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Jyotish Article: the Sun! ....... some More.................................

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Jai Jinendra Mark and ALL,


Some more thoughts on Sun,When sun acts positice it

brings generous and liberal quality,while acting

negatively brings egoism.


It expresses a goal of and individual and expression

of self or word " I " and concious existence of self.It

gives awarness of destiny and path to attain a same.It

reminds a common goal of every individual.


It's positive influence makes one desirous,executive

and power to fight with self.It is


etc etc.while negatively it is egotism,pomp-loving.It

brings fame,power towards exterior,pride,ritualistic

etc etc.


It also represents,fame,father,noble,higher


nature etc.


If well placed gives one confidence,emotional control,

faithful,trust,truth,health,wealth,ambition gets

fulfilled,keeping of promises and

secrets,speech,preacher,good judgement power.


While ill-placed gives arrogance,pride of

power,financially dependent,foolish,lack of

gravity,poor insight,adapted to lies,restless,over

expenditure,dishonour or fall from position etc etc.


As it signifies father,our concious

intelligence,deceiting or perceving faculties to our

soul,leadership,rank,glory etc etc.



--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> " Where there's a Will, there's a Way! "

> Or

> Strengthening the Sun!

Now, here's an expression which we've all heard a

> lot!


> Today, I thought this might be a fun way of looking

> at the key to personal

> change, and self-empowerment.


> Though sometimes, trying 'to will' ourselves, into

> something new and

> improved, feels more like pulling oneself, up, by

> one's boot straps!


> However, I believe there's a great, grain of truth

> in this expression.


> It's certainly true, when people don't exhibit any

> strength of will;

> problems, and lack of effectiveness, do dominate.


> During this very special time of the year, when the

> Sun, and the 'will', are

> in their maximum strength, and potential; (in

> Exalted Sun/Aries)... this

> might be a good time, to reflect on this topic.


> In Jyotish as in Western Astrology, the " will " , is a

> reflection of one's

> Sun, Self, or self-confidence.


> Though the quality of will, may be due, also, to

> emotional or Moonish,

> considerations, or even any number of dysfunctions,

> due to functioning

> malefics.


> For right now, let's just explore, how we might

> strengthen our 'Wills', by

> learning to strength, our Sun's, alone!


> I also find this important, because the Sun's really

> such an important,

> 'Astrological body'!


> In Jyotish, we tend to forget the importance of the

> Sun.


> Jyotish, so often, focuses on the Moon, as being

> soooo, important.


> Unfortunately, the Moon, has no real power!


> It's light, even it's heavenly gravitational force,

> is a product of the Sun.


> All the Planets, even, pale in comparison to the

> Sun.


> If you've ever seen one of those Astronomy pictures,

> comparing the size of

> the Sun, to the planets, they all pale, in

> comparison.


> So, what else does the Sun represent,...



> The Sun....



> The Sun represent's the 'I', the Self, the ego, the

> entire subjective self.


> No wonder the Sun's so important. Sun, also

> represent's our 'Father', and

> his father, and his, and the next, and next....and

> then, all the way to the

> ultimate Father, God-Self.


> Sun, Self, may also reflect Consciousness,

> Awareness, or being.


> This might, then, be why it's thought, generally to

> be so difficult to

> strengthen the Sun.


> However, in the West, there's a powerful, tradition,

> of believing that 'one'

> can improve oneself, by a sheer act of 'Will'!


> Recent event's in the History of the West, over the

> last 100 year's does

> tend to confirm this believe and possibility.


> Today, there are more billionaires, or successful

> people, then at any time

> in the history of 'Man'.


> In America for example, we believe that any " person

> can grow up to be

> President. "


> This attitude seems to have helped in people's

> abilities to access their

> will, and develop themselves, and accomplish their

> life goals.


> In the East, there is a similar traditon of

> Self-Development. It even has a

> fairly interesting name: " Self-Realization. "

> Though it's generally thought

> to be fairly difficult to find the Self, and/or

> become enlightened, still

> there is as least, the Principle of Strengthening

> one'Self.


