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3/14 - 3/20 ....(WAAG) Week At A Glance Star Reports.... & New - Created!

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Dear Friends:



Here's Today's, Week At A Glance.... Star Reports....


from Monday, March 14th - Sunday, March 20th....






Mark Kincaid




New - Created!


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The Best: AAA

Very Good: A

Medium: B

Negative, or Rough: C





Highlights: Week...





Moon moving into the more serious part of Waxing.... Moon cycle this week.


Next Full Moon on March 25th....


Sun makes it's transition into final Sign of the Year, Pisces, this week....

(Actually moves into Pisces, tomorrow, on Monday, 3/14)


Mercury is still in Pisces,... so if having any difficulties with 'thinking clearly'...

this is why....and take enough time, till you feel clear, and making right decisions..



Mars has moved into Capricorn, it's sign of Exaltation,...sooooo good next few

weeks, for all kinds of activities, endeavors, projects and expenditures of energy...



This entire Month, of Sun in Pisces, should be even more spiritual and lucky

then other years, because this year, Jupiter's aspecting Pisces, from it's transit

in Virgo....


((Though there may be a bit of the dramatic, influences too because both Rahu

and Saturn are also influencing Pisces, and the Sun, too this month))


If you had a rough last few days when the Moon was transiting, Pisces, and you

felt that ...intensity, then, pay attention to those days, especially, later in the month, when the Sun approaches the closer degrees of Rahu & Saturn....





Week's Transits:





Monday March 14th ..... Moon starts off at the 24th degree of Aries, today. A


Moon's fine in Aries, and at least the Moon's waxing more strongly now,...

and Sun moves into Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, today...


Signifying good month to reflect on all that transpired this last year, and contemplations and reflections are very appropriate as we wrap up another

Astrological year, and move into Spring and a New year! (April 13)


Today, Mars has moved too, into it's next sign, and in Capricorn, is in it's Sign

of Exaltation...


Today, Mars fully aspects Aries, from Capricorn, so our Moon's should feel even

more dynamic...


If that intensity, is too much and you feel too heated, rough, hot, or angry, irritable, then this may be why, and pacifying,....pitta, or Mars energy is appropriate...





Tuesday March 15th........ Moon moves into Exalted Taurus today! A!



Moon is in it's favorite place in Exalted Taurus...


So, enjoy next few days of pure, nature support.


Only negative influence is Ketu aspects so enjoy good receptivity of others,

along with good days to initiate new projects....


Good days for Murhurtas, of all kinds...


Finally, Jupiter's fully aspecting Moon, too....

and Moon/Jupiter connections are amazingly positive....


Described in many ways in traditional Jyotish....


Special Yogas....because Mind is Moon, and therefore even more special!




Wednesday March 16th........ Moon starts off the day at the19th degree of Taurus...today.... A



Re-read yesterday's Star report re. Moon Exalted, continuing today....!


Enjoy another day, of Bigger Moon, in good quality taurian energy...


Mars/Exalted in Capricorn..... and now about 3 degrees, will be feeling more and more powerful, soon...




Thursday, March 17th.......Moon moves into Gemini, 3rd degree... today B!


Saturn is in Gemini, now, so Moon, within 30 degrees of Saturn, brings a

unique Saturn experience....



That Moon/Saturn up-coming conjunction is not too bad today, cuz, they're

over 23 degrees apart,....


Next few days will feel worse....


Moon's bigger, still, now, too....





Friday, March 18th ... Moon continues in Gemini, today...

Starting off about 15th degree.....B-C



Moon's moving closer and closer to Saturn now...


Don't strain against that natural, slowing down process.....


The typical experience will be to feel that 'things' are taking longer then they should, or certaintly longer then you'd like...


So, don't fight against that....


Good day, to be more patient...

and cooperative,.... with life....and Saturn!



Saturday, March 19th...... Moon starts off at the 25th degree of Gemini today. C!


You'll really feel that Saturn & Moon conjunction today...


Saturn's at the 26th degree & Moon at 25th degree....



lots of heaviness, uncomfortablenss in the body, or mind...


All/both in Gemini can translate in terms of doing too many 'geminish' things

together...or at the same time...


Do less...


Rest, especially today....



Sunday 3/20....Moon starts off at the 6th degree of Cancer, today. >A


Moon has moved past Saturn now, and being in Cancer, it's Own Sign,...


notice a huge, remarkable difference over last few days...


Use these days of Moon/Cancer, to get things accomplished, meet with people,

start new activities...


Have a great few days....!






Mark Kincaid












For those of you who are new, the following are a brief description of our, other, ...




Nature's Astrology: Best of Western - Eastern Astrologys...


This is the oldest , I started about 1 1/2 years ago, and has many wonderful members, very knowledgable about Jyotish & Western Astrology...

and all, exploring the realities, of 'Nature's Astrology'....






Transcend-Meditation: Examines the role of Meditation and Consciousness raising, remedial measures to one's Jyotish/Astrology.





Ayurved,Jyotish,Yoga group: Looks at many of the unique 'transforming' and progressive, remedial measures of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Jyotish, simultaneously.





Spirituality_Astrology.... Looks at the signs of Spirituality, in people's charts!

Focus here is on how to improve our Spiritual lives, through our Astrology.





new joetisch/research group: for hose interested in participating in the research aspect of my Jyotish/Astrology book, join here!





and for those who are interested in studying Jyotish more formally:

check out paying site: Star Reports:







New :




For those who would like to seriously study, Jyotish/Astrology


Join this Group...


12 month course in every aspect of learning Astrology!











Mark Kincaid.....

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