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Bible Numerics, Stars and the Message

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HIS.WONDERS.TO.PERFORM_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 58-0112A E-26 And it was up in the mountains where this great event taken place, and they had a great temple up there in the mountains in India. And they, each night, they would have their ceremonies and their feasts, while they slept through the daytime. And in the late evenings they would go out to the--on the plaza, and from there climb up the steps of an observatory, and get way up in the watch tower, and sit all night watching those bodies. And until it was real dark, when the twilights of evening was still falling, they've had a way of getting themself into the spirit of their astrology, or astronomy, or astrology, I think was the right word. And as they looked, they would read the old manuscripts of--and discuss things, of the failures of their fathers, and the failures of the things. And doing so, then they would worship one true God. They were not idol worshippers. They believed in one true God.

--William M. Branham (God's prophet to the gentiles)




Biblical studies focused on Biblical numerology [theomatics] and astrology as it pertains to the message of the hour brought to us by God's prophet, William Branham. Several papers on Biblical numerics, zodiac and other topics of interest are in the files section. There is also an interseting collection of SUPERNATURAL photographs in the photo section including photos of the pillar of fire. [if they are of God YOU decide!]




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