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hello mark. thank you for the wonderful salutations. i

truly wanting to heighten my awarness of my chart and

pinpoint my malifics. this is great information, once

again...i'm also wondering what types of charts you need

for your study. i am interested in being a participant for

your book. i am looking forward to its completion.





On Sun, 01 Jan 2006 09:45:41 -0600

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> New Year's Astrological Resolutions.... January 1, 2006



> Dear Friends:



> As we start this wonderful New Year, it's a great

>'benefit' of Astrology for

> us to 'REFLECT' upon our Astrological Selves, or Charts.


> Today, and over this first week of the year, reflect

>upon as much of your

> Astrology.


> REMEMBER, Astrology, very accurately identifies the

>positive areas of our

> lives as due to our positive, or correct, mental,

>psychological and

> emotional patterns or Astrological BENEFICS.


> I always enjoy telling people and helping them

>understand their 'Benefics',

> because when we flow more through our Astrological

>strengths we will 'ONLY'

> experience positivity.


> Astrology's ability to see the problems in our lives,


> weaknesses, and frustrating realities as due to the

>negatives in our charts;

> or 'MALEFICS', is a great life Wisdom!


> Learning to see how we're responsible for every aspect

>of our lives, and

> then finding the precise, and specific Astrological

>components or

> configurations is the 1ST STEP, at Astrological POWER,

>or Self-Improvement.


> In short we can quickly identify which areas of our

>charts are responsible,

> or indicative or each and every problem in our lives!


> Emotional Problems, worries, anxieties; which do come up

>during these times

> of the year, are a

> reflection in part to the MOONS, in our charts.


> If we want to improve any or every aspect of our minds,

>or emotions, even

> improving our Intuition, we should investigate into our



> If we have Self-doubting problems in life? If we find

>that our lack of

> self-confidence is undermining

> any of our life's dreams or goals, then we should look,

>in part, to the

> Sun's in our Charts.


> If we have any Confusions related to not knowing what we

>should be doing.

> Or, maybe we're confused about which way to go, what

>direction to take, then

> we can look at the Mercury's in our Charts.


> If we have any Health problems, whether overt diseases,

>or frustrating lack

> of dynamic energy, we can look to the Saturn's in our



> If we have any FINANCIAL problems, whether we can't hold

>onto or make enough

> money, we should

> look to the 11th, 12th & 2nd Houses, in our charts.




> Jyotish/Astrology:

> Represents the Solution to All Problems, in Life






> Astrology has a unique ability to help anyone solve any

>and all problems in

> life, because Astrology

> understands what the underlieing human mental or

>emotional 'patterns' are

> that are literally causing

> us our problems.






> Once we discover which of our problems are due to

>specific 'Malefic'

> configurations; this then gives us great help and

>insight because we can

> begin to see what areas of our personality, mind's, or

>emotions are either

> incorrect, imbalanced or undeveloped.


> The 'MALEFICS', in our charts, represent the areas of

>our lives that we're

> literally, meant to improve.


> The main problem with the entire field of 'Malefics', is

>that where we have

> our malefics is literally,

> where we're confused, blame others, or are self-deluded,

>and have our

> obsessions, addictions, and

> 'WRONG', patterns.


> MARS, for example, is the primary planet that makes us

>feel that 'others'

> are the real source of

> our problems.


> SATURN, is perhaps the most important and least

>understood part of our

> lives; and as a result we

> go too fast, we don't take enough rest, we don't

>function from enough

> balance or health, and don't

> have enough patience or inner poise.


> In Truth, each planet represents a specific part of our

>complete Mind/Body

> nature which if we don't

> understand will spontaneously lead to any and all the

>problems we see in

> human life.






> The 'Astrological Solution', to any and all problems is

>to learn how to

> enliven any Astrological, or Malefic configuration,

>which, so far, has been

> responsible for those problems.



> New Year's Astrological Perspective...

> Resolutions!



> Let 2006, with Jupiter's Grace

> and Wisdom,


> Give us the precise and practical insight and


> to solve any problem

> and attract to ourselves,

> the natural fulfillment of any and all aspects of Life!


> #1 Identify the Malefic configuration or patterns,

> that are literally responsible for that which we want to



> #2 Then, start a Self-Improvement Program...

> that has the precise goal to strengthen or enliven the

>positive side

> of any potentially negative or Malefic, in our Charts!



> May this new Year, bless us with the Wisdom

> and

> Practical Insights to create any happiness

> and success,

> in life!



> Remember, the World is as we are!


> In other words, no one else, stands in our way!


> It's up to US!



> Enliven your inner, and undeveloped Human Nature...

> and Solve any and all problems

> in Life!





> With the Grace of the Guru,

> of the Universe...




> Jai Guru





> Mark Kincaid





>Founder of Nature's Astrology

> 1 641 472-0000.

> /






> Other News:


> This Winter I'm going to be finishing my lst Jyotish



> And Jyotish Tour


> I'll be traveling to the South-Western United States,

>Arizona, and

> California area

> during January and February.


> If you're in any of these areas and want any personal

>readings let me know

> what my schedule will be.



> January 10


> Will be in Phoenix, Arizona Area.





> Anyone who would still like to be a Study Participant,

> in my Jyotish Book;



> Contact me at this address:

> m.kincaid

> Or

> kincaidmark



> Mark K.











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