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2-Sriram: re.... help wanted re. marital problems.... Mark Kincaid 7/3

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dear sirs,


I humbly reqest for this problem


My wife and i always go through a marital disocrd


My life is very unsettled ...... Sriram....



Dear Sriram:


I understand your challenge. Mars in the 7th house, for your wife, is indeed frustrating.


Though I also see that both your two, Mar's are in Aries, which on the other hand, is supposed

to be good, since it's in it's Own Sign.


However, practical experience shows that even good or strong Mars, can make a mess of things, especially where relationships are concerned.


This is because, primarily, Venus is the main planet of relationships.


And though Mars can be very powerful and forthright about getting one's way, or fulfilling one'sse desires; however, cooperation and compromise, and especially appreciation, are all, more Venus qualities.


So, my suggestion is very simple. Both of you have to let up on your mutual Marishness.


Mars does well in certain circumstances, but there are many other planets which need to be strong and balanced as well.


Exercising restraint with 'both' of your Mars, will help, and especially for your wife, she needs to understand that Mars & Moon, both being in Aries, in the 7th, tends to lead to trying to solve 'relationship' and partnership problems with the big stick of Mars, instead of other, softer, more heart felt means.


Mars does not have to be forgotten, but in the areas of the heart, use your Moon's and Venus' to see the 'good' and appreciation in each other.


They say, one gets farther with 'sugar' then with vinegar, and this is certainly true in areas of the heart, and relations.


When I do relationship, Jyotish counseling, I teach each person to understand the dynamics of each other's spouse's charts. That way you'll understand what their strengths are, and why you were originally attracted, and why you're a good match.


Howeve, I also point out the mutual planets that are acting malefically, so knowing exactly where the problems are coming from, helps us to stop blaming each other!


There are 2 primary aspects of jyotish.


#1, there's Jyotish compatabilities!, which are the reason why we come together.... in the first place.


#2, then, theres the aspect of skill in relationships!


Most people fail not because they don't have enough 'compatabilities', but because of a lack of skill in relations.



Hope this helps






Mark Kincaid









sriram medepalli <dikki52


Mon, 4 Jul 2005 10:49:50 +0100 (BST)


Re: 2-Sriram: re.... help wanted



Dear sir,



My lagna Gemini

Moon & Venus in Taurus

Ketu in Leo

Sani in virgo - Retrogade

Rahu in Kumbh

Jup and sun in pisces

Mars and MErcury in Aries

Presnetly in Saturn dasa for me


Date of birth 22/12/1958 place Gudivada in Andhra pradesh

Lagan thula

RAAsi Mesh

TWelfth house Rahu

Third House Budh-Sun Venus






Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

Dear Sriram:


Finally catching up on old emails Would love to help you here, but I need 2 things.


#1, what is your rising sign, or Ascendent, and


#2, what is your wife's date of birth....?






Mark Kincaid




" dikki52 " <dikki52


Mon, 13 Jun 2005 21:01:07 -0000


help wanted





I humbly reqest for this problem


My wife and i always go through a marital disocrd


My life is very unsettled

My DOB 11/04/1951

Place Kakinada


Time 10.05 AM

My wife has mars in the seventh and Guru in Lagna Thula is her lagna










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