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Kala Sarpa

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Hey Sebnem!

Rahu always moves in opposite direction in

clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet! And

Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its tail,

all planets falling between them, result into Kalsarpa

yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if your

Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the planets

falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was one

degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed but

as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no planets

between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I meant!


Jai Gurdev!



--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae wrote:


> Dear Mark and the other Members,


> I would like to ask you a question about Kala SArpa

> Yoga.

> As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even if

> two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> this is no Kala Sarpa.

> BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according to

> degree OR house position???


> For Example;

> at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree) ,

> Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all planets

> are between RAhu-Ketu.


> 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree, all

> planets are between karmics as to house position, so

> this is Kala Sarpa...

> (In my opinion, second right....)


> What do you think???


> Sincerely,

> Sebnem






> Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Sebnem:


> This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these .


> Welcome, again!


> I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas of

> Jyotish that we can study....


> #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit us'....


> I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish, that

> there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> between our charts and every aspect of our lives....


> This is the thing that continually draws us in, that

> our lives are 'understandable'...


> #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology which is

> 'self-transformative'....


> In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just about

> our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...



> Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also about

> our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> especially those things that we're meant to either

> grow out of, or grow into....


> Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> is way too fatalistic oriented....


> But, there's a gem of truth there in the past, that

> there is some possibility of 'remedial measures' or

> what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....


> This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and it's

> too bad that it's so little understood today.



> I remember when I first started studying Jyotish,

> and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish' and

> then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as a

> kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> on remedial measures...


> Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> proportion.


> Soon, I realized that a better proportion would be

> say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on the

> remedial measures!



> Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> Understanding which parts of your chart are

> indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> figuring out how to strengthen any of one's malefic

> planets....


> enjoy



> Mark Kincaid




> Sebnem Eksip <piancae

> 1

> Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> 1

> [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> joining astrol. group



> Dear VirVan,

> Thanks for your interest.

> My name is Sebnem, live in Istanbul (Turkey). I

> found your group from my friend who was recommended

> nature's. I have been studying Jyotish for five

> years.


> My birth data is: 15 February 68, 12.10 pm,

> Istanbul (29E00) (41N00) (timezone -2)


> I hope, we will enjoy while studying Jyotish.

> Thanks again, take care..


> Sincerely,,,



> m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Piancae:


> My name is Vir Van and I'm a fellow member of Mark

> Kincaid's . I'm sending you an

> Introduction to this group, which you will find

> below,

> since you've requested membership. If you have any

> questions, feel free to email me, back, here or Mark

> at his personal address: m.kincaid


> I've been on Mark's groups for a while and I have to

> tell you, his slant and special interpretation of

> Jyotish or Astrology; I find very fascinating and

> know

> you will too.


> Sincerely,

> VirVan



> WELCOME Piancae,

> To Nature's Astrology.... A look at

> the

> 'best of both, Western & Eastern' Astrologys!!


> (Please include your Name along with date of birth

> info, and Rising Sign or Ascendent, when writing to

> the group)...


> Greetings!


> You will be receiving an automatic 'Welcome' email

> after I finish your registration, but I also wanted

> to

> Welcome you personally and say a couple of things.


> #1,...please do, go ahead and make a short

> Introduction about yourself....


> That'll help everyone in the group to 'know each

> other', ...better...


> Secondly.....How did you hear about our 'group'?



> And finally, feel free to email anytime, into the

> group. In addition to myself, there are a number of

> others, who have some fascinating things to say, and

> to contribute.... in the areas of this group.



> Take care


> Sincerely,


> Mark Kincaid




> I'm also listing the other I've created

> that you're free to check out, too.


> If one is interested in receiving exclusively, a

> reminder of the daily, weekly & monthly, 'Transits'

> of

> the Stars, then check out:

> 1/


> This next group, looks at Consciousness, or

> Meditation

> and Jyotish simultaneously.




=== message truncated ===







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Hallo Vir Van,


did I understand you correctly? You say if one planet exists 1 degree near

on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa


But I have also some another questions


1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one planet stays on the other

site of the Rahu Ketu axis


2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the side of the axis , but

only in the direction of Rahu movement


What do say on this?


Jai guru dev









>Vir Van <virvan2000



>Re: Kala Sarpa

>Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)


>Hey Sebnem!

> Rahu always moves in opposite direction in

>clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

>planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet! And

>Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its tail,

>all planets falling between them, result into Kalsarpa

>yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if your

>Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the planets

>falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

>Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was one

>degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed but

>as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no planets

>between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

>Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I meant!


>Jai Gurdev!



>--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae wrote:


> > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> >

> > I would like to ask you a question about Kala SArpa

> > Yoga.

> > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even if

> > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according to

> > degree OR house position???

> >

> > For Example;

> > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree) ,

> > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all planets

> > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> >

> > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree, all

> > planets are between karmics as to house position, so

> > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > (In my opinion, second right....)

> >

> > What do you think???

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Sebnem

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> > Dear Sebnem:

> >

> > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these .

> >

> > Welcome, again!

> >

> > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas of

> > Jyotish that we can study....

