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Saturn Article Part 5: Saturn Remedies & Remedial Measures..... Mark Kincaid 7/19/05

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Remedies & Remedial Measures of Saturn....


Part 5


Saturn Series...






You know it doesn't really take very long to figure out whether our Saturn's are acting malefically or not.


The symbolisms or significations of malefically functioning Saturns are pretty well known.


I'll just list them, just for posterity!



But, the real Wisdom is in how to literally strengthen and improve the Wisdom of our Saturns!


Sign-posts of Malefic Saturns.


o Tiredness

o Delays

o Frustrations...

o loss

o grief

o dis-ease

o disease

o health problems

o Imbalances of any kind



Positive Signs of Benefic Saturns...


o Energy

o Patience

o Silence

o Calmness

o Appreciation of the time, necessary to unfold life..

o Maturity

o Discipline

o Health

o Stillness

o Power of Mind, in that stillness

o Vitality, long life!



I've often wondered why Saturn is so much associated with it's negative sides, today, and I realize part of the reason is exactly the life period that we're all in.


Vedic Knowledge calls the periods that Humanity goes through as the Yugas.


And right now, we're in one of those periods where Ignorance, Materialism, and everything, gross, and unappealing is dominating.


It's called Kali Yuga.



But, there are examples of those who have conquered or understood Saturn.


There's that book called: " Saturn, friend of Foe " , which brings out so many of the wonderful sides, and aspects of Saturn.


Saturn, indeed is the greatest friend in life.


It not only has a great role to play in our lives, however, it also has the thankless job, of pointing out our failings, our short comings, and where we need to improve and grow!


It does this through " problems " .


All the problems of Saturn, (ie. it's maleific sides), are it's way of showing us how in-tune we are, with it!


Nature, however, is very kind.


Nature allows us to do whatever we want!


There's only one Rule, or Catch!


And, that is we're going to be help accountable for the consequences of those actions.


Therefore, we're free to stay up for 4, 5, even 6 nights in a row.


We may even have a great time, staying up late, watching movies, etc.


But, if we end up violating the laws of rest and activity, then, we may even get sick, in our wild pursuit of our desires.


Why? Because Nature is evolutionary. And, though Nature gives us freedom to choose, still, it's totally on the side of showing us, what is right.


And, though it may be very enjoyable to stay up late, feed the senses, and eat too much, still, Nature will not shirk away from showing us where we're not in-tune.


So, look at your malefic Saturn examples differently.


Look at them as Nature's feedback system, trying to help us through showing us, where we're not in-tune, or mistaken, either in our judgments, perceptions or actions.



Remedial Measures for Saturn....





Saturn Remedies





For me, learning how to improve and make my own Saturn, more Benefic, has been one of THE, greatest events of my life!


Perhaps because it's such a traditional malefic, but learning how to see and even unfold it's more positive side, is the greatest!


Perhaps it was because my Saturn was in the 12th house when I was born, and perhaps because it was with my Moon, which is bad enough, but also my 10th house lord.


Perhaps it was because my Saturn was my Yogakaraka, being the lord of my 4th & 5th...

But, whatever the reason.....



Now, I understand that there is a natural, benign, Benefic Nature of Saturn, which is really what Life, or Nature, or Saturn are trying to teach us, even if " in disguise " .


" Blessings in Disguise " , is a common expression, and comes often after a huge tragedy where we're forced to see the goodness of a situation.


I remember one time, when I was watching a CNN report and they were interviewing a man who'd just watched a tornado rip through their home town. He was standing in front of his devasted house, and though he'd 'loss' everything, he had his arms around his wife and children, and said: " I'm the luckiest man alive, because I have what is still dear to me! "


I thought of that, and realized this was a Saturn experience.


Through loss, we realize what is important.


So, we loose our health and get sick, but that 'lesson' is to teach us more, about the importance of Health!


We loose our job, or have tremendous debts and money problems, and Saturn's lessons, are there to teach us about something!


What is that something that Nature or Saturn seems so hell bent on helping us find!






The Benefic Side of Saturn!





What Nature wants for us, what Saturn is trying to teach us, is how to be more in-tune with Itself!


Those that already have Benefic Saturn's are already living those values.


