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2-Shubhangi: Jyotish Article...on .....The Moon....., & Saturn?..... Mark Kincaid 5/12

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Dear Mark, It was very good to read your ellaborate and informative article on MOON. Unfortunately, I missed your article on SATURN. May I request you to send me if its not much of a trouble?


Dear Shubhangi:


Please see below:




" Shubhangi Naik " <sn732004

" Shubhangi Naik " <sn732004

12 May 2005 10:44:19 -0000

" Mark Kincaid " <m.kincaid

Re: yotish Article...on .... " .The Moon..... " ,... It's Nature, full-potential and How to Strengthen!.




Dear Mark,


It was very good to read your ellaborate and informative article on MOON. Unfortunately, I missed your article on SATURN. May I request you to send me if its not much of a trouble?


I've included a copy of my Saturn article, in the 'attachments' in this email.


It's in the same form as this email so you should be able to read it.


If you can't just let me know and I'll paste one, into another email.


PS.... I'm collecting all of my Jyotish articles, on some of my that you can join, at:





Just thought of sharing about the moon in my chart after reading your article.


I have Moon (waxing 6th day as i was born on Shasti) in my 3rd house with Venus and Rahu in Saggitarus/Dhanu sign. This Moon is also aspected by 7th aspect of Saturn+Ketu both in 9th house in Gemini sign.


* My mind is never at rest, since childhood always thinking of something or the other including negative thoughts which I get often;


Moon-mind, " never at rest " , can be caused by a number of malefic effects.


Don't know the exact day of your birth, however, I'm guessing somewhere around Nov. 28, 1973?


This has you with that Libra rising, and all the other planets you mentioned.


Any time, that the Moon's being aspected by malefics, including Rahu/Ketu, and Saturn, it's not surprising that you're feeling 'rough', or un-even.


The great wisdom of Jyotish, however, points us in a special direction.


The Malefics in our chart's are not just showing us where the source of our unhappinesses, are; they're also showing us the part's of us that need to be changed, or strengthened!


But, Ketu/Rahu and Saturn seem to be about equal distance from the Moon, so " STRENGTHENING SATURN " , seems like a good choice for you.


Then, when you start to get more in-tune with Saturn, the way you'll be able to tell, is that, " uneveness " of the Moon, and emotions starts to subside and eventually go away!




* There is no obsession or addiction, but yes, rejection - I tend to reject myself before anybody else could reject.


This " rejecting " , is that due to a lack of optimism, or pessimism?


Or, could be due to lack of emotional, Moonish, strength!


* Lack of concentration hence been avaerage student in spite of knowing that I score better.


" Lack of concentration " could be do to Mercury being in a lack of focused, Libra energy.


Or, could be due to the same Moon being undermined by those malefics.


* Lack of courage, very fearful - but people do perceive me as courageous person.


" fearful " is a definite Moon expression, and even Saturn aspecting the Moon, could be enough

for 'fear' to result.


But, fear is a consequence of " DUALITY " . And, when Saturn's acting malefically, it creates, disintegration, one consequence is a lack of Unity, or duality.... and hence fear.


Rahu too could, also


But, your courageousness is due to Moon being in the 3rd house of courage, Rahu, too, is good there. Also, your Mars is very good in Aries, Mars, being the primary planet of courage!



* Fear of confrontation and often regret even if i do so.


Again fear is due to weakened, or malefically aspected Moon.


Also, isn't your Sun in Scorpio?


That would mean your Moon, in Sagittarius, is still pretty small, too.


So, strengthening your Moon, is also a good thing to do!


* Often dream and many of them does convey future happenings either personal or to any other person.

* Too much concerned about my parents and my siblings wellbeing.


Rahu is my Atmakaraka and Saturn is my Yogakaraka.

No matter how much sincere attempt I make to get over my emotions, I have never succeded.

At times I wonder if moon gemstone (moon is the lord of 10th in my chart without any planet in it except for 4th aspect of retro mars and 7th aspect of deb. jupiter) would help to have a mental peace, but since I am not so fond of gems and jwellery I give up.