> >

> > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit us'....

> >

> > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish, that

> > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > between our charts and every aspect of our lives....

> >

> > This is the thing that continually draws us in, that

> > our lives are 'understandable'...

> >

> > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology which is

> > 'self-transformative'....

> >

> > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just about

> > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> >

> >

> > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also about

> > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > especially those things that we're meant to either

> > grow out of, or grow into....

> >

> > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> >

> > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past, that

> > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures' or

> > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> >

> > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and it's

> > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> >

> >

> > I remember when I first started studying Jyotish,

> > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish' and

> > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as a

> > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > on remedial measures...

> >

> > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > proportion.

> >

> > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would be

> > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on the

> > remedial measures!

> >

> >

> > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's malefic

> > planets....

> >

> > enjoy

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> >

> > Sebnem Eksip <piancae

> > 1

> > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > 1

> > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > joining astrol. group

> >

> >

> > Dear VirVan,

> > Thanks for your interest.

> > My name is Sebnem, live in Istanbul (Turkey). I

> > found your group from my friend who was recommended

> > nature's. I have been studying Jyotish for five

> > years.

> >

> > My birth data is: 15 February 68, 12.10 pm,

> > Istanbul (29E00) (41N00) (timezone -2)

> >

> > I hope, we will enjoy while studying Jyotish.

> > Thanks again, take care..

> >

> > Sincerely,,,

> >

> >

> > m.kincaid wrote:

> > Dear Piancae:

> >

> > My name is Vir Van and I'm a fellow member of Mark

> > Kincaid's . I'm sending you an

> > Introduction to this group, which you will find

> > below,

> > since you've requested membership. If you have any

> > questions, feel free to email me, back, here or Mark

> > at his personal address: m.kincaid

> >

> > I've been on Mark's groups for a while and I have to

> > tell you, his slant and special interpretation of

> > Jyotish or Astrology; I find very fascinating and

> > know

> > you will too.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > VirVan

> >

> >

> > WELCOME Piancae,

> > To Nature's Astrology.... A look at

> > the

> > 'best of both, Western & Eastern' Astrologys!!

> >

> > (Please include your Name along with date of birth

> > info, and Rising Sign or Ascendent, when writing to

> > the group)...

> >

> > Greetings!

> >

> > You will be receiving an automatic 'Welcome' email

> > after I finish your registration, but I also wanted

> > to

> > Welcome you personally and say a couple of things.

> >

> > #1,...please do, go ahead and make a short

> > Introduction about yourself....

> >

> > That'll help everyone in the group to 'know each

> > other', ...better...

> >

> > Secondly.....How did you hear about our 'group'?

> >

> >

> > And finally, feel free to email anytime, into the

> > group. In addition to myself, there are a number of

> > others, who have some fascinating things to say, and

> > to contribute.... in the areas of this group.

> >

> >

> > Take care

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm also listing the other I've created

> > that you're free to check out, too.

> >

> > If one is interested in receiving exclusively, a

> > reminder of the daily, weekly & monthly, 'Transits'

> > of

> > the Stars, then check out:

> > 1/

> >

> > This next group, looks at Consciousness, or

> > Meditation

> > and Jyotish simultaneously.

> >


> >

>=== message truncated ===







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Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering your



In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the planets

within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said to be

in operation. It is considered to be the main factor

for a man’s downfall.


The subject is not free from controversies. Some say

that the Yoga should take in all planets including

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

meaningful if we take the other point of view where

only the 7 main planets are considered for the Yoga.

Even then the following points should be kept in mind.



Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not between

Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find Rahu

first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant and

all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga



Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For example,

if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in 16

degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa. Rahu

moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees soon,

but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is outside

the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no Kala–Sarpa.

It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an unmitigated

evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is said

that Genghis Khan had it.


One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

very high. But one day there will be a downfall. And

the higher you climb, the harder you fall.




--- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas wrote:



> Hallo Vir Van,


> did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> planet exists 1 degree near

> on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa


> But I have also some another questions


> 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> planet stays on the other

> site of the Rahu Ketu axis


> 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the

> side of the axis , but

> only in the direction of Rahu movement


> What do say on this?


> Jai guru dev


> metin

>Vir Van <virvan2000

> >

> >

> >Re: Kala Sarpa

> >Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Hey Sebnem!

> > Rahu always moves in opposite direction

> in

> >clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

> >planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet!

> And

> >Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its

> tail,

> >all planets falling between them, result into

> Kalsarpa

> >yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if

> your

> >Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the

> planets

> >falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

> >Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was

> one

> >degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed

> but

> >as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no

> planets

> >between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

> >Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I

> meant!

> >

> >Jai Gurdev!

> >

> >Vir

> >--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> > >

> > > I would like to ask you a question about Kala

> SArpa

> > > Yoga.

> > > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even

> if

> > > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according

> to

> > > degree OR house position???

> > >

> > > For Example;

> > > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree)

> ,

> > > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all

> planets

> > > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> > >

> > > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree,

> all

> > > planets are between karmics as to house

> position, so

> > > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > > (In my opinion, second right....)