For the rest of us, we're here to learn these!



Saturn represents Balance.


Saturn is happy when we're in balance.


When we're in balance, and we have achieved or are living a natural state of rest & activity; then our lives go smoothly.


We don't strain, we don't push too hard, and as a result our life stays poised and centered.


If we get out of Balance, even in just 2 days, then, Saturn is there to remind us.


We start to get a sore throat. We start to feel the nodes of our neck are swollen or enlarged.

We will see the signs of imbalance, on the Horizon!


It's a warning to us, that we're getting out of tune!


Saturn is here to tell us, we can get what we want, we can fulfill our desires, by being more in-tune!


There are two ways to strive for the natural fulfillment of desires.


We can go for it!


We can do, and move towards those desires.


We can have them, and pursue them.


Which by the way, is the Mars approach to life.


Or, we can have them, from a level of inner quietness, steadiness and calmness.


If we act, from more inner peacefulness, then our desires may move forward more slowly but we'll be saved from the normal crashing and burning that too often results from going too fast!


Ever hear the story of the tortoise and the hare?


When I was growing up, I first heard this story. It's the story of a tortoise and a hare which are in a race, together.


The hare, goes so fast, and obviously should be able to win the race! The tortoise goes soooo slowly.


They both start out together. And after a few minutes the hare is so far ahead of the tortoise, that he looks back and laughs!


" This is no contest! " So, he stops, puts his feet up. After awhile, he wanders off and looks at this or that, but the tortoise, continues on.


Slowly, inching ahead, one small step after another, not straining, just calmly moving ahead.


After awhile the hare looks up from his meanderings, and he sees the tortoise, way ahead of him. How could this happen!


He rushes ahead to try and catch up with the tortoise, but it's too late, the tortoise has won!


Like that, pursuing our lives, our desires, dreams, goals and aspirations, can be done in either a balanced and natural way, or in a way that aggravates and pulls us out of balance.


It's not the desires that's the problems. It's the way in which we have them!


Learning how to live our lives from a calmer, more deeply silent level is the way of Saturn!


Therefore Saturn reflects and rules over 'sleep'.


Going to bed early is a great way of strengthening Saturn.


Nature, re-calibrates itself, through rest and sleep.


Getting more sleep is the #1 thing we all could be doing.


Rest is the Basis of Activity!


How well we're rested is the key, to dynamic and successful, activity!


Restful alertness, is the key to the natural and non-stressful, pursuing and fulfillment of our desires!


Every day, there are a number of rhythms and cycles that we should be in-tune with.





Being More In-tune with the Daily cycles....





Going to bed earlier is just the first one.


Ayurved says, that there are 4 primary cycles of each day.


There's a Vata cycle in the evening, right before 10pm.


It's more ideal to be in-bed and sleeping before 10pm.


At 10pm, Vata turns into Pitta, and then body starts metabolizing the days foods.


If we're in bed, then this process goes on, naturally.


If, however, we're awake and stay up, you'll notice you can experience a 2nd wind after 10pm.


You may even notice that you're hungry again. This is because you're moving into the natural pitta cycle of more energy and dynamism, even of metabolism.


However this cycle is meant for digestion, and not for staying up.


This cycle lasts from 10pm-2am. Then, the body moves into a Kapha cycle which represents the deep cycle of deep rest. This lasts from 2-6am.


Then, Kapha moves into Vata, and the body wakes up. This is the ideal time to get up, but if you stayed up too late, and/or ate too late, then already your cycles are not functioning well.


Then, Vata goes from 6am-10am, when Vata changes into Pitta, again.


This Pitta cycle, however, is the one, ideal for the main meal of the day!


Pitta, including digestion is high, generally the Sun, which is the primary planet of pitta, is highest in the sky, so eat during this time. This period lasts from 10am - 2pm.


Then, Pitta, moves into Kapha, from 2-6pm.


The cycles continue one after the other.


The more we're in-tune with these natural cycles of the day, the more smooth and easy is our day!


If we aggravate these cycles, then Saturn, too gets aggravated.


With each step of imbalance, Saturn gets more and more malefic!


Therefore, allowing ourselves to eat in time, to get up at the right time, to go to bed at the 'right' time, is a technique of Improving Saturn.


