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2-Gloria: re. How do we enliven our Jupiter? (ref.toupcomingKetu/Rahu&Jupiter/planetary war!) MK 7/16

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Beautiful, Mark!


One question. You said:


<Also, enlivening your Jupiter, to insulate it against the more negative

affects of Rahu/Ketu, will

also, be a great way of preparing oneself against this negative transit.>


How do we enliven our Jupiter?






Beautiful question!




Thing of these two planets as representing 2 different parts of us.


Jupiter represents the spiritual, God-ly part of us....


the Ketu, represents quite often the negative, lower self, part of us....


So, when they're coming into conflict, the positive values of Jupiter get eclipsed a little,

and theoretically, the negative side of Ketu, has the potential of being improved by Jupiter!


Unfortunately, for many people, already in the World, they're following their very negative,

and imbalanced Ketu/Rahu parts, and doing terrible things.


Witness all the strange and bizarre happenings going on, right now.


It occured to me, these were very symbolic of negative or malefic " Ketu's and Rahu " .


And, though Rahu's not technically there with Ketu, however, Rahu & Ketu are always 7 houses away from each other, at the same exact degree.


So, as Ketu gets closer to Jupiter, then so does Rahu's influence upon Jupiter.


JUPITER, then, gets enlivened in many ways.....


First, going to our spiritual center, and staying more closely identified, there will help



Secondly, and and all the ways you already know, how to be more 'spiritual' will enliven



Meditation, following intellectually what you know is 'right'!


Rahu & Ketu represent the materialistic, hedonistic, impure, parts of life,

and making a committment and decision not!, to follow this lower part of us, especially,

during this time, will be, as if, enlivening Jupiter.



Even entertaining these ideas, which comes to you, via, a Jupiter,Guru, Astrologer, is strengthening Jupiter!



Reading the bible, or scripture of any religion, reading especially your great HeavenLetters.org!

will help enliven the Guru, Jupiter inside....



Guru, Jupiter, represents the Higher Self, God, Teacher, Guru, part of life....



Increasing Jupiter mean's enlivening 'that' aspect of life, which can be enlivened in many ways

and instances.


Haveing the will, to " Thy will oh, lord, not my will be done! "


is a good example...


Being more humble, especially during a time, when the more malefic, lower, self part of Rahu or

Ketu, will be dominating, now.....



Hope this helps, and makes sense....









Mark Kincaid




ps.... Jai Guru!



When I remember to say, Jai Guru, that's acknowledging and appreciation my/the Higher Self....




" Heaven " <gloria


Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:57:53 -0500

<TheStarsWithin >

RE: [TheStarsWithin] Digest Number 206



Beautiful, Mark!


One question. You said:


<Also, enlivening your Jupiter, to insulate it against the more negative

affects of Rahu/Ketu, will

also, be a great way of preparing oneself against this negative transit.>


How do we enliven our Jupiter?







TheStarsWithin [TheStarsWithin ]


Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:35 AM


[TheStarsWithin] Digest Number 206


There are 4 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS >> Mark

Kincaid 7/15

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

2. Re: Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS >>

MarkKincaid 7/15

" Martha Blackmore " <blackmore

3. 2-Martha O, re.... Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS

>> MarkKincaid 7/15

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

4. Re: 2-Martha O, re.... Sun >> Moving into Cancer

7/16th......TRANSITS >> MarkKincaid 7/15

" Martha Blackmore " <blackmore






Message: 1

Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:01:52 -0500

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS >> Mark

Kincaid 7/15


Sun >> Moving into Cancer

July 16th....



Sun moves into Cancer today.


This normally would be quite a nice month though there are some other

simultaneous influences

going on that should be taken into account as well.



On Saturday, July 16th,.... Sun will first move into Cancer. (00:01Cancer)


However, because Saturn is also in Saturn right now, that means Saturn is

presently combust.

(ie. Saturn's presently at 6thdegree/Cancer).



Moon is Waxing, also, and will arrive at the Full Moon on the am of the



Sun, between now and the next 7-10 days, will find Saturn & the Sun

colliding or going through

a brief 'planetary war'.


