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Vedic Sky of June

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Greetings from http://www.cyberastro.com


Let us see how the vedic sky represents this June


welcome you to June Vedic Sky. With each beginning, the reality mysteriously

creates the possibility of the unexpected. Sometimes these are simply routine

and other times a pain. We should always be prepared for any eventuality that

June come our way. This does not mean anything negative, rather a state of

alertness, which in a positive manner helps us to be an expert at adjusting to

any kind of situation in life.


We are past half way through 2005 already. I am sure many of you feared some

eventuality to happen but I am also sure that things are not as bad as you

expected. This is the best part of life, it has a positive motion and very

rarely does it surpass our expectation of negativity. The strong yellow gold

rays of the Sun disperse most negative energies provided we do not allow them a

safe haven in our souls. The creation moves in an upward motion and all that

which is dark and heavy naturally falls away. The power of creation drives this

manifestation called life and the driver is the powerful. To be positive is

always in step with positive karma. So be calm and collected and live with a

mind that also takes a positive swing at all times.


Let us see how the planets are going to fare in their journey through transit

positions. Let me try to give you a brief picture of the map of the planetary

energies. Each in their position is empowered to give certain result. It should

be our endeavor to enjoy their blessings and understand that each denial is

never to be accepted as a set back, rather we must realize the wisdom of the

unknown, as in it lounge our answers to many a question.


Sun is transiting in Taurus till the 15th of June 2005. Then it enters the airy

sign of Gemini. Those who are in the creative line and have healthy and happy

Mercury in their natal horoscope, located in Gemini will feel a surge of

creativity. Writing skills, oratory powers will improve. This combination

creates ‘Budhaditya’ Jog which is most prominent in Virgo but also effective in



Moon starts its journey from Pisces and will come back to Pisces on 30th May.

Moon will be in Aries on the 31st. Moon is our power to be happy and revive

after each set back. Its short stays in each sign helps to reduce stressful

matters recede to the back ground and we get on with life anew. This process is

positive for those with a clean, clear and bright Moon in natal horoscope. The

same process is less effective with people with afflicted and unhealthy Moon.

The person is emotionally unstable and always plagued by a depressive mind set.


Mars is in Aquarius and will enter Pisces on the 4th of June. Mars in Pisces is

in a friendly sign as Jupiter rules Pisces. Pisces sign element is water and the

energy of Mars is that of fire. In effect there is going to be a dampening

effect on our Martian energy which in many occasions can be good. Aggressive

Mars is never a boon; it can destroy. This energy needs harmonizing and

spiritual methods are always more effective than any other form. Hanumaan Kavach

is a potent device against all Mars inflicted dangers.


The wit and humor of Mercury continues to remain intact in the sign of Taurus

till the 8th of the month. Then it enters happy and comfortable in its own sign

Gemini on the 9th. It further shifts its position to Cancer by the month end.

>From the 25th of June 2005 Mercury will transit Cancer. Mercury’s association

with arch enemies Sun in Gemini and then Saturn in Cancer may indicate that you

may make commitments, which you are not absolutely sure of. So be on your guard

from the 15th to the 25th, which would be the time when you may say or do

something which may change when Mercury is associated with Saturn.


Beautiful Venus is in the sign Gemini and will rest there till the last week of

June and move to Cancer on the 24th of the month. Cancer will house Saturn,

Mercury and Venus all three are friends with each other. As natural benefics

Venus and Mercury will be good in someway or the other while Saturn’s

disposition is yet to be known.


Good news in the realm of divine guru Jupiter is on the way. Jupiter only

remains retrograde in Virgo till the 5th of this month. Then it will resume its

direct motion and let us hope our life will also proceed in a swift and

successful journey along with his guidance.


Saturn has entered Cancer and is direct. Much depends on Saturn and Jupiter in

their transit path and position in each horoscope. It is pointless generalizing

on their indications as looking at the horoscope can only give the true picture.


Rahu transits in Pisces and Ketu habitats in Virgo. These karmic planets also

hold great power over the manifestation of our present Karma. It is best to see

where they are and who they are with and what is their condition. They are also

best understood with keen analysis and not general prediction.


The planets in the sky decree many kinds of changes, some favorable some bring

in foreboding of doom but human’s are endowed with much blessings. So just open

the doors and windows of your soul and reach for the sky. This section of Vedas

used to be the guide to life for the Ancients, let it also do the same for us.