Gems, can have their place. But, on a list of 1 to 10, I don't rate them that highly.


Meditation, on the other hand, is probably the 'best' thing we can do to strengthen the Mind-Moon!


Check out tm.org for Transcendental Meditation, which I have been doing since 1970.


Believe me, I know what it mean's to have Moon, problems!



I was born where my Moon was in the 12th house, and with Saturn there.

My Sun was also only 1 house away, in the 11th house, so Moon's was in the 12th, with Saturn, and extremely small.


Each day, month and year, that has goine by where I've been able to meditate, has helped emmensely, that weakness of MY Moon!


Also, since studying Jyotish, and then, learning about my situations, making conscious efforts, to strengthen, both Saturn and my Moon, has been another great leap forward!




I have one more request to make. I have taken up a new job and will be joining the new company on the 7th june and may not get time to excess the emails regularly, so either I will opt for Daily Digest or No Email instead of individual mails, If its not too much of a trouble I request you forward me your article on all the other planets and any other to my individual email id.



Best wishes to you and your family.





Hope this helps.





Mark Kincaid






On Wed, 04 May 2005 Mark Kincaid wrote :


Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

Tue May 3, 2005  11:22 pm

Jyotish Article...on .... " .The Moon..... " ,... It's Nature, full-potential and How to Strengthen!....> MKincaid 5/3


The Moon!





Dear Friends:


I was inspired by how much people liked the other article I wrote on Saturn, that I thought I should write about all the planets, too.


This one's about the Moon.


Like Saturn, the Moon has it's positive and negative sides.


The Moon, originally, coming from the Latin, 'Lunar' means, we get the word: " Lunacy " ,

or insanity.


Obviously that's the 'dark' side of the Moon's force.


And, those that have delicate, or malefically aggravated Moon's can experience all manners of everything from emotional problems, to phobias, anxieties, worries, and depression.


But, the Moon, itself, is called the Planet of the Mind.


And, the Mind, includes all possibilities, from insanity, to enlightenment.


We, obviously want to culture and develop our Moon's, so that we grow in term's of our



Let's first talk about the highest value of the mind, and from wherever you experience, your Moon, you can then aspire for 'more'.


The natural vision of the highest value of the Moon is contained both in it's size, and it's Quality.


Moon is supposed to be the 'best' that is both Exalted, and/or Full!


In fact there are many positive descriptions for a person, if they have that 'auspicious' Waxing Moon, in their charts or Exalted, or in it's Own Sign.


Moon, however, is slightly more complicated, because the Moon in it's various Signs, isn't necessarily 'wrong' or undeveloped if in Aries, or Gemini, but just different.


I believe the best, 'judge' of the various levels of strength of Moon and Mind, is the size of the Moon.


The bigger the Moon, the stronger, is one's emotional or mental nature.


People with 'good' Moon's have an evenness about them, stronger, feeling nature's and handle all aspects of life, including stress, better.


But, there's been something missing in the normal depictions of the Moon, in all it's various stages.


The Moon, when it's not big, or when it's Waning, and small, or in the getting smaller, mode, is more about the 'starting point' of the Mind, Moon.


Therefore no matter where your Moon is starting, now, that you were born to strengthen, and develop, your Moon/Mind!


Moon represesents Happiness, and also fulfillment.


The Moon as it's getting bigger and bigger, expresses more and more, brightness of the Sun, upon us, and like that, the bigger someone's Moon, is, the more pure inner, 'light' of Being, or Consciousness, is able to light, into our Heart's and Mind's.


The Moon, itself, is like a big clock, churning, bigger and bigger, then, smaller and smaller.


It's  movements, always, churning, getting fuller, and then, more and more empty, represent's not only the state and stage of development of our Moon's; but,.... this cycle of the Moon,

also represent's the path of emotional growth and development.


I've discovered, that the cycle, itself, is a kind of big, powerful, cycle of 'Rest & Activity'.


Like the daily cycle, going to bed, early, one gains better rest, and as a result, more success during the next day.