This will culminate on the July 23rd when both Sun & Saturn are at the 7th

degree of Cancer,



Therefore, between now and then, Saturn will be combust, and it's normal

even 'healthy'

influences will be not as available.


The typical subjective experience will be that things don't progress or

unfold as quickly or

effortlessly as one would like!


The tendency then, is to either strain harder or feel bad or frustrated that

'things' are taking

so long.


However, the Jyotish wisdom here, is that this is a 'SATURN MOMENT', where

Nature's trying to

tell us that during this time, we should do more to be in-tune with Saturn.


o Therefore during these next 8 Days, it would be good to be....


More patient

Allow yourself to rest more, being more relaxed...

Not strain, or have to do, or accomplish so much especially during

this time.



After the 23rd, each day, Sun will move fairly quickly past Saturn, and by

the 31st of July,

Sun will be at the 14th degree while Saturn's at the 8th degree, both in



Technically Saturn will still be combust, but, practical experience shows

that planets, on the

other side of Saturn do much better, then planets which are just, coming up

to Saturn.




The other most important aspect of the transits, presently going on, is the

up-coming collision

of Ketu (which includes Rahu's influence) and Jupiter.


Right now, Ketu's at the 23rd degree while Jupiter's at the 17th degree

both, in Virgo.


But, already, this increasing closeness has been having quite a strong

negative effect on

certain people.


I've been following the World press, and many bizarre and strange events

have been going

on which I believe are partly due to this transit.


In the last 2 weeks, not only was there that bombing in London, but in the

US, there have been

a string of quite twisted and bizarre interpersonal happenings that have

been quite distressing.


Awhile back, a young teenager disappeared, while in Aruba on holiday. That

tragedy has quite

gripped the US' national consciousness, and also quite a few equally as

bizarre things have

occured as well.


Yesterday, for example another in a long line of strange and bizarre things

happened. This day,

the body of a young girl, 6, or 7, was found who'd been missing since July



She was found to have been kidnapped and murdered and eventually discovered

close to home.


There have been a number of these kind of very 'twisted' experiences, which

to me, seem very indicative of the negative side of Ketu and/or Rahu.


Especially since Ketu & Jupiter, (the planet of Righteousness), are getting

so close, don't be

surprised if these tendencies continue for awhile.


The Prescripiton of course, is to not go with any strange or bizarre,

Ketu/Rahu feelings now,

because the normally more balanced Jupiter sense, will be less now.


Also, enlivening your Jupiter, to insulate it against the more negative

affects of Rahu/Ketu, will

also, be a great way of preparing oneself against this negative transit.


July 31st...


by Sunday, of the 31st, Mars at least will have moved out of Pisces, where

it's been transiting

with Rahu.


That should begin to diminish some of the quite negative goings on.


By August 10th, the Sun will have arrived to the 24th degree of Cancer, and

because Sani

moves much more slowly, will be much less negative because it will be at

only the 9th degree

of Cancer.


If you experience any of the negative affects of the up-coming Saturn & Sun,

planetary war, or

combustion, then, by now, these 'negatives' should be less!


Generally, seems like the month of Sun/Cancer, will be quite a bit more

intense, and less

compassionate and careing, like the Sun/Cancer, is normally.


Negative transits, have 2 primary purposes.


#1, they're the times, when the negative or out of balance actions that we

'did' are meant to

come back to us.


And, though these may be uncomfortable, this is how Nature trys to help us

see, the errors,

of our ways!


For those of us, who are ready to re-learn and 'change', we can use these

so-called, negative

times, as opportunities, to grow within the nature of the negatively

transiting planets.


So, if you've got a negative Ketu or Rahu in your chart, this time, where

Ketu & Jupiter will be

colliding will be a good time, to focus on improving your Ketu!


If Saturn's difficult for you in your chart, then this up-coming Saturn &

Sun, collision will be a

good time to work on improving or strengthening your Saturn!



Hope this helps you understand the 1/3 of Jyotish that the 'TRANSITS',



Remember, your Dasas, have an equally powerful effect on what you're going



And, finally the 1/3 value of your chart, has an even more important affect!