> The problem, at least Philosophically, is that the

> 'self' or even, 'ego', is

> that thing, which is not a thing, thought, or

> behavior. In other words, the

> Self, is that which is the basis of all thoughts,

> and actions.


> So, how do we strengthen that?


> But, there is quite a bit of auxilary evidence that

> suggests that the Self,

> or Sun, might be strengthened, by 'effort', by 'act

> of will'.


> For those, however, who find it very difficult to

> make this most abstract,

> and subjective, self-improvement, there are some

> great precednets in Vedic

> Science.


> For example, there is the time honored tradition of

> 'Meditation', for not

> only contacting the Self, but through regular

> experience, then, developing

> or unfolding more and more of the Self's potential.


> Recent experience, even, over the last 45 years, has

> shown, (through

> scientific research), that meditation can improve

> self-confidence,

> creativity, even IQ, or Intelligence seems to be

> able to be strengthened.


> How is this possible?



> When one sit's down to meditate, and closes the

> eyes, the natural tendency

> of the mind and body, is to settle down.


> Then, picking up a mantra, (in japa meditaiton), one

> can learn how to

> disassociate one'self, from one's normal conscious,

> and associate kind of

> thinking, one thought after another, after another.


> Then, one begin's to experience, thought in an

> " inward " direction, and

> spontaneously, one experience's quieter and quieter

> level's of thought,

> until, the very earliest stage of the thought

> process, is transcended and

> one arrive's at the very source of thought.


> As it turns out this Source of Thought, is a state

> of unlimited, potential,

> awareness, and intelligence.


> Also, as it turns out, with repeated experiences of

> this very pleasing,

> inward experience, one begin's to exhibit more

> internal wakefulness, and

> awareness.


> o So, meditation may be the #1 remedy for

> strengthening the Sun.


> Other things I do, include:


> o Looking at the specific symbolisms of the

> Sun's weakness in anyone's

> chart, to find the

> unique, individual, suggestions that are appropriate

> for each person.


> For example, Sun in the first house, is indicative

> of a malefic functioning

> Sun.


> The normal, typical explanation is because the Sun,

> in the first is

> represenative, of a kind of selfishness, and as a

> result, many people

> experience the results of this.


> The Jyotish solution, or suggestion I recomend, is

> for those people, through

> an act of will, make a conscious decision to be less

> selfish.


> Since we have caused our karmas, it's only natural,

> that we should be able

> to change our karmas.


> o Another thing I recomend is reading

> literature that has a specific

> purpose of strengthening the Sun, or Self.


> For example, the Upanishads, one of the many Vedic

> literature, is all about

> Self-Development.


> In the Upanishads, there are these great expressions

> of the full potential

> of the Self.


> Isa Upanishad:



> " The Spirit, without moving, is swifter than the

> mind;

> the senses cannot reach him.

> He is forever beyond them.

> Standing still, he overtakes those that run.


> To the ocean of his being, the spirit of life leads

> the streams of actions.


> Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own

> Self, in all

> beings, loses all fear. "



> And finally:


> " When a sage sees this great Unity and his Self has

> become all beings;

> what delusion and what sorrow can ever be near him! "




> All these words are very inspiring and even stirring

> as to the Self and

> Sun's potential in life.


> These and many others, for example, inspired me, in

> my striving for

> experience and development of consciousness through

> meditation.


> And, when I finally had this experience: " Who sees

> all beings in his

> Self...and his own Self,

> in all beings....loses all fear " , this was the

> culmination of my

> self-development through meditation.


> Finally,.... developming the Self-Sun, is a very

> powerful, and significant

> activity, because the Sun, I, ego, being at the

> basis of all thoughts and

> actions,...if it can be improved, will be the one

> thing we can do to

> improve, literally, each and every aspect of our

> live's....



> Sincerely,




> Mark Kincaid


> Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved

> m.kincaid

> 641 472-0000.









Love is the beauty of the soul






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