If one learns how to follow this naturally, cyclical, flow, of the Moon, being more and more restful, inward, and rejuvenative, during the Waning part, then, the Waxing cycle, will be more and more lively, and successful.


If you want to enjoy more success inside, and or, outside, then, 'do', more during the Waxing part.


You'll generally, find yourself, with more energy, and dynamism, as the light upon the Moon is brighter and brighter.


You'll also find that you need less rest during this cycle and outwardness is natural, and very purposeful.


But, the minute the Moon starts to 'Wane' see, if you notice, next time, that there's an immediate, inwardness, or settling down, goings on.


After watching the Moon for awhile, since 1988, I began to 'feel' that flow inside of me.


As the Moon's getting bigger and bigger, I noticed, 'I', including my body, but even, emotionally, I felt better and better, with more energy, and dynamism.


But, the minute, the Moon started to Wane, I noticed an immediate, 'falling off' type of experience, and then, eventually, I realized,..it meant something.


That shift, in Physiology, and Mind, seemed to correspond with more and more 'inwardness', of the body.  


I noticed more and more that 'I', or the body, wanted to hibernate, curl up, lie down, take a nap, be more inward...and get more rest.


Then, I realized, the time's when I felt the most chaos, were one's in which I was not being in-tune, with these 2 cycles.


Especially, the inward part, if I tried to be busy, or had to, I noticed a very strong, and sometimes, subtle quality of strain going on.


I also noticed that people seemed to suffer the most, emotionally, when the Moon, itself, was Waning.


Originally, I thought this was just the nature of the Moon, as in many Astrological descriptions.


Now, I realize, however, that it's more because we're straining, and not allowing that this is the natural purpose and priority of the Moon, and our Physiology.


Women, know the Moon cycle already.  Did you know that women's 'cycle' is a lunar cycle?


Many people, have their cycles, during the Waning part, and often, literally around the New Moon.


However, often when their cycles are out of whack and or especially rough and exhausting, it turns out their cycles, are not in-tune with that more healing, restful time, but come during the Waxing or 'bigger' Moon, parts.


After a while, I realized one of the greatest things people should know would be how to live their live's more and more in-tune with those Moon cycles.


Most successful people in business, already recognize that business, itself, goes through cycles.


There are of course, busy cycles, and then there are time's when the need arises, to pause, to collect oneself, maybe get re-organized, or catch up with previous paperwork, that got neglected during the 'hay day' of the more active cycles.


What I've discovered, however, is whenever I allow myself, to be more and more in-tune with those 2 primary aspects of the Moon, I find myself being the most successful.


Saturn has taught us about the need to rest more, and to heal and rejuvenate, recuperate, and renew; during the appropriate times.


Daily Rest...and now we're hearing about the Monthly rest cycle.


Ayurved teaches, a lot about how to be more in-tune with all the 'rest' cycles.


There's that daily cycle, and going to bed, early enough, that we get completely refreshed, and prepared, for more easy, smooth, and dynamic activity of the next day.


Then, there's the monthly cycle, which is predominately a Lunar cycle.


Watch the Moon for a couple of Months.


See, if you notice a clear, difference within, between the Waxing & Waning Moon, cycles.


You'll notice most of the time, feeling more inward during the Waning part's and more outward, and dynamic, during the Waning parts.


Allow yourself, to be 'that' in-tune with those 2 chapters, or cycles.


As, I have, I've noticed a complete strengthening, of my own, emotional side, or self.


As you pay more attention to those cycles, you'll find yourself, feeling more centered, and natural, and prepared.


When you rest more, then you'll pick up less stress, and as you're picking up less stress; especially emotional stress, then, your very Moon, inside, will shine more brightly!


Another thing I've noticed about our chart's and our Moon's, is the exact details of our Moon's shows us the particular lessons, that are not only good for our Moon's but also more appropriate, for ourselves.


I'll give you some examples.


I have my Moon in the 12th, which is also there along with Saturn.

My Moon is also only 1 house away from my Sun which is in the 11th house.

In other words, the Moon is in the negative 12th house, and #2, with a fairly negative or malefically functioning Saturn, and #3, is very small.


