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The Nature of Life is To Grow... Jyotish Course #1...Philosophy, Principles & Goals of Astrology Part1 4/16

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Philosophy, Principles & Goals of Astrology

Part 1





Dear Friends: April 16, 2005






During this first month of our new Internet Jyotish Course, we will be focusing on the Philosophy & Goals of Astrology. We will also be focusing on the Sun. This is a very auspicious time to begin a profound study of Astrology, as the most important 'Star' in our Solar system, Universe, is Exalted during this month of Aries.


During this month, we will focus on the nature of the Sun, it's place in our charts, and the power, of the 'Will', which is one of the significations of our Charts.


You know the expression: " Where there's a Will,....there's a Way. "


This is the key to Jyotish, and all of life's transformations.


The 'key' to being a success, to improving, to achieving the things that we want and desire; depends upon our Will.


Therefore knowing what's happening with the Sun, in our charts, is the basis of our lives.




Make a Goal's List




When you make your Goal's list for this up-coming year, of Jyotish study and personal achievement, you'll be stirring the Sun, within you.


Goals, Ideals, Dreams, Aspirations, these are all the 'stuff', of the path of our lives.


First we desire a Goal, then, through the sheer strength of our 'Wills', we 'will' it into existence.


During this Month we will focus on the Will, as the most basic constituent of life's process of manifestation.


Our course is not just a 'usual' study of the rules, principles and ideas of Astrology.


No! Our course, is a discovery of the ways and means to which we can better, more profoundly, and more effortlessly....achieve any and all of our desires!


Astrology today, is going through a major shift!


In the past, it's been associated with all manners of trying to 'understand' the meanings of our lives.


As such, when you went to an Astrologer, you'd ask about your 'life'.


But you'd ask it like: Q When am I going to get that new job? Or, Q When will I get married?

Or, When will my health improve?


Astrology in the past has been completely 'fate' oriented, and as a result it's lagged behind in our present scientific age, which believes in discovering the laws of nature, but then, applying this knowledge to the betterment of humanity and ourselves!


What's been lacking so far in Science, has been an adequate Science of Mind, or Psychology.


As a result personal, human problems exist, rampently, in every area of life, for millions, upon millions, perhaps as many as 95% of humanity!


This is because Knowledge so far has not pierced into the Nature of the True Psychology of Humanity!


The True Essence of each one of our 'beings' is purely Astrological!


We live in an Astrological Universe, we always have, and we always will.


The Universe is a flood of Astrological realities.


It not only contains the Astronomy of the Stars, but the Universe also contains the 'meaning' of these 'existences'.


Modern Psychology, not being able to penetrate into the inherent meaning in people's lives; therefore falls short of the very purpose of our lives!


Astrology's #1, Goal, is to help us understand our Very Life Purpose!


I used to go into a lot of detail primarily around one's 10th house, and the 10th House lord, in people's Astrological charts....


This would give great insight into the Nature of Career, and what one is supposed to be doing!


However, then I realized, unless you understood each and every aspect of your Chart.... then,

some aspect of your true Life's Purpose, would be unclear.


Now, I understand we each, need to understand each of the symbolisms of our Charts.


In this course, especially this first month, we'll focus on the real, Life Purpose, of our lives.


Ask yourself this Question:





" If you had all the time and money, in the World, what would you do? "




Write down an answer to this question, and send it to me.


This will be an innocent expression of the essence of your chart!


You should be able to find, this answer, later, in your chart!


This is a little vision into your True Life Purpose....


As you study your Chart, you'll discover 'why' you said what you said.


When I asked myself this question a long time ago, having heard about this, in the very unlikely place of an Amway meeting, some guest speakers said this question was at the basis of a recent study that had been conducted on life purpose.


The authors asked a number of very successful individuals what they considered was the 'key' to their success in life.


And, where they thought they'd hear all kinds of explanations from, " I pulled myself up, by my boot straps " ,...to " my Father gave it to me " , or,... " I created it by myself. " ...


Instead, they heard one underlying description. " Eventually I discovered what I loved to do, and I built a business around that idea. "


When I first heard this I got so excited, because I realized this could be a great way to help us discover what we're meant to do, in this life.


In fact, Jyotish is especially good at helping us understand all the ins, and outs, of our lives; however there's one big, problem.


And that is, that we all have positives and negatives in our lives.


Where we're living the 'Benefics' or positives or ourselves, we are already doing what we were supposed to do, and being successful at it, I'd add.


However, where we have our 'Malefics', or our negatives, this is where we're spontaneously, sabotaging our very lives!


Whether it's a malefic Mars, and going too fast, having accidents, and/or fights, and disagreements, etc. or... whether, it's our Saturn,....


which is literally causing us to strain, or stay up to late, and building up stress and dis-ease, we're actually becoming less and less 'clear' as to our very life's purpose, or ability to do what we were meant to do!


The real problem in our live's is not just that we don't 'KNOW', what we're supposed to be doing!


But, the real problem is we don't know, 'HOW', to do it.


We have not been taught, how to act, in-tune with ourselves or Nature, and as a result we produce stress and strain in ourselves, in our environments, and as a result, suffer!, waves upon waves, of unhappiness, lack of success, disappointments, frustrations, losses, and grief.


In this course, we will not only study Saturn in a very deep and profound way, but we will learn how to live our live's more 'IN-TUNE', with Saturn, and from the very beginning we'll become more in-tune with Saturn, and not only will the study of Jyotish be easy,

but the growth and unfoldment of our live's during this very important up-coming year,....


will become easy, effortless, more natural, and therefore more Successful.


In the next few articles, in addition to studying the deep, underlying, important Principles & Goals of Astrology, I'll also write some very helpful, descriptions of Saturn and things one can do, right now, to be more in-tune with Saturn and as a result, start creating more nature support!


This will help us, in our study of Jyotish as well as in all the situations in our lives!


Saturn is for most, the most sorely lacking strong Planet in everyone's chart.


Perhaps, this is partly due to the age we live in, where, 'Balance with Nature', and living in-tune with life, is least understood.


In this course, however, we'll study our Astrology, but from the platform, of increasing attunement with Saturn each day.


Look forward to the next, upcoming article on Saturn, to help us with our path, as well as this great study of Jyotish/Astrology.





Saturn Tip #1




Pay attention to your every day experience, and do one thing!


Listen to your body, and if you need more rest, are tired, irritable, dragging in energy, or feeling,

dull or stressed....


Don't analyze the problem, but instead...do one thing....


Rest more....


Add a little bit more rest at night.


Do something more pleasing and gentle for your body or self, during these first couple weeks of the course.




End of Part 1







Mark Kincaid




PS.... If you haven't sent me also your date of birth info. including rising sign, please do that.


Secondly, please create an Introduction about yourself, and your previous background in Astrology, whether you've had many charts done before and what you'd like to accomplish during this course, and this up-coming year!





Qualities List:








Make a list of your qualities, tendencies, chartacteristics, and personality.


This can include everything you know about yourself, as well as your relationships with other people, and your experiences in health, work, income, etc.


Write down what you 'know' is your truth....


And as we study Jyotish and you learn the details of your chart.... you'll find the Astrological reason behind each and every one of these personal descriptions!






For those of you who are still interested in taking this course:


contact me and register at:




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