosophys, all Religions, all 'isms', all different 'ideas', can be found in one aspect of J/A, or another.


For example, those that espouse, paying more attention to oneSelf, and following one's dreams, or inner-voice, can be described as following the Philosophy of the lst House in J/A.


For those who are on a path of 'food', or trying to diet, eat better, and basically change one's ways, associated with 'eatings' of all kinds; the Philosophy and technology of the 2nd House in Astrology covers that 'angle'.


Some people are communicators, they espouse, opening up to listening to what the other person has to say, and striving to be better communicators. The Philosophy of the 3rd House in Astrology covers all communications.


Others still, talk about life in terms of the heart, and being more in-tune with one's feelings, and even the sense of 'Mother's at home', or even Mother-God. The obvious significations of the 4th House in Astrology covers this angle.


Then there are others who are more interested in a kind of traditional 'education' approach to life. From grade school, through higher education, and eventually even, the higher - education of the Self, through Mantras; the Realities of the 5th House cover this approach to life.


Others are on a 'health' kick, so to speak. Depending upon their nature or perspective, there are people who emphasize improving one's health as the panamount, most important thing to do or be in-tune with. The 6th House in Astrology covers this angle quite nicely. Depending upon whether one has Planets in the 6th House, or aspecting the 6th House, or influencing the 6th House Lord, one will have a strong part of one's life, focused on health!


Ever wonder why so many people are fascinated by the 'relationships' angle to life? It's occured to me, that not only is the 7th House a very important, strategically placed House, but it's also a natural 'mirror' of the 1st House, or myself. Therefore, all manners of Wisdoms relatiting to relationships and the phenomena of creating unity from '2' or diversity is glimpsed at through the 7th House, and it's accompanying realities.


Jyotish itself, is also a path. It may include all other paths, but it's particulars are also specific and the precise details glimpsed by the 8th House in Astrology.


Then there are all those who are so focused on God and Religion, organized or not. For these, the realities of the 9th House are enlivened.


Others, still, focus their life energy through their 'work'. Either they're work-acholics, or their definition of themselves and their evolution is 'work' related. For such individuals or Philosophys, the 10th House is supreme, or vital.


How many of you know others who are consumed with 'money' realities and matters? The 11th House & 12th Houses in J/A, are the obvious 'money' Houses, and people who have Planets in those Houses, or their Lords, occuping very important, and even strategic influences in one's chart, casts a material, financial perspective on life.


Finally, there are those, who come from a completely different, almost 'transcendental' perspective in life. These are the dreamers, the poets, the authors, the visionaries, and seers. For all these, the 12th House in Astrology, and/or the 12th Sign of Pisces, dominates and is strongly influencing their every day life's details.


You can look at any and every Philosophy or Religion, and can't help but find it's 'roots' in the tradition and history of Astrology.


Now, let's take a couple modern day Philosophys and see how they exist and find their roots and realities in the 'Realities' of Astrology.



My first thought was to compare the realities of Christianity, to Jyotish/Astrology. After a few 'google' searches I realized that the range of different Philosophies and aspects of Christianity is emmense. I decided then, to pick one or two simple descriptions to get a sense as to how J/A, can help us understand 'this' and any Philosophy, and ultimately give even more profound wisdom and clarity.


From one modern day Christian, we have: John Stoll, PH.D, a Christian Professor and Professional Counselor.


(See:http://www.leaderu.com/offices/stoll/maturity/chap31.html - for source)


Copyright 1996, John H. Stoll



The Bible states that we are composed of Spirit, Soul, and Body (I Thessalonians 5:23). The Spirit is the life we have in Christ, the Soul is our will/emotions/mind, and our Body is the flesh. All three elements of ourself either positively or negatively interact with each other, constantly. To impact one element of our self, is to touch the other two. Therefore, we need to address all three elements simultaneously, in order to come to wholeness of life. Biblical psychotherapy is able to meet the needs of both the Spirit and the Soul, and medical help is able to meet the needs of the body.