All of these qualities, seemed to correspond quite neatly to all my emotional shyness, growing up.

I was very insecure.   Now I understand it was emotional.

I would always get my feelings 'hurt' very easily, and even experienced much worrying, anxieties, phobias, and even depression...


Exhausting even reviewing that!



But, the minute I learned how to meditate, in college, immediately I started feeling better.

Way back then, in 1970, I knew very little about Astrology, but I knew I surely needed something.


Each day, month, and then year, that slipped by, I noticed I felt more and more calm, settled, , and emotionally happy!


I knew I was finally doing something right.


But, because of my extreme weakness of the Moon, I still felt a lot of weakness there, even after a number of years.


Then, in 1988, I discovered Jyotish, and I discovered a very real, connection between all the Malefics in my chart, and all the still, frustrations, and unhappinesses, in my life.


Then, I started studying the Moon.


I read about what it was supposed to be like, in both 'size' and by 'sign', and I felt some kind of growing, value, there inside, emotionally.


In addition to being more in-tune with the various Waxings and Wanings of the Moon, the Moon inside us, and our charts; also teaches us about where and how we're supposed to put more attention.


The Moon, according to Jyotish, expresses where our 'Conscious Mind's' are meant to focus in this life.


The Sun may be about our Soul's life, and purpose, but our Moon's are where our Moon's are meant to focus.


For someone with the Moon, in the 4th, the arena of the home, and family are most important.

For those with the Moon, in the 5th, Education is primary.

For those with the Moon, in the 6th, health, and healing are more vital.


With each house's nature comes each, area of life's focus.


For me, the one good thing about the Moon being in my 12th, is the positive side of the 12th, was that I had a strong, thirst, to know what was the ultimate, purpose of life?


This is by the way, one of the natural symbolisms of the 12th house, is the positive values of the 'Transcendental Reality'....


I had a hunger and a thirst, to want to know about God, and the Ultimate reality.


So, that was the good thing.


The bad part was my Moon, there, exhibited all the classic malefic aspects of 'loss', and 'over expenditures'.


Now, I realize over expenditures, mean's financial expenditures, but also over expenditures, emotionally!


As I learned these things, and especially watched the Moon, and strove to be more in-tune with the Moon's nature, and cycles, I found myself, living, a much more fulfilling and satisfying emotional life.


Then, when I started to understand the inherent symbolism, especially, of the negative sides of the 12th house, and especially that quality of over-expenditures, then I started to experience, being again, more happy, within.


What finally made a huge difference for me, was when I realized that I was supposed to gain, more inner balance, of money, or savings, related to the 12th house, and when I learned this, and actually had some money put away, I noticed a direct, powerful effect on my heart, feelings, or Moon.


So, develop the strength of your Moon.


Figure out the specific functionally malefic message or symbolism that's there in your Charts.


The malefics in our chart's are not just symbolic of our problems, lessons and griefs!


These same malefics are also symbolic of the very things we need to do, and learn, to literally, strengthen, and improve the very functionings of those, 'so-called' malefics.


When you then, learn to take even a few short steps, into these developments, you'll know you're progressing in the right direction,....

because the very real, and frustrating consequences of those malefics will begin to diminish.


If it's the Moon, as that improves, you'll notice feeling better emotionally.


You'll feel more even, and happy, as a result!


Anxieties, and worries will become less.


You'll find yourself, listening more to your inward, intuition, and your sense of automatic, non-linear, knowingness or intuition, will be stronger.


You'll also feel much more centered, and purposeful, just because the Moon is a very important and vital part of our lives' as well as it is a part of our Jyotish charts.


Other prescriptions, and suggestions for strengthening the Moon, include:


o   Pay more attention to what you feel

o   As you recognize what you're needing, emotionally, give that to yourself.

o   If you're tired, feel it, and then, rest.

o   If you're worried, or anxious, then rest.

o   If you are upset, or overshadowed, by things and events, pay more attention to how you feel,

   strengthen that Moon, and see, if the worrying doesn't diminish.

