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Monthly Transits Month At A Glance Sun Taurus - May 15th (16th-East)

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Sun Moves into Taurus today, 5/15 & 16th (In the East)(


Transits Newsletter:

5/15 - 6/14/06

(For Eastern Hemisphere it's 5/16 - 6/15)



for the Month of Sun >>Taurus


Dear Friends:


As many of you know, each month the Sun moves into another Sign.

These '12' Signs of the Zodiac, I like to call the 12 Streams of

Consciousness; represent the various flavors of the Self or Consciousness.

This month as the Sun moves through Taurus, see if you can abstractly, 'feel'

the special and unique characteristics that are Taurus.

The 2nd most significant influence of each month of course, is the Moon! If

the Sun represents the Self, Consciouesness or Soul, then the Moon represents

the Mind!, or heart.


So, the Soul experiences, and vibrates and then transfers those unique

qualities into the Moon/Mind.

See if you can 'feel' both these goings on this Month!


For you that are new to the Transits; the transits express what Almighty,

Cosmic Astrologcial Nature is doing at any moment!


As we watch Nature go through it's gryations, life itself, the economy, our

friends, even the Weather confirms all the hypothesesis, ideas, rules and

principles of Astrology.


In verifying these 'realities' then you'll find that you take your Astrology

much more seriously!


Basically Astrology says some Astrological configuraitons are more positive or

Benefic while others, more negative are called Malefic.


I'll identify each day as leaning towards the good or the bad, or rather the

Positive and the Negative, or Auspicious and InAuspicious just so you can see

what most people will be going through.


Those who study or follow the stars! have a greater chance of learning from

the great lessons of the Heavens, and Avoiding any Future Dangers on the

Horizon, and flowing better and becoming automatically more fulfilled and



Astrology is for Self-Development and Accomplishment, or Success, in life.


#1 See if the Transits don't fit you....then...

#2 Make some Astrological experiments... Do some things differently

and see if things don't improve!

#3 The Daily Transits verify all the rules and principles of Astrology, just

so we can begin to take our own, more seriously!



Jyotish Tour:


In Santa Barbara now, since April 21st.


Ahhhh, so nice to have the ocean on my left and the California mountains on my



Getting a lot done on my book, and go to the joetisch research if

you still want to participate.



New Website coming on-line too! www..com


Thanks to Angie Mansfield Sun-Angel, graphic designer who designed

the beautiful drawing on the home page, and all the great work,

to put it together!


About 1/2 done so far, but go and enjoy!





Mark Kincaid





Philosophy of Transits:


One of the most important BENEFITS, of Astrology for all of us,

is to discover how affected are we by the Transits.

Most people don't even reaize how much they're influenced, and

as a result miss many wonderful opportunities, and struggle.


#1 Identify how much you're affected by the Stars, in transit.


Watch closely for 2 months how you feel, and what's going on

with you, and these daily Transits.


If you then, find that you're especially, 'affected' by these Cosmic

forces, then,


#2.... Follow very carefully the Transits, use them, plan ahead

with them in-mind, and learn the various remedies of their



For over 18 years, every day I've made a chart of the day's



Of any of the various aspects of Astrology, this has been the

most powerful thing I've done!


When you 'experience' the Transits, you'll see the Principles,

rules and theorems of Astrology, 'alive' and at work.


This experience will solidify in you, the amazing reality, that

Astrology works!


#3 Then, you'll find yourself learning more specifically your own

unique Astrological pattern so you'll gain maximum from it,

and will therefore become more of a success, in life!






O VENUS leaves it's Exaltation on May 24th so enjoy it till then!

O Mars moves from Gemini into Cancer, it's worse sign on May 25th

so watch this, especially because Saturn's also in Cancer, now,

and Mars & Saturn don't do so well in such close quarters.






May 15, 2006 (Western)

(16th - East)



Ratings of Each Day!


Auspicious: A

B, slightly less

C, medium..

Delicate: D

Warning: W



May 15th A Sun begins it's transit into Taurus, today!

(May 16th - East)



30 DAYS OF Sun in Taurus


Moon also is beginning to Wane, so see if you can feel that energy

as well.


Moon, enters Sagittarius on this first day of Sun/Taurus, so you

can notice quite a nice good feeling.

Astrology says, there's no planet that doesn't like being in Sagittarius!

Which is interesting cuz in all the other signs, there's generally at least

one planet very unhappy in each of those signs!


Other Important Transits: Now



Venus is at the 17th degree of Pisces right now!

So, Venus will enjoy another 10 days of Exalted Venus in Pisces



Good days for love, for all appreciations and for progress in all

inter-personal relations; business and romanttic!



May 15 & 16th " A " Auspicious

(16th & 17th-East)


Moon moves through Sagittarius on these days.


Moon, still extremely big and bright, so still good days to do and

get things accomplished.


Sagittarian days ideal for learning or studying something you may have been

thinking about, and especially anything related to purity,

or spirituality...

(cuz Sagittarius is ruled by Spiritual Jupiter)



May 17th & 18th " A-B " pretty pretty good days! (on 18th)

(18th & 19th)- East)


Moon finishing up Sagitrarius today, and then moves into Capricorn.


No Malefic influences upon these Moon/Sagittarius so see if you don't

notice this in your environments.


May 18, & 19th " C,D " Moon moves into & through Capricorn.

