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On HIV/AIDS -The Mutation & Astrology of the Virus

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On HIV/AIDS -The Mutation & Astrology of the Virus


7:20 PM 2/15/05 Tue


Hi All,


Over the weekend, I heard on NPR news that the HIV virus, which leads

to AIDS, has mutated into a more virulent form. Discovered in a gay

male up in NYC who also was a " crystal meth " addict, this new strain

of HIV is resistant to most of the " cocktail " durgs used to combat

it - and - it now only takes about 4 months to go into full-blown

AIDS, whereas on average, it used to take about 10 years.


The HIV/AIDS virus was discovered on June 5 1981 at 5.46am EDT in Los

Angeles, by a Dr. Gottlieb (Marc Penfield, Plac 14 Gem 36). This

chart is striking in its symbolism.


Gemini rises, the Sign almost always associated with bi-sexuality

(and by extension, gay and lesbianism), with the Sun also in that

Sign and its ruler, Mercury, conjunct Venus, both also rising and

Venus ruling the 12th House of Critical Illness. Mars is also in

Gemini (see Jeff Green's " Pluto, vol. 2 for his interesting

commentary on this Planet-in-Sign placement), in the 12th, and

opposed Uranus in Scorpio, in the 6th. To my thinking this is the

symbolism of " penetrating, piercing " that occurs in order to transmit

the virus from person to person. Keep in mind please, that insofar as

the USA goes, the HIV virus was first observed among the gay

community in NYC and San Francisco. And, as we know, in that

community, the virus was and still is transmitted in the main by two

ways - unprotected anal sex and intravenuous drug use (herion,

sharing " dirty " needles, etc). Mars-Uranus combinations

infer " reckless behavior " . Venus is at the Aries Point ruling the

12th - HIV being a major force socially. Classically, Mars ruled the

blood and the Sign Scorpio, which Uranus sits in. Note also, that the

Moon, which sits in Cancer, is almost exactly trine Uranus, with

Uranus traditionally also associated with the gay lifestyle and



Three planets occupy the Sign Libra, which is most associated with

relationships, marriage and so on - there is the Jupiter-Saturn

conjunction and a bit further along in that Sign, Pluto. I think

there is alot of grist for the mill in these placements, as they give

us much to contemplate in their social symbolism. The Jupiter-Saturn

conjunction of curse refers to major political and legal moves in

our Society, and this time around, it heralded the Conservative

Revolution in a sense; this was the conjunction that brought about

the Ronald Regan Era, and as we all know, there has been much said

about his alleged refusal to recognize HIV and AIDS as a health

crisis, mainly on philosophical and religious grounds. That the

Jupiter-Saturn conjunction squares the Mercury-Venus conjunction,

suggests that one of the major themes of at least the next 20 years

would be the tensions between the Gay Community and the Conservatives

(a very insightful portrayal to watch in regard to this period in

American life, was the play-turned-tv movie " Angels in America " .).

Also, note that Saturn will conjunct Pluto, a sure-shot sign of

conservatism in terms of the larger public.


If we re-locate this chart to Washington, DC, again, the symbolism is

striking, and perhaps this variant says much about the political

ramifications of HIV/AIDS (Plac 24 Can 39). In this chart, the Moon

rises in Cancer in the Asc and squares Pluto in the 4th, a vivid

picture of the emotional zeal on both sides of the political aisle as

well as with the public. Mercury-Venus is now in the 12th, with

Mercury ruling the 12th and squares Jupiter-Saturn, with Jupiter

ruling the 6th - the political side of the health crisis known as HIV

and AIDS. The Mars-Uranus opposition falling in the 5th-11th axis

shows the " pleasure " aspect of the disease, i.e., it is transmitted

as a result of pleasure seeking activities, such as sex and drug use;

also, this opposition, like in its original chart, speaks to a

certain taboo insofar as these practices are concerned.


Pluto, to my way of thinking, would suggest " viruses " , pathogens,

bacteria and so on; in Libra, it suggests those viruses and the like

that would depend on human contact in order to be transmitted, such

as sexual contact (and, at least in the past, blood transfusion,

another form of human contact). In this map, Pluto rules the 6th and

closely sextile Neptune, which is angular. Neptune, of course, rules

the blood. Note also that the Moon squares Pluto, with the Moon also

representing, in a broad sense, " bodily fluids " ; the Moon is in



If we check the transits for the last weekend, we note right away

that Saturn is exactly square the HIV Pluto(!) with transit Pluto

right on the HIV Neptune. Transit Saturn will move on to conjunct the

HIV Moon, perhaps another signal that it gets worse before it gets



Also: if we take this chart and compare it to the USA Sibly chart

(Jul 4 1776 5.10pm LMT Philadelphia PA; Campion Plac 12 Sag 19) the

astrology again is striking: the HIV Sun and Asc is tightly opposed

the USA Asc; the HIV Mercury, which is the chart ruler of its chart,

is conjunct the USA Jupiter, which is the ruler of its chart! The HIV

Uranus is exactly square the USA Moon, and in turn, the USA Moon

conjuncts the HIV MC. The HIV Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, finally,

sits right atop the USA's MC!


Note too, that if we look at the USA Sibly chart singularly, we see

that Mars, ruling the national 5th House of sexual attitudes, is

square Neptune: a dissolution of the Martian principle, complicated

motives, charisma, erotica. In Gemini, Mars takes on more ambiguous



Much has been said about Africa's HIV and AIDS problems; indeed,

there have been countries there that have been all but wiped out as a

result of HIV running rampant. If we take the HIV chart (its orginial

location, LA) and run an AGC map for Africa, we see that Pluto rises

through much of its countries, from South Africa to Egypt.


Speaking of Africa, here at home, the highest infection rates of HIV

are among African Americans, particularly women; the way of infection

occurs in the main, as a result of the " Down Low " phenomenon - Black

men who carry on secret gay relationships while maintaining

heterosexual relationships at the same time. A look at the African

American horoscope (Aug 30 1619, 10.15 am LMT Jamestown VA; Penfield

Plac 4 Sco 24; this chart represents the first African slaves

arriving in the USA) reveals a strong sexuality, with Venus at the

top of the chart square the Mars-Moon/Pluto opposition running along

the 1-7 axis. This of course has a great deal to do with the USA's

history sexually in this regard, the subject I will save for another

time. But for now, checkout the ties between the two charts: the HIV

Neptune opposes the AA Saturn, while the HIV Pluto squares the AA

Uranus and the HIV Moon conjuncts same, and more. Neptune, in the AA

chart, rules the 5th, and is sextile Venus, ruler of the 12th (drugs,

secrets, taboos sexually, etc).


Lastly, transit Pluto is in its " victory lap " in the Sign of

Sagittarius; in a few short years, it will enter the Sign Capricorn,

squaring the HIV Pluto. Could this be a time when there will be yet

again another mutation of the virus - or could it be a time when HIV

will finally come to an end, the result of a vaccine?






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