Other remedies include:

o    " Don't worry, be happy. "

o   Allow yourself to enjoy, more.

o   Nourish yourself, more.

o   Give to yourself, emotionally, more.

o   Have more fun!

   Entertainment and fun, vacations, are very healthy especially for our Moon's!


We live in a society and a time, when Intellect, and masculine 'Sun' values dominate.


The whole world-wide, 'women's movement' is really a movement, to re-claim the importance of the Moon!


When the world, admired and respected 'women', and 'Mother's' more, then the Moon was stronger!


Moon represent's the female side of life.


It represents 'emotions', it represent's 'feminine'.

It also represents nourishing, compassion, and careing.


If your Moon, is found lacking in any of these qualities...


#1  Take yourself, and your Moon, to deeper levels of bliss and inner awareness.


That experience, alone will have the potential of strengthening your Moon!


#2  Then, find the particular insight that your chart, and Moon are about.



If your Moon's in Aries, notice that you have a very real tendency to rush, and be active.

This is very Ariesish of you, however, be sure that you're doing enough for the quality, and inner happiness of the Moon, as well.


Oh, yes, I forgot to add....


#1  Find the size of your Moon.


If it's not Full, whether, very small, just beginning to Wax, as in my case, or anywhere between, almost nil, and Full, then, put more attention on increasing it's size.


If the Moon's in the Waning motion, then recognize, you were really born, to put more attention, and pursue, the deeply fascinating, and yet, unique qualities of developing that precious, 'inwardness' of the Moon/Mind.


#3     Once, you find the particular lesson and symbolism of your Moon, then, do whatever is needed to bring more peace, and eliminate any malefic influences.


Moon with each Different

Malefic, situation...


Some people have their Moon's with difficult planets like my Saturn.


In my case, it was not only important that I learn to strengthen the size of my Moon,

but I also had to learn how to 'balance' my Saturn.


When I hadn't then, my Moon, was a regular barometer, of the Moon's great miseries, and imbalances.


If someone's got their Moon with their Sun's, this represents the New Moon, and the absolute importance of strengthening the size of the Moon.


However the Sun, with the Moon, also has another unique characteristic, and that is, the Sun represents will, and 'self' so selfish, is one of the Sun's less then positive aspects.


When the Moon is then, there, with the Sun, typically, people's past selfish, or ego-centric, efforts and activities, have actually interfered, and even, hurt, their own, emotional sides.


Part of the lesson, here, then, is to put more attention on your feelings, to give more to yourself, emotionally, and follow your intuition, more and more.


If someone's got their Moon, with a malefic functioning, Mars, then, the quality of pitta, of anger, of bossiness, of fighting, have literally invaded the natural quality and subtle, wonderful qualities of the Moon.


In some of these cases, it's not really the Moon that's acting malefically, but the Moon, is a natural reflection of, and in this case, Marish, too harsh quality.


In this example, then Mars needs to be controlled, diminished, and issues such as anger, resentment, and especially, blameing others, needs to be mastered.


In future articles we'll talk about how to balance the Mars, Sun, Rahu & Ketu, to name the normal planets that act the most malefically.



I'll end with one more final malefic influence.  


Let's say someone's Moon is with Rahu, which almost always is found acting, bizarrely.


The way to tell, in fact if Rahu is acting malefically, is to see, if it's negative consequences are dominating, and in this case, dominating, in the very Moon, or your emotional life.


People with these kind's of negative Rahu's will have experiences, of obsessions, compulsions, and even addictions.


Because Rahu represent's these negative's then, when Rahu is close to the Moon, these negative tendencies, or patterns, even bad habits, will affect one's emotions.


Part of the solution for this is to learn how to balance, Rahu.


Again, we'll talk more in a separate article about Rahu, but for right now, let me just say, the extent to which your stive, to eliminate the very quality of 'obsession's' or 'fame', or 'addiction's, then, Rahu will begin easing up it's negative 'grip' upon the Moon.


More, later.



So, here we have it.


The Moon represent the mind, heart, and feelings.