These are the 3 primary aspects of Jyotish that we live all the time!


#1, we live our charts! Our charts represent our minds & bodies, Psychology

& Physiology and

all the different aspects of our personality and mental make-up.


Understanding our charts, is of course, one of the most powerful things we

can gain from



#2, then, we live at different times, some of the 3 main aspects of our

charts, during specific

times. These 'time-periods' called Dasas, represent the unique, and

specific karmas that are

precisely connected to our charts.


At any time there are 3 primary dasas, Maha, Antar, and Bhukti, which

represent the good &

bad, positive and negative aspects of one's chart.


To know how these future periods, 'might' play out, study the effects of

one's past dasa



#3, Finally, there is the affect of the every day, realilties of the Stars

upon our entire World,

which is commonly called the 'TRANSITS'.


Like the dasas, one should study the past and present 'transits' to

determine how personally,

sensitive or vulnerable you are to especially the malefic or negative



However, one is also meant to grow within the malefic parameters of one's



Those malefics not only represent where your vulnerable 'traits' are, or

where your challenges

and frustrations may be.


They also represent our opportunities, and in fact, exactly which parts of

'us' that we're meant

to improve or grow within.


As we do this, then any future negative dasas or negatives can be

neutralized, or transformed!


Good Luck!



All grace to the Guru




Jai Guru!










Mark Kincaid






Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


1 641 472-0000.






[This message contained attachments]







Message: 2

Fri, 15 Jul 2005 12:57:52 -0500

" Martha Blackmore " <blackmore

Re: Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS >>

MarkKincaid 7/15


Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS >> Mark Kincaid

7/15Mark....what is the 1/3 value of a chart that you refer to here? I've

never heard of that before....thanks, Martha


Mark Kincaid

The Stars Within

Friday, July 15, 2005 11:01 AM

[TheStarsWithin] Sun >> Moving into Cancer 7/16th...... TRANSITS

>> MarkKincaid 7/15




Sun >> Moving into Cancer

July 16th....



Sun moves into Cancer today.


This normally would be quite a nice month though there are some other

simultaneous influences

going on that should be taken into account as well.



On Saturday, July 16th,.... Sun will first move into Cancer.



However, because Saturn is also in Saturn right now, that means Saturn is

presently combust.

(ie. Saturn's presently at 6thdegree/Cancer).



Moon is Waxing, also, and will arrive at the Full Moon on the am of the



Sun, between now and the next 7-10 days, will find Saturn & the Sun

colliding or going through

a brief 'planetary war'.


This will culminate on the July 23rd when both Sun & Saturn are at the 7th

degree of Cancer,



Therefore, between now and then, Saturn will be combust, and it's normal

even 'healthy'

influences will be not as available.


The typical subjective experience will be that things don't progress or

unfold as quickly or

effortlessly as one would like!


The tendency then, is to either strain harder or feel bad or frustrated

that 'things' are taking

so long.


However, the Jyotish wisdom here, is that this is a 'SATURN MOMENT', where

Nature's trying to

tell us that during this time, we should do more to be in-tune with



o Therefore during these next 8 Days, it would be good to be....


More patient

Allow yourself to rest more, being more relaxed...

Not strain, or have to do, or accomplish so much especially during

this time.



After the 23rd, each day, Sun will move fairly quickly past Saturn, and by

the 31st of July,

Sun will be at the 14th degree while Saturn's at the 8th degree, both in



Technically Saturn will still be combust, but, practical experience shows

that planets, on the

other side of Saturn do much better, then planets which are just, coming

up to Saturn.




The other most important aspect of the transits, presently going on, is

the up-coming collision

of Ketu (which includes Rahu's influence) and Jupiter.


Right now, Ketu's at the 23rd degree while Jupiter's at the 17th degree

both, in Virgo.


But, already, this increasing closeness has been having quite a strong

negative effect on

certain people.


I've been following the World press, and many bizarre and strange events

have been going

on which I believe are partly due to this transit.


