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Ancient Land - Bharath

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.. "And it was up in the mountains where this great event taken place, and they had a great temple up there in the mountains in India. And they, each night, they would have their ceremonies and their feasts, while they slept through the daytime. And in the late evenings they would go out to the--on the plaza, and from there climb up the steps of an observatory, and get way up in the watch tower, and sit all night watching those bodies. And until it was real dark, when the twilights of evening was still falling, they've had a way of getting themself into the spirit of their astrology, or astronomy, or astrology, I think was the right word. And as they looked, they would read the old manuscripts of--and discuss things, of the failures of their fathers, and the failures of the things. And doing so, then they would worship one true God. They were not idol worshippers. They believed in one true God." -William M. Branham His Wonders To Perform (click to read & listen) 12th January 1958 Bible Truths For Believers bibletruths_forbelievers/ Ajith Ambady <ajith_ambady wrote: At foot of the Himalayan range lies the ancient land of Bharath - modern day India. The culture of India has been protected by its location, with the Himalayas to the north and the ocean to the

southeast and west. Traditionally the people of Bharath have been non violent except in defense of the Motherland. For thousands of years the treasures of the Vedic knowledge have been protected and propagated by the Sages, Saints and Seers of India. From ancient times the cultures of Bharath have held the Vedic teachings in high esteem and have passed them down through time from generation to generation. No other ancient culture has so thoroughly woven the knowledge and methods of enlightenment into the mind and hearts, rites and rituals of its people. Until very recently the children of India were raised hearing elders reciting the stories of the Avatar Rama, or telling of the pranks played in childhood by the Avatar Krishna. Villages enacted plays and sang songs of the heroes from the Puranas, the Bhagavata, and other sacred literature. All of the holidays revolved around Saints or deities. Because of its unique placement and

strong traditions all the major Avatars have taken birth in India. Partial incarnations have also arisen from time to time to strengthen or purify the Vedic knowledge. Veda Vyasa for example who codified the Vedas into four major divisions was said to be a Divine incarnation of a realized being. His son, Sri Suka, who related the stories of the Bhagavata to King Parakshith was also a great Sat Purush; always in the pure Atmic state of consciousness. Adi Sankara, the great Indian teacher considered himself a dedicated servant of God. As a child prodigy he learned all of the Vedas and Sastras by the time he was 14 - a feat that normally took 50 years of intense study. He went all over India spreading the teachings of the philosophy of Advaitha - that the entire Universe and everything in it is God, the One without a second. Buddha was also born in India. He attained

enlightenment there under the Bodhi tree. After his realization he subsequently taught that all misery is caused by desire for worldly objects and that this wheel of birth and death can be overcome through detachment and the renunciation of desire. The history of India is full of such bright lights. Unfortunately the citizens of India today have felt the impact of modern civilization and world culture and many, especially in the large cities have tended to de-emphasize their cultural and religious heritage as mere village superstition. This unfortunate trend has made for a clash between material and spiritual values but the momentum of spiritual renewal continues to build and eventually the higher values will be restored in Bharath as in the rest of the world. The wisdom garnered by India, the eldest brother among the nations, is a heritage to all mankind. Vedic truths, as all truths, belongs to the Lord and not to India. The rishis, whose minds were pure receptacles ro receive the divine profundities of the Vedas, were members of the human race, born on this earth, rather than on some other, to serve humanity as a whole. Distinction by race or nation are meaningless in the realm of truth, where the only qualification is spiritual fitness to receive."Paramahansa Yogananda India does not rise as other countries do, for self or when she is strong, to trample on the weak. She is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. India has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she

must be great." Sri Aurobindo Ghose Sri Ramakrishna says: Know there must be manifestations of God in places where countless people have practiced austerity. From time immemorial numberless devotees and men of realization have come to these holy places to have the vision of God. Therefore, God though equally present everywhere, manifests Himself especially in these places in the same way as water can be had anywhere by digging the ground, but where there is a tank or a lake, one has not to dig for water, but can get it whenever one likes.The shrine of Lord Ayyappa in the depths of the Sahya mountain ranges is such a unique place. Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcoverPhoto Books. You design it and we?ll bind it!

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