The Moon therefore represent's happiness, satisfaction, and inner joy and bliss.


The Moon, also, is the primary planet of fulfillment and contentment.



Therefore, identify your present level of inner happiness, and if you're not experiencing all the happiness, that you would like;

then, consider strengthening your Moon!




Jai Guru





Mark Kincaid









Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved.


641 472-0000.







Starlight Productions  


Special Article on Saturn, today...  







Dear Friends:


I thought you might be interested in up-coming news especially related to what's happening with Jupiter and Saturn this year!


This year represents the first time in over 5 years, where Jupiter finally breaks free from Saturn's (malefic) influence.


Ever since 2000, when Jupiter and Saturn first collided in Aries, the whole World was thrust into a very frustrating and debilitating time.  World Markets fell, millions of individuals lost their jobs, almost every aspect of Saturn grief, came during this time.


Now, in September of 2005, Jupiter moves into Libra, where it will stop being aspected or directly influenced by Saturn.


Expect then, over the next 5 years, through 2010, a wonderful up-lifting, Jupiter expansion cycle.


Starlight Productions


Saturn Success...



I'm very happy to report many areas of success, recently.


I think the key to getting along with Saturn, even over the last few years is learning that always, a part of us, needs to be in-tune with the silent, and steadfast, inner 'being' aspects of life.


As I've realized that Saturn truely, represents 'Silence'....and it's influences, periods, and transits, are all about showing us how in-tune we are with this aspect of life; then, my Saturn experience has totally improved.


This is why you'll hear Saturn being described as the planet of Surrender.  Sounds like such a nice expression, though of course, there's much confusion as to what 'surrender' really means.


Now, I realize that surrender means, to let go and 'give in' to a part of Nature, that we're not presently enjoying and able to take advantage of.


So, the need to 'surrender' is there, when we're not consciously experiencing enough inner stability, silence and Being.


We're then, 'attached' to too much non-being, or non-silence, and as a result, we make the wrong decisions, we try to go ahead, when we need to be standing still.  


What Saturn does, is it innocently gives to us, the consequences of our actions as to this kind of very natural and subtle, attunement with Nature.


Those who have very good Saturn's in their charts, or who have grown to be more in-tune; these people are more patient.  They're not so impulsive to do this or that.

They enjoy the silent and resting phases of life.  They're not so prejudice against Saturn, and the rejuvenative stages of life; therefore they enjoy many of the happy, and positive sides of Saturn.


Saturn will go back into Cancer on May 26th, and will then, moving through Cancer, the sign of the Mind, show us all how in-tune we are with our own, emotional, silent natures.


If you feel any grief, or roughness, especially sadness, worry or anxieties, 'then', this is a Saturn sign that you need 'more' Saturn goodness.


Follow the 'signs' of Saturn, and where and when you feel the malefic sides, 'surrender' to ...... the positive Saturn.


Surrendering to the more happy, benefic sides to Saturn will immediately enliven Saturn within and without!


And, as you do that more and more, a time will come that you're totally emersed in the inner bliss of Saturn, and being 'there' you'll find yourself always doing the right thing.


You'll find yourself, feeling still, silent, and awake in an inner direction.


My own experience has been realizing that Saturn's always trying to show us, that at every moment we 'all' should have a part of us that's always still and silent.


As I've appreciated that and allowed that to happen, then, I've found myself enjoying exactly, those wonderful positive sides to Saturn.


But, at any moment, when I still, get too busy, stay up too late, try to do too much,

Saturn is still there to show me the way.


The signs of Saturn trying to tell us we're out of tune include:













and death


Whenever we find ourselves experiencing any of the negative, or malefic sides to Saturn, IF, we accept that this is Saturn's 'sign' to alert us, to try and show us, to try in fact, to help us see, that we need to STOP!,...



take a pause,

and surrender....


So, that more positive energy of Saturn gets enlivened....


Then, if we do this, then Saturn begins to get transformed.


Doing this, surrendering, adjusting,....even studying the positive Wisdom of Saturn,

is one of the best ways of increasing Saturn beneficness.