> > >

> > > What do you think???

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > > Sebnem

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> > > Dear Sebnem:

> > >

> > > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these

> groups.

> > >

> > > Welcome, again!

> > >

> > > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas

> of

> > > Jyotish that we can study....

> > >

> > > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit

> us'....

> > >

> > > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish,

> that

> > > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > > between our charts and every aspect of our

> lives....

> > >

> > > This is the thing that continually draws us in,

> that

> > > our lives are 'understandable'...

> > >

> > > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology

> which is

> > > 'self-transformative'....

> > >

> > > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just

> about

> > > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> > >

> > >

> > > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also

> about

> > > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > > especially those things that we're meant to

> either

> > > grow out of, or grow into....

> > >

> > > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> > >

> > > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past,

> that

> > > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures'

> or

> > > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> > >

> > > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and

> it's

> > > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> > >

> > >

> > > I remember when I first started studying

> Jyotish,

> > > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish'

> and

> > > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as

> a

> > > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > > on remedial measures...

> > >

> > > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > > proportion.

> > >

> > > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would

> be

> > > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on

> the

> > > remedial measures!

> > >

> > >

> > > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's

> malefic

> > > planets....

> > >

> > > enjoy

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sebnem Eksip <piancae

> > > 1

> > > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > > 1

> > > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > > joining astrol. group

> > >


=== message truncated ===







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Dear Vir Van ...



If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at 0 Aries) and Ketu (0

Libra), does it have any meaning at all?











On Behalf Of Vir Van

Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM


Re: Kala Sarpa


Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering your



In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the planets

within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said to be

in operation. It is considered to be the main factor

for a man’s downfall.


The subject is not free from controversies. Some say

that the Yoga should take in all planets including

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

meaningful if we take the other point of view where

only the 7 main planets are considered for the Yoga.

Even then the following points should be kept in mind.



Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not between

Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find Rahu

first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant and

all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga



Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For example,

if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in 16

degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa. Rahu

moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees soon,

but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is outside

the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no Kala–Sarpa.

It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an unmitigated

evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is said

that Genghis Khan had it.


One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

very high. But one day there will be a downfall. And

the higher you climb, the harder you fall.




--- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas wrote:



> Hallo Vir Van,


> did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> planet exists 1 degree near

> on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa


> But I have also some another questions


> 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> planet stays on the other

> site of the Rahu Ketu axis


> 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the

> side of the axis , but

> only in the direction of Rahu movement


> What do say on this?


> Jai guru dev


> metin

>Vir Van <virvan2000

> >

> >

> >Re: Kala Sarpa

> >Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Hey Sebnem!

> > Rahu always moves in opposite direction

> in

> >clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

> >planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet!

> And

> >Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its

> tail,

> >all planets falling between them, result into

> Kalsarpa

> >yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if

> your

> >Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the

> planets

> >falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

> >Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was

> one

> >degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed

> but

> >as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no

> planets

> >between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

> >Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I

> meant!

> >

> >Jai Gurdev!

> >

> >Vir

> >--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> > >

> > > I would like to ask you a question about Kala

> SArpa

> > > Yoga.

> > > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even

> if

> > > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according

> to

> > > degree OR house position???

> > >

> > > For Example;

> > > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree)

> ,

> > > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all

> planets

> > > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> > >

> > > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree,

> all

> > > planets are between karmics as to house

> position, so

> > > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > > (In my opinion, second right....)

> > >

> > > What do you think???

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > > Sebnem

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> > > Dear Sebnem:

> > >

> > > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these

> groups.

> > >

> > > Welcome, again!

> > >

> > > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas

> of

> > > Jyotish that we can study....

> > >

> > > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit

> us'....

> > >

> > > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish,

> that

> > > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > > between our charts and every aspect of our

> lives....

> > >

> > > This is the thing that continually draws us in,

> that

> > > our lives are 'understandable'...

> > >

> > > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology

> which is

> > > 'self-transformative'....

> > >

> > > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just

> about

> > > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> > >

> > >

> > > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also

> about

> > > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > > especially those things that we're meant to

> either

> > > grow out of, or grow into....

> > >

> > > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> > >

> > > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past,

> that

> > > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures'

> or

> > > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> > >

> > > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and

> it's

> > > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> > >

> > >

> > > I remember when I first started studying

> Jyotish,

> > > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish'

> and

> > > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as

> a

> > > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > > on remedial measures...

> > >

> > > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > > proportion.

> > >

> > > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would

> be

> > > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on

> the

> > > remedial measures!

> > >

> > >

> > > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's

> malefic

> > > planets....

> > >

> > > enjoy

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sebnem Eksip <piancae

> > > 1

> > > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > > 1

> > > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > > joining astrol. group

> > >


=== message truncated ===











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Guest guest

Sorry, I meant Ketu at 0 Aries and Rahu at 0 Libra.











On Behalf Of Bettina Woolard

Friday, July 22, 2005 7:19 PM


RE: Kala Sarpa


Dear Vir Van ...