As we do this, even just leaning in this direction, will create a kind of natural flow inside, which will be very happy and healthy for the body and complete nervous system.


As this integration happens the result is that Saturn will get appeases, and balance and appropriateness will result.


This is part of the Daily cycle. There is also a Monthly cycle.





Being more In-tune with the Month Cycle.





This is the Moon's cycle. Every day, we rest and we act, but every month, there is another cycle.


When you watch the Moon, for even 1 or 2 months, you'll become keenly aware of two distinct characteristics of the Moon.


It's either getting bigger, or it's getting smaller.


These two activities, correspond with the Moon's Waxing or Waning cycles.


When the Moon's getting smaller and smaller, it's Waning and when it's getting bigger and bigger, it's in it's Waxing cycle.


When the Moon's Waning, you'll notice feeling less energy, you seem to need more rest, things seem to take longer, and more problems exist during this cycle.


Jyotish, traditionally says, that it's less auspicious being born, during the Waning part!


However, the truth is these Wanings are the time of the Month, when we all should be resting more.


During the last quarter of the Moon, especially, you'll notice that your body and nervous system feels like it's curling up, or hibernating for a long Winter's nap!


Allow yourself to 'go' with this cycle or tendency.


Allow yourself to plan on this, don't schedule so many strenuous activities, and allow yourself to rest more.



It's the main rest period for the entire up-coming month.


If you rest more, like now, on June 4th, we're only 2 days away from the New Moon, on June 6th.


This is an ideal time, to rest, to recuperate, to prepare for the next heavily busy Waxing cycle that will begin shortly after that!


If you rest more, during these last few days of the Waning cycle, like a good night's sleep, you'll notice as the Moon slides into it's Waxing phase, more energy, more dynamism, and more happiness!


If you didn't rest enough, you will have picked up more stress, due to straining against that natural cycle or phase of Nature, and as a result, future even the more positive, Waxing cycle will not be so positive.


So rest and act, with the Moon!


This prescription, will help you set yourself, to a more refined, balanced, level of Saturn, within you.


If you don't then, stress and tiredness will continue, and imbalance, and lack of profundity of Saturn balance will result.


Allowing yourself, to be more in-tune with the Moon, is itself, a technique of improving Saturn!


There is one final life cycle. This is the cycle of the Seasons.





Being More In-tune with the Yearly Cycle!





Every day, because of the way the Earth rotates, we go through the daily cycle of rest and activity.


Every month, because of the way the Moon moves around the Earth, we have the monthly cycles of rest and activity.


Then there are the cycles of the seasons, which are due to the Sun, and the Moon, and the Earth all together.


Generally, as the Sun get's higher in the sky, during the Spring and Summers months, all of nature grows and we have the primary planting and growth periods for our foods.


This should also be the primary periods of activity and outer dynamism!


Later in the season, as the Sun gets lower in the sky, then, the Months move into Fall and then Winter.


These months are the natural periods of each year, when the rest phase of life is upon us.


During the deepest months of Winter, this is the time, when all of nature slows down, and rests from it's dynamic periods of activity, growth and harvest of the Spring and Summer months.


Now, is the time to rejuvenate, to recuperate, and revive.


If we rest more deeply during the Winter months, then, we're more enthused, and prepared for more dynamic and successful activities of the next year!



Be more in-tune with the 3 basic cycles; Daily, Monthly & Yearly!


As you become more in-tune you'll notice that your Saturn is stronger, and the negative symptoms or consequences of a more malefic Saturn start to go away!






Being More In-tune with Saturn, itself!





There is another way of strengthening Saturn and that can happen regardless of what part of the Daily, Monthly or Seasonal cycles, are upon us.


Following the Natural Saturn Dasa & Transit cycles...


In addition to the Daily, Monthly and Yearly cycles, there are also precise, specific cycles that are unique to each one of us.





Saturn Dasas....






During Saturn Mahadasa or medium or small Bhukti periods, this will be the time when we're meant to mostly get more in-tune with Saturn.


Though there are several exceptions.


If your Saturn's already balanced, then Saturn Dasas, may be more representative of achieving things though of a definite Saturn pace.