In the last 2 weeks, not only was there that bombing in London, but in the

US, there have been

a string of quite twisted and bizarre interpersonal happenings that have

been quite distressing.


Awhile back, a young teenager disappeared, while in Aruba on holiday.

That tragedy has quite

gripped the US' national consciousness, and also quite a few equally as

bizarre things have

occured as well.


Yesterday, for example another in a long line of strange and bizarre

things happened. This day,

the body of a young girl, 6, or 7, was found who'd been missing since July



She was found to have been kidnapped and murdered and eventually

discovered close to home.


There have been a number of these kind of very 'twisted' experiences,

which to me, seem very indicative of the negative side of Ketu and/or Rahu.


Especially since Ketu & Jupiter, (the planet of Righteousness), are

getting so close, don't be

surprised if these tendencies continue for awhile.


The Prescripiton of course, is to not go with any strange or bizarre,

Ketu/Rahu feelings now,

because the normally more balanced Jupiter sense, will be less now.


Also, enlivening your Jupiter, to insulate it against the more negative

affects of Rahu/Ketu, will

also, be a great way of preparing oneself against this negative transit.


July 31st...


by Sunday, of the 31st, Mars at least will have moved out of Pisces, where

it's been transiting

with Rahu.


That should begin to diminish some of the quite negative goings on.


By August 10th, the Sun will have arrived to the 24th degree of Cancer,

and because Sani

moves much more slowly, will be much less negative because it will be at

only the 9th degree

of Cancer.


If you experience any of the negative affects of the up-coming Saturn &

Sun, planetary war, or

combustion, then, by now, these 'negatives' should be less!


Generally, seems like the month of Sun/Cancer, will be quite a bit more

intense, and less

compassionate and careing, like the Sun/Cancer, is normally.


Negative transits, have 2 primary purposes.


#1, they're the times, when the negative or out of balance actions that we

'did' are meant to

come back to us.


And, though these may be uncomfortable, this is how Nature trys to help us

see, the errors,

of our ways!


For those of us, who are ready to re-learn and 'change', we can use these

so-called, negative

times, as opportunities, to grow within the nature of the negatively

transiting planets.


So, if you've got a negative Ketu or Rahu in your chart, this time, where

Ketu & Jupiter will be

colliding will be a good time, to focus on improving your Ketu!


If Saturn's difficult for you in your chart, then this up-coming Saturn &

Sun, collision will be a

good time to work on improving or strengthening your Saturn!



Hope this helps you understand the 1/3 of Jyotish that the 'TRANSITS',



Remember, your Dasas, have an equally powerful effect on what you're going



And, finally the 1/3 value of your chart, has an even more important




These are the 3 primary aspects of Jyotish that we live all the time!


#1, we live our charts! Our charts represent our minds & bodies,

Psychology & Physiology and

all the different aspects of our personality and mental make-up.


Understanding our charts, is of course, one of the most powerful things we

can gain from



#2, then, we live at different times, some of the 3 main aspects of our

charts, during specific

times. These 'time-periods' called Dasas, represent the unique, and

specific karmas that are

precisely connected to our charts.


At any time there are 3 primary dasas, Maha, Antar, and Bhukti, which

represent the good &

bad, positive and negative aspects of one's chart.


To know how these future periods, 'might' play out, study the effects of

one's past dasa



#3, Finally, there is the affect of the every day, realilties of the Stars

upon our entire World,

which is commonly called the 'TRANSITS'.


Like the dasas, one should study the past and present 'transits' to

determine how personally,

sensitive or vulnerable you are to especially the malefic or negative



However, one is also meant to grow within the malefic parameters of one's



Those malefics not only represent where your vulnerable 'traits' are, or

where your challenges

and frustrations may be.


They also represent our opportunities, and in fact, exactly which parts of

'us' that we're meant

to improve or grow within.


As we do this, then any future negative dasas or negatives can be

neutralized, or transformed!


Good Luck!



All grace to the Guru




Jai Guru!










Mark Kincaid








Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


1 641 472-0000.









a.. Visit your group " TheStarsWithin " on the web.


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