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2-Kartik, & All, re.....How malefic is a malefic and how benefic is a benefic? Mark Kincaid....3/14

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Dear members,


I have some questions.


1. How would you regard a natural malefic but a yogakaraka in a


2. How would you regard a natural benefic, but lord of dusthana's in

a dusthana?

3. What would happen if both are retrograde? As an example please

consider Sa and Ju, both retrograde in the 12th house from lagna





1. How would you regard a natural malefic but a yogakaraka in a


2. How would you regard a natural benefic, but lord of dusthana's in

a dusthana?

3. What would happen if both are retrograde? As an example please

consider Sa and Ju, both retrograde in the 12th house from lagna







Dear Kartik:


You bring up some very good questions.


Jyotish, of course, has all these great rules.


However, the fact that there are so many exceptions too, sometimes is confusing.


I especially notice that when a Planet whether, a so-called natural malefic, like Saturn,

or a functional malefic because it's ruling the so-called malefic houses;...is, in it's Own

Sign, or Exalted, it behaves so much more positively, then normally described.


For example, when Saturn is Exalted, it reflects so much more of it's benefic side.


Even when Saturn's in it's own Signs, it's much more positive. In such cases a person

may be less impulsive, and more mature, and calmer, more settled within, all qualities

indicative of a more 'wise' person.


These kinds of experiences leads us to realize that maleficness is a relative term.


I was contemplating this whole issue one time, when I came across this passage in Parashara.

Parashara, considered by many to be the founder of Jyotish, says in one of his earliest chapters: " In the beginning Lord Vishnu, entered into the grahas to bestow upon his devotees, the consequences of their actions. "


When I read this I realized....none of the planets are 'really' malefic. How could they be, if the Lord, is the inner light, or being, inside each planet. Then, I started realizing that if 'all' planets

can be benefic, then, 'maleficness', is a term best used to describe the planet when it's out of

balance, or out of it's truer, benefic nature.


This of course, can happen even if a planet is the natural ruler of say the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th houses, the so-called malefic houses.


I've noticed quite often those people who have these Lords of the 3rd,6th,8thor 12th houses, in especially poor or again, these same 6th, 8th or 12th houses... negative results can be the consequence.


Malefic effects can also result even if a planet is a natural benefic, but in one of the negative, or so-called malefic houses.


Other times, the natual benefics, are found acting more malefically, because they're ruling these malefic houses, and not, in especially positive signs.


Your question: 1. How would you regard a natural malefic but a yogakaraka in a



is a perfect example of the problem. A natual malefic, like let's say, Saturn, being a yogakaraka for a particular sign,... in a dusthana house, can represent some lessening of

benefic greatness due to it's yogakaraka nature.


Take Saturn for Taurus or Libra rising individuals. It's a natual malefic, so to speak, being Saturn, but because it's the yogakaraka for these rising signs; then, it is considered as a functional benefic because of it's house rulership. This yogakaraness is because the planet

simultaneously rules two of the most important houses. In the case of Libra this rulership, is of the 4th & 5th houses, and for Taurians, because Saturn simultaneously rules the 9th & 10th.


But, even though Saturn's the natual yogakaraka, being in one of the dusthana, or so-called,

weaker houses, is meant to be a symbolism, so that we understand some of the subtleties, of Saturn's karma for this individual.


Therefore, probably the effect will be less positive, in those dusthana houses.


However, and here's another exception, in the case of Taurus Rising, if Saturn is in the 6th house, where Libra and it's sign of Exaltation is, then, the individual may experience the very best of it's functionally beneficness.


This person might be a healer, or have very profound health. Again, This can be 1) because Sani's yogakaraka, and ruling the all-important 9th & 10th houses, for this Taurus rising indiv. but most importantly, being Exalted will give very positive results.


Your second question: 2. How would you regard a natural benefic, but lord of dusthana's in

a dusthana?


Let's take Jupiter for example, though a natual benefic, but for a Libra rising, Jupiter rules the so-called more malefic houses, 3rd, 6th. Now, even if that benefic is a so-called functional malefic for Libra Rising individuals; if that natural benefic is in it's Own sign, in the case of the Libra Rising, then, that natural beneficness, even if in the dusthana houses, will be very positive.


But, if it's in a dustana, like the 11th house, which is not a Sign, that Jupiter owns, then, the karma tends to be of those so-called negative houses, manifesting somewheres.


So, obviously it's a little tricky.


Just remember a kind of hierarchy, of points...


#1, is a Planet, whether naturally benefic or malefic.....