However, for most people, Saturn periods are the karma times, when we're meant, not only to experience the Saturn hardships or karmas of our lives; but, they're also meant to be the time, when we grow in the wisdoms of Saturn.





Saturn Transits....




There are also Saturn times, out there, in the environment, or in Nature, which are unique to the lessons and wisdoms of Saturn.


In Saturn Transits, we're meant to grow within the Wisdoms of Saturn.


There's the Daily time of the rest at night which is a kind of Transit.


There's that Monthly Moon cycle which is the rest phase of the Month.


Then, there are unique 'Astrological' Saturn transits, that can either be positive or negative.


Each month, the Moon moves into the same House, or Sign where Saturn is transiting.


This Moon/Saturn transit, represents a time, where we can either seek to be more in-tune with Saturn, or we're likely to experience the negative aspects or karmas of Saturn.


What I've noticed however, is if I allow myself to be more inward, to rest more, and be more healing oriented during these Saturn/Moon periods, that more common malefic side goes away.


Where normally people feel grief, and loss, and delays, frustrations and disappointments, these days are great opportunities for growing with Saturn!


If we allow our self to be more patient, silent, and still during these days, we'll find our own, Saturn sense, growing, within, too!


These days then, themselves can either be a technique of improving Saturn or ones of Saturn, malefic karmas.


Listen to what your bodies and minds are telling you.


Watch these cycles/transits, for 1, 2 months, and see if your Saturn 'transits' are positive or negative.


If they're more of the maleific, negative slant, then, surrender, to the possibility that these periods may be more healing for you.


What do you have to loose. Try this for 1 or 2 months, and I'll guarantee, you'll feel better!,

especially during the next months of Saturn transits.


See, Saturn is trying to teach us 'when' and 'where' we need more inner balance, poise, and settledness.


If we move or flow with these opportunities, then Saturn gets strengthened, and then, even during future Saturn periods, you'll notice that you're more centered, within, and as a result, the time's aren't so cathartic but are deeply peaceful!



Finally, I'd like to talk about other specific things we can do, at any time, to strengthen Saturn.





Primary Saturn Remedies...






In addition to learning how to be more in-tune with Saturn cycles and timings, we can actually improve the internal dynamics of our Saturns!


Because Saturn represents health or balance then anything that improves our balance will improve our Saturns!


o Yoga Over the years, millions of people have become exposed to and practice the physical


postures of Yoga, or Asanas. Yoga postures have an amazing ability to limber up the body, to create more smoothness in term's of it's physical nature and as a result Saturn get's strengthened!


The negative Saturn experiences of pain, stiffness, blockages, and ill-health, all, get dramatically improved by bringing more flexibitiy to the body!


o Meditation Meditation is the #1, one in which to strengthen our Saturns! Meditation is


the mental technique where you sit down, close the eyes, and bring inner peace to the mind and body. Even though this starts out as a mental technique, as the mind settles down, the body also has been found to achieve a very powerful state of deep rest. As a result deeply rooted stresses and strains are removed or released by the mind and body, in this " twice as deep " level of rest as deep sleep!


Meditation also expands the nature of the Mind. Have you heard that we use only a very small portion of our potential? Generally it's thought that one uses as little as 10 or 15% of of one's full potential. Meditation is a technique to literally unfold more and more of one's potential until the full potential is gained!


Each meditation , each step of this inner unfoldment will unfold more and more of the Benefic characteristics of our Saturns!


Because Saturn represents Balance, as we unfold more and more balance of mind and body, then Saturn is one of the primary beneficiaries of this self-improvement.


Meditation itself, though it may not focus on any problems, still because of it's ability to unfold the literal, container of the mind, brings greater mental development and peace of mind, to each and every aspect of our lives.


See TM.org, for one of the most popular, widely available, and well documented techniques of meditation, today.





Knowledge is the Greatest Purifier!





Though this is a Consciousness Philosophy expression I find this very telling about improving Saturn, as well.


In other words, by contemplating the Wisdom of Saturn itself, one can literally, enliven and unfold more of the innate power of Saturn!





Saturn's Wisdoms...






o Patience By being more patient especially when one is feeling impatient, can literally enliven


more patience within oneself.



