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3/7 - 3/13 ....(WAAG) Week At A Glance Star Reports.... & Member's Q: How to handle negative transits?

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Dear Friends:



Here's Today's, Week At A Glance.... Star Reports....


from Monday, March 7th - Sunday, March 13th....






Mark Kincaid



ps..... See, special member's section: " Question related to How to handle malefic Tranists..... " , BELOW...




Starlight Unlimited


(641) 472-0000








The Best: AAA

Very Good: A

Medium: B

Negative, or Rough: C




Highlights: Week...




Moon finishing up it's Waning Moon cycle this week.


New Moon on March 10th,....Thursday!


Sun, and Venus still in Aquarius, and creativitiy, especially the unusual, and unconventionally Aquarian kind, strongly available now!


Mercury has slipped into Pisces, now, and being in it's sign of debilitation, this 'time' of Mercury/Pisces, is a time to pay more attention to your 'decision makings'....


This is because Mercury doesn't function as well there, so take more time to make decisions, don't rush, and certainly don't shy away because you're feeling a very abstract kind of irrational 'feeling' to be free!, or unrestricted!

which are two obvious Piscian,....qualities...


Mercury loves to focus, so make it!


PS.... Mars & Saturn are fully aspecting each other now, on Monday, and tension between the two is now... Mars at the 26th degree of Sagittarius while Saturn's at the 26th degree of Gemini,... both, looking at each other means a bit of a planetary war....





Mars moves into it's Exalted Capricorn on Saturday! Very positive move!





Week's Transits:






Monday March 7th ..... Moon starts off at the 15th degree of Capricorn, today. A & B !


Moon happy enough in Capricorn.


Moon very small, now though because Sun's in Aquarius, next sign over.


So, if you're feeling like you're dragging, can't get enough rest, or are needing more rest then normal....


this is why and you should allow yourself to rest now!


Most people think their rest period of each month is on Sunday's....

however, if the Full Moon's coming on any Sunday, you're not going to want to rest!


Therefore, let the New Moon period be the real resting time of each month...

and you'll feel much more energy and success!




Jupiter is casting it's wonderful benefic glance upon Capricorn, from it's transit through Virgo, now, so Moon transiting there will get the positive affects... even though Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn...


Ketu, however now starting it's influence into Virgo, also will be casting it's influence into Capricorn,...


So, if you're found feeling kind of flat, and 'I don't care', and what is it all for, anyway? All of these are obvious Ketu feelings, don't take them seriously!


PS.... Mars & Saturn are fully aspecting each other now, Mars at the 26th degree of Sagittarius while Saturn's at the 26th degree of Gemini,... both, looking at each other means a bit of a planetary war....






Tuesday March 8th........ Moon starts off the day at the 00:deg/point of Aquarius... New Moon, a comming! B-C



Moon has started it's transit into Aquarius, which is a fine Sign, only this month, Sun is also there in Aquarius.


So, this is the last 2 days of the New Moon cycle, so pay special attention to how you feel, and whether you're needing more rest, now...


Be more patient, allow yourself to wind down, and such up as much rest and silence now!....


so that the very soon, Waxing Cycle, can shoot forth!


New Moon on Thursday!


I give the day a B-C rating because most people don't take adequate advantage or adjust to the need of the end of the New Moon cycle, so straining results and tensions and challenges abound...




Wednesday March 9th........ Moon starts off the day at the15thdegree of Aquarius... New Moon, a commmming! B-C



Re-read yesterday's Star report re. Moon & Sun getting closer!


Today, with the Sun at the 25th degree and Moon/15th degree, they're only 20 hours away from the heighth of the New Moon...




be easy....


rest as much as possible...


If you have people, clients who want to see you, have to see you, today,...


put them off till tomorrow! later in the day....




Thursday, March 10th....... New Moon Today!

Moon collides with the Sun, at 3am, this morning CST.... today C!- A!


If you allow the Moon to do it's thing, and you rest,..

the day can be an A....

If you allow circumstances and plans to dominate and you have to be up, strain, or 'do',...then, could be challenging day,...or a C!



New Moon, comes early today,...so by 9am, which is when normally I cast a chart

for each day, already the Moon's beginning to Wax!,...and get bigger!


You may notice the shift, or you may feel that it's taking much longer to do, and get things done, then normal.... and that can be the real source of your frustrations...


Moon's Waxing now, but if it's moving ever sooooo slowly past the Sun.... then,

be more patient....










Friday, March 11th ... starts off the day at the 13th degree of Pisces, today... B-C



Moon beginning to pick up speed, now, as it swings past the Sun....

Think of a pendulum, finally stopping,...and then reversing it's motion, starts it's swing in the opposite direction!