If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at 0 Aries) and Ketu (0

Libra), does it have any meaning at all?











On Behalf Of Vir Van

Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM


Re: Kala Sarpa


Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering your



In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the planets

within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said to be

in operation. It is considered to be the main factor

for a man’s downfall.


The subject is not free from controversies. Some say

that the Yoga should take in all planets including

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

meaningful if we take the other point of view where

only the 7 main planets are considered for the Yoga.

Even then the following points should be kept in mind.



Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not between

Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find Rahu

first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant and

all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga



Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For example,

if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in 16

degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa. Rahu

moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees soon,

but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is outside

the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no Kala–Sarpa.

It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an unmitigated

evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is said

that Genghis Khan had it.


One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

very high. But one day there will be a downfall. And

the higher you climb, the harder you fall.




--- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas wrote:



> Hallo Vir Van,


> did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> planet exists 1 degree near

> on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa


> But I have also some another questions


> 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> planet stays on the other

> site of the Rahu Ketu axis


> 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the

> side of the axis , but

> only in the direction of Rahu movement


> What do say on this?


> Jai guru dev


> metin

>Vir Van <virvan2000

> >

> >

> >Re: Kala Sarpa

> >Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Hey Sebnem!

> > Rahu always moves in opposite direction

> in

> >clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

> >planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet!

> And

> >Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its

> tail,

> >all planets falling between them, result into

> Kalsarpa

> >yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if

> your

> >Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the

> planets

> >falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

> >Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was

> one

> >degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed

> but

> >as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no

> planets

> >between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

> >Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I

> meant!

> >

> >Jai Gurdev!

> >

> >Vir

> >--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> > >

> > > I would like to ask you a question about Kala

> SArpa

> > > Yoga.

> > > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even

> if

> > > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according

> to

> > > degree OR house position???

> > >

> > > For Example;

> > > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree)

> ,

> > > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all

> planets

> > > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> > >

> > > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree,

> all

> > > planets are between karmics as to house

> position, so

> > > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > > (In my opinion, second right....)

> > >

> > > What do you think???

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > > Sebnem

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> > > Dear Sebnem:

> > >

> > > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these

> groups.

> > >

> > > Welcome, again!

> > >

> > > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas

> of

> > > Jyotish that we can study....

> > >

> > > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit

> us'....

> > >

> > > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish,

> that

> > > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > > between our charts and every aspect of our

> lives....

> > >

> > > This is the thing that continually draws us in,

> that

> > > our lives are 'understandable'...

> > >

> > > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology

> which is

> > > 'self-transformative'....

> > >

> > > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just

> about

> > > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> > >

> > >

> > > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also

> about

> > > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > > especially those things that we're meant to

> either

> > > grow out of, or grow into....

> > >

> > > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> > >

> > > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past,

> that

> > > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures'

> or

> > > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> > >

> > > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and

> it's

> > > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> > >

> > >

> > > I remember when I first started studying

> Jyotish,

> > > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish'

> and

> > > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as

> a

> > > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > > on remedial measures...

> > >

> > > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > > proportion.

> > >

> > > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would

> be

> > > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on

> the

> > > remedial measures!

> > >

> > >

> > > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's

> malefic

> > > planets....

> > >

> > > enjoy

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sebnem Eksip <piancae

> > > 1

> > > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > > 1

> > > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > > joining astrol. group

> > >


=== message truncated ===











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Guest guest

Hey Bettina! One indeed has a rare chart with Rahu in Libra n Ketu in

Aries at 0 degs! But I cannot throw much more light on tht! I have

same Aries-Libra & Ketu-Rahu combo but at 5 degs in 8th & 2nd houses!

I can just tell you that Rahu shows where our challenges and thrills

in life are while Ketu represents that part of our life which is

already mastered, through repetation etc..So for me Rahu in Libra at

2nd house would mean challenges in balancing matters related to 2nd

house like money, property, etc. and Ketu in 8th Aries would mean I

have mastered agression in sex related matters or face boredom in

related issues due to repeatation, etc..! Find out where are Rahu

Ketu placed in your chart and you can see their influences in your



Jai Gurudev





, " Bettina Woolard "

<chiria@n...> wrote:

> Sorry, I meant Ketu at 0 Aries and Rahu at 0 Libra.



> Bettina








> On Behalf Of Bettina


> Friday, July 22, 2005 7:19 PM


> RE: Kala Sarpa


> Dear Vir Van ...



> If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at 0 Aries) and Ketu


> Libra), does it have any meaning at all?



> Bettina








> On Behalf Of Vir Van

> Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM


> Re: Kala Sarpa


> Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

> cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering your

> queries!


> In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the planets

> within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said to be

> in operation. It is considered to be the main factor

> for a man's downfall.


> The subject is not free from controversies. Some say

> that the Yoga should take in all planets including

> Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

> become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

> meaningful if we take the other point of view where

> only the 7 main planets are considered for the Yoga.

> Even then the following points should be kept in mind.



> Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not between

> Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find Rahu

> first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant and

> all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

> Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga

> exists.


> Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

> outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For example,

> if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in 16

> degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa. Rahu

> moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees soon,

> but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is outside

> the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no Kala–Sarpa.

> It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an unmitigated

> evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

> horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

> Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is said

> that Genghis Khan had it.


> One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

> very high. But one day there will be a downfall. And

> the higher you climb, the harder you fall.




> --- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas@h...> wrote:


> >

> > Hallo Vir Van,

> >

> > did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> > planet exists 1 degree near

> > on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa

> >

> > But I have also some another questions

> >

> > 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> > planet stays on the other

> > site of the Rahu Ketu axis

> >

> > 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the

> > side of the axis , but

> > only in the direction of Rahu movement

> >

> > What do say on this?

> >

> > Jai guru dev

> >

> > metin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >Vir Van <virvan2000>

> > >

> > >

> > >Re: Kala Sarpa

> > >Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> > >

> > >Hey Sebnem!

> > > Rahu always moves in opposite direction

> > in

> > >clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

> > >planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet!

> > And

> > >Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its

> > tail,

> > >all planets falling between them, result into

> > Kalsarpa

> > >yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if

> > your

> > >Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the

> > planets

> > >falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

> > >Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was

> > one

> > >degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed

> > but

> > >as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no

> > planets

> > >between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

> > >Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I

> > meant!

> > >

> > >Jai Gurdev!

> > >

> > >Vir

> > >--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> > > >

> > > > I would like to ask you a question about Kala

> > SArpa

> > > > Yoga.

> > > > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > > > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even

> > if

> > > > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > > > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > > > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according

> > to

> > > > degree OR house position???

> > > >

> > > > For Example;

> > > > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree)

> > ,

> > > > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > > > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all

> > planets

> > > > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> > > >

> > > > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > > > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > > > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree,

> > all

> > > > planets are between karmics as to house

> > position, so

> > > > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > > > (In my opinion, second right....)

> > > >

> > > > What do you think???

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely,

> > > > Sebnem

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> > > > Dear Sebnem:

> > > >

> > > > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these

> > groups.

> > > >

> > > > Welcome, again!

> > > >

> > > > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas

> > of

> > > > Jyotish that we can study....

> > > >

> > > > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit

> > us'....

> > > >

> > > > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish,

> > that

> > > > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > > > between our charts and every aspect of our

> > lives....

> > > >

> > > > This is the thing that continually draws us in,

> > that

> > > > our lives are 'understandable'...

> > > >

> > > > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology

> > which is

> > > > 'self-transformative'....

> > > >

> > > > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just

> > about

> > > > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also

> > about

> > > > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > > > especially those things that we're meant to

> > either

> > > > grow out of, or grow into....

> > > >

> > > > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > > > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > > > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> > > >

> > > > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past,

> > that

> > > > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures'

> > or

> > > > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> > > >

> > > > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and

> > it's

> > > > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I remember when I first started studying

> > Jyotish,

> > > > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish'

> > and

> > > > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as

> > a

> > > > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > > > on remedial measures...

> > > >

> > > > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > > > proportion.

> > > >

> > > > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would

> > be

> > > > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on

> > the

> > > > remedial measures!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > > > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > > > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > > > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > > > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's

> > malefic

> > > > planets....

> > > >

> > > > enjoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mark Kincaid

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sebnem Eksip <piancae>

> > > > 1

> > > > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > > > 1

> > > > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > > > joining astrol. group

> > > >

> >

> === message truncated ===











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Dear Vir Van ...



I didn't mean necessarily that Rahu and Ketu would be in those exact

degrees, I just gave that as an example. What I wondered was, does it mean

anything special if all the other grahas are between Ketu and Rahu. I

understand that it's Kala Sarpa only if they are between Rahu and Ketu, but

not Ketu and Rahu. I was curious if it was meaningful, or had a particular

name, for a configuration where all other grahas fell between K and R.



.... Bettina






On Behalf Of Vir Van

Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:46 PM


Re: Kala Sarpa


Hey Bettina! One indeed has a rare chart with Rahu in Libra n Ketu in

Aries at 0 degs! But I cannot throw much more light on tht! I have

same Aries-Libra & Ketu-Rahu combo but at 5 degs in 8th & 2nd houses!

I can just tell you that Rahu shows where our challenges and thrills

in life are while Ketu represents that part of our life which is

already mastered, through repetation etc..So for me Rahu in Libra at

2nd house would mean challenges in balancing matters related to 2nd

house like money, property, etc. and Ketu in 8th Aries would mean I

have mastered agression in sex related matters or face boredom in

related issues due to repeatation, etc..! Find out where are Rahu

Ketu placed in your chart and you can see their influences in your



Jai Gurudev





, " Bettina Woolard "

<chiria@n...> wrote:

> Sorry, I meant Ketu at 0 Aries and Rahu at 0 Libra.



> Bettina








> On Behalf Of Bettina


> Friday, July 22, 2005 7:19 PM


> RE: Kala Sarpa


> Dear Vir Van ...



> If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at 0 Aries) and Ketu


> Libra), does it have any meaning at all?