(19th & 20th -East)


There's really nothing that 'bad' about Capricorn, but his Month &

Year, both Saturn and Mars are simultaneously aspect or influence

Capricorn too. These especially opposite forces, Saturn wanting to

slow things down and Mars, wanting to speed things up, will produce

a kind of tension between doing and not doing during these days.


If you, however, are awake to how to integrate these two extreme forces in

your own personal life, then these days will be fine.

It's good however, to know these days because most 'others' will not!

And you'll see a lot of strain, crazy drivers, and weird conversations and

delays and disappointments for people.


Oops...even Ketu fully aspect Capricorn this Month & Year,..so take

even a little bit more caution.


May 20 & 21st " A " Moon moves through Aquarius during these days.

(21st & 22nd - East)


Because there are no Malefic influences, then these days will feel quite

different then the last 2. Good days too to find the unusual,

especially unconventional or Aquarian insights of any situations.


Moon's reached it's 1/2 Full, but Waning stage so last Quarter of the

Moon begins now.

Take more rest, especially if you need it over these next 7 days!



May 22, & 23rd " B-C " Moon moves into Pisces, during these days.

(23rd & 24th - East)


B & C because Rahu & Ketu are in Pisces & Virgo, and whenever 'any' planets go

into the same Signs, as Rahu and Ketu, there tends to be

strange, unexpected and rough and not so happy experiences; especially in the

Moon/mind, heart.



May 24, & 25th " B " Moon moves through Aries during these days.

(25th & 26th - East)



B rating only because most people won't be taking enough rest, and will

therefore try and get too much done or accomplished and end up

straining and feeling frustrated!


Sun's only in 1 house/sign away now, going through Taurus, so Moon's

getting verrrry tiny!


Venus has finally left it's Exalted status of Pisces, to move into

Aries, so if you notice feeling slightly less 'love' around.... this

is why!


May 25th .... Mars also moves into Cancer today, it's Worse place to

be and because Saturn is also in Cancer, and Mars & Saturn don't get

along that well, these next couple of weeks may feel a bit strange!

Most peole don't know whether to rest or to do, when Mars & Sani

are soooo close together...


May 26, & 27th... " A-B " Moon moves through Exalted Taurus now.

(27th & 28th - East)


Moon's very happy in Taurus, it's best place of the Zodiac, but this

year, Sun's also in Taurus so this represents the New Moon time!

If you allow that Moon/Taurus blessing to be very inward, these can

be some wonderful days. If you have to do, to get so much done, these days

can feel a bit strained.


May 28th & 29th " A " Moon moves into Gemini

(29th & 30th)


Moon is Waxing now! Moon is in Gemini, NOT being aspected by any

Malefics. Moon is also being aspected by Jupiter in Libra, so you

may feel so unexpected gains or spiritual advancement.




May 30th, 31st ( & 1st June) " D " Moon into Cancer here.

(5/31 & June 1st & 2nd- East)


I give this a major Warning here, because the Moon's colliding with both Mars

& Saturn, which are having enough hard time together, in Cancer, and Rahu's

fully aspecting Cancer, still!


Some good days to stay in bed!



Some Good News: May 31st...


Mercury moves into Gemini... good 3 weeks of Intellectual power.


June 2nd & 3rd " A " Moon moving through Leo these days.

(6/3 & 6/4 - East)


Moon in Leo is okay sign, but Moon's Waxing now, and NO Malefic

influences, which is very good.


Take advantage of these days for moving ahead, leading but without

being too bossy.



June 4th & 5t, 6th " B-C " Moon moving through Virgo these days.

(June 5th & 6th - East)


Only a B rating because Rahu & Ketu are in Virgo and Pisces, still.

Moon in Virgo, too sometimes brings too much criticalness in the

happenings in the environment.

So, these days may be slightly delicate. Some caution.


Saturn also fully aspects Virgo...so maybe a 'C' too.


June 7th & 8th " A " Moon moves into Libra now.

(6/8 & 9th - East)


Moon very happy in Libra.

Moon's Waxing and very full!

And,...Moon's colliding with good Jupiter!


So, 3 plusses!


Only thing to watch is Mars aspects Libra now, since it's moved into

Cancer, so some possibilities of accidents if we're not careful.



June 9th & 10th " A-B-C " Moon moves into Scorpio.

(6/10 & 11th - East)


Moon's least happy in Scorpio because of the Fiery, pitta nature of

the main star Antares a Red Giant that's 400 times bigger then our



No wonder we feel more fiery, irritableness, during these kinds of



Good days to think about what you believe, not to be too demanding or

angry if people aren't living up to our high expectations.


Positive side of these days - Full Moon!

Since Sun's still in Taurus, so Scorpio's the opposite Sign.

Full Moon within debilitated Scorpio's a strange full Moon!

See if you can feel it!



June 11th (Later in Day) & 12,13 " A " Moon moves through Sagittarius

(June 12th & 13,14th - East)


Moon's so very happy in Sagittarius.

Moon's happier away from Scorpio.

Mars is no longer in Gemini, so negative aspect from there.

So, overall good days!


Sun goes into next Sign Gemini later on June 14th...

so then we'll get another month of Transits!




I hope this month's of transits helps you again

master more and more the intricate and subtle influences of



The 'transits' are the way Nature is functioning and going to



It's up to us whether we choose to work either with, or against, or

ignorant of Nature.


Good luck, and God bless.






Mark Kincaid










Monthly Transits Month At A Glance Sun > Taurus - May 15th (16th-East)

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