" Whatever You Put Attention On, Grows Stronger, in One's Life! "






o Balance By paying attention to whether one is balanced, is a good test for how in-tune you


are being with your Saturn. Every moment you feel imbalance. Maybe you're feeling tired, or confused, or upset, worried, anxious, etc.


Take these moments to alert you, to seek more BALANCE!


As you listen to yourself, what your body, minds and hearts are saying, follow the prompts of Nature and of Saturn.


Keep striving for more balance, until the negatives of lack of balance are gone!


Yoga, for the body. Joy and meditation, and happiness for the heart. And, discovering your life's dharma or Life purpose for your Soul!



o Bliss Bliss or inner happiness is the sign, ultimately for being in-tune with Saturn.


If you feel lack of bliss, or especially confusion, anxieties, worries, or lack of steady inner calmness or silence, then, this is a sign, that you need more inner Bliss!


Bliss is the sign of growing Saturn Wisdom.


Saturn is Shiva, and Shiva is the field of Unbounded inner Being, Awareness of the Self.


When we're not being enough in-tune with this inner life, then, lack of bliss will result.


If we're moving in terms of more and more, happiness and Bliss, then, Saturn is being appeased,

and has shown us his Positive, Benefic Side!





Higher States of Consciousness & Saturn....





Finally the last thing I'd like to say is: as we move more and more in terms of developing our inner or Consciousness resources, we'll find, automatically our Saturns, more developed.


Saturn represents Enlightenment!


When we're in Ignorance, as to our true, inner, subjective, Spiritual Nature, then, Saturn is weak, and suffering and unhappiness are the result.


If however, we move towards Enlightenment, then with each step of enlivening Consciousness, then, Saturn patience, and inner 'glow', will result.


o Experiences of Pure Consciousness


There is a place inside of each one of us, that is completely still, unbounded, full of all possibilities, and is the Home of Saturn!


As we look within, and find that inner 'Light', then the light of Saturn gets enlivened and we begin to live more Saturn joy and beneficness!


o Cosmic Consciousness


As we progress along the path, of first discovering pure Consciousness, but then, later, learning how to stabilize 'it' in our daily life, then Saturn leaps out of the 'Transcendental' Realm, and into our practical, every day life.


We'll have flashes of this. As pure Consciousness begins to be enlivened along with all our common, normally 3 states of Waking, Dreaming or Sleeping; we'll experience it, sometimes, as deep 'witnessing' of ourselves.


In these flashes of Enlightenment, when we are experiencing the completely still and uninvolved nature of Pure Awareness; but now, along with either Waking, Dreaming or even Deep sleep, then, we're having an experience of the Perfection of Saturn!



Unity Consciousness, which is described as the ultimate level of human evolution, is the final goal of Consciousness, and represents the highest value of living Benefic, positive Saturn, in life!


In Cosmic Consciousness, the silent, Saturn nature of the Self, is finally known, and being lived, is experienced 24 hours a day. That's why it's called Cosmic, because the pure consciousness, is being lived, along with or inclusive of the 3 normal states of Waxing, Dreaming or Sleeping.


Then, Silence or pure awareness, or pure Saturn, are lived in their fullness, 24 hours a day.


In Cosmic Consciousness, that inner potential of silence and the mind, or Saturn is maximum.


In the growth towards Unity Consciousness, this growth of silence, first experienced in pure Consciousness, and first stabilized in Cosmic Consciousness, is now, perfected in Unity Consciousness!


Unity Consciousness is the highest level of Consciousness, and represents a complete Unity between the Inner and the Outer.


In Cosmic Consciousness, one's inner, Self, or " I " , has been found.


In Unity Consciousness, that inner, I, or Self, or Saturn silence and perfection, now begins to spread out, and be experienced, in every wave, moment, and fabric or life in living, and the World.


In such a state, pure bliss is experienced, and unbounded, all possibilities is the result.


In such a state, Saturn has found it's maximum, positive value, and one knows oneself as the Self of the Universe.


One also experiences, that one can " Do " , anything and accomplish, Everything!


In such a life, Saturn has achieved it's Full Potential.



Such is the range of Saturn from misery and losses, sadness, and ignorance, now, to the shores of enlightenment, the Self, and deep silence and Liberation!




Jai Guru





Mark Kincaid






Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved



1 641 472-0000.

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