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Tomorrow's Transits for Monday, May 8th (or 9th), Phil. of Transits Part 3

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New Transits Report


For Monday, May 8th…. (9th)




• Tomorrow's Transit Report, Today!

• Philosophy of Transits – Part 3

• 5-10 Most Auspicious & Inauspicious Days of Each Month

• Subscriber's Comments, Questions & Answers




Tomorrow's Transits Report for Monday, May 8th, or May 9th,

depending upon whether you live in the Western or Eastern Hemisphere!


Today, the Moon moves into Virgo, which is closest yet to the Full

Moon, coming up this month in Libra.


Moon, in Virgo has other, unique characteristics regarding 1) Being

detailed conscious, 2) Very highly Discriminative, and if we're not

careful, being 3) too Critical.


Virgo's a bit of a perfectionist.


Virgo's the One Sign of the 12, in the Zodiac that seeks Perfection!


But, because `Perfection' is not meant to be the `characteristic' of

the Relative, Universe, therefore most, Planets in Virgo represent

some kind of functional Maleficness.


Now, if you're used to watching `these' Transits, and you've found

already in previous Months that yes, indeed, you do feel a

little `complicated', when the Moon's going through here; then, we

can move right into the Natural Prescription!


Therefore: Prevent the Danger on the Horizon!


By Deciding that you will NOT, be too Virgoness, just because that's

the `right' or Astrological thing to do!


Maybe you've found yourself slipping into that unique Virgoness, and

you get irritable, or finding faults either with others, or yourself!


So, for whatever reason that you're willing to `adjust'.


Now, we can try and prevent this Malefic, upon the Horizon!


Find Perfection Within!


If `perfection' is not really meant to be, on the outer level, then

where is it?


Perfection truly resides within!


Seers of Vedic Knowledge, say that `True Perfection' only resides in

the Transcendental field of Pure Consciousness.


Experiencing that is `finding' true Perfection.


It's Unbounded, its Inexhaustible, ….

It's unlimited!


It's deeply, so ever, deeply fulfilling!


And, it's Perfect!


No shadow of imperfection there!


Not too small, not too….round, not to… anything…


Ahhh, deep, deep …satisfaction!



The Heart, then, can rest in that delicious `Oneness'……


If you meditate already, spend a few extra minutes in that



If you don't, yet, then, pull out your favorite Spiritual Book, and

read about the Natural Perfection of Life!....

Characterized there!


Astrology is not just about challenges, or seeing the Dangers on the



Astrology like Life, is about moving and growing, towards more and



Life & Astrology are truly, about Evolving!


So, put your attention, on evolving to the most, to Perfection on

these up-coming Virgo days, and let me know how it goes!






Mark Kincaid




Jai Guru




Following Topics:


• Philosophy of Transits Part 3

• 5-10 Most Auspicious & Inauspicious Days of Each Month

• Subscriber's Comments, Questions & Answers



Philosophy of Transits - Part 3



Previously we've been talking about both the Nature and the Role of

the Transits, in Astrology. Today, I thought we might talk about

the Practice of Utilizing these Transits.


Previously we've mentioned that the Nature of the Transits is to

expose us to the literal Affects of the Stars & Planets, upon the

Earth at any moment in the present or the future!


This means that the Transits, gives us a great insight into what the

nature of the future World's Environments, will be like.


Will it be turmoil, will it be up-heavel, will it be Angry, will it

be sad!


Will it be happy, up-lifting, gracious or Expansive!


It can go, either way; it's very powerful to know which is going to



#2, we've been talking about the Role or the Relationship of the

Transits with the other Major, Aspects of Astrology.


There are 3 Primary aspects of Astrology.


I call them, the 3 Pillars of Astrology!


These are #1) Our Charts, #2) Our Dasas, and #3) Our TRANSITS!


#1, we're already living the spontaneous and natural attributes of

our Charts!


Our Charts represent our Physiology, & Psychology!


Our Charts represent the Positive Strengths & Weaknesses of our



We want to know what our Strengths are, and especially what our

Weaknesses are!


There's great Power in knowing what parts of us, are spontaneously

doing right, and leading us towards success!


There's also, great Power in knowing where we're sabotaging



The functioning Malefics, in our Charts, are exactly, the areas and

ways in which we undermine ourselves!


Our Charts then, are about How to live a better Life!


We can learn to Utilize our Strengths, more!


We can learn to literally, Transform, our Malefics, Weaknesses, also

into Strengths!


#2) The Dasas, represent the nature of the Present or

Future `Karmic' or Time Periods Coming Up. There are 3, primarily.


There's the Major Dasa, called MahaDasa.

There's the Medium Dasas, called AntarDasa


There's the Shortest Dasas, called Bhukti.


The Dasas, 1,2,3, will show us 80-90% of the quality and nature of

the karmas that we'll be going through.


If the Major Dasa is Venus, and Venus is well-place in our charts,

then, generally, for 20 years! We're going to be experiencing much

of the good karma of this placement.


If however, there's some lesson to be learned regarding our Venus,

then the karma, and opportunity for learning what that lesson is;

will come to you during this time.


Add the simultaneous nature of the Antardasa and Bhukti periods, and

you'll get the total `flavor' of the karma we'll be in.


Okay, there are our Charts, and our Dasas, and now, the Transits.


We're living our Charts, our individual, personality and nature,

both the good and the bad.


We're living those values, all the time, but in specific times, 3 of

those flavors, Maha, Antar, and Bhukti, will dominate!