> Bettina








> On Behalf Of Vir Van

> Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM


> Re: Kala Sarpa


> Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

> cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering your

> queries!


> In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the planets

> within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said to be

> in operation. It is considered to be the main factor

> for a man's downfall.


> The subject is not free from controversies. Some say

> that the Yoga should take in all planets including

> Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

> become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

> meaningful if we take the other point of view where

> only the 7 main planets are considered for the Yoga.

> Even then the following points should be kept in mind.



> Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not between

> Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find Rahu

> first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant and

> all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

> Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga

> exists.


> Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

> outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For example,

> if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in 16

> degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa. Rahu

> moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees soon,

> but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is outside

> the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no Kala–Sarpa.

> It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an unmitigated

> evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

> horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

> Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is said

> that Genghis Khan had it.


> One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

> very high. But one day there will be a downfall. And

> the higher you climb, the harder you fall.




> --- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas@h...> wrote:


> >

> > Hallo Vir Van,

> >

> > did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> > planet exists 1 degree near

> > on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa

> >

> > But I have also some another questions

> >

> > 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> > planet stays on the other

> > site of the Rahu Ketu axis

> >

> > 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on the

> > side of the axis , but

> > only in the direction of Rahu movement

> >

> > What do say on this?

> >

> > Jai guru dev

> >

> > metin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >Vir Van <virvan2000>

> > >

> > >

> > >Re: Kala Sarpa

> > >Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> > >

> > >Hey Sebnem!

> > > Rahu always moves in opposite direction

> > in

> > >clockwise motion in our chart rather than other

> > >planets as it being the imaginary shadowy planet!

> > And

> > >Rahu being the head of the serpent and Ketu its

> > tail,

> > >all planets falling between them, result into

> > Kalsarpa

> > >yoga..and that has to be taken degreewise..so if

> > your

> > >Rahu is 2 deg of lets say Aries, then all the

> > planets

> > >falling between 2 degrees of Aries to 2 degrees of

> > >Libra result into Kalsarpa..so if your Jupiter was

> > one

> > >degree Aries, than this yoga would not have formed

> > but

> > >as its between Rahu and Ketu degreewise and no

> > planets

> > >between 3 deg Libra and one degree Aries, you have

> > >Kalsarpa..well I hope you get what I said as I

> > meant!

> > >

> > >Jai Gurdev!

> > >

> > >Vir

> > >--- Sebnem Eksip <piancae> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Mark and the other Members,

> > > >

> > > > I would like to ask you a question about Kala

> > SArpa

> > > > Yoga.

> > > > As you know, when the planets are hemmed between

> > > > Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. Even

> > if

> > > > two planets are outside from the Rahu-Ketu axis,

> > > > this is no Kala Sarpa.

> > > > BUT, How you are looking Kala Sarpa??? according

> > to

> > > > degree OR house position???

> > > >

> > > > For Example;

> > > > at the first house there are; Rahu ( 2 degree)

> > ,

> > > > Satürn (16), Jupiter ( 6)...

> > > > Ketu is opposite of this house (7) and all

> > planets

> > > > are between RAhu-Ketu.

> > > >

> > > > 1. Can we say; Saturn and Jupiter outside the

> > > > Rahu-Ketu axis so there isn't Kala Sarpa.

> > > > 2. Can we say; No, this is not depend on degree,

> > all

> > > > planets are between karmics as to house

> > position, so

> > > > this is Kala Sarpa...

> > > > (In my opinion, second right....)

> > > >

> > > > What do you think???

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely,

> > > > Sebnem

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> > > > Dear Sebnem:

> > > >

> > > > This is Mark Kincaid, founder of these

> > groups.

> > > >

> > > > Welcome, again!

> > > >

> > > > I'm happy to say that there are 2 primary areas

> > of

> > > > Jyotish that we can study....

> > > >

> > > > #1....there is the fact that our charts 'fit

> > us'....

> > > >

> > > > I call this the " UNDERSTANDING " , of Jyotish,

> > that

> > > > there's this really literal 1 to 1 relationship

> > > > between our charts and every aspect of our

> > lives....

> > > >

> > > > This is the thing that continually draws us in,

> > that

> > > > our lives are 'understandable'...

> > > >

> > > > #2....then, there's the aspect of Astrology

> > which is

> > > > 'self-transformative'....

> > > >

> > > > In other words, Jyotish/Astrology is not just

> > about

> > > > our 'fates' or pre-conditioned realities...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Our lives, and therefore our Jyotish is also

> > about

> > > > our 'futures', our 'opportunities'.... and '

> > > > especially those things that we're meant to

> > either

> > > > grow out of, or grow into....

> > > >

> > > > Most people don't understand this 2nd area very

> > > > well, and too much of most recent Jyotish

> > > > is way too fatalistic oriented....

> > > >

> > > > But, there's a gem of truth there in the past,

> > that

> > > > there is some possibility of 'remedial measures'

> > or

> > > > what Jyotish calls, 'remedies'....