Is that planet, regardless of it's so-called natural status, Exalted or in it's Own sign?


This is the first and most important question. If it is, then, it's effects, regardless of where it is found, will tend to be more benefic.


#2, Is a planet functioning as a benefic or malefic, depending upon the Rising sign, or different houses, that it's ruling?


#3, A planet can be acting positively or negatively, also at any time, regardless of it's placement and Rising sign, lordship.


This is a bit tricky.


For example, I've met a number of individuals who have Exalted Saturn's, but their Saturn's are still acting malefically, even though the Planet may be a functional benefic or yogakaraka.


For example, some of my clients with Saturn exalted in the first house, though Saturn is supposed to be soooo good for Libra rising individuals, still, can manifest very negative results, for a number of reasons.


Potentially, the planet could be very positive, but sometimes, because this individual, feels soooo strong in Saturn, he/she is sometimes, found straining, and not getting enough rest, or staying balanced, and as a result, 'their' Saturn negative consequences can be very severe.


This is described sometimes, as the Exalted, 'grief' of Saturn. However, I find that the individual seems to know the Wisdoms of this Planet, however, for some particualar reasons, is found ignoring this natural strength.


I think of this as the story of the Judge, lawyer, and the common citizen. It's been described that if the citizen breaks the laws of the land, the consequences will be one way. If the lawyer breaks the law, the punishment will be even more pronounced. However, if the Judge, is found breaking the laws, then the punishment is the most severe!


Like this, if even a very good or Exalted Saturn, is ignored by the person, or strained against, because of circumstances or some such thing, then, the results can be negative.


I find Exalted Saturn individuals, have such strong endurance, that they find that they can initially get away with straining, but if they don't eventually get back to that more balanced approach, then, they can produce, too very exalted grief!



Ultimately, I find a few questions along with a thorough examination of their charts, will show me whether any planet is acting benefically or malefically.


The point, here, then, is once I've determined, especially through their descriptions, that any planet is found acting malefically,....then, the very important phase of Jyotish remedies, and prescriptions come into play.


Most people don't understand how powerful Jyotish is, in reflecting the natural ability of life, to grow, to change, to even transform,...oneself, including all negatives,.... into positives.


This is the very nature of life, to grow, and once we discover which planets are found, acting malefically, then, we can reflect on what we can do to change this maleficness into a more

pleasing and life-supporting beneficness.


The key issue here is change. Malefics both naturally and functionally, are there in life to show us, where we need to change, adapt, grow and transform.


Because once we do this, either because we're tired of the negativity of doing something, quote, the 'wrong' way, or whether, we gain some help from the Wisdoms of Jyotish; regardless, but, once we do this, all negativities, or malefic situations can be transformed!


This is the greatest hidden secret in Jyotish, today.


The malefics don't just represent our challenges, sufferings, and our griefs; they also represent our opportunities for growth and change.


If we're open to changeing ourselves, in any way, then, we can improve any and all aspects of ourselves.


So, to finally answer your original question, then?


" How malefic is a malefic, and how benefic is a benefic? "


All benefics, can remain benefic, and all malefics, whether natural or functional, can be transformed, into their more highly evolved natural beneficness!







Mark Kincaid





I'll finish with one natural, life experience.


If in life, we're found having accidents we might find in our charts that our Mars' is acting malefically; whether due to a natural or functional maleficness, it doesn't matter.


But, the point is, nature is trying to tell us something. We have accidents, not just because our Mars is acting malefically, but because Nature is trying to show us we're doing something wrong.


Maybe we're going too fast!


Maybe we're rationalizing, we have to go this speed, because we have this and that, or those very important things to do, and we can't slow down; doesn't matter.


But, maleficness, in this case, wrapped around Mars, is there to show us, we need to change!


We need to slow down, to refine our action mobility, and immediately, when we do this, we can stop having accidents!


It's like this really, with every planet.


All planets represent a way in which Nature shows us, how we're doing with that Planet.


It's then, up to us, whether we change our ways, or continue in the way we've been.



Jai Guru









" amoebabhu " <amoebabhu

vedic astrology

Mon, 14 Mar 2005 06:10:10 -0000

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] How malefic is a malefic and how benefic is a benefic?




Dear members,

I have some questions

1. How would you regard a natural malefic but a yogakaraka in a


2. How would you regard a natural benefic, but lord of dusthana's in

a dusthana?

3. What would happen if both are retrograde? As an example please

consider Sa and Ju, both retrograde in the 12th house from lagna





















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