Saturn Remedies:



more Understanding, automatically brings more acceptance....


more rest

earlier to bed.... Ayurved says the hours between 10pm-2am are best for sleep.  

Study and exercise better timings.



Saturn represents timings, doing this or that, at the right time.  However if we're not enough, in-tune with Saturn, we'll find ourselves doing the wrong things, or at the wrong time.  This brings much frustration whether it's in business, financial matters or affairs of the heart!


Study then, better timings...

   Moon's Cycle....

   Daily Cycle....

   Seasonal cycles....


Even each planet has a cycle.  


The transits represent all the different timings of all the cycles of the planets.


Learning how to be more in-tune with all these cycles, will immediately increase Saturn goodness, and sophisticated appreciation of timings.


As you become more and more in-tune with say, the Moon cycle, you'll immediately find yourself being more in-tune with even Saturn....


This is because Saturn rules 'timings'.


Rest more, during the Waning cycles.


Find more energy, and focus, do more during the Waxing cycles...


Follow the Moon....


As it Wanes, like now, and gets smaller and smaller, allow 'that' phase, to predominate

in your own life.


Rest more, get more sleep, do less, vacation,....take off, re-cuperate, rejuvenate, rest and heal!

Especially during the last week of the Waning Moon, when the Moon is smallest.


Today Moon's at the 26th degree of Sagittarius today.

Sun's at the 19th degree of Pisces.

Notice that the Moon is getting smaller, going from Sagittarius, into Capricorn, then

Aquarius and then finally Pisces.


This represents the last phase of the Moon's cycle.


New Moon's coming - Friday, APRIL 8th,....


Sun & Moon both will be at the 24th degree of Pisces....



See if you don't notice feeling the most inward, and need to rest more, now and over the next 6 days!


If you don't rest more, and are not able to allow this naturalness to dominate, see, that you experience the most grief, upsetness, and frustrations during this time.


This is traditionally thought to because of the Moon, being so small.


However, the truth is, because we're not being more in-tune with the Moon, therefore aggravating that important planet within, we end up suffering the frustrations of creating!, really, the malefic side to it, and to Saturn.


As soon as we get tired, of enough suffering, delays, and frustrations, then, we'll find the motivation to adjust, and, to re-arrange our lives so we can rest when Nature is resting, and being more in-tune with Saturn, all sadness and grief, can be eliminated.


Rest more during the Waning Moon.

Rest more during each night.

Rest more during the Winter.

Rest more, when Saturn is dominating.


Saturn represents the time, when we should rest, more.

So, whether we're in a Saturn, dasa, important Saturn transit, or Sade Sat!,

rest more!



Saturn, unhappinesses, are like darkness.  When we're in darkness all manners and kinds of miseries happen.  However there is one thing we can do to change all of that, and that's to turn on the LIGHT!


Turning on the light of Saturn, means enlivening that inner side to life.


As we do that, and allow ourselves to be more in-tune with all the beautiful and important benefic sides to Saturn, then the light of inner life, begins to shine!


Then, the darkness is just found gone!


We don't have to push, we don't have to struggle.


We just have to be more easy.


Being more still, more natural, resting more, allows that inner light, to unfold.


All we have to do, is get out of the way, and Nature shines from within.


We are already that brilliant, indescribable, precious, light of the Self.


All we have to do, is appreciate the need for the inward, restful stages of life and Nature takes care of everything else.


This is why surrender is described as a Saturn trait.


When we're being too attached to 'that' which is not positive Saturn, then, resistance, frustrations, and pain result.  Why?


To show us we're not being in-tune, enough with the positive Saturn.


We then, give up, we let go, we sit down, collect our thoughts, we do some yoga, we take a walk, we put some oil on our joints,...take a warm bath,....

being more easy, then immediately enlivens that inner soft side of Saturn,...

and then, all..... negative aspects of Saturn and life,.... begin to go away!


Those that have the strongest, malefic Saturn's in your charts will experience the most Saturn, wake-up calls!