> > > >

> > > > This is a real intimate part of Jyotish, and

> > it's

> > > > too bad that it's so little understood today.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I remember when I first started studying

> > Jyotish,

> > > > and I'd read 195 pages on the quote: 'jyotish'

> > and

> > > > then at the end, almost like it was tacked on as

> > a

> > > > kind of after thought; would be 5 pages

> > > > on remedial measures...

> > > >

> > > > Even way back when I thought this was way out of

> > > > proportion.

> > > >

> > > > Soon, I realized that a better proportion would

> > be

> > > > say 50% on te Jyotish understanding and 50%! on

> > the

> > > > remedial measures!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Now, I understand that even after 5,10% of

> > > > Understanding which parts of your chart are

> > > > indicative of self-improvement, then, one could

> > > > spend 80-90% of one's energy and time on

> > > > figuring out how to strengthen any of one's

> > malefic

> > > > planets....

> > > >

> > > > enjoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mark Kincaid

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sebnem Eksip <piancae>

> > > > 1

> > > > Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:26:27 -0700 (PDT)

> > > > 1

> > > > [1] Re: 2-Piancae re.

> > > > joining astrol. group

> > > >

> >

> === message truncated ===











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Hey Bettina! sorry but cudnt understand wht u were

asking..my wavelength certainly not of your type u c

;)..anyway I dont know about any yoga if all planets

are out of Rahu Ketu's clutches..but I think its

good..isnt it!


Jai Gurudev!




--- Bettina Woolard <chiria wrote:


> Dear Vir Van ...



> I didn't mean necessarily that Rahu and Ketu would

> be in those exact

> degrees, I just gave that as an example. What I

> wondered was, does it mean

> anything special if all the other grahas are between

> Ketu and Rahu. I

> understand that it's Kala Sarpa only if they are

> between Rahu and Ketu, but

> not Ketu and Rahu. I was curious if it was

> meaningful, or had a particular

> name, for a configuration where all other grahas

> fell between K and R.



> ... Bettina






> On Behalf

> Of Vir Van

> Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:46 PM


> Re: Kala Sarpa


> Hey Bettina! One indeed has a rare chart with Rahu

> in Libra n Ketu in

> Aries at 0 degs! But I cannot throw much more light

> on tht! I have

> same Aries-Libra & Ketu-Rahu combo but at 5 degs in

> 8th & 2nd houses!

> I can just tell you that Rahu shows where our

> challenges and thrills

> in life are while Ketu represents that part of our

> life which is

> already mastered, through repetation etc..So for me

> Rahu in Libra at

> 2nd house would mean challenges in balancing matters

> related to 2nd

> house like money, property, etc. and Ketu in 8th

> Aries would mean I

> have mastered agression in sex related matters or

> face boredom in

> related issues due to repeatation, etc..! Find out

> where are Rahu

> Ketu placed in your chart and you can see their

> influences in your

> life!


> Jai Gurudev


> VirVan



> , " Bettina

> Woolard "

> <chiria@n...> wrote:

> > Sorry, I meant Ketu at 0 Aries and Rahu at 0

> Libra.

> >

> >

> > Bettina

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On

> Behalf Of Bettina

> Woolard

> > Friday, July 22, 2005 7:19 PM

> >

> > RE: Kala Sarpa

> >

> > Dear Vir Van ...

> >

> >

> > If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at

> 0 Aries) and Ketu

> (0

> > Libra), does it have any meaning at all?

> >

> >

> > Bettina

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On

> Behalf Of Vir Van

> > Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM

> >

> > Re: Kala Sarpa

> >

> > Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

> > cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering

> your

> > queries!

> >

> > In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the

> planets

> > within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said

> to be

> > in operation. It is considered to be the main

> factor

> > for a man's downfall.

> >

> > The subject is not free from controversies. Some

> say

> > that the Yoga should take in all planets including

> > Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

> > become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

> > meaningful if we take the other point of view

> where

> > only the 7 main planets are considered for the

> Yoga.

> > Even then the following points should be kept in

> mind.

> >

> >

> > Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not

> between

> > Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find

> Rahu

> > first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant

> and

> > all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

> > Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga

> > exists.

> >

> > Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

> > outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For

> example,

> > if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in

> 16

> > degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa.

> Rahu

> > moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees

> soon,

> > but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is

> outside

> > the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no

> Kala–Sarpa.

> > It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an

> unmitigated

> > evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

> > horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

> > Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is

> said

> > that Genghis Khan had it.

> >

> > One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

> > very high. But one day there will be a downfall.

> And

> > the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas@h...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > Hallo Vir Van,

> > >

> > > did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> > > planet exists 1 degree near

> > > on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa

> > >

> > > But I have also some another questions

> > >

> > > 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> > > planet stays on the other

> > > site of the Rahu Ketu axis

> > >

> > > 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on

> the

> > > side of the axis , but

> > > only in the direction of Rahu movement

> > >

> > > What do say on this?

> > >

> > > Jai guru dev

> > >

> > > metin

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >Vir Van <virvan2000>

> > > >

> > > >


=== message truncated ===







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Thanks, Vir Van!