#3, then there's the influence of the Present Day Stars upon us, and

our World in the proverbial, eternal Present.


The Sun, Moon & Planets will all, be putting out some qualities and

vibrations, each day.


Those will affect us, depending upon our Charts and the Dasas that

we're in!


So, why do we focus on the Transits, so much!


Because, actually for 2 reasons.


#1, the Transits, express the very important natural, Astrological

Environments that we're all living all the time.


In other words, it's very important that we come to know what the

flavor of people's minds and hearts will be like.


That way we can better, weather the storms coming.


We can make our way, and find our paths and satisfaction, better

when we `know' what the ball-game, is!


#2, Also, the Transits are the easiest to try and explain.


We could talk about so much in the field of Astrology, but

everyone's charts, and lessons are so diverse.


The Transits give us a commonality, a way to all relate to what

we're going through.


The Transits, also show us very innocently, what Astrology, IS and

its relationship to us, is really about!


Some are very influenced from the Transits.

Some, not so much.


But, knowing the Realities of these Transits will give us a

powerful, inter-relationship tool, that will give us a great `edge'

to being more successful.


Part 4: Final Conclusion – Tomorrow: How to Integrate Transits

w/our Dasas & Charts.




• 5-10 Most Auspicious & Inauspicious Days of Each Month


One simple way of looking ahead and knowing how to plan around the

best, and the worse, Transits coming up is to list the 10 best &

worst days of each month. Each month has them, some days that will

be so sublime, that if you could plan your most important events on

those Days, then, you'll feel blessed! Then there are

those, `other' days which no matter how hard you try, seem to be

doomed for failure.

Theoretically, even this can be transcended; but, for all

practicalities, there will be some days that would be better left

alone! So, we don't want to plan important `things' on those days!



The following is a quick look at the Best & Worse, of the up-coming

1-2 Weeks of Transits. More will be coming later.


Most Auspicious



• Wed, May 10th, 11th & 12 Moon moves into and through Libra

On these days. Culminating on the Full Moon on May 12th

23:45pm, (PST, US)

• May 15,16th Moon passes through Sagittarius.

• May 19th, 20th Moon passes through Aquarius, No, negative

malefic influence & Jupiter's 5th House Aspect! Moon, still ½ Full!



Least Auspicious or Delicate


• May 13,14th Days - Moon passes through Scorpio. It's

least happy place to be.

• May 17th, & 18th Moon goes through Capricorn. But, this

Month & Year, All the Malefics are simultaneously aspecting

Capricorn, as well. Saturn, from Cancer, aspects Capricorn. Mars,

in Gemini, full aspects Capricorn, and Ketu, from Virgo, fully

aspects Capricorn. Dodge the bullets on these days.

• May 19-26th Last Quarter of Waning Moon: This last week of

the Moon's Wanings, culminating with the New Moon on May 26th, is

often `delicate' even in-auspicious, because we don't take enough

rest, or be inward enough. Inevitably we strain, and sometimes even

get ill, during these days before New Moon.




Other Important Up-Coming Transits:


• Sun, still Exalted till May 14th…..

• May 13th, Sun moves into Sign Taurus. (Find the #2, in

your Chart, for the House that Sun will be transiting.)

• Venus still Exalted in Pisces through May 23rd!

• May 31st, First Day Mercury moves into Own Sign: Gemini

Find the #3 in your Chart for the place of Gemini & Mercury!









Subscriber's Comments, Questions & Answers.


Today, we're hearing from Sophie, in Florida, United States.


" Mark, first of all, thank you so much for all your efforts and

great keen insight into Astrology for us. I have just one comment

and question. I'm going through this big transition. I've recently

gotten divorced. It's really the right thing. I tried to stay for

a long time. My Astrology really helped me try, and my Astrology,

finally helped me decide that it was best to move on.

My question is how do I use this better knowledge of myself, for the

future to attract better relationships? Sincerely, yours Sophie "


" Dear Sophie: Yours is a very good question. We can see the rhyme

and reason of our lives, through our Astrology. I like to

especially focus on the `good'. It's very uplifting, first,

especially now, as you're going through what you're going through,

that you recognize and accept that you have some very great gifts!

That being said, however, there are some `reasons' why we're not

able to stay together. There are some very good lessons for us, in

our lives, and echoed, by our charts!

Our charts show us our strengths!

We need to utilize them better!

Our charts show us our weaknesses!

The areas and ways in which we're meant to grow, to transform and to

evolve, but somehow we didn't get the memo! Or the instructional



So, our Astrology comes along, and it's the best tool imaginable.


So, we use it, we focus on our strengths more!


We learn to understand and then, stop feeding our malefics.


There are some great lessons for you and your husband in both your


You need to understand them both.

You'll `see' why you were karmically drawn together, but you should

discover, exactly why it wasn't quite `right' enough.


There are 2 primary aspects to all our Relationships!


#1, there's the quality of Compatibility and.

#2, there's the quality of Skill!


We should know what's compatible for us, and whether we're living

with or experiencing enough Skill!


In the Relationship courses I've done and even the new dating

Astrology website I'm writing, I focus on these 2 things.


When we talk in private, we can go over exactly what more

compatibility might mean for you and especially how to live with

more skill!

In all your relationships!

Including romantic ones….

Thank you very much for your question.


Mark Kincaid "


Send all Questions & Comments to me, here at:




Jai Guru!




Tomorrow's Transits for Monday, May 8th (or 9th), Phil. of Transits

Part 3

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