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For newbies to the sidereal zodiac

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For newbies to the sidereal zodiac, I've written some notes on Tom DeLay

for the AstroDababank site:



Tom DeLay Feedback (Chart data is on the link above)




Therese H 5/9/2005


As anyone who has known me over the years knows, I'm always looking for

ways to throw light on the zodiac question. Tom DeLay's chart turns out to

be one of the best working charts for this. I've said many times that the

key to the actual influence of either the Tropical or sidereal zodiac is

the overlap of T-S signs at the end of the Tropical zodiac because the

previous sidereal sign has the same observed traits as the Tropical sign

which follows it.


Using TomDeLay's chart as an example, this means that since his Ascendant,

Jupiter and Moon are in late degrees of Tropical Scorpio, the

interpretation of the sign would be like Tropical Sagittarius. This is

because the observed traits of sidereal Scorpio are the same as those of

Tropical Sagittarius since they are in the same area of the ecliptic. The

final degrees of Tropical Scorpio fall in the zone of Sidereal Scorpio as

does most of Tropical Sagittarius.


I consulted some of my Tropical books and pulled out these traits for Scorpio:


Reserved and subtle, can move quietly like a shadow

Quiet; sensitive and easily hurt

Likes to probe the psyche, so makes a good psychotheapist.

Loves mysteries and the mystical, very interested in life and death


Then I noted traits for Tropical Sagittarius:


Freedom loving, dynamic, energetic

Can rebel against authority

Insensitive to others (focused on expending its energy)

Gregarious, but has a temper; attracted to danger and challenges

Can use the force of personality to coerce other people; Tremendous force

of persuasion


Then we have a partial Gauquelin take on Jupiter:


(can be) angry; argumentative; assured; authoritative; communicates well;

imperious; independent; opportunistic; powerful; (can be) tyrannical;

self-confident; stubborn


From the questions and ADB biography of DeLay:


" Where in the chart is this ability to work and play hard, to win and

become influential? "

Particularly noted for his tenacity and for his heavy-handed, arm-twisting

approach to politics; nicknamed " The Hammer. "

In his formative years, developed a " passion for freedom "

Propensity for having a good time in college, nicknamed " Hot-tub Tom "

Resented government interference in his entrepreneur endeavors


There is one overriding powerful angular configuration in DeLay's chart:

the Jupiter-Moon (with Ketu-S Node) on the Scorpio ascendant. We can look

hard, but where is Tropical Scorpio in DeLay's biography? The underlying

sidereal sign here is sidereal Scorpio, which is like Tropical Sagittarius.

If we put the traits of Jupiter listed above into an active and energetic

sign ruled by Mars, we pretty much get the psychological picture of Tom De

Lay. (The dishonesty and ethics questions fall into another astrological



I'm trying to show that the traditional traits associated with Tropical

Scorpio don't describe Tom DeLay, but those of Sagittarius do. Possible

conclusion: We're seeing the bleedthrough of the sidereal sign which is

much stronger than the Tropical sign said to occupy that area of the

ecliptic. We can picture in our minds Jupiter conjoined to the ascendant of

a strongly Martian sign--sidereal Scorpio.


I'd like to add one more observation regarding Mars as the primary lord of

(sidereal) Scorpio. (Aries was considered the secondary sign of Mars at

least up to the Renaissance--see Johannes Schoener). In HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS

Robert Hand says that " The second type of [Tropical] Sagittarian has

achieved a successful integration into the social order and is concerned

with the fabric of that order. " (page 231)


As a god Mars typically operated in the midst of an army. An army is a

group of people all having the same aim, generally to conquer or defend.

Sidereal Scorpio is an excellent sign for political endeavors, for it rules

the mobilization of group energy. Tom DeLay has become the Republican whip,

and is thoroughly integrated into the Republican party as well as his

fundamentalist Christian group. The strongly Scorpio person is likely to

find himself working with one or more groups of people for social, humane,

political or religious causes. Sidereally speaking, Jupiter in Scorpio has

combined the power and authoratative potential of Jupiter with an energetic

Mars-ruled sign to place DeLay where he is today. Whether he'll be able to

stay there is another question.

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