If your Saturn is with your Sun or Moon, or in the first house, or in the 6th, 8th or 12th, or with your Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus, or and you're experiencing any Saturn unhappinesses, then understand that Saturn is trying to get your attention!


The rest is up to you!




Between now and that day May 26th, when Saturn goes back into Cancer, we'll enjoy

more and more waves of Jupiter wisdom, so that by then, we'll be ready for a unique Saturn opportunity to bring more bliss and inner silence to the Mind and heart of the Moon through Cancer.


Whenever you're experiencing a Saturn malefic moment, dasa period or Transit, this is almighty Nature showing you, this is the time, to stop, to think, to re-adjust, so that you become more in-tune with Saturn.


If you don't uncomfortableness slips into dis-ease and then if you don't rest enough, then dis-ease slips into disease.  If we don't learn, then over time, disease slips into death.  If we do, learn, if we do learn to adjust, and learn to 'live' with more Saturn wisdom, then, all positive manners of Saturn will be found!


We'll slip from disease, back into dis-ease, and then, dis-ease will melt away to a quality of ease, and at-ease then, will dissolve into bliss, inner and outer happiness and success.


Nature is trying to show us the way!


Nature wants us to have and to unfold everything.


Only Nature wants us to learn how to be appropriate in our lives.


Nature is interested in us learning Wisdom, as well as material acquisitions.


We can have anything, even the fulfillment of enumerable desires.


The key is the development of inner, steadfastness.


As we develop our inner awareness and faculties, then, we'll find that our desires get fulfilled in a natural and effortless manner.


If we don't go through this safety valve of Nature's and try to accomplish on our own, without Nature's blessings, we'll only end up crashing and burning.


Why?  Is Nature being mean to us?


Is Nature being mean to the young child who announces to her Mother, " Mom!, I can fly " !

The child is wanting to go to the roof and jump showing it can fly!

The mother laughs and says, no, child, you can not fly!


The child knows, however, that there are no limitations.  The child remembers that there's more to life, then just walking!  Maybe the child loves watching those early morning cartoons, filled with great heroes, many of whom can fly!


Maybe the child has inner dreams, where the normal limitations of life, are not there, and indeed, they can fly.


So, instead of listening, the child sneaks off and climbs up onto the garage roof.  Then, with all manner of happiness and positive expectation goes leaping from the roof!  


Baam!  thud!   The child ends up on a heap, crying and making breaking a leg!

" Mother!, why did this happen!  I thought I could fly! "  In between sobs and cries, the Mother, again tries to comfort.   " My child, I'm so sorry.  I tried to warn you. "   " But, I thought,.... I mean my friends on the TV, I thought.... "   " You may someday be able to soar and fly, but not yet, not today.  First you have to learn to sit, to walk, and even, sit within.  Then, maybe you'll learn how to fly. "


We all want more out of life.

We want to soar, to make our mark in our World.

We each have a purpose living upon this Earth.


However, Saturn is here to teach us how to do that.

Saturn is here to teach us how to develop that inner side of us, so that our outer, World is built on a firm footing of inner stability.


First, we need to develop that inner Saturn strength, and then, enjoy the results of 'that' in the outer.



All grace and thanks to Saturn, the left-hand of God.


If Jupiter, Guru, is the right hand of God, Saturn, then, is the left hand!


They go hand and hand.


We step forward, expanding into the World with a Jupiter foot.


We first, however, had to plant our other foot, a Saturn step.


First step, and then move.

First rest, and then awake and do.

Rest & activity are the two steps of all progress and prosperity in life.


Saturn teaches us about the rest stage.

Jupiter teaches us about the activity stage.


Both together represent the complete dynamics of life.


Appreciate and enjoy the realities of both.


If we do, then our pace and evolution of life, is easy, natural and effortless.


If we receive any 'clue' that we're not being in-tune, instead of fighting this, don't resist, let go, adjust, even surrender, if need be,...and accept Nature's help.


Then, being more inner awake, then automatically find more outer happiness!



Jai Guru!











Mark Kincaid








Teacher of Meditation, Ayurved


641 472-0000.

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