Next 2 days however, will be full of a strange dramaticness due to: ...


o Moon moves into same sign as Rahu.... often a bit rough....

o Moon with debilitated Mercury, ... will feel more pronounced during these days....

o Mars fully aspects PIsces, from it's transit in Sagittarius...so watch it's effects!

o Saturn, too fully aspects Pisces, though it's in Gemini,... it's affects will be

as pronounced as when the Moon was in Sagittarius!


o One bit of relief: Jupiter also fully aspects Pisces, this month...


So, a lot goings on, push and pull,....up and back... 2 steps forward 1 step backward,....


These different energies pulling on each other,....will lead to a very dramatic,..

couple of days...




Saturday, March 12th...... Moon starts off at the 27th degree of Pisces today. B & C!


Today you may notice the effects of RAhu & Saturn, more pronounced or worse today!


o Moon's at the 27th degree,... even while...

o RAhu's at the 29th degree,...in Pisces... sooooo very close...

o Saturn's at the 26th degree in Gemini, so it's affects will be strongest today...

o Mars - fortunately moves into Capricorn today, though being at the 00: degrees, will not mean it'll stop influencing the Moon.... The effects of planets don't stop just because they move into another sign.... The effect of Mars, casting it's 4th house aspect,...still will be very close to where Moon is, and is moving!


So, another intense day....




Sunday 3/6....Moon starts off at the 11th degree of Aries, today. C>B>A


Moon moves into Aries, today....


Moon will feel much happier today....


Already far enough away from Saturn & Rahu's negative glances, that it'll feel much better!


Mars however, since it's moved into CApricorn, will strongly influence Aries, for the next 3 weeks, or so...


So, if you feel like doing a lot today, even though it's a Sunday!,.... this is why..


Go for it...


Moon's waxing, Moon's in Aries,...and Exalted Mars is happening and aspecting!

both at the same time....






Mark Kincaid






Member's Questions:


from Pamela, Iowa US


" Mark, I've been following your transits now for awhile and really experienced the recent Moon & Mars & Saturn, thing very strongly.

I felt rough, had a hard time sleeping, on Sat. nite 3/06, and am wondering

what more can i do? "


" Dear Pamela:


First step is to identify that yes, such and such transits really do go on, during

the predictable times. Once you're experienced that, then, you can plan

ahead with more authority.


During more negative transits, for example, I pay special attention to not go out,

not plan important business meetings on those days...


There are always more auspicious days of each month, and people don't have to feel like you're avoiding them!


I just say, " ahhh, I'm busy that day but I can see you the next day, or the day before? "


I don't ever get into the thing where I say: " ohhhh, I can't see you for the month of May! "


The next step, to make the negative transits more bearable and eventually,

not negative!


Is each planet has a symbolism that it's trying to teach us!


For Mars we're learning how to handle natural aggressiveness!


During Mars transits, we may feel like rushing or lashing out, but Mars

is really trying to teach us to act,...

but without malice!


Saturn on the other hand is trying to teach us about balance,

and silence...


And where it's aspecting, Sani's trying to show us, there, right now,

be more still, more silent!


As I've learned how to follow Saturn's lead, more...


I have to say it's lead to a whole awakening of inner balance, and happiness...

I never would have thought possible...


This morning in fact, I was thinking that Saturn acts like a black hole!


It's this hugggge source of power, of silence.... like a black hole, nothing escapes...


And as it careens across the heavens it stirs up everything...


but why?


So, that we are more in-tune with that naturally silent,...

and powerfully peaceful part of life...


Saturn does it like a black hole...

ripping away all attachments...


And, then, finally we say,.... " okay, life,...or god!

I give up....

I surrender!


And in that very moment we being to understand the positive mission of Saturn!


to teach us about inner silence.....!







Mark Kincaid














For those of you who are new, the following are a brief description of our, other, ...




Nature's Astrology: Best of Western - Eastern Astrologys...


This is the oldest , I started about 1 1/2 years ago, and has many wonderful members, very knowledgable about Jyotish & Western Astrology...

and all, exploring the realities, of 'Nature's Astrology'....






Transcend-Meditation: Examines the role of Meditation and Consciousness raising, remedial measures to one's Jyotish/Astrology.





Ayurved,Jyotish,Yoga group: Looks at many of the unique 'transforming' and progressive, remedial measures of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Jyotish, simultaneously.





Spirituality_Astrology.... Looks at the signs of Spirituality, in people's charts!

Focus here is on how to improve our Spiritual lives, through our Astrology.





new joetisch/research group: for hose interested in participating in the research aspect of my Jyotish/Astrology book, join here!





and for those who are interested in studying Jyotish more formally:

check out paying site: Star Reports:











Mark Kincaid.....

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