I liked this expression because it touches on so many different aspects of the comprehensive Astrology.


Number one, he says the 'Bible states that we are composed of Spirit, Soul, and Body... " He then goes on to explain. " The Spirit is the life we have in Christ, the Soul is our will/emotions/mind, and our Body is the flesh. "


To me, this aspect of 'spirit' or soul or essence is understood by the realities of the 9th and 12th Houses, and also the Sun, in our charts.


God himself, and probably Christ too, therefore, can be found in the 9th house. How one feels about God, how intimate one feels towards him, the relationship one has with one's Creator, are some of the interests and domain of one's 9th House, and one's Sun.


The Soul, Mr. Stoll defines as " our will/emotions/mind, ... " which I take to be the Moon in our Charts, though J/A, discusses the 'will' as being related to the Sun,.... and 'mind' has having both a Moonish element to it, as well as one understood by one's Mercury.


The 'essence' to me, of what he said, is our 'soul's' are related to our interior, our individualities, and our 'emotional selves. This is definitely the Moon!


And, finally, " the body " , ... is the flesh!, means the lst House in J/A. The first house is the body, and the birth, descriptions of the Physical body, body-type; all these are glimpsed at through the lst House.


What I find the most fascinating is that we can find the realities of this man's general Philosophy and particular individual expressions in the complete range of J/A.


What's even more profound, is that the Wisdom of Astrology, as it descends down into the details of every person's individual chart, explains the complexities, and precise details of each person's individuality, especially in reference to something as complex as Philosophy or Religion.


I'll give you one example. I'm thinking of my chart, since I know myself the best, hehe.


Oh, yes, one more thing I forgot to mention is that J/A, also defines the Planet Guru as being intimately involved with the teaching of Religion, God, and Spirituality.


Now, back to my chart; ever since I was young I had a keen interest in God, and was involved in my Christian, Episcopalian, church and was very Philosophical and inquisitive.


When I look now at my chart, I can see those perspectives. I was curious, and Philosophical with a high degree of faith. To me, this describes fairly well, the realities of Jupiter in Pisces in my chart.


However, I also had a very analytic approach to faith, and I was very skeptical, and one of my favorite saints was 'doubting' Thomas!, hehe. I really grilled all my professors, and was very precise and didn't take anything as gospel!, so to speak.


To me, this explains my Moon in Virgo. At the same time, I had both my Jupiter & Moon, both in 2 very different energies, and both aspecting each other.


And finally, over time, I majored in Philosophy in college and enjoyed emmensely studying all manners of Philosophy, Religion and even science. For years, I almost thought, if I could just come to understand: God and Reality, I'd finally, 'get-it'!


Then, when I started studying J/A, I realized I had quite the Mercury approach to Reality. In my chart, Mercury rules both my 9th & 12th houses, and that, helped explain why I thought I could understand life, and reality, through the intellect.


This is because Mercury or Intellect rules these two houses, of Gemini & Virgo.


Moon, however, in addition to being in Virgo, also was in my 12th house, which is has a strong interest in the separate, non-linear realities of the 'transcendental' self. So, eventually I became very interested in direct experience through meditation, and that helped me transcend the limitations and characteristics of the linear, Mercury nature of my 9th House.


I even can see, now, why I was attracted to the 'mantra' time of meditation, because Moon is not only in the 12th but with my Saturn which is the ruler of my 5th house which is the House of mantras!


In future writings I think it would be fun to look at any of the many other common, Practices of Self-Help Philosophies and groups that exist today...


In fact....


If any of you has a particular interest in any of these, let me know and we can research that 'flavor' as well.


One of the 'one's' I thought it would be interesting to talk about is the Philosophy of Tony Robbins. He's a very well known positive thinker and self-help 'Guru', hehe, and I thought it would be fun looking at his Philosophy from an Astrological point of view....


The essence of our perspective looking at the World and life, through our 'Astrologys' is that we can see the amazing, individual differences of each person's life, through the details of each person's charts.



Nice talking with you, all.






Mark Kincaid

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