.... Bettina







On Behalf Of Vir Van

Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:58 PM


RE: Re: Kala Sarpa


Hey Bettina! sorry but cudnt understand wht u were

asking..my wavelength certainly not of your type u c

;)..anyway I dont know about any yoga if all planets

are out of Rahu Ketu's clutches..but I think its

good..isnt it!


Jai Gurudev!




--- Bettina Woolard <chiria wrote:


> Dear Vir Van ...



> I didn't mean necessarily that Rahu and Ketu would

> be in those exact

> degrees, I just gave that as an example. What I

> wondered was, does it mean

> anything special if all the other grahas are between

> Ketu and Rahu. I

> understand that it's Kala Sarpa only if they are

> between Rahu and Ketu, but

> not Ketu and Rahu. I was curious if it was

> meaningful, or had a particular

> name, for a configuration where all other grahas

> fell between K and R.



> ... Bettina






> On Behalf

> Of Vir Van

> Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:46 PM


> Re: Kala Sarpa


> Hey Bettina! One indeed has a rare chart with Rahu

> in Libra n Ketu in

> Aries at 0 degs! But I cannot throw much more light

> on tht! I have

> same Aries-Libra & Ketu-Rahu combo but at 5 degs in

> 8th & 2nd houses!

> I can just tell you that Rahu shows where our

> challenges and thrills

> in life are while Ketu represents that part of our

> life which is

> already mastered, through repetation etc..So for me

> Rahu in Libra at

> 2nd house would mean challenges in balancing matters

> related to 2nd

> house like money, property, etc. and Ketu in 8th

> Aries would mean I

> have mastered agression in sex related matters or

> face boredom in

> related issues due to repeatation, etc..! Find out

> where are Rahu

> Ketu placed in your chart and you can see their

> influences in your

> life!


> Jai Gurudev


> VirVan



> , " Bettina

> Woolard "

> <chiria@n...> wrote:

> > Sorry, I meant Ketu at 0 Aries and Rahu at 0

> Libra.

> >

> >

> > Bettina

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On

> Behalf Of Bettina

> Woolard

> > Friday, July 22, 2005 7:19 PM

> >

> > RE: Kala Sarpa

> >

> > Dear Vir Van ...

> >

> >

> > If all planets are contained between Ketu (say at

> 0 Aries) and Ketu

> (0

> > Libra), does it have any meaning at all?

> >

> >

> > Bettina

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On

> Behalf Of Vir Van

> > Friday, July 22, 2005 3:51 AM

> >

> > Re: Kala Sarpa

> >

> > Hey Matin, I hope the following extract from

> > cyberastro.com's articles would help in answering

> your

> > queries!

> >

> > In astrology, when the two nodes hem all the

> planets

> > within their semicircle, Kala–Sarpa yoga is said

> to be

> > in operation. It is considered to be the main

> factor

> > for a man's downfall.

> >

> > The subject is not free from controversies. Some

> say

> > that the Yoga should take in all planets including

> > Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But then the Yoga will

> > become very rare indeed. It is therefore more

> > meaningful if we take the other point of view

> where

> > only the 7 main planets are considered for the

> Yoga.

> > Even then the following points should be kept in

> mind.

> >

> >

> > Planets must be between Rahu and Ketu and not

> between

> > Ketu and Rahu. How do we ensure this? If we find

> Rahu

> > first as we move anti-clockwise from the Ascendant

> and

> > all the planets (not counting Uranus, Neptune and

> > Pluto) are between Rahu and Ketu, then the Yoga

> > exists.

> >

> > Care should be taken to ensure that no planet is

> > outside the semicircle by even 1 degree. For

> example,

> > if Rahu is in 15 degrees of Cancer and Moon is in

> 16

> > degrees of the same sign, there is no Kala–Sarpa.

> Rahu

> > moves clockwise. It will go to Cancer 16 degrees

> soon,

> > but right now, at the time of birth, Moon is

> outside

> > the Rahu–Ketu bracket. Hence there is no

> Kala–Sarpa.

> > It is debatable whether Kala–Sarpa is an

> unmitigated

> > evil. Many great men had this Yoga in their

> > horoscopes. Some have been Presidents and Prime

> > Ministers and others have been conquerors. It is

> said

> > that Genghis Khan had it.

> >

> > One thing is clear. With Kala–Sarpa, you may climb

> > very high. But one day there will be a downfall.

> And

> > the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Metin Özenbas <metin_ozenbas@h...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > Hallo Vir Van,

> > >

> > > did I understand you correctly? You say if one

> > > planet exists 1 degree near

> > > on Rahu or Ketu , there is no kala sarpa

> > >

> > > But I have also some another questions

> > >

> > > 1 ) I read that kala sarpa occurs although one

> > > planet stays on the other

> > > site of the Rahu Ketu axis

> > >

> > > 2 ) Kala sarpa occurs if all planets is on

> the

> > > side of the axis , but

> > > only in the direction of Rahu movement

> > >

> > > What do say on this?

> > >

> > > Jai guru dev

> > >

> > > metin

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >Vir Van <virvan2000>

> > > >

> > > >


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