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Tomorrow's Transit Report for Monday May 29th....

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Tomorrow's Transit Report for Monday May 29th....

(30th in the Eastern Hemisphere)



Wow, hope your day yesterday was as nice as mine! It feels so nice to

go through one of Nature's smoother and in some ways, easier days!


But, this morning one r wrote about my previous use of the word,

'malefic'. She thought it was too harsh. So, I've included some thoughts

below why and in what context I mean 'malefic'.


Today, (Monday), Moon continues in Gemini. Another, good day to do several

things at once. Gemini's make great jugglers!


Moon's Waxing now, so enjoy that outward flow, now. too.


After that Moon moves into Cancer, where it'll be colliding with Saturn.


Let's use this 'warning' to turn those up-coming potentially negative or

malefic Moon/Saturn days, to turn it around and experience the more rosy,

and positive potential of Moon being with Saturn!








Mark Kincaid




PS Other Important Transits:


Mars has recently moved into Cancer, too, in addition to Saturn.


Mars & Saturn are fairly uncomfortable being too close together.


These next few weeks Mars & Saturn will be going through what is called a

planetary war. This happens every year for a few weeks and represents the

collective 'karma' of those souls who were being born to learn this lesson.


Interesting tonite I was talking with a lady who's son has this in his chart.




See below, Subscriber's Comments: Re. the use of word: " MALEFIC "



From Ellen in Fairfield, Iowa US.



" Mark, hi, good morning. Mark, I must say I don't like the word 'malefic'

that you've been using sometimes to describe difficult times coming up.

It makes me feel uncomfortable. Is it a suitable word when refering to the

planets or anything to do with the universe? I'm not sure, it is just my

feeling. "


" Dear Ellen: I know what you mean. When I first started studying Jyotish,

over 18 years ago now, almost ALL the Jyotish books I used were filled with

all these dire references to 'malefics' and debilitations, and an over-

powering tone of negativity!


It was very disheartening. I soon found when I started watching the

transits, that the most wonderful predominant 'quality' that exists out

there, in Nature, is actuaally one of Silence!


So, for you and all the new rs that have been joining, recently,

let me try and explain why and in what context I'm useing that word.


There are some times, when Nature has a storm! Trees come down, the

Universe, and world shakes with Nature's almighty storms, or hurricanes.

And maybe these intense 'realities' aren't really negative or bad.


In fact over the last few years even Forest educators have found that

Nature's huge, devastating forest fires have a very important purpose in

maintaining a wonderful, healthy forest. Something to do with the seeds

being cooked at such high temperatures is very important for the future

germination of the forest.


Anyway, we can look at malefic moments like this.


For example we have one of those so-called malefic moments coming up.


In the next day or so, the Moon will finish with Gemini and start going into



And I often say, Moon loves going through Cancer. But, this month and year,

Saturn is also in Cancer.


Too often this means that people will feel 'rough, sad, losses, grief, and

even depression'.


This is true, and that's why it's a good idea to know that this negative

experiences are possible.


It's like we're planning a picnic and we look up the weather channel and

'Oh, it's going to be raining this weekend'.


It isn't really that the Rain is malefic, but it's going to be 'malefic' in

the context of our plans to have a picnic.


Like that, most people don't take into account what Nature will be doing,

and it's like we try to rush ahead, get so many things done, especially on

days like the one's coming up, when Moon & Saturn find themself in the same

space, in the sky.


The result, way too often is for one to strain, not get enough rest, and to

feel some of those negative emotions.


This is why and how I'm using the word malefic.


But, Ellen, thank you for reminding me that these so-called malefic days,

do not, AT ALL, have to be malefic or negative.


Sometimes I like and use the word 'delicate'.


Some people especially those who are more in-tune with Saturn, for example,

actually have a very powerfully wonderful, and deeply silent and blissful

time when others are freaked out and feeling despair!


So, the experience in life does depend upon us!


Let's all try and resolve to interpret better, what's going to be going on

in the World and enjoy the best of what is naturally happening!


If we do, however, experience any unhappy, troublesome or sad experiences,

know that this is Nature, trying to help us!


Through these so-called malefic experiences, identify these as Nature saying

" Come on now, do this differently.'


If we wake up tired, and grumpy and irritable we can say it's due to the



But, it's more accurate to say, that we're mis-interpreting the vibrations

that are going on, and we're getting out of balance at this time.


But, because these 'negative or malefic' experiences are not what we're

really wishing or hopeing for; we can use these phrases, to remind us

we're not experiencing what we'd like, or what's really in the true

potential of Nature, herself!


Thanks again for your comments.






Mark Kincaid




Transits for Tomorrow Monday May 29th, (30th in the East)

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