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2-Shripal, re Q Ans. questions & Astrological interactions & karma with brother? Mark Kincaid 3/10

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Dear Shripal:


See below:


Shripal <d_shripal


Mon, 7 Mar 2005 21:36:11 -0800 (PST)


[spirituality_Astrology] 8# 2-Mark, re Q How to dissolve the confusion or tension of malefic planets? > Mark Kincaid 3/7



Hi Mark,


I am eldest in a house and having only one brother,

who is just a 2 years younger to me and also a Libra

rising with Sun exalted in 7th house,He is telecom

engg, as I am Electx Engg.Small family,but happy

family.Can you comment about my future relationship

with my brother.


I find understanding relations between people, via. their astrology charts, is one of the most, fascinating aspects of Jyotish.


Like the transits, at some point I realized one could 'feel' that interaction, and the 2 charts, helps emmensely understand why some interactions are sweet and others, miserable....


..Can you comment about my future relationship

with my brother.


you ask.... I'll just say, the future is up to the 2 of you.


I tell people who want to improve their relationship, to focus on improving themselves.


I also tell people to understand what 'they're' bringing to the relationship, so we stop blaming the 'other' for our malefics.


That is probably the greatest challenge in relationships, is we blame each other,...

and to this regard, Jyotish is very helpful because it shows so clearly what strength and what maleficness, we're each bringing...


Therefore, we each can strive to improve ourselves, and as we do this,...we'll enjoy better, relations in the future...



How can we see from a chart,as I am having 5

Mama's(Mother's Brothers) and 4 Mashi's(Mother's

sisters).Three Uncle's and One Aunt.


When we spent a lot time with someone or talk with

someone for a long,isn't planets in those peoples

chart influences us some how.If they are in Bad aspect

to our Bad planets than our chances of getting Bad in

future in more and if there good planets are

influencing us than getting better prospect in future

in our like.


You're right. We do experience and are influenced by the collection of planets of others.


And yes, you're right we will be affected positively or not, by others...


I think that's why Mother's are always so concerned with the quality of the friends, we hang out with, hehhe.



People interaction has a lot influences in our chart

isn't it.For Example When a persom stays with friends

a lot,than planet of his friends chart is triggering

some planets in your chart, that might be good for you

or may be bad too.How much that factor effect's one's



I'd say the extent to which you allow it to bother you.


Nature will show you. If it's a balanced amount of friendship and all the other areas of your life, personal needs, family concerns, work, romantic interests, don't get neglected due to this predominance of 'friends' karma...


then everything can be okay.


But with you, and your chart, looking at the 10th house, it's very possible you'll have the experience of challenges with friendships...


So it's healthy that you warn yourself, to not get too consumed with that one area, only.



Are you getting want I am trying to say, it is

similar to the way we are talking through mails,your

some quoted points change my life,as i start accepting

it and similar for you for someone.It can be for

better and for worst both, that will be decided in



I think I do, understand.


So inter-relationship planets influence each other as

positive and negative both ways.I want to know is it a

fate, a karma, can be seen in your chart or a free

will.So synastry effects are how much and under what

conditions they eract each other.


Fate & free will are such a fascinating aspect of life, and Astrology.


Our charts are indicative, too, of both.


The qualities, and dasa and transiting, 'karmas' that are coming,...even our nature, to a great extent are all indicative of the pre-determined, quality of life that we chose, coming here.


However, free will is the opportunity for growth in our present and future.


I think of fate as bills that are coming.


They're coming. We know that. But, we're free right now, to either prepare adequately for their coming or not.


For ex. if one of our bills is a $ 100.00/debit, and we know it's coming this month, on the 21st?, yet, we're still free to ignore it, or get ready for it.


We can kind of ignore it, and when it lands, be not too surprised at the grief it brings because we only have 200$ in our account.


But, if we know it's coming, and we strive to have 'more' in our accounts, say 500, 600 or even 700, then that bill comes but it's impact is not so great.


Like that, all our 'bills', even emotionally exchausting one's will have their effects, but we still have the free will to prepare better.


Since I've learned this, I've turned around the negative influences of the Moon being aggravated by malefics and even New Moon. Resting more, enlivening the positive sides of Moon, has allowed me to grow in Moonish strength, and the negatives upon the Moon, don't affect me nearly as badly as before.


That one exper. alone has convinced me of this important, practical utility of Astrology.




For example me and my brother.He did Engg as I started

it and he got influenced by that and he also did a

same.For someone father is a doctor so son also wants

to be a same.Sometimes it is opposite too.Can you give

some general statements about a synastry b/w me and my

brother.Birth data as follows.


You and your brother, are fascinating charts to look at.


Both have Libra rising, which makes for a smooth interaction.


I have Libra rising friends, and we get along famously because of that similarity, between our two charts.


Your brother, however, has this exalted Sun, which can be positive, but being in the 7th house, can be associated with an intense selfishness. Sometimes, people with Sun in 7th, want to rule others. So, he needs to understand that he's a good example for others, and not to rule over them.... Any of this ring true?


His other biggest challenge, perhaps, is his Mars & Saturn in the 12th house. These 2 planets are very difficult in the 12th, and Mars carrys their negative glance back into the 7th house, and that's why Mars is considered kuja dosa as a result.


Also, Mars & Saturn are in Virgo, so the individual has to watch not to be tooooo critical on himself and especially others....


Please be careful and don't say these things to him, unless he asks or is open too it.


This is just for your benefit/question.


I'd rather be talking to him personally, because if he was really interested in these things, then, the Wisdom of it, could really mean something...


Otherwise, please keep my opinions, confidential.... thank you.




Name:Shripal's Brother

DOB:15th April 1982

Time:20:00hrs (Libra rising)




DOB:16th March 1980

Time:21:00 hrs.(Libra rising)









Mark Kincaid



ps.... Though you're meant to bring some wisdom to your brother, because of your Jupiter, fully aspecting the 3rd house of younger brothers and sisters.... and this can be a very positive experience because Jupiter's aspecting its own home,... but...also, it can be complicated...

because SAturn & Mars' influences can come along too...


So, be careful that you don't bring any heaviness, Mars anger, or Saturn grief to him.


Especially because of his chart, your gifts of wisdom, should be appreciated and sought out by him, to you.


Otherwise, just pray for him,....and let him live his own life...


Strong Sun people like your brother have to do 'it', life, in their own way,... till they get tired of it, and then they ask....and become more humble...


Know what I mean...?





--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> Hi Mark,


> Talking to you is always a grace and betterment for

> one's understanding about life.


> Dear Shripal:


> See below:


> Shripal <d_shripal

> AyurvedJyotishYoga

> Sun, 6 Mar 2005 22:11:01 -0800 (PST)

> Spirituality_Astrology

> [AyurvedJyotishYoga] Re: 2-MARK, Q How to

> dissolve the confusion or

> tension of malefic planets and Are we getting

> influenced





" Love is the beauty of the soul " " For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. "








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