Read more on vedic sky and other astrology related articles in

http://www.cyberastro.com/articles section


With best wishes

CyberAstro Astrologers


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Dear moderators,

Im very thankful for this picture of plantes in sky for the mointh of june,

i am thes edays bit 2 much away from everything , and was just 2day wondering that i must check teh planetry position for the month of june, and here i get ur main waiting in my inbox.

thanks and keep up the good work.


hridyaCyberAstro Astrologers <astrology wrote:

Dear Members,Greetings from http://www.cyberastro.comLet us see how the vedic sky represents this Junewelcome you to June Vedic Sky. With each beginning, the reality mysteriously creates the possibility of the unexpected. Sometimes these are simply routine and other times a pain. We should always be prepared for any eventuality that June come our way. This does not mean anything negative, rather a state of alertness, which in a positive manner helps us to be an expert at adjusting to any kind of situation in life. We are past half way through 2005 already. I am sure many of you feared some eventuality to happen but I am also sure that things are not as bad as you expected. This is the best part of life, it has a positive motion and very rarely does it surpass our expectation of negativity. The strong yellow gold rays

of the Sun disperse most negative energies provided we do not allow them a safe haven in our souls. The creation moves in an upward motion and all that which is dark and heavy naturally falls away. The power of creation drives this manifestation called life and the driver is the powerful. To be positive is always in step with positive karma. So be calm and collected and live with a mind that also takes a positive swing at all times.Let us see how the planets are going to fare in their journey through transit positions. Let me try to give you a brief picture of the map of the planetary energies. Each in their position is empowered to give certain result. It should be our endeavor to enjoy their blessings and understand that each denial is never to be accepted as a set back, rather we must realize the wisdom of the unknown, as in it lounge our answers to many a question.Sun is transiting in Taurus till the 15th of June 2005. Then

it enters the airy sign of Gemini. Those who are in the creative line and have healthy and happy Mercury in their natal horoscope, located in Gemini will feel a surge of creativity. Writing skills, oratory powers will improve. This combination creates ‘Budhaditya’ Jog which is most prominent in Virgo but also effective in Gemini.Moon starts its journey from Pisces and will come back to Pisces on 30th May. Moon will be in Aries on the 31st. Moon is our power to be happy and revive after each set back. Its short stays in each sign helps to reduce stressful matters recede to the back ground and we get on with life anew. This process is positive for those with a clean, clear and bright Moon in natal horoscope. The same process is less effective with people with afflicted and unhealthy Moon. The person is emotionally unstable and always plagued by a depressive mind set. Mars is in Aquarius and will enter Pisces on the 4th of

June. Mars in Pisces is in a friendly sign as Jupiter rules Pisces. Pisces sign element is water and the energy of Mars is that of fire. In effect there is going to be a dampening effect on our Martian energy which in many occasions can be good. Aggressive Mars is never a boon; it can destroy. This energy needs harmonizing and spiritual methods are always more effective than any other form. Hanumaan Kavach is a potent device against all Mars inflicted dangers. The wit and humor of Mercury continues to remain intact in the sign of Taurus till the 8th of the month. Then it enters happy and comfortable in its own sign Gemini on the 9th. It further shifts its position to Cancer by the month end. >From the 25th of June 2005 Mercury will transit Cancer. Mercury’s association with arch enemies Sun in Gemini and then Saturn in Cancer may indicate that you may make commitments, which you are not absolutely sure of. So be on your guard

from the 15th to the 25th, which would be the time when you may say or do something which may change when Mercury is associated with Saturn.Beautiful Venus is in the sign Gemini and will rest there till the last week of June and move to Cancer on the 24th of the month. Cancer will house Saturn, Mercury and Venus all three are friends with each other. As natural benefics Venus and Mercury will be good in someway or the other while Saturn’s disposition is yet to be known.Good news in the realm of divine guru Jupiter is on the way. Jupiter only remains retrograde in Virgo till the 5th of this month. Then it will resume its direct motion and let us hope our life will also proceed in a swift and successful journey along with his guidance.Saturn has entered Cancer and is direct. Much depends on Saturn and Jupiter in their transit path and position in each horoscope. It is pointless generalizing on their indications as

looking at the horoscope can only give the true picture.Rahu transits in Pisces and Ketu habitats in Virgo. These karmic planets also hold great power over the manifestation of our present Karma. It is best to see where they are and who they are with and what is their condition. They are also best understood with keen analysis and not general prediction.The planets in the sky decree many kinds of changes, some favorable some bring in foreboding of doom but human’s are endowed with much blessings. So just open the doors and windows of your soul and reach for the sky. This section of Vedas used to be the guide to life for the Ancients, let it also do the same for us.Read more on vedic sky and other astrology related articles in http://www.cyberastro.com/articles sectionWith best wishes CyberAstro AstrologersNeeded Free Trusted Astrology predictions?http://www.cyberastro.com is on your way....Road to your

Astrology needs

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